July 9, 2024

It's Your Choice for Health with Sheila Dancho | EP004

It's Your Choice for Health with Sheila Dancho | EP004

In this episode, Jo-Anne Kobylka and Sheila Dan explore holistic health and wellness, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, not just nutrition and exercise. Sheila shares her journey from a high-stress corporate lifestyle to becoming a health entrepreneur, highlighting her program’s focus on low-glycemic foods, supplements, and mental well-being. Representing USANA Health Sciences, Sheila collaborates with NLP practitioners, RTT hypnosis experts, and EFT coaches to facilitate deeper emotional changes.

They discuss how childhood experiences shape eating habits and behaviours, and share success stories of clients overcoming significant challenges such as sexual abuse, trauma, and unconscious eating habits through NLP coaching and energy healing. Jo-Anne shares her health transformations, and Sheila shares a testimony for a client showcasing the benefits of her program Get Healthy program, which improves mental clarity, sleep, and energy levels.

Sheila and Jo-Anne emphasize the importance of integrating psychologists or psychiatrists for deeper emotional work while highlighting the power of NLP coaching in providing clients with more choices and conscious decision-making. 

About our Guest:

Sheila Dancho embodies the ideal entrepreneur of today. As the founder and CEO of three diversified businesses, each with its own subsequent stream of passive income, she is the epitome of success, but her status as such was surprisingly hard-won.

As a certified health coach, high-performance supplements specialist, and expert neuro-linguistics trainer, practitioner, this enterprising thought leader, and sought-after speaker is essentially a “leading edge lifestylist” eager to share her winning strategy.

If you feel currently blocked having lost your spark, Sheila is passionate about showing you the importance of building that essential foundation of overall well-being that supports your self-actualization, ultimately doing business at the top of your game, living that ideal life you’ve imagined.


About Jo-Anne:

Amassing prestigious credentials over time in business administration, human resources, physical education, and theology, Jo-Anne Kobylka was determined to follow her life’s purpose, guiding others on their spiritual journey to lead their best life. She initially turned her talents to church program administration and, after a brief stint with the Edmonton Public School Board, assisting instructors with special needs children, she returned to the United Church of Canada in a pastoral leadership role and enjoyed many placements as congregation minister over the many years. 

Dawning within the mind of this enlightened altruist, however, was the realization that she possessed a very unique, intuitive understanding of life energy and its transformative power. When she had the opportunity to study Reiki, Jo-Anne was in her true element. She became a master, using her innate gift for healing to support the seriously ill. 

Now, Jo-Anne is an expert in energetic alignment and personal power optimization. With Jo-Anne on your team, you don't have to live an unrewarding, directionless existence ruled by fear, doubt, lack, and limitation. Albert Einstein advised that when your energy vibration matches the frequency of the reality you want, the ideal life you’ve imagined, you cannot help but attain that reality. 

How then do you raise your energy vibration? The answer is Jo-Anne Kobylka. She helps us move away from the typical frustration and daily struggle and work towards living in the limitless higher-level alignment that is our birthright. Once you’re in alignment, everything starts to flow your way. You live an authentic, powerful life secure in the truth that everything is possible!

Connect with Jo-Anne:



Email: jo-anne@connectedtransition.com

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Jo-Anne Kobylka: It's your choice to be healthy. today's podcast is it is your choice to be healthy. And I like to welcome Sheila to our podcast Sheila. I'm going to ask you just to enter your boots yourself, your business, and how you came into this business.

Sheila Dancho:

