July 9, 2024

Other Energies with Tracy Thomson | EP003

Other Energies with Tracy Thomson | EP003

In today's podcast, host Jo-Anne welcomes Tracey Thomson. Tracey, an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) coach explains how she uses tapping to help clients overcome limiting beliefs and empower women entrepreneurs. Tracey explains how EFT can help address sales challenges by uprooting deeply held beliefs and guiding Jo-Anne through a tapping sequence. They discuss the importance of setup statements, financial beliefs, and the impact of childhood experiences on self-worth and financial decisions. The episode also highlights the benefits of energy healing for physical and mental well-being, with practical demonstrations of tapping for stress and anxiety relief.

About Our Guest:

Tracey Thomson is a Transitions coach and a personal trainer for your mindset, who facilitates your trek through life's many transitions, challenges, & inevitable changes! Free yourself of what's holding you back with Mindset mastery. As an  International Coaching Federation (ICF) Accredited life coach - trained through Mind Rebel Academy life coach, paired with EFT (emotional freedom techniques) learned through National EFT Training Institute (Neftti), in order to help you put into practice, some mind mastery changes that actually work, AND STICK!


About Jo-Anne:

Amassing prestigious credentials over time in business administration, human resources, physical education, and theology, Jo-Anne Kobylka was determined to follow her life’s purpose, guiding others on their spiritual journey to lead their best life. She initially turned her talents to church program administration and, after a brief stint with the Edmonton Public School Board, assisting instructors with special needs children, she returned to the United Church of Canada in a pastoral leadership role and enjoyed many placements as congregation minister over the many years. 

Dawning within the mind of this enlightened altruist, however, was the realization that she possessed a very unique, intuitive understanding of life energy and its transformative power. When she had the opportunity to study Reiki, Jo-Anne was in her true element. She became a master, using her innate gift for healing to support the seriously ill. 

Now, Jo-Anne is an expert in energetic alignment and personal power optimization. With Jo-Anne on your team, you don't have to live an unrewarding, directionless existence ruled by fear, doubt, lack, and limitation. Albert Einstein advised that when your energy vibration matches the frequency of the reality you want, the ideal life you’ve imagined, you cannot help but attain that reality. 

How then do you raise your energy vibration? The answer is Jo-Anne Kobylka. She helps us move away from the typical frustration and daily struggle and work towards living in the limitless higher-level alignment that is our birthright. Once you’re in alignment, everything starts to flow your way. You live an authentic, powerful life secure in the truth that everything is possible!

Connect with Jo-Anne:



Email: jo-anne@connectedtransition.com

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Jo-Anne Kobylka: We're back today. And today we're talking about alternative energy source. I'm here with Tracey, I want to just ask Tracey to go ahead and say who she is what she does, and we'll get into the conversation right away.

Tracey Thomson:

Sounds good, thanks to Tracey Thompson. So and my coaching business is called Becoming me with Coach T. And I used EFT or tapping as a means of moving energy through the system to uproot that are our limiting beliefs that we all have some of and then to reinstall 2.0 empowered beliefs in their place that will actually serve us, in particular, focused on women entrepreneurs with their their challenges with sales. So sales challenge entrepreneurs in that regard, and I am an MRA, which stands for mind rebel Academy life coaching school certified with them. So I use the EFT or the tapping and integrate that with the regular coaching that I learned from them in order to do that.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Okay, that's great. Tracey, tell us a little bit about the tapping, for some of those people who are listening who may have no idea what tapping is,

Tracey Thomson:

what are you talking about? Just perfect, because I actually learned it over the phone where I couldn't see the person that was telling me how to do it. So it's a sequence of tap on acupressure points on the body. And it's it's set to an algorithm. And Gary Craig originated and he's the originator of the EFT, which I should mention stands for emotional freedom technique. So it's just a means to an end of moving energy through the body, similar to what you would do if you're going for acupuncture, or acupressure. And it's just a gentle way of doing it. And you can do it on your own. And you tap on the points about five to seven times in this sequence that we teach people to follow. Most people are introduced to it during times of anxiety and stress. And that is exactly how I was introduced to it as well, after my mum had passed away, and I was having anxiety attacks and couldn't catch my breath. And that is if that's all you ever use it for great. But the world that I want to expose people to and have them learn about is the fact that EFT is so useful as a transformative tool. And it allows you to integrate empowered beliefs. And like I said earlier, uproot those ones that are no longer serving you that are holding you back and keeping you from having the life that you want to live. And, yeah, that's essentially that did in a nutshell,

