EP69: Wellness Is Thriving! with Elaine Sugar

“Wellness means sustaining yourself in a manner that you are healthy and in a position to thrive.” — Elaine Sugar
Elaine Sugar defines wellness as a position to thrive and thriving starts with self-confidence. Ultimately, it is about maintaining wellness rather than just achieving healthiness.
The work she does now comes from the root cause of her family’s experiences; having a family member struggling with addiction, a grandmother diagnosed with schizophrenia and a mother diagnosed with dementia. Elaine was dissatisfied with the resources, conditions, cleanliness, safety, and overall environment that the system had provided.
With that, Elaine became a powerful advocate for mental health awareness. Elaine was so determined that everyone had a chance to get help, to be enlightened and empowered after going through those hard times. She was able to conceptualize events that cater to the needs of the people. One of which is an online children’s program to have a positive place where children could come and have some fun, and give parents a break. Her current event M.A.P.S. is powerful because it is where two worlds meet. It is wonderful because people took the initiative to answer the call to help others who are in need. This event introduces the world to all these different modalities and presents them with different options and resources.
Wellness Nuggets:
● When we are trying to care for somebody else, we're depleting our cup, remember to fill your own cup
● Stay in the moment and be present in all that you do
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Elaine Sugar is a Mental Wellness Advocate and Founder of the non-profit organization, M.A.P.S. Global Events. M.A.P.S. (Mental-Wellness, Affirmations, Positivity Support) Global Events, has a dual mission to host mental wellness events/activities that enlighten the public while promoting small business owners. Elaine also has a passion for teaching children the value of positive thinking and speaking. It’s the foundation for her company Kids, More S.U.G.A.R. (Saying Unforgettable Good Affirmations Regularly). She is an award-winning children’s self-esteem program facilitator and children’s book author. I have over 24 years of financial industry experience and 15 years of direct leadership and coaching experience. She is a top achiever in managing treasury services portfolios of Commercial and Corporate banking clients with revenues of $20M-$1B. She also has a B.A. degree in Communication from the University of North Florida.
Website: https://mapsglobalevents.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MAPS-Global-Events-104246731879558
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9075946/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maps_event
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mapsglobalevents/
Resource link/Giveaway
Free membership to MAPS https://mapsglobalevents.com/ and Free attendance to the Global Wellness & Positivity Experience Sept. 11-17th https://vibrantlivingsummit.com/
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.
Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.
Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.
It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness in business life and living your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Hi, everyone. Welcome back to another episode with winning with wellness. I have the amazing Elaine Sugar here with me today. Elaine, thank you so much for being here.
Elaine Sugar:I am delighted to be here. You're always good company.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, I feel the same way about you. And I'm sure the listeners are gonna feel the love as well from this episode. I can't wait to dig into it. But before we do, I want to share a little bit about your background so they get to know you a little bit more deeper if that's okay with you length. Sure. So Elaine is a mental wellness advocate and founder of the nonprofit organization maps, which stands for global events, and sorry maps global events, which stands for mental wellness affirmations and positive support. And this is a global event has a dual mission to host mental health and wellness events activities that enlighten the public while promoting small business owners. She has had the passion for teaching children the value of positive thinking and speaking it's the foundation of her company kids more sugar saying unforgettable good affirmations regularly. Way to go on the acronym of your name by the way that is thank you. I love it. I love it. She's an award winning children's self esteem program facilitator and children's book author. She has over 24 years of financial industry experience and 15 years of direct leadership and coaching experience. She's a top achiever in managing Treasury services portfolios of commercial and corporate banking clients of revenues, well over 20 million up to about 1 billion. That is so fun. Oh, yeah. All right, a BA degree in communication from the University of North Florida. So welcome to the show.
Jenny Ryce:Thank you so much. Now everyone out there can wake up, right?
