EP70: Process of Seeing Self-Awakening with Tammy Cho

“Wellness is to have that concurrency in alignment with all aspects of me and to accept myself wherever I am in that flow.” — Tammy Cho
Being a nurse in the medical field and venturing into the spiritual side of things, Tammy’s life’s work focused on the connection of spirituality with science. The long-lasting transformation was brought into life by connecting the body in a way that brings emotional freedom and flows in life.
This epiphany occurred when she discovered that she was not feeling any sense of strong connection to her child. Tammy started a healing journey for herself. She says “it’s morphed into a place where I help people raise that they’re deserving. This level of what they're able to let in and receive; because it comes down to essentially how much we're willing to receive.”
Tammy beautifully touches on the topic of the universe highlighting where we need to look and that freedom is actually through the darkness, into the light. We must be aware that we are worthy of receiving and from there, we are constantly choose what’s best for ourselves.
Wellness Nuggets:
● Surround yourself with the people that believe in you and lift you up
● Never lose the connection to letting yourself feel
● Shifting of the deservingness is a choice
● When we're off purpose, it affects your whole alignment
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Tammy Cho is the founder of Path To The Heart and is a Self Love Embodiment Guide, Psychosomatic Therapist, Speaker, Coach and Healer whose mission is to awaken humanity to embody their self-love and acceptance and live in alignment to their higher purpose and the truth of who they really are.
Having served as a Registered Nurse and in the psycho-spiritual industry for 20 years, Tammy blends neuroscience, metaphysical laws, emotional leadership, and the energetics of manifesting to support ambitious, purpose-driven leaders to create impact, influence, and income without exhaustion and self-sacrifice. Tammy specializes in self-love embodiment, life purpose discovery, co-creative goal actualization, and cultivating human potential.
Tammy weaves a proven face and body analysis system and psycho-spiritual modalities to uncover subconscious challenges and dissolve patterns at the mental, physical and emotional level to help leaders create energetic alignment and openness to receive their next level of joy, and fulfillment, and success with more inner ease and harmony.
Website: pathtotheheart.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/divinetruthandlove
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tammycho-pathtotheheart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/path2theheart/
Tammy is offering a complimentary deep dive breakthrough session:
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.
Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.
Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.
It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness in business life and living. Your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Hi, everyone. Welcome to another episode of winning with wellness. We are thrilled to have you here. We're excited to inspire some new Wellness ideas and thoughts to get you on your wellness journey. I'm really excited to have Tammy Cho here with me today. Tammy, welcome to the show.
Tammy Cho:Thanks for having me, Jenny.
Jenny Ryce:Ah, can't wait to dig into this conversation. So you guys I want to share with you a little bit about who Tammy is so that you understand her background. And then we're gonna dig into a conversation about wellness. So Tammy is the founder of path to the heart and is a self love embodiment guide, psychosomatic therapist, speaker, coach and healer whose mission is to awaken humanity to embody their self love and acceptance and live in alignment to their higher purpose and the truth of who they really are. Sounds delicious. I can't wait to get into this conversation. Having served as a registered nurse and in the psycho spiritual industry for 20 years. Tammy blends neuroscience, metaphysical law, emotional leadership and the energetics of manifesting and to support ambitious purpose driven leaders to create impact, influence and income without exhaustion and self sacrifice. Tammy specializes in self love embodiment, life, purpose discovery, co creative goal, accurate realization and cultivating human potential. Tammy weaves a proven Face and Body Analysis System and psycho spiritual modalities to uncover subconscious challenges and dissolve patterns at the mental, physical and emotional level, to help leaders create energetic alignment and open to receive their next level of joy, fulfillment and success with more inner ease and harmony. Again, welcome back. You're welcome to the show yummy men on their show yet and I'm saying Welcome back. Welcome, Tammy.
Tammy Cho:Yeah, thank you for having me. Yeah, and reading that long bio.
Jenny Ryce:Well, you know, what, it's kind of like, I'm dealing with it, because, you know, it's brought in some really great things to connect about and discuss about because, you know, days in the past, we never really discussed spirituality with science, they were very much polarized to be opposite. And they didn't coexist, and they didn't have any connection. And the fact that this is your life's work is a really powerful thing. So I would love to just dig in and ask you, what does wellness mean to you as, either as a professional or as a person?
