EP75: Get Clarity and Lasting Success in Business with Mihai Andrei

“Wellness is the combined sum of whether a person is doing everything they can do in their life and whether they can do so.“ —Mihai Andrei
Mihai Andrei brings engineering, management, angel empowerment and healing all together because he says that they were never really apart. True success, both personally and in business, was always a factor of both those sides being together. He believes that we all have a mission and purpose in our lives and so, wellness can only be achieved if we’re doing everything that we’re capable of in life.
Opening up about an important financial crisis in his life, Mihai had to ultimately accept the situation for exactly what it was. This acceptance led him to experience proper wellness and the ability to accept who he truly was. Which led him to start a business that incorporates energy work — his childhood passion.
We sometimes want to heal ourselves in private and let no one know about the truth, but then we still want everything in life to work out publicly. The only way to move forward is to simultaneously run business and life together.
Wellness Nuggets:
● Business is systematic. Life is systematic.
● Ask yourself, “What do you want this business to do in your life?”, “What do you want to occupy?”
● Listen to the call to action from the universe
● Connect with your higher self and consult with the energy side
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Mihai Andrei is an expert intuitive, energy healer, workshop facilitator and a manager in high-tech positioning engineering. He has an innate gift of helping people find and align with their soul purpose. He specializes in bringing clarity and success to entrepreneurs who are going from business project to project and not moving the income needle. Mihai has been involved with various disciplines of energy work. For the past 15 years he has been practicing and teaching QiGong as well as being a highly trained Angel Empowerment practitioner and healer. This is coupled with his decade of experience in engineering and management.
Website: https://soulpurposematrix.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulpurposematrix
Resource link/Giveaway
Invitation to my full masterclass (link provided based on the date of acceptance) Title: Stop the Cycle of Business Confusion: Discover the 3 keys entrepreneurs need to achieve clarity, abundance and lasting success
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, bestselling author podcast host, and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration. Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded, and finding inspiration. Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion. It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness, in business life and living your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Hi, everyone, welcome to another episode of winning with wellness. I am really excited to be sharing time and space with this amazing individual. Mihai Andrei is an expert, intuitive energy healer and workshop facilitator and manager and high tech positioning engineering. That's a mouthful. Welcome to the show. I'm like you the words to get me that give me all the tongue tighter positioning engineering like that is I mean, that is like some straw chat like strategic.
Mihai Andrei:Yes, it's the old you know, it's the old energy, workplace positioning engineering, you know, pretty standard,
Jenny Ryce:horrible stuff. I think this is what I love. And I'm going to read more about your bio in just a sec. But this is what I love about this show. And, you know, corporations are finally connecting and like the fact that you're sharing that you work in the engineering field and you work in the intuitive and you do the things, it's so beautiful, we gotta rip that curtain down. We got to be you know, build the bridge. So thank you so much for being here and allowing us to dig into what that looks like. I appreciate it.
Mihai Andrei:It's my pleasure. I'm super excited to be here. It's any. So before
Jenny Ryce:we get started, I want to give these guys a little more, a little more details and background on you. So just know that Mihai has an innate gift of helping people find and align with their soul's purpose. He specializes in bringing clarity and success to entrepreneurs who are going from business project to business project and not moving the income needle. And you know what's so fascinating, this translates in all areas of our lives. And I know we have a ton of people listening that work within that entrepreneur field. So this is going to be a really valuable topic. So I'm really excited to dig in. He's also been involved with various disciplines of energy work for the past 15 years, he has been practicing and teaching Qi Gong, as well as being a highly trained Angel empowerment practitioner, and healer. This is coupled with his decade of experience in engineering and management. And like I said, before I finished that sentence, I love that we're having those two things in the same. Like, oh, you know, how many of us have spent I mean, I'm definitely more you know, my age brackets higher than yours. I've spent years of my life not become aligning the two sides of me, because, you know, my spirituality had to stay here. And work had to stay here. And the fact that you combining both in your world is amazing. So congratulations on that. And I love digging into this conversation. So again, welcome to the show.
Mihai Andrei:Thank you, Jenny, it's actually core, its core to what we're going to talk about today is is bringing those two things together, because they were never a part. true success, both personally and in business was always a factor of both of those sides being together. And anyone who has ever succeeded has used both of those sites together. So it's not that we're doing something new. It's that we're reclaiming the way that things actually are in the world.
Jenny Ryce:And I love that you highlight that because we have these, we have these barriers that are built in whether we've inherited it whether you know, it's been taught to us we've seen it, maybe we felt it by response from others. And these divides have been created, which of course means we're not showing up as a whole. And that has an impact not only professionally but personally as well. So overall, what does what does wellness mean to you?