Jenny Ryce:Oh, you know, I know. Right. But you know what, there's gonna be interesting things what I love about reading people's bios? Yeah, is when you think about the corporate stuff, right? Like, uh huh. You see, you're very diverse. This is what I love, like your passion, obviously, is children and people's wildly connecting. And then you also have this corporate side of you who thrives and you know, helps these organizations. You know, I mean, if you're playing in the $1 billion range, you got to have a clue on what you're doing. I'm assuming it helps. Right? But it just shows people to that, where you start and where your land is your own journey. Right? Yes, you and whether you start in the field of loving children and supporting children and or you start in the financial that crossover is so amazing how that happens. So I am excited to dig into your journey and share a little bit about you today. I hope you're open to being in the hot seat.
Elaine Sugar:Uh, yes, let's do it.
Jenny Ryce:So I would love to ask you, one of the favorite things that I like to connect with with my interviews is finding out what wellness means for you. And having read your bio, there's obviously some deeper meaning to what does wellness actually mean for you?
Elaine Sugar:So wellness, to me means sustaining yourself in a manner that you are healthy and in a position to thrive.
Jenny Ryce:So when we think of thriving, I think that is can be considered subjective. For some people, what would you say would be some good pillar components to think about for thriving, because I think experience, location, environment, all those kinds of things, changes it for everybody. But when you think of thriving, what would be some pillar points for you?
Elaine Sugar:I think a lot of it starts with that self competence. So, when you're thriving, you're on the go, you're moving, you're doing things, right. And if you are paralyzed, either with fear or a lack of confidence in yourself, that can hold you back from getting to that point of thriving. So to me, it's not just about the healthiness of it, if you have maintained your wellness to the point for me where I'm healthy, but I'm not going after the things I want, you know, I'm standing in a corner at the dance, instead of getting out there on the dance floor. And that's really where I want to be. Yeah. So when you're, well, you're in your space, you're in your zone, and you have what you need to get there. So that that's why I include that.
Jenny Ryce:And when you think about that thriving, would there ever be a time in your life that you know, you share about getting out on the dance floor? Is there a time in your life that you remember that? Maybe you weren't stepping into your own strength?
Elaine Sugar:Oh, absolutely. So probably like a lot of us during teenage years? Absolutely. You know, you you almost you felt like, Oh, I'm not cute enough, or I'm not this way enough. So I, you know, we'll put myself in situations so that I'm not seeing, Oh, I would love to go do that, or try out for that. But then, you know, everyone's gonna compare me to what other people act like what other people look like, what their talents are. So, absolutely. And working through all of those things as as an adult is, is what helped. But yes, when it's definitely
Jenny Ryce:so interesting, because Don't you notice, or I noticed in my own journey, I literally had to sit down with my 16 year old self and have a conversation and thank her for her resilience, but also say you don't have to carry that anymore, because it doesn't serve me. I'm an adult. Now I've got new skills, I'm you know, I've accomplished different things and those kinds of things. So I would love to tap into know what has led you to the work that you're doing.
Elaine Sugar:It is so interesting. So the base of what has led me to the work I'm doing is having several situations in my family where someone needed care. So the earliest most impactful thing I can remember is a family member who is struggling with drug addiction. And watching that person go through those changes and have some declines in life. And then get into the point where they come to us as family and say, Hey, I realize I have a problem. And I really want help with this. And that relief, right? And that's celebration, that yes, this person realizes it and, and they're ready for help. And then me I must have been about 16 or 17 years old. And I remember helping call around to different facilities to see where we could take this person to get help. And the relationship realization slowly started coming to me like, wow, if you don't have money, you could actually say I want help, and you might not be able to get the help you need. And I just remember that feeling of sadness, I went from that, yay, this person is ready to like, Oh my God, I don't know what we're going to do to be able to help them. I don't know, we don't know what to do, we don't know where to go. So that was one of those earlier situations in life that stuck with me. And then my grandmother was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and just seeing her live in certain homes and places because she needed around the clock care. But I wasn't satisfied with the condition. I wasn't satisfied with the cleanliness, the safety, the all those things you will want. So just those situations and then my mother was diagnosed with dementia. And so I was her fiduciary and I had the overall task of kind of watching her as that decline happened. And not wanting to take away her freedom too soon. So just kind of step her through it. So there was a lot of angst with Okay, is it time to move now from home to assisted living because we started out with in home care, then we go to assisted living, and then assisted living is not enough and then we moved to, you know, nursing home. And so just that process of those nerves and when is it time to go and Where am I gonna put her now? Where's the best place? What can we afford that whole process that it, there's really a lot to care and for your wellness and then being a caregiver for someone else. So I have a lot of empathy for people who are trying to figure out how to do what they need to do to maintain their wellness and also to help loved ones around them.
