July 9, 2024

Unlock Your Full Potential with Energy Insights | EP002

Unlock Your Full Potential with Energy Insights | EP002

This episode explores Albert Einstein's idea that "everything is energy" and how matching the frequency of your desired reality helps you achieve it. Jo-Anne discusses overcoming energy blockages caused by limiting beliefs from childhood and past experiences, which hinder reaching full potential. The solution lies in energy realignment and maintaining a positive vibration to attract positive outcomes. Focus on positive emotions, visualize their desires, and clear limiting beliefs through inner work. Jo-Anne offers personal energy insights sessions to assist in this process.

The episode concludes with the acronym P.O.W.E.R.: stop Putting yourself down, Overthinking, Wanting to please everyone, Existing in the past, and Resisting change, empowering listeners to transform their lives and achieve their goals.

About Jo-Anne:

Amassing prestigious credentials over time in business administration, human resources, physical education, and theology, Jo-Anne Kobylka was determined to follow her life’s purpose, guiding others on their spiritual journey to lead their best life. She initially turned her talents to church program administration and, after a brief stint with the Edmonton Public School Board, assisting instructors with special needs children, she returned to the United Church of Canada in a pastoral leadership role and enjoyed many placements as congregation minister over the many years. 

Dawning within the mind of this enlightened altruist, however, was the realization that she possessed a very unique, intuitive understanding of life energy and its transformative power. When she had the opportunity to study Reiki, Jo-Anne was in her true element. She became a master, using her innate gift for healing to support the seriously ill. 

Now, Jo-Anne is an expert in energetic alignment and personal power optimization. With Jo-Anne on your team, you don't have to live an unrewarding, directionless existence ruled by fear, doubt, lack, and limitation. Albert Einstein advised that when your energy vibration matches the frequency of the reality you want, the ideal life you’ve imagined, you cannot help but attain that reality. 

How then do you raise your energy vibration? The answer is Jo-Anne Kobylka. She helps us move away from the typical frustration and daily struggle and work towards living in the limitless higher-level alignment that is our birthright. Once you’re in alignment, everything starts to flow your way. You live an authentic, powerful life secure in the truth that everything is possible!

Connect with Jo-Anne:



