Season 1

Sept. 5, 2024

Human Nature – We Are Not Wired For Success (Encore)

We’re excited to announce the evolution of our podcast! Formerly known as "Think It, Be It," we’re now rebranding as "The Missing Secret Podcast." Curious about why we made the change and what’s coming next? Tune in to find …
Aug. 29, 2024

Using our Life GPS Template – Once You’ve Created it from our AI Algorithm

In this episode John and Kelly explain how to use our life GPS template after you have created it from our AI algorithm. Where after you answer about 50 questions, you press a button and our template is customized to your un…
Aug. 22, 2024

Using Our AI Algorithm – To Customize Our Life GPS Template

In this episode, John and Kelly explain how to use our AI algorithm to customize our life GPS template to your unique life. They start out by recapping the science we learned last week. Kelly explains the reticular activatin…
Aug. 15, 2024

Science Of Success – Leveraging Yourself Through Science

In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the science of success. How to leverage yourself through science. And we have a special opportunity for magic 36 over the next three weeks. We’re going to teach you exactly how to d…
Aug. 8, 2024

Your Success Is Already In Your Head

In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the fact that your success is already in your head. More specifically your success comes down to the relationship you have with yourself in your moments of solitude. When your head …
Aug. 1, 2024

Core Childhood Wounds – Healing Them Through TIBI

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss core wounds. John just got back from a seven day vacation to Sedona. Went to a retreat on marriage and took his whole family. His wife Ginger, and the two kids Will and Hannah who are …
July 25, 2024

Kelly’s Story – Work Smarter, Not Harder

The day that Kelly Hatfield interviewed John on her podcast, she became intrigued in his 12 minute a day methodology. Implementing this she received transformative results that doubled her income in just a few short months. …
July 18, 2024

The Evolution – of Think It Be It

In this episode John welcomes and appreciates the magic 36. You know who you are. Today John lays out the evolution of Think It Be It. How it started, where it’s been and where it’s going. With the coming of John’s new book …
July 11, 2024

Success Formula – The Search

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss John’s new book – THE MISSING SECRET … Of the legendary book think and grow Rich. That is coming out in October of this year. John tells a story about finding a big time editor who edi…
July 4, 2024

Spirituality – How It’s Impacted By The TIBI 12 Minute A Day Methodology

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss spirituality – and how that part of your life is impacted by the think it be it 12 minute a day technique. Spirituality starts by having a compelling mission statement the drives you f…
June 27, 2024

Creating the Person You Want to Be Takes 12 Minutes a Day

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss how to create the person you want to be using our 12 minute a day methodology. John starts the podcast by succinctly explaining what our methodology is. You create immense clarity abou…
June 20, 2024

Your Health – How Our 12 Minute A Day Methodology Affects

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the impact of the think it be it methodology regarding one’s health. Kelly leads off the discussion regarding how is has impacted her health. Then John gets into the difference between…
June 13, 2024

Having A Great Romantic Relationship – The Impact Of Think It Be It

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the impact of the think it be it methodology regarding one’s romantic relationship. To start this off, Kelly discusses how the methodology has affected her marriage. John then explains…
June 6, 2024

Netting Over $1 Million A Year

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss netting over $1 million a year. Which only one third of 1% of people are able to do. John talks about when he was first able to do this in his early 50s. It happened because he had imm…
May 30, 2024

There’s More In The Tank

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss something that Kelly actually said to John when she met him. She said she felt like there was more in the tank. She couldn’t understand the disconnect between her efforts and your resu…
May 23, 2024

You’ve Got To Figure Out Your Life

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss that is on you to figure out your life. John talks about coming to grips with this when he was 50 years old. And not only did he have to accept full responsibility, he also saw that he…
May 16, 2024

Doing Your Best Doesn’t Work

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the idea that the doing your best doesn’t work. John discusses that when he was 40 years old, he adopted the strategy for success of just doing his best. That’s all he controlled. So t…
May 9, 2024

Influence – Influencing Other People, Influencing Yourself (Encore)

In this episode John and Kelly talk about how we are all in the influence business. And influence has two components to it. First, influencing yourself. That means getting yourself to do the key habits required to be success…
May 2, 2024

Wisdom Transfer Dilemma

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the challenge of taking wisdom and sharing it with other people. John talks about a statue that sits in his den. It has three men that are climbing. The lowest guy is struggling, the m…
April 25, 2024

John’s Story – 12 Minutes A Day to Success (Encore)

Upon reflecting upon his life at the age of 50, John Mitchell just did not feel like he was as successful as he should be. Picking up the book Think and Grow Rich, John was intrigued by the advocation of applying science to …
April 18, 2024

Most People Are Re-Creating The Past-Joe Dispenza

In this episode John and Kelly discuss an idea that comes from Joe Dispenza. He says that when we wake up each morning, we are oriented to our recent past. To our familiar past. So when our eyes open each morning, three thin…
April 11, 2024

Success Is Something You Attract, Not Chase (Encore)

In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the concept that success is something you attract, rather than something you chase. By being the type of person that does attract success. As Kelly points out, BE then DO. John make…
April 4, 2024

We All Have A Big Problem We Must Overcome: We Are wired For Survival Not Success

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the idea that we all have a problem in life that we must overcome. We are all innately wired for survival, not success. And here’s the impact of being wired for survival. It causes 70%…
March 28, 2024

Personal Responsibility

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss personal responsibility. To launch into this topic, John plays a five minute presentation by Darren Hardy. After the clip plays, John and Kelly unpack what we learned. The first thing …