Jenny Ryce:And I think you really bring up a vital point that's so unique to people going through. However, I think many of us are afflicted and we don't realize when we are trying to care for somebody else, we're depleting our own cup, and we're usually managing all our other responsibilities at the same time. It's not like everyone's like, Okay, on June 15, I'm going to all of a sudden need to make sure that my mother has care. Yeah, yeah. Right. And then you know, everything else gets put to the side, you this is a new thing that's added on top Nevermind the emotional stress, unfortunately, my journey, yes, parallel stories, my mum as well was suffered from dementia. So I completely understand that space, then what that feels like. And it's so fascinating that as individuals, we tend to not like i It's funny, I tell I still see people stories about, you know, working through that type of, of family loss and trauma and all of that. And I still actually personally, don't, I still can't believe it happened to me. I don't know if you find yourself doing that at times. But there are moments where I'm like, I'll tell people the story. I'm like, Oh, my gosh, this is stuff you watch on TV. Is this really? Yeah, this happened to me.
Elaine Sugar:Yeah, and you know, I challenged myself to stay in the moment and be present. When I was with her as much as I could, you know, I just want that. So that's the benefit of having it diagnosed. It's a long, sad journey. But also, you have time to stay in the moment. And that is what I challenged myself to do. And I remember it was, it was out of concern, but I would go because my mother lived in Florida. I live in the Philadelphia area. And so I would fly home every month, every other month, as often as I could. And when I would come back from work, one of the primary questions I would be asked is, Does she remember you? Yeah. So it got to this point, whereas like, no, she, you know, she doesn't remember me. Say, but you know what, I remember her. And right now, that's the most important thing. I remember the love she gave me I remember the lessons, the value system, the ethics, so I remember her and that's the most important thing.
Jenny Ryce:So beautiful to honor your mom in that way. I love it. And when we think about your journey, and you share your stories, which thank you so much for sharing for not only for myself to witness, but those listening, when you think about knowing that it wasn't easy, and it wasn't accessible, or affordable, and all of those things, how has it that propelled you into this incredible event? That you you know, I mean, I was I've got to be blessed to be a part of it at your inaugural like kickoff your last year. Can you share about the passion behind this project? Because it's a free event? Yeah, it is. And it's a free event for people to attend.
Elaine Sugar:Yes, it is so important to me that everyone has a chance to get help, everyone has a chance to be enlightened and empowered. And so I am establishing this in such a way that the goal is that we have so many people attending, we have so many people who want to be a part of it. Our numbers are so large that sponsorships can carry the event so that it's always open to everyone at no cost. So that is what we are building towards. But the empathy that I learned to have from my experiences in dealing with family members that had some challenges around wellness, when the pandemic was really at its height, and the shutdown was weighing on people we were hearing in the news that there's all this stress and strain and people don't know what to do. Children are being impacted because they can't go to school. They can't see their friends their stuff. For in socially, mentally and emotionally, and then adults were struggling as well. And so it was really weighing on my heart because I understand what it feels like. And so I started an online children's program during this time just to have a positive place where children could come and have some fun, give parents a break. And I was just on my journey to get the word out about this children's online club. And as I was out networking, making people aware, I was meeting some of the most passionate and studied well researched wellness practitioners scuze, me. And I said to myself, This is amazing, because we have people who are saying, I don't know how to handle this stress, I don't know how we have people losing family members, I don't know how to handle this loss, I don't know how to handle this temporary loss of freedom. And I'm meeting people who they're so passionate about helping others, they have solutions. And there's all these different modalities that I didn't even know existed, a lot of them, a lot of people may not be aware. So I tell people, it was like, there was one person on the side of the road that was done a thirst. But there was another person on the other side that had water. And we just needed to get the two to come in the middle of the road and meet. And so that's literally how this event came about. I was meeting all these wonderful people and the world was crying out for help. And I talked to these wonderful people like Jenny rice at your holistic Earth. And I said, Hey, why don't we all get together and do something to help this situation, introduce the world to all these different modalities, and let them know that not only do we have people who can help, but there are all these different options. And so that's why we call the event and experience because you get to experience all these different methods of the being well, maintaining wellness. And then there's a lot of mindset work. There's a lot of helping you get past and limiting beliefs and self doubt. So it's really an event that is hosted by people who are passionate, and powerful, and they're ready to share that with the world. So it's open for the world.