Tammy Cho:Wow. Well, this, to me honestly means like, a true authentic alignment with our body, mind, heart and soul connection. And, you know, this body mind, heart soul connection is probably used a lot. But I honestly mean that because I spent my life, you know, working with a body as a nurse, and I then ventured out into this. Doing the energy side of things and the spiritual side of things. And then I was doing the body and another lens. And it really wasn't until I brought everything together where I felt, I was able to bring that long lasting transformation in knowing who I was, but also feeling happy, fulfilled and actually healthy. And connecting with my body in a way that brings me emotional freedom and flow in my life. I know that's a bit long winded, but I honestly feel that this is wellness, for me to have that congruence in alignment with all aspects of me and to accept myself wherever I am in that flow.
Jenny Ryce:And I love that you it is a big thing. It's going to be a long winded answer because we you know, and this is what I think is so powerful about this Joe is, many of us were really raised to believe that wellness was strictly in reference to our ailments. Not our mind, body, soul and heart. And so yeah, it is so amazing that we are starting to look at that whole, that whole purpose and you talked about purpose. And I'm curious, obviously, you've gone through different phases in your your career to the point, you know, going from an RN, and now you're, you know, you're working in the practice that you're working in, what what's been that transition? Like? What, what got you there? Like, what was your aha moment that you were going to do these different things and change your trajectory?
Tammy Cho:Well, um, it's, it's like when I started, but essentially what really drove me was dying, and then living again. And essentially, I was born into this world where my mom abandoned me as a 20 year old, one day old baby, to physically and emotionally abusive father, and, you know, I was bullied a lot. And I learned really, I learned how to really numb myself out. And I learned to just make everyone else happy around me. And it and I did well, for myself, I became a nurse got a good career husband, and you know, I got the white picket fence with investments and all that. But I really didn't awaken to do all this stuff until I had my six month old baby on those Baby Einstein mats on the floor. And, and there was a community nurse beside me and my living room, and for the first time, my baby hit something intentionally those hanging toys. And the community nurse said, Did you see that? And I was like, I saw it. But it was so disconnected. I couldn't feel any love, like, for this precious little beam. And it was a place where I was fixated on everything I had to do for the child, except for love her, you know, and it really, you know, if it wasn't for that nurse, like, in my living room, I wouldn't have noticed, known how disconnected I was. And you know, in that moment, I was like, I'm not going to turn into my mom where I wasn't physically abandoning her, but I was emotionally abandoning her. And this is where I feel a lot of people stand and, and it's Yeah, and and so this is what propelled me on my own healing journey. And even though I was on this healing journey for myself, I still ended up burning out because patterns play and even though I knew like, as one day as a nurse, I was experiencing this heart palpitations, that essentially kind of went up my jaw rating down my arm, that classic heart couldn't breathe. And I essentially got wheeled off to emergency in front of all my co workers at work. And leading up to that vent, Jenny, like, honestly, I knew that I was burning out when having high anxiety and all this. But it wasn't like I knowing was very different from actually doing it. And it was that mask I got used to wearing that I had to be put together, I had to be perfect. And it was yeah, it was a big part of my journey and the second awakening, speak. And that really brought me into realizing it wasn't the just mastering the mind. It wasn't just mastering energy. It really wasn't until I came back to my own body, and felt all the emotions and felt everything and allowed it to just process through me, and then allowing that full integration where full, everlasting healing happened. Yeah. I feel like I've been dialoguing here for a while. But it's essentially that really, this is what propelled me on my journey and why I'm passionate about doing what I'm doing. And it's it's morphed into a place where I help people raise their deserving this level of what they're able to actually let and receive. Because it comes down to essentially how much we're willing to receive.
