Season 2

July 20, 2023

Overcoming Adversity When Opening a Practice

Many chiropractic students think once they graduate, the hard part is over. They’re licensed doctors now. What could stand in their way? In this episode, Dr. Joe Esposito talks with Dr. Taylor Hoskins about her experience ove...
July 13, 2023

Labs in Practice

Dr. Kristina Carman, naturopath & nutritionist, returns to the Align Your Practice podcast to talk about the benefits of incorporating labs in a chiropractic clinic. She and Dr. Joe explain how labs can be efficient tools for...
July 6, 2023

What is a Health Coach, You Ask?

Dr. Joe Esposito speaks with Dr. Kristina Carman, an experienced natural healthcare professional in both the US and the UK, about the benefits of health coaching in general and in AlignLife clinics. The concept of adding addi...
June 29, 2023

Making Your Starter Practice A Dream Practice

Dr. Joe Esposito welcomes back Dr. Bryne Willey from AlignLife of Springfield, IL, to talk about what it takes to go from a starter practice to a dream practice. If anyone is suited to give advice on scaling it’s Dr. Willey, ...
June 22, 2023

Building A Starter Practice

Dr. Joe Esposito starts off Season 2 discussing the harsh realities of opening a practice. His guest, Dr. Bryne Willey from AlignLife of Springfield, IL, shares his own experience and struggles of launching his clinic a year ...
June 8, 2023

Season 2 Trailer

Find out what is in store for season 2 of Align Your Practice!