Sure. Thank you, Joanne. Hey, this is Sheila Dancho. And I'm delighted to be on this podcast today. Thanks for asking for me to introduce a little bit, you know who I am. I am a serial entrepreneur, I have a variety of different businesses. My primary business that I'm super excited and pumped about is my health and wellness business. It's I've developed a program called get healthy, and that is my passion. And how did I come about to this point in my life? Well, I wasn't always an entrepreneur. I, you know, at the age of 32, my life was very, very different. I was clawing my way up the corporate ladder, I worked for the second largest computer company in the world. And I was traveling all the time managing multimillion dollar projects. And I had two little girls, ages two and five. And, you know, I always felt so guilty, dropping them off at daycare, and going to work and then traveling. And you know, it was a, it was a Monday morning, Joanne and I just returned from another, yet another business trip. And this time, you know, I practically lived out of a suitcase and spent the majority of the time away from my beautiful little girls. And I always felt so guilty about that. And this morning, when I arrived at work, I was so tired, extremely tired, and I felt very unwell. And I started getting this tightness in my chest. And I ignored that feeling until the tightness group such a degree Joanne that I know I thought I was having a heart attack. And so I drove myself to the emergency. And they took me in immediately and they did an EKG. And after a few minutes, they looked at the EKG and they turned to me and said, Well, the good news Sheila's you're not having a heart attack. Well, that wasn't tremendous relief. But then they said, the bad news is we think you're having a blood embolism in your lungs, and we're going to start you on blood thinners immediately. And then they walked out the door. And they left me there all alone laying in this hospital bed. And I was really terrified, just terrified at this point, you know, my mind was racing of all the things that could go wrong, and that I could possibly, like, die at this point. And that that was like, boom, a big wake up call for me, Joanne. And I realized, at that moment that I had to make a decision about where I want to take my life, I saw two paths in front of me one is the path I was on. When I felt that with the intensity of my career and with my children and trying to balance it all I was going to be on the road some degenerative disease at a very early age. Or I could take a different path and find a way to maintain my health, not just maintain life, but improve my health and find another way to earn an income that would be provide better balance. So that was the day that changed my life Joanne and just by making that decision. I mean, it was such a relief just to make that decision. I didn't know exactly how I would fulfill this new path. But I just knew if I put it out there, that something would come to me that would make things work. So despite all the adversity at the time, this was really the first time in a long time that I've truly felt positive and in control. So after a short hospital stay, I was released out of the hospital and then I had a phone call from a complete stranger Joanne who introduced me to a new business a new business coming to Winnipeg that was based on health products scientifically researched health products I thought first of all good this is the answer to prayer that you know I'm going to get some help with my health because my health did not improve after they're released from the hospital even degenerate it more so I thought you know what I'm gonna get started on these products the they sound fantastic the based on science. The quality was exceptional. I thought you know, I'm gonna get started on these and you know, Joanne, within a month and a half I started feeling just like so so much better. My mental clarity came back the complete exhaustion then wished I had more energy and a really started feeling like my old self again. So then I started looking at this business and I thought you know if these products are working so well for me. Now maybe they'll work for other people. When I start thinking about everybody I can help with their health. And that started me on this new path of in the health and wellness industry becoming an entrepreneur. And with a desire to help people like I was helped. So that's how I started on this entrepreneurial path. And I do a variety of businesses all within like that create passive income. And again, my primary one is the passion is my health and wellness business. Within

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: your, your program of health and wellness, as I was on your website, I noticed that you had you had stuff that for the body, and which was the part of learning how to eat better. I know that within eating and everything that, you know, we tend to eat a lot of junk food and stuff that's not good for us. And so I started looking at all the diets that I had tried out. And seeped, and then I, you know, I was on the Jenny Craig diet, and I noticed there was Weight Watchers. And, of course, I started with the old school ones, first, kids, and then now there's the Mediterranean diet, the keto diet, even intermittent fasting. Well, that's not for me, because I like food, I must say, more dash to lose weight makes your program different from what's out there, and it's flooded the market? That's

Sheila Dancho:

an excellent question, Jo-Anna, thanks for asking. Because you're right, there is so many different diets over the years. And people try this one and that one and the other one, and they have some limited success. Well, first of all, I described my program as the good healthy program, we focus on helping the person get healthy, and the side effect is weight loss and inches lost. So the focus is different. It's not a diet, it's a healthy lifestyle that I teach people. And it isn't just like the physical like there's different components. So first of all, if focusing on health and becoming healthier, so what does that mean it I, I have a team of people that we work together a variety of coaches, we first of all start with, what are you eating, so we really focus on low glycemic foods. So that's similar to keto similar to the Mediterranean diet. But you know, we're focusing on eating good, wholesome foods that are as close to nature as possible, you know, that are low glycemic, so it's great for diabetics, it's very good for people who are insulin resistant, and 30% of the population are insulin resistant. Which means like they're progressing towards type two diabetes, and they don't even know and that's why their insulin levels are high, which is your fat storage hormone. And they really struggle to get released that fat because their fat storage hormone is so prevalent in their body. So we started off with focusing on the foods they're eating and getting them on a good healthy, you know, low glycemic food regiment. Then, the next pillar is certainly exercise. So we talked about what are the types of exercise to help people reverse the insulin resistance that they probably are experiencing? Then we you know, so there's the food, the exercise, but also I really strongly believe that there's supplementation because we're talking about getting a person healthy. And that's what helped me was the supplements that I started on. So the supplementation, basically, you can eat as healthy as you want, but with the way our foods are grown, and I'm a farmer, I'm a fourth generation farmer. And that's one of my businesses. I know what goes into the crops, and I know what how they're produced. And with our farming practices, I'm not condemning farmers, so I'm one of them, you know, but with the farming practices that we have in the higher the foods or process, there's not as much nutrition in them, as if you grew them organically with you know, with all methods and you pick them and ate them right from the garden, I have a huge garden as well. And I love fresh produce for that reason. So that's how we eat them. There's a lot of nutritional value, it's gone. So I really believe and then what helped me and has helped 1000s of people I've worked with, is supplementing the diet or the food you're eating with supplementation with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So you're filling in the gaps of what you're not getting from your food.