Jenny Ryce:I love it. And we are honored to be a big, you know, a part of that and to host one of the days because yeah, see it much like you believe in just in sparking and inspiring that wellness and others. So when you think of your own wellness journey, Elaine, I'm gonna put you in the hot seat a little bit.
Elaine Sugar:let's live in the hot seat. Yes,
Jenny Ryce:What would you say has been your biggest triumph and your biggest challenge?
Elaine Sugar:Wow. So my biggest triumph. Putting into perspective and maintaining my car calm my need to be in the moment, as my dear mother declined in her dementia. I felt like I was so on top of that, not to lose perspective, that things may not be this way. Always so enjoy and cherish these moments. I think that was really important to me. And so now I don't look back with regrets. I don't have regrets. I was not there she passed away during the pandemic. So I wasn't able to go to her funeral service because she was in a nursing home. And they didn't allow visitors during the COVID shutdown. So I had to watch her ceremony on Zoom. I had been so present with her when I could be there until as unpleasant as it was to be on Zoom. There was a part of me at peace. And I was just very grateful that I had I spent as much time with her as I could and was there in the moment with her present as much as I could be.
Jenny Ryce:Thank you for sharing that. When Yeah, and
Elaine Sugar:then uh, yeah, and then I think the challenge is I get an adrenaline rush I get recharged because pulling together these global events. You have to collaborate and communicate with so many other people who are passionate about wellness, who have this inner peace Power that they're sharing with the world. And I get to bump up against that wonderful power on a regular basis, just like right now talking to you. So that feeds me, and I get this energy. And I want to do more and more and more, because I know it's a good cause. So, especially last year, there were seasons where my diet was not what it should be. A lot of my time was spent on Zoom calls. And so there's times that the body is not getting the the stretch and exercise. And so and I constantly a fight to figure out how to balance this. It is so energizing, I tell people, This is the most exhausting, energizing thing I've ever done in my life.
Jenny Ryce:You know, assuming fatigue is a real thing, like, you know, there is a term for like, it's called Dead button syndrome. Yeah. thing, it's a real thing. Yes. And it's hard because like you say, when you're inspired and stimulated. Yes. I agree. I'd love that sharing that juxtaposed you know. So it's finding, again, that you maybe you make the minutes, 45 minute meetings and 15 minute breaks, who knows me
Elaine Sugar:Yes. And you know, another thing I do is I have a desk now that you can, you can adjust, so you can stand sometimes. And then I'll purchase this contraption or whatever you will call it. And now that I'm saying this publicly, I have to do it, I need to take a minute to take it out of the box and put it together. But it's supposed to hold my cell phone or my iPad or laptop while I walk on the treadmill. So this should work out that I can it especially from just listening to a call, I wouldn't do it in the middle of my podcast interview. But those are some little things, you know, having a desk that you can raise and lower and having gadgets that still allow you to be on the go. And quite frankly, I know I join people in meetings a lot of times and they're walking down the street. So I'll be doing that sometimes myself, Hey, I'm on this call with you. I'm listening. But I'm walking down the street. So if you hear horns and sirens, just know that that's what I'm doing.