Jenny Ryce:You, man. I love that you and thank you for sharing your story. There are people listening right now that are resonating with your journey. And it takes courage to tell the truth, especially about your daughter and your childhood. And what's so powerful is that somebody right now is listening and you're going to change your life just because you were willing to share so thank you so much for doing that here on the show. I appreciate it so deeply. And when you think about these those powerful moments We're given these moments. But it's interesting. Sometimes we don't choose to act. So I commend you for acting. And sometimes it's the eye when you talked about the whole heart thing. I was like, that was me in my mid like mid to early 40s. I was up, all taped up to a machine. And it's like, what is happening? How did I get here, right? Because I was living on these expectations of what I thought I was supposed to be on this false truth that didn't serve me. So when you think about your own personal journey, and sharing that, you know, coming through that, that trauma and the emotional, closed off that you were talking about, if you've got any wisdom that you could share with people about your own experience, like maybe one or two things that got you moving in the direction of healing, what would those be?
Tammy Cho:I would say, I mean, really big one earlier, my journey is really to surround yourself with people that believe in you and lift you up, even when you don't believe in yourself. This is probably what everyone needs, sometimes it's miss because we feel like we got to do all loans. And we're just really not meant to do this alone. As humans, we need human connection, and it's just choosing the quality connections that's that are gonna lift you up. And I would say later on my journey is to really never lose the connection to letting yourself feel like catching yourself when you're speaking when you are not necessarily you're you're trying to fill up space, or when we're in a conversation where someone with someone and you're just wanting to talk more than you need to or you know, tell the story, again, why this is something happened. Oftentimes, it's the place where we need to really feel within herself, how we're actually feeling because that is the universe highlighting where you need to look. And the freedom is actually through the darkness into the light. And so those are the two that really jumped out at me, because when we don't believe in ourself, we just need that support. And when we're able to hold herself with that respect and love to really hold our emotions as well.
Jenny Ryce:Love that. When Yeah, when you share about I love to you know, I'm just tapping into something you said earlier, when you talked about, it's not always about it's about feeling deserving of receiving, allowing things to come to us. What do you think was that pivotal moment that you were able to shift into receiving, or into that awareness of receiving?
Tammy Cho:Shift into that word, it's a well, I, I have to say that it started off with realizing from my body's form, and how it was walking, and seeing how I wasn't on purpose with my life. And with that awareness, I started shifting that in my body and choosing that for myself. And in that I started sort of highlighting everything that I wasn't within my body feeling. And it was honestly through that feeling, the more difficult emotions and processing through them was where the purpose highlighted for me, where I saw that this is me and I could choose it. And I could see what was not self and what was the true self. And it was letting go of that and choosing it again and again. And choosing it by the way of being with those difficult feelings. And in that in that moment, it's like I it's thawing ourselves enough to feel that deservingness and catching every moment for myself where it was actually coming up every time I got to the edge. And all these protection was coming up, it's being able to be conscious enough to let it go and again and again. And with that, it's choosing my deservingness and also the important part of actually letting it in. This is where I see a lot of my clients get stuck. And so this is the it is the shifting of the deservingness it is a choice. It is aligning our body to highlight that for us. It's choosing the difficult choices, and most importantly feeling it and letting it in.
Jenny Ryce:You know the word that you have said multiple times, which honestly I believe is one of my favorite words is choice. And I thank you for highlighting that many of us forget, we have choice in all journeys of our stages of our lives. And you said it so profoundly with, you've got to choose to feel it. Right, I was so good at stuffing it down. I was like I could, I could pack emotion down better than anybody. But that is of course not serving to choose to work through it is so powerful. So I'd love to hear a little bit more like pathway to the heart. Talk to me about the work that you do. I know you work with clients, just so that people get a sense of how you guide people through how do you you know, bring them to that place of awareness?