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: let's take an example, if you give us an example that we can use, say, of a belief that that is holding us back from moving forward onto, let's say, going into a business, Kevin, an example that we can use with that and kind of work through it and see how it would go for our listeners. Sure.

Tracey Thomson:

So that's actually a really great idea. I love that. So I did a poll here recently, and the top answer there was that you have to work really, really hard for the money that you get, which is a belief that a lot of people hold, it's a very common one, it's one that I was programmed with as a child. And what you do is you take that limiting belief, you do what's called a setup statement. And then you take a reading on it before you ever begin to tap and see where you are on this scale of maybe say one to 10 so it's your own rating that you give it so and you always do that rating in the here in the now in this moment. You don't think back into the past because that's the other beautiful thing about EFT is that you do not need to risk re traumatizing a person's system by delving into their past and opening up that Pandora's box. So right now if I was to use that with you and you were say my client, I would ask you say this out loud for me Jo-Anne feeling, let me try to think of what words would you use in that instance yourself because that is the where we start we begin what would you use for that for

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: say the I know I have to be constantly working from 8am to 8am in the morning till 5pm And if I don't get all what I need to get done, I have to go and you know, go later into the evening till around eight or nine before I go to bed. Okay,

Tracey Thomson:

so setup statement. We like to make it nice and concise. So I will use your words and say I have to work all day long to in order to make money doing what I do. Would that be an accurate? So here's an example say that out For me right now,

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: I have to make I have to make money all day long to meet my goals.

Tracey Thomson:

Okay. And so when you say that out loud, what kind of a rating? Would you give that on a scale of one to 10? One being? It's, it's not really very true and 10 being its absolute absolutely true. And I believe it with my heart and my soul. And I No, no different.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: I would say it's a nine, but I believe it with my heart and soul. Okay, so I have to I have to work, you know, now, number of hours to, you know, money.

Tracey Thomson:

Yeah, so it's really true for you. Yes. And so what we would do now is we would take you through a sequence and you do through three, and you always start your your sentence or your setup statement, when you begin tapping, even though and then you insert in there. I feel like I have to work all day long to make in order to make ends meet. And then you finish that statement with I love and accept myself if that's okay for you to say, because it's not always okay for everyone to say, oh, there's no instance for this example. That is okay for you. Yep.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Okay, let's, let's try this. Even. I have.

Tracey Thomson:

So can I see your hands do and because you need to tap on this karate chop point that we use here. All Okay, as we say, so yeah, repeat after me. Even though, even though I feel like I have to work all day long. I have to work all day long. In order to make ends meet, in order to

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: make ends meet.

Tracey Thomson:

I love and accept myself, I love and accept myself. Even though even though I feel like I have to work all day long,

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: even though I feel that I have to work all day long. To

Tracey Thomson:

make the money to reach my goals, and making money to reach my goals. I love and accept myself, I love and accept myself.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: And

Tracey Thomson:

then a third time through even though even though I feel like I have to work all day long to reach my goals. Even

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: though I feel I have to work all day long to reach my goals. I

Tracey Thomson:

accept that. That's how I feel in this moment.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: I accept that. That is how I feel in this moment. And

Tracey Thomson:

then we go to the other point. So the eyebrow point is the first one

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: that's between the two. The two are broke. Yeah, it's

Tracey Thomson:

right on the like on the on the brow point on the bone here. Okay, just like tapping five to seven times, which we've already done. And then I'll just kind of lead you through some reminder phrases, they're called. And this is on the side of the in front of front of your temple and I have to work all day long. I have to work all day long. And we'll go under the eye here and socket. Yeah, in order to make my goals

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: in order to make my goals.

