April 11, 2023

A Lesson From Don Quixote - Jackie Simmons

A Lesson From Don Quixote -  Jackie Simmons

Unplug from the world and plug-in!  

Join Jackie as she takes you on a Jackie-ological dig into the literary classic Don Quixote in an abridged version of the story.

Listen in as Jackie pulls a little nugget of wisdom from what is an already great story with many lessons. 

Jackie Simmons’ Links:

Click here to get Jackie’s Master Class on “How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Get What You Want Faster”



Website: JackieSimmons.com

Website: SuccessJourneyAcademy.com

Website: The Teen Suicide Prevention Society

Book: Make It A Great Day: The Choice is Yours Volume 2

Nominate your favorite artist to: www.SingOurSong.com


About Jackie:

Jackie Simmons writes and speaks on the leading-edge thinking around mindset, money, and the neuroscience that drives success.

Jackie believes it’s our ability to remain calm and focused in the face of change and chaos that sets us apart as leaders. Today, we’re dealing with more change and chaos than any other generation.

It’s taking a toll and Jackie’s not willing for us to pay it any longer.

Jackie uses the lessons learned from her own and her clients’ success stories to create programs that help you build the twin muscles of emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so that your positivity shines like a beacon, reminding the world that it’s safe to stay optimistic.

TEDx Speaker, Multiple International Best-selling Author, Mother to Three Girls, Grandmother to Four Boys, and Partner to the Bravest, Most Loyal Man in the World.




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YBOP Intro/Outro:

Welcome back to Your Brain On Positive. All the love and support you need is residing inside of you. And we're going to make it easier to turn it on.

Jackie Simmons:

It's an older ancient saying, but a true and honest thought that if you become a teacher, by your students you'll be taught. That was the lead in to a very famous song and a very famous musical, the song is getting to know you and the musical is the King and I. And what I realized is that a lot of by business training, a lot of my understanding of how the world works, comes from these ancient, ancient, really old stories that got turned into musicals. And the idea of how do you tap into the law of attraction? How do you actually apply the concepts of this noncorporeal entity called Abraham often known as Abraham Hicks? Because Esther Hicks is the one who speaks the words, and there are lots of books ask and it is given in a multitude books or there are a multitude of movies, the secret with Jack Canfield, one of the movies based on this concept. And the reality is that from my point of view, there is one musical, there is one song that explains this more than any of all of those more than any specific thing from any of the the bottom line is this one did it better. And the musical is the man of LaMancha. And the character is Don Quixote. And Don Quixote was fascinated by a scullery maid named dole Sudan. And Dulcinea had been born in poverty remained in poverty was raggedly dressed from birth raggedly dressed when Don Quixote meta, Messi probably had never seen a washcloth or a facial scrub in her life. And Don Quixote, with his perspective of the world, caught the attention of the ruler of the land. And the ruler of the land herd Don Quixote extolling the virtues of Dulcinea, this amazing lady, and when Ken found her tending Swan and a pigpen, or something equally dirty, and lonely, and broader to the castle Hatter, cleaned up and washed and hair quaffed, and you put in brocades, and beads and pearls and gems and presented her to Don Quixote and said, What do you think of her now? And Don Quixote said, she has always been to me that I have always seen her this way. I have always seen her this way.

Jackie Simmons:

When one of my tribe came to me and talked about what they would change in their house, when they had money. I suggested that they walk around their house and absolute gratitude and admiration of how it looks in the future, admiring it because I have always seen it thusly. You get to choose how you see things is the message of Don Quixote is the message of this particular ramp. You get to choose how things are. And trust me, it's a choice because I can walk out of my studio and react to whatever comes into Do my eyeballs whatever comes into my ears, I wish I called them ear balls, whatever comes in to my sensory perception of my physicality and I can react to that. Or I can respond to it from how I see it. It is always appeared to be thusly. What if you walked out of your space wherever you are, and the first person you saw, you responded to them as the way you preferred them to be? As if they were the perfect person, the best in the world person to serve you your coffee, at a coffee shop, to take the trash away from your house, when you put your trash cans out. There's no difference. What if you walked down and responded to them, seeing them as the best in the world for you? Because that's how Don Quixote perceived Dulcinea from the moment he met her, he perceived her as a great lady, he perceived her, be decked in jewels, he perceived her as gracious and kind and loving, and above him in station, he perceived her as the best in the world for him, in that moment in time, what would happen to your relationships if you started treating everybody, as Don Quixote treated Dulcinea. So that when the fortunes change, and this person actually is behaving, the way that you prefer that they behave, looking the way you prefer them to look dressed, the way you prefer them to dress, you look at them without excitement for the change, but with this knowledge that you've always perceived them, thus length. That's how I perceive you. I perceive you as already being perfect, already being skilled enough already knowing what you need to know, knowledgeable enough already being experienced enough to transform everything in your life and everything in the lives of your clients and helping your clients then spin that out and transform everything in their lives and everything in the lives of their clients and them, transforming everything in their lives and everything in their lives, their clients, and so on, and so forth. The only question is, what are you perceiving the slate, because when you decide to see the world the way you want it, rather than what is, quote real to your five senses, but you start to perceive the world the way you want it the way that feeds your soul. Then the world will rearrange itself to correspond to how you see it, which is the true story of Don Quixote and Dulcinea he perceived her thusly, and the universe turned on its axis to bring the resources together to create the reality of what he perceived already. You ready to claim that kind of power? I wasn't for many years.

Jackie Simmons:

So trust me, I understand. What if you're willing to claim just a little bit that you're willing to help one more person to more people? What if you perceive one more person or two more people as they really are without all the conditioning and without all the crap and without all the trauma and all the drama? What if you could see even one more person without the conditioning of the world layered on whiteness? That was enough. And you were the tipping point in the universe towards positivity?

Jackie Simmons:

Would you be willing to see it thusly to see it the way you want it?

Jackie Simmons:

Please put a comment below this one. And let me know. What do you think of this particular commentary on how you perceive the world? It's always appeared thusly to me. I'm interested in what you have to say.

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