Email: jo-anne@connectedtransition.com

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Jo-Anne Kobylka: As you all know, Albert Einstein, right? Well, not personally, he's dead. But we know he is considered one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time, right? So we have it on pretty good authority. What he says is true. Everything is energy. This is him talking now. Match the frequency of the reality the want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It could be no other way. Then, as if to reassure the world, he wasn't just some woowoo wackadoo he went on to say, this is not philosophy. This is physics. People take physics seriously. That man wasn't fooling around. So let's examine that statement more close. It if you match the frequency of the reality you want, that's energy. You cannot help but get that reality. So seems to me the first step is to determine what you walk. Huh? Maybe an ideal life filled with lots of love. Success. vibrant health, abundant wealth. Sounds good to me. Okay, so far, so good. Now you have the reality you want figured out, you have to match the energy frequency of that reality in order to get. So what the heck does that mean? It sounds like following some metaphysical IKEA instructions. I think this is about where the vast majority of us gets. Or at least the clients I have coming to me for energetic realignment. And I use the word stuck deliberately. Because where there is no free flow of energy, there can be no movement forward. Stuck. Where there are blockages in our energy flow, they manifest in us as brain fog, and chronic exhaustion, aches and pains. If those blockages aren't addressed, the symptoms can often become more serious. So what causes us to become stuck in the first place? Good question. Well, to put things very simply, it's all those pesky limiting beliefs. You've heard of those right? In some ways are even more famous than Einstein. Yeah, so over the years, from a very early age, we have been a simulating certain thoughts, emotions and behaviors from our parents and other figures of authority, even drawing her own your Royals conclusions from past failures. These beliefs are called limiting for a reason. Develop li initiated, to protect us from bad things hurting us. Instead, they prevent us from daring to come out of our comfort zone and experience our powerful, full potential. The problem is that we stay stalled, unable to progress in certain areas of our lives due to these thought patterns that are not ours, and that are not true. And yet they are so deeply ingrained in ours. Psychics that we think they are unshakable rules of living are carved in stone that we must follow forevermore. When we're ruled by these restricting beliefs, we are essentially like a dog tied to a clothesline. We can only get so far before we self sabotage and thwart our own efforts to be calm. All we are meant to be all due to fear of what might happen if we did Like Marianne Williamson said in her famous quote, Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. And a lot of cases, we don't even realize we are sabotaging our efforts. In fact, we commonly blame others for the situation, when in reality, the only thing in the way of you achieving your dream of that ideal life is you. So what is the solution to all of this? Well, it's energy. And we talk about energy, and a mundane, everyday manner. But do you think of it as a key to getting everything, get everything we ever wanted in our wildest dreams? Not so much. Why would we told about this ask of an aspect of energy before nothing is more important than your feeling good. And those are the words of wisdom from Abraham Hicks. Why is feeling good, so important? First of all, our world is governed by the law of attraction in which dictates that like, attracts like. So if you are feeling Marvel's just outstanding, all that emotional charged, positively, energy vibrates out into the universe, bringing you more of that positive back in. In comparison, ever notice when your day starts out badly, and it just spirals down into more and more crappy and unlikely happenings. That is telling you that the negative story of woe is me. So the energy is doing its part to give you what you keep asking for more and more Whoa. Abraham Hicks advises nevermind, what is imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. And when your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time. So how you raise your vibration. So it's a match to your desire, a clear pathway forward to you getting what you dreamed of. This is definitely my realm of expertise, my zone of genius, assisting you in clearing way forward of any of all those limiting beliefs still working in your psyche, they're blocking your energetic flow, and keeping you stuck. So old and stagnant, feeling lost, burnt out and depleted and afraid to take that first step in that bright new direction. Even though you you wake up every morning, frustrated, and unfulfilled thinking this all there really is that light than this. That's just it. You have so many magical ambitions and exciting goals. But they never blossom into reality, when you stop from trying due to the lack of trust in yourself, and then unhealthy dependence on what other people think. It is a recipe for failure that keeps you always giving in to the heavy, uninspired energy, the overwhelming the Thorgy that anchors you in the past. And when you're out of alignment, instead of your focus being on manifesting your visions and creating a new reality. You talk yourself down and justify Stan standing still. Well, I could never afford it. I'm happy I accept my life as it is. I would fail anyway.


If it's too late for me to make a change What would other people think? This is what lower level energetic vibration feels like, with my experience, experience guidance, you can totally change that around. Just in managing an empowered everyday existence of moving forward confidently deeply, with intention and delight, feeling guided by the highest powers towards what is the best for you. It is a harmonious high vibration life, green lights, and the ongoing base best case scenario where everything seems possible, and you just simply make it so you do what you want, when you want, and not to seek others approval. But because it makes you feel positive on every level, and enhances the greater good. You are tapping into who you really are. And you know, you're meant to share this innate wisdom with the world. Well, I could go on and on and describing this sublime extraordinary state of well being. But I would rather direct my energy and yours, intellectually attaining it for you. What I've been explaining is mere tip of the iceberg when it comes to the art of energy realignment. That's why I'm gifting you with a 60 complimentary energy insights session, where I can give you personal understanding of that energy blocks that are holding you back in business and in life. Our energy is how we show up in the world. Oh, our presence comes across to others. And if we are projecting a dense, uninviting low frequency, vibration that is felt by those around us, it's not doing you or your business any favors. to ramp up into this high vibrational energetic alignment, we have to do some times unsettled inner work. peeling back the layers to confront the darkness, facing our shadows and begin healing and that is where I can help. I'm here to empower you to tune into your neat unique energy align with your highest visions and flow into your energetic realignment. You've got the power and that is the way to remember my final words of wisdom to you to today an acronym of advice to follow ways to transform your life so you never give others power over again. p o w e r stop P for putting yourself down. Oh for overthinking every little thing. W wanting to please everyone. II ie existing in the past and are resisting change