Tracey Thomson:

Work hard all day long. toplet.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Work hard all day long.

Tracey Thomson:

It's the only way I make money.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: It's the only way I make money. And then

Tracey Thomson:

right here underneath right underneath your collarbone either side is fine. You don't have to do both sides. Always, always. I have to work all day long to make money. I

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: have to work all day long to make money.

Tracey Thomson:

This is what I call the awkward wife. But it's like I call it the bra point. work all day long to reach my goals to reach

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: my goals work all day long to reach my goals. Yep. And

Tracey Thomson:

then the top of the head is the completion of that cycle. And it's like I have to work all day long. I

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: have to work all day long.

Tracey Thomson:

So now that you know the sequence, let's just go through it one more time with just the phrases.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Work hard all day. I work hard all day, just to reach my goals just to reach my goals. That's the only way I know. That's the only way I know. That's the only way to make money. That's the only way to make money.

Tracey Thomson:

I have to work hard all day

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: long. I have to work hard all day long.

Tracey Thomson:

Work hard all day. worked hard

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: all day. The only way to make the money, the only way to make the money.

Tracey Thomson:

Working hard all day long to reach goals.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Working hard all day long to reach goals. And then

Tracey Thomson:

what we would do is nice, take a nice easy breath. And then look around bummin seat, look at your feet and you know that you're in this moment when you do that. And then you take another rating and say okay, now that you've tapped on it, is it still at a nine? Or has that number changed for you?

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: That number has changed. It's gone down to a six. Yes.

Tracey Thomson:

Yes. So it's a pretty powerful example. How to Quickly And Effectively it can work. And I'm sure you can see just in that few minutes that we all, what that does immediately is it creates this space for you to begin questioning that belief, right? Because you've already taken a little bit of the number down. So it's not as true for you as it was just a few minutes ago. And when you take that truth out of it for you, then you can question it and say, Okay, where did that come from? That I thought that in the first place? Was that even my belief? Did someone else tell me that? Did I buy into someone else's theory? is like, no, then you can start to look for evidence of that, like, evidence to the contrary, yes. would support? You know, I maybe I don't have to work all day long. Right. Maybe there's other alternatives here?

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Yeah. See, for me, it was my dad. He was my dad was to begin with, he grew up on the farm. So before he went into school, he had choice. Then he had his breakfast, went to the winter school, in back home had chores, homework, and, you know, supper and Tibet, how he brought that into the city life to

Tracey Thomson:

yes. Because of life. Yes.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: The way like, and it was, you know, even though he had been with the Masons, he was out in the evening time doing volunteer work. Yes. Yeah. So it was like, every moment of his day was filled,

Tracey Thomson:

taken up with Yes. And what you would see as a child, would be the unfiltered version of that. So it would be what I'm trying to say there is your interpretation of what you witnessed and saw and heard, because there was ever any complaints about it, like any even not even a complaint, but just a statement, a statement such as yours, like, oh, man, I have to work all day long just to make ends meet on the farm. Right. And before the age of seven is when our beliefs are set in place, because we have no filter, and we take everything that we hear in like little sponges, you take it literally, because we don't have that filter yet to to recognize that it may not be true in the literal sense. Just be someone kind of not complaining, because I don't want to say that your dad was complaining. That's not what I'm saying. But that is how we interpret it. That's right. And it becomes instilled as our programming and our conditioned belief. And that is what we operate off of, because it's just like an operating system on your computer. Mm hmm. And if that's what you believe, that's what your behavior is going to believe it or is going to be to align with the belief that

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: is so interesting. With that, to look at it to look at it that way. It also connected into finances, we had to work hard. Yes, yes. You know, we weren't we were not middle income class people at that time. And so stay at home mom, so dad had to work hard.

