Have you been wondering how to move forward in the chiropractic profession and both grow your business and your practices? Dr. Cliff is here to show you how to find your path in this profession. Get into a conversation with t...
Have you been wondering how to move forward in the chiropractic profession and both grow your business and your practices? Dr. Cliff is here to show you how to find your path in this profession. Get into a conversation with t...
After the Launch, the key is now to build your practice. This stage of the Four Season of Practice can be the longest phase, but it does not have to be. Join Dr. Cliff and Dr. Joe as they discuss the Build and what the right...
Whether you are a recent student or you are an experienced chiropractor just venturing into owning your own practice, it all starts with the Launch. In this episode, Dr. Cliff and Dr. Joe take a deeper dive in the first seas...
Do you know the Four Seasons of Practice – Launch, Build, Scale and Exit? More importantly, do you know what season you are in, and are you happy there? Or would you like to grow into the next season? Would you like to maximi...
Have you been wondering how to move forward in the chiropractic profession and both grow your business as well as offer a different approach to health care? Dr. Clifford Fisher is here to show you how to find your path in thi...