Mihai Andrei:Oh, that's multifaceted. I would say it is the combined sum of whether a person is doing everything they can do in their life, and whether they are able to do so. We all have, we all have a mission here, we all have a purpose to our lives. So wellness can only be achieved if we're doing everything that we're capable of in life to live it. And the ability to do so is important while we do it. So that's I would say, That's wellness, it encompasses everything from being physically able, being emotionally and mentally able. And being fulfilled in life, I would say the sum of all of those things, is what comprises true wellness.
Jenny Ryce:And wealth too, right? If we're really honest.
Mihai Andrei:Well, yeah, I mean,
Jenny Ryce:I mean, if we think about it, that's the highest currency,
Mihai Andrei:then you're cooking.
Jenny Ryce:So let's dig in. Tell me about the work you do. Because obviously, you know, all All joking aside, and you know, and the reality too. So what led you, you're talking about engineering and management? And you're also in this incredible spiritual? How did they come about? Like, did you always know innately that this was a gift that you had? Or, you know, tech, can you share a little bit about your personal journey?
Mihai Andrei:Yeah, oh, energy work has always been a part of my life, intuitions always been a part of my life. I was one of those kids who had visions when they were little. And I spent many years under the presumption that I had a really great imagination, which I guess I do. Ultimately, I like, like the majority of of healers in the world, I went through an awakening in my teens. And I found out that all of the things that I had seen and dreamt about and was able to do when I was little, we're not just dreams and imagination. They were real. And ultimately, you know, at that point in time, I wasn't ready to explore that on a stage or to share it with the world. So what I did is I went into engineering. It's funny how we follow the example that we see in our family, we're a family of engineers. So I went into that. And I discovered that the only real way for me to survive in that world and to have a good time was to implement all that I knew about energy work still. So I did it for myself for many years. And that's part of the formative years where I got all that training that we talked about in so many different fields. And ultimately, I committed a mistake throughout those years, a big one that took me years and years, which is that I divorced, the concept of making money from the concept of applying my energy work. And so my engineering flourished. And I learned how to make money doing technical stuff. But I was getting farther and farther from being able to practice the energy work I was so passionate about, in the context of having it yield something financially speaking of the wealth thing, right. Yeah. That you that you mentioned that it is so important. And so what what ended up happening was, I had a little bump in the road, shall we say, in my life. And what happened was, I got into a fantastic relationship with someone I really loved. And that is actually what what made me move from Calgary all the way to Vancouver to the coastline, to come and pursue a new life with her. And one of the dreams she and I both shared was we were both very passionate and very powerful energy practitioners. And we decided, hey, it would be a great idea for us to open a business based on that passion. Right? Yes. Now, a little bit of context, when we were doing that, you know, after we after we moved in, we discovered that she and I had a few differences of opinion on life. And so the relationship was, yeah, not going so great. But we decided that this business is what's really going to unite us and bring things to a whole new level. Isn't that a great solution if you're if your relationship isn't going well to start up? business together, what could go wrong?
Jenny Ryce:Right? Kinda like having a baby or getting married?
Mihai Andrei:Let's just do it first, why not? What could go wrong? Well, I mean, everything went wrong about everything every possible way financially, it destroyed me, I went into debt. emotionally, mentally, I became depressed, my health went down the tube as a result of that experience, their relationship didn't work out. So great, of course, because of that, and as I was staring at my computer screen one day, into my bank account, I noticed that I only had one month worth of financial resources left to sustain my life, as it was then in there, and I had this soul crushing moment of asking myself, is this what really happens when you pursue your dreams? Do you just do we just get crushed? And then I had another thought of, you know, some people don't get crushed. What Why are they not getting crushed? But I am? What's the difference? What's going on here, this can't be all there is to life. I don't want to accept that. And ultimately, acceptance is what I really got out of that by the end of the day, I had this epiphany that hit me, in every quarter of my being that I need to accept the situation exactly as it is, I needed to accept the business that it wasn't going to work because it was fundamentally flawed. Same thing with my life. Same thing with my relationship with every one, I needed to accept it exactly as it was. And that's what honestly led back up and clawing my way out of that particular situation, even though it took a little while. That's what led me to actually experience proper wellness and have access to my full being in start a business that does incorporate energy work and works well. Ultimately. And that's, that's, that was the biggest roller coaster moment of my life, honestly, and I haven't experienced anything like it before or since.