Tracey Thomson:

Hmm. And I Yeah, and I can give you another example from my childhood, which is, and that is why I found myself in this is because it's like, okay, I can use my story in my background to help other women. Because when I entered into the entrepreneurial world, of course, all of these beliefs raise their ugly head, and it was, okay, what is happening here. And then once I kind of determined what they were, then I realized I could use that to help other people. But I, too, grew up on a farm. And my father complained constantly about having to work hard. And, and it was in a case of like, almost a case of me against the world sort of thing because no one else works as hard as I do. And I can never get ahead and the different things that were said like that. I really believe that we were a destitute, dirt poor family growing up as a child, because the answer to Can I have as a kid was always no, we can't afford it. Which I always took in its most literal terms. No, we can't afford it. So you stop asking for things. And then that becomes its own animal in itself, because then you think you're not worthy. That's right. It just, it just grows and expands into this absolute beast of a belief that you that you hold and you're seem to be continually working against now, until you come upon On a tool that works so very well for busting through those beliefs, and then lay down some empowered ones. And

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: that would work very much with finances. Finances. Fine. You never have enough. Yes,

Tracey Thomson:

yes. Yes. That's another one. Yes, we never have enough.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: We never got enough. We can spend money. We can't spend on we can't spend on anything. And I know that was. And then the other one was, that I saw with my dad, and his life was the celebration of Christmas, and his birthday. I mean, you know, happy times of the year. And my father just did not like it. Because he grew up on the farm, and never had enough money. And, you know, it wasn't a time of celebration of having presents or anything like that. It was like, You got to work hard on the farm, the farm keeps going every day. We don't have enough. And if your grain farmers, well, what are your time? You're not growing anything here in Canada, is we got one. And so it was it was really set into him that we just didn't, you know, he didn't like celebrating. That didn't work off on us very well. It didn't really rub off on us. But it was done.

Tracey Thomson:

It does rub off on you because we do pass on those beliefs both genetically and environmentally. Because it's in it's in us at a cellular level. And so what your dad, my dad believed as children growing up and my dad grew up during the 30s. During the Depression, yes, he was very entrenched in that never having enough and not again, I'm really, I'm thrilled that you brought up that example of the birthdays and Christmases, because you actually just gave me an aha moment right there. My dad, he always played down birthdays, and he played down Christmas. And I think now, it was probably in an effort to not not have other people in the family have their bubble burst. He never wanted to allow for that excitement to be around Christmas and birthdays, for that reason. And I'm actually just having a moment right now thinking that was why like you really opened my eyes there. Because I used to be really annoyed as a child at the fact that we couldn't celebrate I was I love Christmas, I still do. But he would always play it down. And it's like, no, the chores need to be done in the morning first, and we can't you know, and I think what he was attempting to do was to spread it out throughout the day, because there wasn't a whole lot in terms of gifts and stuff. Right. But his his portrayal of Christmas was that you weren't even allowed to be excited. Yes, I think I think it backfired in that sense. And that was exactly why and there was a one of his birthdays, I know growing up that he talked about. So it must have really resonated and, you know, hit him hard. He was given a nice pair of leather soft gloves. And they didn't fit. So it was his birthday, but he had to give them to his brother, brother. Yep. And there were never replaced because there wasn't enough money for another pair of gloves, right. And it was something that really, really bothered him. And it sat really heavy with him. And I'm thinking man, if they didn't know about the tools that were able to be applied in terms of energy work, back in the day, how effective that would have been. So I'm so thankful that now, energy work is coming on. And it's it's mainstream, and people are talking about it. And it's not it's gone from woowoo and in the closet, right? Being pulled out as one of the tools in the toolbox that you can use for effective transformation. So that future generations don't have to harbor these these same resentments and hold the same beliefs that we do pass on genetically. Yeah,

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: when I when I did the when you tap in with me, because I'm an energy healer. One of the things I felt was all of a sudden my energy flow going through me like it was in a circular motion from your feet all the way down to the ground and back. And I could all of a sudden, it was like opening up. And wow,

Tracey Thomson:

what did that feel like? What

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: did that feel? All of a sudden, all of a sudden, I felt very grounded in what I was, you know when we were talking and then I struggled with my dad working so hard all the time. And so I'm at the opposite end deck If I was to to saying yes, I have to do this work really hard. And then when I shifted, I thought, no, that feels better in the body system of the energy flow, which needed to shift because I had been resisting, which is another hard part of doing energy work. It's like having an obstacle, or blockage. And so all of a sudden, that blockage just opened right up.