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: You know what supplements to take?

Sheila Dancho:

Well, I mean, there's a company I represent. The company is USANA Health Sciences, and that's the company I've been with for 20 years. They have they're, they're a billion dollar brand. They're a billion dollar company, 24 countries throughout the world, they have over 150 Scientists continuing to do the research. So the good news is they have the scientists that have done the research that have created these amazing products at As pharmaceutical grade level and so they make it very, very, very, very easy for us actually. So they have the world's finest multivitamin mineral combination called thistle essentials we get people started on that. And that way they have all the basic nutrients at optimal levels consistently for the day. So it reminds me of, you know, if you take a think of this, you take a glass, and in like a big jar, let's say in in the jar, you put rocks like stones, you know, and those stones would represent the nutritional value you're getting from your food, and you could fill up that jar, but there's still spaces in between those stones. So if you take sand, you can pour the sand in the jar, it'll go filter in between the stones, that's like the nutritional supplements that we recommend. It's filling in the gaps of what you may not be receiving from you may or may not be receiving from your diet. So we focus on eating well exercise, nutritional supplementation, but really what makes our program so different, Joanne is that we work on the mental and the spiritual. Like I'm a neuro linguistic programming or NLP, Master Coach and Trainer, I coach people on that very deep emotional level. And to really make this lifestyle change when it isn't just, you know, eat these foods, you know, walk 30 minutes a day and take the supplements, you have to go to a much deeper level. So I've teamed up with people who are NLP practitioners who are RTT, hypnosis experts, coaches who are EFT, which is Emotional Freedom Technique. coaches who work authors, much deeper emotional area, because there's our conscious mind, which we it's our logical mind that we think with, then there's our unconscious mind. And that's a term we use for as NLP coaches. That is that very deep level that holds all our all our past programming. So unless you really, you know, change it up at a deeper level, these lifestyle changes aren't going to be permanent. So my focus is to help people have this transformational experience at this very deep level. So they continue on this healthier lifestyle for the rest of your life. Does that make sense?

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: That makes a lot of sense. Because often, I know that my my father, his family were farmers, and my mother's family. They were very much into farming and gardening, too. And I realized that, you know, it was always in childhood, we had plenty of fresh vegetables, you know, and, and so but I also knew that my dad would tell me about the when he was as a child and a teenager helping out with farming, everything had very large meals that they were also working it off. And often I think that today, we think, Oh, you need to have this big meal to get us through point A to point B. Well, what do we think of if we skip breakfast, and then we just have maybe a little snack at lunch, and then a big meal at nighttime, that will help us move through it because we're going back on stories and things that we have heard or we have done from the past that we've learned growing up as children. Right. And so I think it makes actual quite a bit of sense that we need to go back to those that emotional stuff and mental stuff to really kind of like reprogram ourselves so that we can move

Sheila Dancho:

forward. Exactly. Exactly. Because what you learned as a child, those patterns will continue in your life. So think of it you know, like I've heard a lot of a lot of coaches talk about yo your thoughts lead to feelings and your feelings lead to actions and your actions lead to results and your results then create your life. What they fail to teach people which is the most important thing is your past programming affects your thoughts which expects your feelings which affects your actions, in your results and in your life. So you have to sort of really make those changes go back into that past program and I'll and I'll give you an example. So most of us from those first formative years, the first five years of our life are so sets those are the first five years is set our patterns up for the rest of our life. And in those first five years who influences the US the most Joanne

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Um, well I would say my mom did and my grandmother read because she was, she was around us all the time. And you know, it was? Yeah. So like food they make?

