Whether we realize it or not, the words we use dictate and control our lives. The persistent messages we repeat can frame our thoughts and trap us into a mind-set that is difficult to break. This mind-set often manifests its…
If you were borne during the 80s and 90s you may agree with this quote: Millennials are the generation that were sold a dream and are afraid to have to deal with a nightmare. A recent study found that more than 50% of Mill…
"What the heck is my partner thinking?" is a common refrain in romantic relationships, and with good reason. Every person is wired for love differently, with different habits, needs, and reactions to conflict. The good news …
As the tragic events surrounding Hurricane Harvey and the terrible destruction it caused are still unfolding, it becomes obvious that without the thousands of volunteers, who spontaneously answered the call to help their fel…
You may know that feeling. It is getting late and you should turn in. But just the thought of going to bed makes you anxious. You have spent too many nights lying awake, tossing and turning, waiting in vain for sleep to fina…
This is the show many of you have, who have been struggling with anxiety have been waiting for. Anxiety can make you feel trapped and powerless. And since most of your energy is dedicated to fight this feeling, you find your…
Many of us have felt burdened or trapped by sadness, anger, anxiety or shame. Although we often consciously know that dwelling on these "negative" emotions doesn't really serve us, once we are in the pit of these feelings we…
Do you have a hard time leaving your house, because you have to check at least ten times that the iron is unplugged or that the door is locked? Do you struggle with intrusive thoughts about hurting a loved-one, death or othe…
We are living in a world defined by rapid pace, high unpredictability and intense pressure. No wonder that more and more people suffer from stress and anxiety emotionally and physically.Research suggests that chronic stres…
We all want to love and to be loved. But after a series of failed relationships for many love becomes synonymous for pain and grief. So when you are looking back at your history with love, do you notice some self-limiting pa…
Introducing The Tablets of Light: The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness by Danielle Rama Hoffman. Each tablet transmission in this book includes embedded light codes of high vibrational energy and consciousness, whic…
Anxiety may have made you feel overwhelmed, powerless and somewhat flawed. And even if you happen to wake up without anxiety, you are already worried about, when it will raise its ugly head again.
The problem is, that the …
Most of us are searching for the path to happiness. Whether we are seeking wealth, relationships, orspiritual enlightenment, our shared endeavor to achieve fulfillment is what defines us. But, how do weknow if we are focusin…
Anxiety is the epidemic of our century. More than 40 million Americans are diagnosed with anxiety disorder and according to statistics women are twice as likely to be affected as men. But what are the reasons for this gend…
For many, Midlife is a time of great questioning. It is a time when many seek their purpose and look for a more esoteric existence, searching for their spirituality, their soul and more meaning to their life. It is also a ti…
We all know that there are 2 inevitable facts in life: everyday we are getting older and at the end we die. Yet in a youth obsessed culture, more people than ever before are struggling with the fear of aging. Of course there…
Have you ever had experiences that were so out of the ordinary, that you wondered whether you were going nuts or whether you had some sort of metaphysical encounter? Dr. Edwige Bingue had many of those experiences, which s…