Tracey Thomson:

Yeah. And I'm so glad that you, I'm so glad that you mentioned that, because that is such a big part of what we do. Because once we start with the work, right, begin peeling back those layers. And those are some of the questions that we will actually ask people, it's like, what are you noticing in your body right now. So it allows for moving those blockages out, just and which we both know is very effective for your physical body. Because those blockages of stagnant energy, that cause Miss ease, right, and sickness. Yeah, so that is so fantastic. I'm so glad that you brought that up. And so yeah, we asked them to like what images are coming to mind or what, what, what's playing out in your mind right now. And it also helps people get in tune with that making that mind body connection that is so disconnected in our modern society, because of our beliefs and our upbringing.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: And it does. So for me, if I, you know, that this morning, I hoped last two days, I've been having problems with my hips and my legs. And that is about stability, energy of stability, energy, about your foundation, energy about your finances, and all of a sudden, and so yesterday, one, it was one leg today, it's the other leg and I'm like, Oh, come on, give me a break. And now it's like, I can feel like, if I was a tree, I can carry the SAP going from the ground, the energy, the water in the sub flowing in my body, like my, my legs are tingling right now. And where the, the issue was, it was that my hips, which you know, has part of the foundation of the family and everything else, it has opened up completely. And I'm going this is so this is where the tapping and what I do work together because they're both part of an energy system. And often, when I work in the energy part, I don't often talk with people about their belief systems, I feel it. The energy. So meshing, that together with this tapping is is really important, because it it you know, if people can't verbalize it, say it out loud, then and say what they need to say, and, and stuff like that, you know, they need to have someone that can help them with?

Tracey Thomson:

Yes, yes, they it needs to be a facilitated process for sure. And, and for people to understand that it is a process and not expect to you know, to blast those beliefs in one treatment one sessions. And understand that it's a, and that is part of the deception of of energy work in pretty much every modality is because it is so subtle. And it continues to work after the session, too. That's right. I don't come back to me afterwards and say, I noticed, you know, such and such after we worked was a few days after we work together and it's like, could that be part of the tapping? Absolutely. Think about how many years those beliefs and that stuck energy has been there. Right. And you know, it's gonna take some time to process through it. And we had thoughts around the beliefs that we held before. So it's natural to think now we're going to have thoughts around the the ones that are emerging, especially as we as we start to ask questions about it. Because Am I allowed to doubt this? Am I allowed to question this? There's some of that that goes on. And I'm maybe speaking for myself more than anyone right now. Because being brought up in a very strict religious home, in that sense. I always had questions. Right. And when you bring in this spirituality aspect, I almost felt like I was being blasphemous when I first began with this because that was what I was taught. That's how I was raised and that was what was integrated and I believed. So it, it's going, I will I will just kind of forewarn people that it is going to take a while and it might be subtle and you might not notice it until one day you kind of sit back and think I haven't had that thought in a while, and now when I think about it, it even seems silly. Right? There's, there's a, there's some of that that takes place after the fact. So that's why it's important that a person actually works through sessions together. And that it is a facilitator. Or she

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: would you say them that energy, that kind of tapping. And the thought process, that it stays, that energy part stays within our bodies, in the cells of our bodies to start releasing it.

Tracey Thomson:

Yeah, I like to think of it because the image that comes to mind for me is almost like, like a pop or a carbonated drink. And, you know, when you first pour it, and it's all fizzy, and it's, it starts giving off that like that mist. That's, that's the image that comes to mind for me as I release in the cells because this, the bubbles are like the cells of my body. And I'm releasing those those beliefs into the into the ether kind of thing. And it's like, wow. And then think of it after you leave it sit for a while. And after you've worked through those beliefs, what happens to that carbonated drink, it settles, and it calms, and it's more serene. That's exactly what happens in our system. And that's how I like to picture it. And there is that book, The Body Keeps the Score score. And that's exactly how it is at a cellular level where we hang on to things. Yes,

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: that's a wonderful image. I really liked that, that that image that fizzling because people can, you know, with, you know, pop or anything you shake. Yeah, the Bubble bubble? Oh, yes. And it starts spilling out all over the place, and then all of a sudden, you settle down again, and all of a sudden, all is calming.

