Season 1

April 14, 2020

Talking About Money

It is time to make the shift and have some open conversations about money. Talking about our finances does not have to be this guilt ridden, taboo subject that fills our heart with dread and our stomachs with nausea. In this week’s podcast, we...
March 31, 2020

Staying on Track

Once you’ve decided on your investment strategy, how do you know if you are successful? In this podcast, Kamal and Tracy discuss how to develop the metrics and processes that will measure success, on YOUR terms. Knowing in advance how you will...
March 17, 2020

Common Investment Mistakes

We all make mistakes. Very few of these errors are irrevocable or fatal. But almost all are avoidable. Kamal and Tracy talk about the most common investment missteps that we all can make. Strong emotions like fear or impatience, can lead to reactive...
March 3, 2020

Your Money Strategy

The key to developing a powerful investment strategy is knowing where you want to go. Kamal and Tracy teach us how to determine our financial objectives by looking at three key factors: What are my top three money goals? How much does each one cost...
Feb. 18, 2020

Gender and Money

What is the truth about gender and finance? And what is just old school sexist nonsense? When it comes to talking about women, men, and money, it is hard to see the forest from the trees. We are all bogged down with socio-cultural ideas and...
Feb. 4, 2020

Your Professional Money Team

Where can I turn to for help? We hear this question from so many people who are trying to achieve their goals. There are so many designations and job titles in the world of finance, it makes figuring out who and where to get professional advice from,...
Jan. 21, 2020

Who do you listen to?

It’s a noisy world out there filled with contradictory opinions and misleading advice. How can you fine tune your ear to hear the wisdom that fits your values and is appropriate for your situation? Media is often not a good friend and can be our...
Dec. 6, 2019

Cash Flow Practicalities

You are your own boss. Economic power and freedom starts from owning your personal financial situation. We do this by understanding how and when we spend. Tracy and Kamal will walk you through the practicalities and pitfalls of how you measure and...
Nov. 29, 2019

Cash Flow Connections

It’s Cashflow Connection Day on Wise Money Moves. Everyone just loves to track spending right? In this episode, you will learn to follow your numbers with curiosity and kindness and understand the difference between a budget and cash flow. You will...
Nov. 22, 2019

Start Where You Are

Every person sits somewhere on the wealth continuum. Your strength is rooted in acknowledging your own reality and building from there. The five step financial planning process guides us through the steps. Listen in as Kamal and Tracy shed humor and...
Nov. 15, 2019

How Much Is Enough?

How much is enough for you? Have you ever heard of a wealthy person using the word abundance? They aren’t searching for abundance...or prosperity. They have enough! Enough can be defined by values, a sense of peace, as well as by numbers. Tracy and...
Nov. 1, 2019

Wise Money Moves

Kamal Basra and Tracy Theemes, discuss their backstories and the motivations that helped them become the financial dynamos behind their successful advisory firm in Vancouver, BC ( How did they combine their social agenda of...