Jenny Ryce:Thank you so much for sharing your truth with us there, I guarantee there's somebody listening right now that if your whole story doesn't resonate, some of it does where they find themselves in the same situation or feeling lost. And what I think really, really struck me was realizing like, wait a minute, there is a different way. So tell me so. So you had this awakening, you've risen out of where you were? What tell me what about where you're at now in business, knowing that you've taken that that leap?
Mihai Andrei:Excited?
Jenny Ryce:Which is amazing.
Mihai Andrei:Yeah, it's, it's, it's exciting. It's, you know, the biggest lesson that I learned is this, that there's a system to everything, you know, business is systematic life is systematic, as well. And it's a mixture of two things. The problem, and the solution, all in one is this. In business, there are systems which are seen, and there are systems which are unseen. And it's the fusion of these two things that really create success in business, the scene systems are, you know, all the stuff that people know about the your, your, your target market, and the way your your structure of your business, and all all of the different components that go into it. But the unseen is all of the pieces surrounding a person's mindset, a person's state of being a person's emotional health, all of the little programs that are running, and the only way forward is for those two systems to actually be running at the same time. Whereas most people try to separate them. They try to deal with their mindset over here in a workshop, and then they try to deal with their, you know, business program over in another direction or workshop. They try to separate them and life goes on in much the same way is that we we sometimes want to heal ourselves in private, and let no one know about the truth. But then we still want everything in life to work out publicly. Yes, start it. You mean we have to be yes, yes, we do. And those two things have to come together. So I guess what I'm enjoying right now is, is I brought those two things together in my world. And that's, that's what made the business work from from the start from moment zero, it's, it's been working and I'm in an expansion step right now actually, I'm kind of going into phase 1.5, so to speak. So I'm enjoying it, I'm launching a whole new advanced program in the fall. And, and that's, that's going to be an adventure with helping people to speak on stage and sell from the stage, that's going to be fantastic. But I'm also enjoying a fantastic work life balance now, which I didn't quite have before. And, and so it's something that's manageable. I think that growth in it has to multifaceted it has to work in your life. And your business has to fit within your life in such a way that it feels like play, it shouldn't feel like hard work. And like you're, you know, busting your back, trying to get things done. Right. So I guess that's what I'm enjoying right now is that it's working and I'm happy as a state within the business.
Jenny Ryce:I love that. So when you share, you know about this work life balance and I love the concept and the idea we're gonna have people listening right now that are feeling like it's absolutely unobtainable, you know, whether they're self employed, or whether they work for somebody, you know, you're still at the perceived mercy of the situation, what would be some advice or, or suggestions that you would provide that individual to start, so that they can take a step forward into a direction of life balance?
Mihai Andrei:Okay, so a few things. The biggest issue there is that people tend to ask the wrong questions, the questions that people tend to ask when it comes to fixing a business that's gobbling their life up, is they tend to ask, Oh, what, what app should I use? Or what what customer relationship system? Should I use? Or should I do a tweak to my target market? Or is the destructure that's, that's wrong. And ultimately, it starts with the internal, the unseen, rather than the scene, that's, that's the first thing to look at is, you should ask yourself, what do you actually want this business to do in your life? What role do you want to occupy? Because sometimes people have a misconception about what business is they think it should look in a certain specific way. And that's exactly what's crushing them. That's what's leading them down the garden path towards the weeds, so to speak.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, there's gonna be thing.
Mihai Andrei:Oh, my gosh, well, yes, you know, if a person here's an example, if a person thinks that social media is the only way to grow a business, and they're terrified of social media, then they're going nowhere fast. So that's the first thing is to identify those misconceptions. And what it is that that business is actually what role it's supposed to occupy in the first person's life. Second step is that a lot of people try to start a whole bunch of different projects in their business. And the truth is, you can achieve 1000 things one at a time. So for whoever is trying to start many, many different projects in their business, I would say there should truly only be one project that's being worked on at a time in a business. And that stands true for a startup. And it starts stands true for a multibillion dollar industry, pretty much. It's, it's a philosophy that's tried and true. Only do one project. So that means if you're working on one program, do all the stuff connected to it, the program, marketing, all that all the good stuff, but only that one project.
Jenny Ryce:I love that, you know, we don't we've been many of us been raised in a society and a belief system that multitasking, you know, is a skill and an art. And reality is our brain can only focus on one thing at a time and the killer of productivity is actually multitasking. So you bring great wisdom with with that recommendation. When you think back to to where you are today. What would advice would you give a younger version of yourself about you know, leading into wellness or Especially not only in the workplace, but in your life
Mihai Andrei:I would say that life is inevitable, some stuff is going to happen. But the only thing that I would say could be done better is, I would say to my younger self, when you hear a message and a call to action to do something in your life, do it now. Don't wait for the next one. Because that's one of the things that I've done is, I had a call to action from the universe from my higher self. And I didn't eat it in the past. And one of the, that's one of the fundamental changes I went through is when when I started the business I'm in right now, I made a decision that is irreversible, that if I get called to do something, and I feel that it's something I need to do, it's done, it must be done no matter what. So that's what I would say to my younger self, is heed the call. And that applies to everybody. We all have a song to sing in life, you have to you have to do it. It's what you're here for.