Sheila Dancho:

Yeah, your mom, your grandma. So you as a little girl, we're looking to your mom and your grandma, because they were all knowledgeable, right? And what did they do you learned, you watched how they cook, you watched how they exercise that you watched what they did. And now, basically for the majority of your life, you will do what they do, because that's set up your that's your past programming. Or if they said something as a young adult, you know, if they said to for example, this is a classic, eat everything on your plate un Don't you know, there's people starving in the world. So, so I know, as a kid, my mother's, you know, basically said, You got to eat everything. And you know, even if I was full, you have to kind of stop it down because mom would be really mad at me if I didn't eat everything on my plate. Or what does that set us up for the rest of our life, it sets us up when we go to a restaurant and they give us you know, four portion sizes of pasta, we're gonna force ourselves to eat the whole thing because mom told me you got to eat everything off your plate because people are starving. And

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: I noticed that when I go down to the states that their portion sizes are a lot larger in sizes when I was down in the States than what I was used to having. And that tape that went through my head, like need everything that was on your plate and I'm going I don't know if I'm going to be able to eat it. All

Sheila Dancho:

right. Now so. So that's an example of okay, how do we change that pass program? And well, that's part of the program. You know, that's the Get Healthy program. It's to help people realize, you know what, that's what I was told. But is it true now? Do I need to eat just because there's people starving the world if I don't eat everything on my plate? Does that help people who are starving or? Or if I do eat everything on my plate? How does that affect those people are starving? What else can I do to help those starving people other than gorge myself and make myself sick? So you know, we work at some hypnosis, actually, we work at that with hypnosis, as group hypnosis, hypnotherapy, we help people, you know, look at those sayings, those things that we learned, you know, where did this come from? And then how can we learn from it, release the stuck emotion and take those learnings and, and change our thoughts now, and our feelings, which will then change your actions into the future, and we will have different results. So that's that's just an example of some of some of the things that really make this program different is because we dive deeper, like I basically said, the Get Healthy program is really at re energizing your mind, body and spirit. Hmm,

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: I hear that. And as an energy healer, I pick up those through my hands where those blockages are. And I know that when I'm having an upset stomach, it tells me that some of my belief systems, which your spirituality part and belief systems is what do I talk about with food? What am I doing with? Why am I doing that with food? And so I go and often I go with a client and looking at that area and still asking them the open question. You know, this is part of who you are. It's an emotional belief system. And that's the belief systems, what is food for you? And sometimes we use food as a protection. And nobody will come around us. So yes, I think that's a wonderful part of the program. Yes.

Sheila Dancho:

This is a this is a tremendous point you pick up it's, you know, people, most people know what they need to do to release the extra weight. They know most of the time what they need to do to become healthier. But why don't they do it? And this protection piece I had one person many years ago that I coached, who would come on my program, she would lose the 10 pounds, but stagnated that, and then when after the program was done shooting it back, and that she kept yo yoing and it wasn't until I actually sat down we had a very open conversation is that and helped her her search in her own mind what was what was creating this pattern. And she, as a young woman was sexually abused. And she was in a very sexually abusive relationship. And she set herself up for protection by if I put on the extra weight, the extra weight will protect me from other people who potentially may want to sexually abuse me. So keeping this weight on as a protection And unless and until she changed it, well, first of all realize what was happening and then worked on that belief system and changed that programming. She wasn't going to release the weight no matter how much we told her how our coach, but she had to make that shift at a very deep emotional level. Yes,

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: and often, that's when we have to bring other people into the, into helping, as I would say that have, you know, psychologists, you know, help with that, or psychiatrists that work on that area with them. Because I'm not qualified in to work in those areas, especially if it's going to take time, you know, I can work for, you know, maybe a month with them. But that kind of stuff takes more than a month's worth of work to be done.

Sheila Dancho:

It can or cannot, I mean, I've worked with people like all sorts of people as an NLP coach, that we've had some very rapid changes, so I can work with people who had that kind of situation, I worked with one more person who had a car accident actually killed someone on a bike, very tragic. And within a few coaching sessions, had a dramatic shift in him. And so much faster than the government psychologist that was assigned to him that he basically discontinued from working with him and within 12 coaching sessions, so he was back, because life back, he wrote a book, he's now on the speaking circuit. So it can there can be some very rapid changes using the NLP techniques. There was something else that you mentioned, like you do energy work, and which is really, really important, because there are our negative emotions get stuck in different places. And I think you mentioned that you we can listen to our, our gut, you know, a lot of people are very disconnected from their head, like below their body, and we help them with the journaling. I talk, I encourage people to simply journal what you're eating, and how do you feel like it the connection between your head and your gut? Like, how are you feeling? And when I asked when I basically ask people like, how are you doing? Don't say how much weight you lost? It's kind of like how are you feeling to help them get the connection. But there's one thing that a little quick tip is I teach people to become more a conscience conscientious eaters by journaling, everything they eat, to start with, so they have to stop. Think, okay, for example, let's say they love their ice cream, you know, stop and think, do I want this bowl of ice cream? They know they, you know, shouldn't keep the bowl of ice cream, but they want it and then they then I get them to ask themselves, okay? If I eat this bowl of ice cream, how am I going to feel after? And they have to think about how am I going to feel are going to relate that feeling? Is that is it? And do I then depending on how I feel? Do I want to continue and without guilt to eat it and make a conscious decision theater or kids there's something else I can eat instead of it that would make me feel the way I want to feel. So so then they can make a choice at that point. So NLP coaching basically provides more choices to their life, and then they could just make a choice. Okay. Maybe I can have something else other than that ice cream. Like why do I want that ice cream? Is it because I want to know, like, get into the motions. Like why do I want to eat the ice cream isn't because when I was a kid, that was a reward moment. Or as a family without going for ice cream? Is there something else I can do to reward myself to make me feel the way I want to feel when I eat that ice cream? So it helps people become more conscious eaters versus unconscious and ask themselves why did they want it? And how would it make them feel? It really is powerful when that people then become much more conscious of their past programming. And then it can make more choices.