Tammy Cho:Yes, well, thank you very much for asking. And what I have came across is this, like proven system where I use someone's body, I do face and body analysis, where essentially their face facial characteristics highlight all their strengths, challenges and internal conflicts. And there's a place within this journey where I walk someone through their inner world, their left side of their face, and also how they show up on the outside world. And I help them bring everything to light where they come literally face to face with self. And it's often quite a awakening experience emotional experience for people because they realize they haven't seen themselves. And this is this is, I believe, my sole purpose to really bring people to the truth of who they are. And so through this process of seeing self awakening their heart again, working with very much in tune to intuition, energy, spiritual mindset, and embodiment. And highlighting subconscious blocks that are showing up in their body in that is affecting their wellness and health. Because when we're walking off purpose, it actually affects your whole alignment. So it's really bringing that body, mind, heart soul all together in a coaching, I healing guiding mentoring aspect, at the same time shifting at the physical level to create what they're looking for. Another thing I want to sort of highlight is this piece of energetic alignment, because I walk my clients through a process where we get them to actually say what they're wanting to achieve, and create in their lives. And I help them see where they're energetically if they're pushing it away, or they're actually receiving it. Because if we keep on pushing and doing more, but we're actually energetically pushing away. This is it's like Insanity. We're doing the same thing again, we get burnt out overwhelmed. And we're not it's it's making life hard. And it's not it doesn't have to be. So it's um, yeah, so I bring in all these aspects to really help them embody themselves and live their lives for their purpose and their truth. So
Jenny Ryce:I love that. I mean, you what I would love to know, am what would you tell your younger self knowing what you know now
Tammy Cho:just loves thrilly love and accept yourself. Because you're beautiful, like you're you are love. That's what she needed to hear. She needed to know that she was lovable no matter what. And now I stand for her. And it's and we all need to hear that. Wherever we are in our journeys. We must not forget who we truly are.
Jenny Ryce:That's beautiful. When when we think to and those of you that are listening, ask yourself what would you tell yourself? What would you tell your younger self trust me they're listening. And what's beautiful, and I'm sure Tammy, you've experienced this with people that you're supporting as, as I have. When we carry our old stories from young, younger versions of ourselves, we didn't necessarily have the support or the tools. We weren't we weren't who we are now. So to unpack some of those things as you know, as emotional as they may be or difficult. They may be we're stronger and we're different and we have more capabilities. So the journey is worth it. Yes.
Tammy Cho:Yes, definitely,
Jenny Ryce:the journey is worth it. So what I would love to highlight, you're offering a complimentary deep dive breakthrough session for anybody that's listening to this episode, can you share with them what that means?
Tammy Cho:Yeah, it's an opportunity to, to really allow yourself to be seen and heard in a deep way. A place where I'm actually holding space for you to uncover your deepest truth in the space. And to not run away from self. My passion is to help someone see and understand themselves, so they stop running away from themselves. And it's a it's a space where I uncover what's in the way to where they're willing to look themselves, and to see if they're, they're ready to free themselves. And so this is a opportunity to Yeah, exactly breakthrough, dive in deeper, and let yourself be held and experiencing yourself in a new light. And sometimes it's called loan, it does shift people with the space that is created. And if you're open and willing, I love to coach you there.
Jenny Ryce:So that's beautiful. It's a beautiful invitation, I'm going to make sure that everybody has your contact information in the shownotes. So that will be a beautiful way for them to find you. Now, I just want to turn the table if there is anything that you would love to share that I haven't asked you at this time, please Is there a closing thought, or maybe an a quote or anything that you'd like, I need to make sure this is said before we
Tammy Cho:finish today? What's coming up to share right now is that what if we are not living our purpose, it will manifest into illness, chronic conditions in our body. So whatever is happening for you, whether it's a physical ailment, even symptoms, and if you're truly on the journey of whether you call it ascension, more success, deeper fulfillment and love. It really is deep diving into the subconscious, even when the signals are quiet. So I'll leave the audience with that.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, so beautiful. Tammy, thank you so much for being on the show today and sharing your passion and your story. I know that you've moved people into action, or at least curiosity. So thank you so much for being here.
Tammy Cho:Thank you for having me, Jenny. Appreciate it.
Jenny Ryce:It's been a pleasure. And to all of you that are listening, tuning in right now or tuning in when you feel called to listen to this episode. Thank you so much for being here. It is our passion and excitement to ignite the wellness warrior in you. It's an all of us. Sometimes we just need a little light switch to flick on to get us moving in that direction. Don't forget to check in at your holistic earth.ca to look for other supports and guides to help you on that journey. Again, thank you all so much for listening and again Tammy Cho. Thank you for being here. Thank you.