April 25, 2023

Dealing With Life's Little Hiccups - Jackie Simmons

Unplug from the world and plug-in!  

When you get the Hiccups how do you deal with them?

Do you hold your breath and draw a purple cow or drink a glass of water?

How do you deal with the Hiccups of life?

Listen in as Jackie powers through the hiccups to show you how it’s done.

Jackie Simmons’ Links:

Click here to get Jackie’s Master Class on “How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Get What You Want Faster”



Website: JackieSimmons.com

Website: SuccessJourneyAcademy.com

Website: The Teen Suicide Prevention Society

Book: Make It A Great Day: The Choice is Yours Volume 2

Nominate your favorite artist to: www.SingOurSong.com


About Jackie:

Jackie Simmons writes and speaks on the leading-edge thinking around mindset, money, and the neuroscience that drives success.

Jackie believes it’s our ability to remain calm and focused in the face of change and chaos that sets us apart as leaders. Today, we’re dealing with more change and chaos than any other generation.

It’s taking a toll and Jackie’s not willing for us to pay it any longer.

Jackie uses the lessons learned from her own and her clients’ success stories to create programs that help you build the twin muscles of emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so that your positivity shines like a beacon, reminding the world that it’s safe to stay optimistic.

TEDx Speaker, Multiple International Best-selling Author, Mother to Three Girls, Grandmother to Four Boys, and Partner to the Bravest, Most Loyal Man in the World.




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YBOP Intro/Outro:

Welcome back to Your Brain On Positive. All the love and support you need is residing inside of you. And we're going to make it easier to turn it off.

Jackie Simmons:

Take a deep breath as you breathe in as deeply and as slow. Take a deep breath as you breathe in as to take a deep breath. I can't even start.

Jackie Simmons:

I can't even start the conversation. Why? Because I am dealing with hiccups.

Jackie Simmons:

Make up so what happens when you drink too much water when you've had too much one.

Jackie Simmons:

Both of those could apply to you hiccups happen. However they happen for you. Are you willing to pardon me? Yes. Are you willing to pardon me?

Jackie Simmons:

And the second question is, are you willing to laugh with me? And then are you willing to laugh about the meaning of hiccups? Which is where in your life? Are there circumstances or circumstances that you have no control over?

Jackie Simmons:

I did a big post on social media within the last couple of days. With this idea that a circumstance that I have no control over, I will no longer give that circumstance control over my emotions. I must have gotten something out of that rant because I'm not giving emotional control to the hiccups.

Jackie Simmons:

So we'll do we'll do this again. You his I do as an Eastern healing arts practitioner. No. I'll move the video. Taking a deep breath as deeply as slowly as is comfortable for you and why you do it. Right under design for it process. Take a deep breath. I press and do it again. Belly every cell of your body that's available so you notice your ribcage expanding to the sides.

Jackie Simmons:

Your your belly probably out in front like mine. And you just let it release. And whether you whether you ever have hiccups again or not? Does it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're willing to share this hiccup. Oh, pardon me, this hiccup experience with other people because they have they have them too. And the more you are willing to meet someone, even if it's in a professional setting, and you ask them well, when was the last time you had the hiccups?

Jackie Simmons:

How did you handle it? Who else was around you? And did you say pardon me or excuse me, after each diaphragm spasm or did you just move away? And by the way, you cannot do it wrong.

Jackie Simmons:

We're just curious. We're human. We want to know that you're you are also human. And the role of being a caregiver. Once a caregiver always a caregiver, maybe this is not always the same person.

Jackie Simmons:

I'm tending to once a consciousm transformational coach all always a con just transformational coach. Obviously not

Jackie Simmons:

How do we know? I am not present to help you to transform while I pick up a Reality Bites and re out? Reality? Yes. So accept embrace and appreciate your current reality as being the right reality for you today, no matter when you're hearing this and in the meantime my niece's wedding came off without a hitch.

Jackie Simmons:

Ah, we're we're all good except for this yo diaphragm spasm that I'm having and that your might be having called pickups.