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: And I know that that, for me is really an issue for me. As in the last three years, I've had to go vegan, because of after my menopause, there were foods that I could no longer eat. I couldn't eat meats anymore. I knew that I was lactose intolerant. And you know, once in a while ice cream was kind of nice, especially if it was hot outside. But I found out if I used a yogurt that didn't have lactose in it. And I put frozen. I used to I don't we still do we put frozen blueberries in it. I can make an ice cream. Yeah. Frozen Yogurt ice cream being lactose. But one of the things with the working in energy. People don't connect. They're in their head. Most of the time I find that people don't connect to knowing what their body is telling them. Mm hmm. And and so you've come to that point by saying okay, what are you Feeling which is taking you out of that, that headspace of knowledge into more of the heart space of who we are as individuals. And I think that's a really plus. And as we shift or as, as we transition, we shift our energy, our energy vibrations begin to become higher. And what I mean when I say higher when we begin feeling good about ourselves. Everybody wants to have is to feel good. Yes. And find the pleasure in life that they'd like to have.

Sheila Dancho:

Yes, yeah. And that's true. That is true. You want to feel good. And so I'm just looking at some of the testimonies from our last round of get healthy for the spring and get healthy for the summer. One person, Deborah rose, I just have to share this with you. She said, she wrote to me send just six weeks, I lost a whopping seven inches from my waist and dropped a mass of 22 pounds of unwanted weight. She said goodbye to that pesky bloke because it's gone. But the best part, my energy levels are through the roof.

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Yeah, huh. And you don't feel like that afternoon nap at one o'clock in the afternoon. FTB had to lunch and he's like, Oh, I just need to have a little nap. So I can re energize myself. Because now the body is functioning the way it should be functioning. Well, I'm going to invite you now to look just to, for people to know where they can get ahold of you to find more about this, and see if this is an talk with you and see if there's a good fit for them. Absolutely,

Sheila Dancho:

you know, on all social media platforms, and my name is Sheila Dancho, the only one in the world. I'm the only Sheila Dancho. So I would say if you're on Facebook, you know, look for Sheila gancho friend requests me but also send a message I get a lot of friend requests. But send a message at the same time and say, you know, Hey, I heard you on on Joanne's podcast, I'm very interested in you get healthy program. Love to Learn more. So that's SheilaDancho in a Facebook. Also on Instagram, the same thing, Sheila idential, you could follow me, send me a private direct message saying that you're interested to learn more about my Get Healthy program. You can also email me at s Dancho that's da n ch o at my mts.net or my phone number. If you want to text me or just call me I always answer my phone. It's 204-266-3066. That's a Manitoba number 204-266-3066. I love to have people reach out to me, because it isn't just like I said, the Get Healthy program that helps with the mental fog with the sleeping better with you know, having more energy in the afternoon, like you said at three o'clock the afternoon, it helps the joints, joint pain. You know, it works at such a deep level. It's amazing the benefits that people are receiving from the program. So I'd love to have your listeners reach out to me and share more information with them. Jo-Anne

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Well, thank you, Sheila, for being with us. And providing us with this information today. And really looking it is our choice to be healthy, and that we do need to have often other people to help us along. It's hard to do it on your own. And I know that so I asked people if they're interested in this program to get a hold of Sheila, and she'll be able to have a one on one conversation with you. Absolutely.

Sheila Dancho:

Absolutely. Jo-Anne, you're right. It's way more fun to do it as a group and have a very loving supportive community to help you.

Sheila Dancho:

Jo-Anne Kobylka: Well, once again, everyone, thank you for being with us on this podcast, and we look forward to having you next time.