Jenny Ryce:So powerful. And you know, this is the thing too, when you talk about intuition, and higher self, many people are so filled with noise they can't hear. So when you're working with someone, and you're trying to get them to tap into those hits, or listen to the voices, and we all have different kinds of voices, we have the voices that are there to serve and the voices that are there to destroy, how do you guide your people? How do you help your clients?
Mihai Andrei:Well, I take people through a process to connect with their higher self is the first thing that that I do. The basis of all action in life, in my opinion, is that we should consult with the energy side first, because that's where all ideas and thoughts first form, and your higher self is what governs your connection to all that all that stuff. And then we should come up with a plan and structure of action to actually make it happen here in the real world. So that would be in large terms, what I would say that people need in order to in order to succeed. But the first step, if you if you have noise in your head, is a lot of people feel that it's complicated to silence that noise. And the irony is, it's noisy, because you think life is complicated. Right. And so I would say the the way out of that loop, that circle that people get into of complication in life is to simply stand and be with one thing at a time in their life. So for example, a great practice would be go for a walk and observe whatever object you see a tree, a duck, a piece of grass, whatever it is gone look at it for a little bit, until you've taken in everything that you can about that one thing, practice that and it really will not take long for you to be able to be your intuitive self as long as you are focused on one thing then that one thing will reveal itself to you.
Jenny Ryce:I love that again highlighting that one thing that's important. So when we think about as we you know, we're closing our time together you are offering for those that are listening to this episode a really beautiful opportunity to join a masterclass that you share the title is stop the cycle of business confusion, discover the three keys entrepreneurs need to achieve clarity, abundance and lasting success. Can you share for those that are you know, interested in the business side of this intuitive connection? Share what that would mean for them to come to your masterclass?
Mihai Andrei:Oh, it's epic, we're going to expand a lot more about how that connection between the seen components and the unseen components really works and what stops people in their tracks in business. Because there's so much more to talk about, like for example, how belief systems actually work on a deeper level, where they come from and how we shift them and the implications of all the different methods you may have heard of like, you know, NLP and things like that. So we get we go into a lot more in depth about the balance between the scene systems and the unseen systems, and I share with people what they should be focusing on, in order to make their business work, from every point of view, from the personal point of view, from the structure point of view, what what markers to look for, when it's actually working, and how to take it a whole step further, basically
Jenny Ryce:love it. So let's leave the audience and I just want to leave the audience with what final thought from you. What is one thing that you want to make sure that you share today or a final thought just to to springboard the audience into maybe some action or thought provoking, you know, ideas.
Mihai Andrei:Life is often a lot more simple than we think it is. It ultimately boils down to this. And we all have things in our life that we're happy with and some other things that we're not happy with. If you have whether it's your your business, or some other aspect of your wellness, whether it's your, your wealth or your health. You should just ask yourself, Is this part of my life? Yielding the results that I want it to be? Am I taking care of it? Or is it taking care of me? If the answer is yes, it's yielding the results that I want it to yield in my life, then I'm so happy for you. Congratulations. But if it's not, and there's something missing, perhaps it's not as fulfilling as it should be. Perhaps it's not as full as it should be. Perhaps it's not as grandly wealthy as it should be, then it's time to do something about it. We need to do something about it. Because if we don't, it's just going to stay there. And in the universe. Things actually don't stand still. They move in one of two directions. They either move forward, or they move backward. So it's time to move forward. Say yes to yourself. That would be what I what I would would want to say to everybody,
Jenny Ryce:thank you for that. And I hope those of you that are listening are inspired by these incredible words. Thank you so much Mihai for being on the show. It's been a privilege to have you.
Mihai Andrei:Oh my gosh, I'm having so much fun. Thanks, Jenny.
Jenny Ryce:Welcome. For those of you listening thank you as always for taking the time and space to allow us into your world. To inspire the wellness warrior new we are so excited to have you tap into different ways to increase your wellness in all areas of your life, personal professional mind, body and soul. Do not hesitate to tap over to your holistic Earth to find more resources to catapult those areas of your lives. Thank you again so much. We'll catch you on the next episode.