Tracey Thomson:

Yes, which is one of the other things that is actually the beauty of the the EFT that I practice, because it's, it's, um, it's controlled, and it's titrated. It's a titrated approach in that you can do a little bit at a time. So if you were to shake like a bottle of pop, and you can just loosen the lid a little bit and let off a little pressure. But if it becomes too much for the person that you're working with, you can always tighten it back up against like, Okay, well, let's just, let's just settle the bubbles back down again. And then and then you get back to the Okay, you control and you just, you don't even need to talk in that instance, it's like, okay, let's just tap together. And then you go back through the sequence, and you just keep tapping, and you do what's called external orientation. You have the person look around, and it's like, okay, what, wait, if you look around the room right now, if you look out the window, what are you seeing, and you just have them? It's almost like a distraction technique, you might think of it as but it's, it's bringing you back to the here in the now. So the nervous system is not becoming too dysregulated.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Um, it goes back to the you started with it was used for anxiety and stress. Yeah. And so how do you know, there's many techniques of you know, how do we control our anxiety and our stress?

Tracey Thomson:

And if we're honest, isn't just about everyone looking for a tool for exactly that purpose. Now,

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: it is. It's, it's, it's on everybody's radar, that yeah, they talk more openly about, you know, when they're feeling really stressful, when they their anxiety is just being raised, you know, is, is really heightened and they're, they're worrying and, you know, so that is a tool, a great tool just to bring back down. And it's, it's very easy, it's not difficult.

Tracey Thomson:

It's available 24/7 to

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: remember the sequence, you're okay. Well, and

Tracey Thomson:

that's another beauty of it is you can't get it wrong. That was the one thing it was like, well, even if you screw up and you miss a point, you're not doing anything. There's no harm done in that. So I really loved that was very important to me when I was learning own, and I couldn't see the person. And I should mention that when I learned it originally, I wasn't able to catch a full breath. And that was when I was in I was having these panic attack moments, right. And within 24 hours, I was able to catch a deep, full breath again. And that was that was when I knew it's like, oh, wow, there's some serious power to this modality, I need to learn more. So with that, it's

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: amazing. Well, basically what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna give you the opportunity to tell people where they can contact you via phone number, email website. I'm gonna give you that opportunity. And then we're just gonna close it off for today. Sure,

Tracey Thomson:

that's great. I love this. By the way, I have to say this has been really be enjoyable. I love sharing, I could never I always overshare about everything that I do and get excited. So it's Tracey Thompson, Tom, tr, AC e. Y Thompson without a p th, O M S O n. And I am becoming me with Coach T on all social media, and LinkedIn. And I can give you my phone number, it's 780-915-2621. And if you think that this will be helpful for you, especially as it pertains to your sales process, and actually valuing yourself and your deal in your offer, and what it is that you serve people with, feel free to reach out. And let's have a chat and see if it's in alignment for you, for sure.

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: It's just awesome. Tracey, just a reminder to our our listening group that the 780 is a area code in Alberta, Canada. So if you're joining from the States, make sure you put a one in front of it or any other part of Canada, you also have to put a one in front of the phone number. But anyhow, I just want to thank you, Tracey for sharing this opportunity of seeing another modality, that energy that can work with people because I know with myself there are certain energy modalities that work really well with me and there's others that I can't turn into. And that is okay. That's why it's it's wonderful to be able to have people come on and talk about their energy modalities because that's the one that works really well for you. And to know that you need to continue it is a process of working on that. It's not like driving through the fast food, of energy, medicine or modality one time and everything is cleared. It doesn't work like that because our human bodies don't work like that. Great

Tracey Thomson:

analogy. I love

Tracey Thomson:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: you very much, Tracey. I really appreciate you coming on and being part of our our podcast today.

Tracey Thomson:

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share and what I do I absolutely loved it.