Jenny Ryce:Well, and I think I love that you shed light on the reality that we're it's important for us to get curious about different ways to do business. Things are evolving, we're evolving. You know, if I don't go for my dog walk in the evening, I could potentially not leave my house or my office for days, if I if I'm not consciously living and choosing to physically move my body and get I can legit not see the outside. Uh huh. Because I've created this space, especially since we're in an you know, we were in this climate where we had to have all the yes, do all the things. So I love that you're you've gotten creative and tapped into that. So I would love to make sure that everybody knows that. Anybody that's interested in joining the maps event that you're hosting, and it's the week of I know on September 14, I can't remember the exact start and end date. Can you Yeah,
Elaine Sugar:sure. So this is a seven day event start on September 11. And it ends on September 17. And just know that on September 11. We are starting with opening ceremony that's going to include 90 Live tribute Memorial is going to include some people telling their stories about some of their challenges with wellness and how they managed and overcame those. They're going to be some uplifting, enjoyable musical performances. So I'm really impressed with the people that are stepping forward saying they want to be a part of the music concert. And then Monday through Friday, we're going to have days filled with all types of presentations, all different types of modalities, just in lightning empowering information sessions, and anybody in the world can can join us and then Saturday we have dual rooms. We have a room that's aimed more at adults and children that want to do some emotional intelligence type play. Want to do some it's so filled with interesting stuff in this children's room. I love it. Personal Development type things, we'll have one room and then we'll have a room geared more towards adults. And there's so many unique things that are intertwined into this week. So I really want people to go to our landing page, so they can read about it and see all the different things that are going on it again, registration is free. And if you want to sign up to be a member of our nonprofit that's also free. So you'll always be informed when we're having events or anyone that we collaborate, is hosting any event, and that membership is free. And the good thing about taking the 90 seconds it takes to fill out that membership on our website, is it will automatically route you to the videos from last year's event. So you have over 200 videos out there on all different type wellness, we call it a wellness library, our gift to the world. And when I say our I mean your holistic Earth and a whole entourage of other wellness organizations.
Jenny Ryce:I love it. So you guys, if you didn't hear which I think you did, it's great. That's right. So what we're gonna do is make sure that the that all the information to register and all that's in the show notes. So you guys don't hesitate to step in and come to this event, it's going to be a great event. So Elaine, as we close up and finish up our time together. Is there anything you would love to leave the listeners with? Is there a quote a final thought? Do you have anything that's percolating?
Elaine Sugar:Yes, I will leave them with a quote, I love this quote, because our community is so much about support and collaboration. And there's a quote, I can't remember who said it, they said, tell everyone what you want to do, and someone will help you do it. And I'm reminded of that, because I think about you, and how you had so many more years of experience, hosting wellness events, and I was hosting my first went last year. And you would just answer my questions or ask me questions or point out things in the most polite way. And then after the event was over last year, you met with me on my team, and we got a chance to glean information from you want to how you do your events. And I just want to thank you for that spirit of collaboration and that unity. So that's how I will end it. I have a very high opinion of you and the team at your holistic Earth. I just do.
Jenny Ryce:Thank you. Oh, I'm gushing.
Elaine Sugar:You should.
Jenny Ryce:Thank you so much. It was it was my pleasure. And I'm thrilled to be a part of this event. You guys that are listening step in tell your friends, this is a global every time zone just show up. There will be something happening always. And then of course, if you register, they will get the recordings Correct. Yes, this the recording for the recordings, right,
Elaine Sugar:right, the recordings from last year free this year, do you register in time, you can get those for $55. And then later if you purchase them, they're 95. But that just helps support the nonprofit organization. All the ones from last year out there for free and you can get a taste of what you're going to see this year
Jenny Ryce:and love it. So thank you, Elaine, so much for sharing your love and wisdom around your your wellness journey, and you know your purpose behind this event. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Elaine Sugar:Thank you for having me there. And thank you for all your support and collaboration.
Jenny Ryce:It's my pleasure. And those of you who are listening thank you so much for being here and allowing us into your space and time is one of the greatest assets you have and we appreciate it daily. Do not forget to ignite the wellness warrior in you check out your holistic earth if you haven't been there before. And above all else. Let's see you at this event in September. Thanks again Elaine.