EP68: Uplevel Your Health With Preventative Healthcare with Elise Cochran

“Wellness is a well-rounded approach to really a holistic being.” — Elise Cochran
Elise experienced severe adrenal insufficiency and was not able to get the support that she needed. This opened the door to trying naturopaths as she describes root-based healing and nutrition. As she has been part of the mainstream or traditional medicine, it is amazing to know that we also have access to other resources and tools beyond what we already know and have.
Elise and Jenny’s connection was translated through this episode as they reminisce the time when they were connected by getting into holistic wellness and using essential oils. These things changed the trajectory of their life.
Digging deeper into this, Elise shared about ionic cleansing and how it supports the body. It creates some amazing results. Ionic, basically means to use positive and negative charges to neutralize and attract toxins, specifically heavy metals and glyphosate, which are found in herbicides and neutralize those in your body, as well as extract some of them out of your body. Its benefits include feeling lighter, clear thinking, less brain fog, fewer headaches, fewer aches, and pains, more energy, and more feeling like themselves.
Wellness Nuggets:
● The human body will give us many warning signs
● Don't wait until you get to the point of being catastrophic. Don't wait until your life is in shambles or worse on the line. You want to notice those small signs leading up to that point.
● Heavy metals are very hard to excrete from your body, in general,
● Drink good, high-quality water
● Shut off the technology, take a time out for yourself
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Elise has spent the last decade in the medical field working alongside doctors while supporting patients experiencing clinical (and sometimes critical) care. Even though she spent a lot of my time working in mainstream medicine her life revolved around holistic and preventative care. Elise’s background in understanding the body has proven a massive gift when she helps guide clients to a more holistic approach to life. Elise is here to support you back into lasting wellness, personal awareness and connection to your body.
Website: www.elisecochran.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thearomaticapothecary
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/essentialfaerie/?hl=en
Resource link/Giveaway
Check out some amazing client testimonials over on my Instagram. Send me an email to book treatments or sessions.
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.
Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.
Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.
It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness in business life and living. Your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Hi, everyone, welcome back to another episode of winning with wellness. I am thrilled and honored that you're here and you choosing to spend your time allowing us into your space. I am excited and thrilled to have Elise Cochran in here with me. Hello, Elise. Welcome to the show.
Elise Cochran:Hi guys. So excited to be here.
Jenny Ryce:You know, Elise, and I go way back and I know her from like all different stages of my life. But you guys haven't met her yet. So I can't wait to introduce her and share a little bit about her background before we get into the conversation. So I want you guys to know that Elise has spent the last decade in the medical field working alongside doctors while supporting patients experiencing clinical and sometimes critical care. Even though she spent a lot of time working in mainstream medicine, her life revolved around holistic and preventative care. That's one of the phases why Lisa and I are connected other than personal reasons, Elise's background in understanding the body has proven a massive gift when she helps guide clients to a more holistic approach to life. Lisa is here to support you back into lasting wellness, personal awareness and connection to your body. And these are the things that I love about you Elise, other what other than all the great things, but I'm so excited to share your journey with everyone today. Because, you know, there's multiple ways to live a healthy life and you're living proof you work in the you know, mainstream medical field, and you're a holistic, you know, advocate. So, welcome to the show.
Elise Cochran:I am so honored to be here. And I'm like ecstatic. I'm vibrating that I'm just so fortunate to have this privilege to speak today. So
Jenny Ryce:oh, well, we're thrilled to have you. So let's dig into it. I want to ask you, because of, of what I've shared about your bio, obviously, I know you on a personal level, can you share with the audience that haven't met you yet? What does? What does wellness mean to you?
Elise Cochran:It's funny because it can mean so many different things to so many different individuals. And honestly my own journey in the wellness platform and space. It's kind of evolved over time. And I see wellness as all aspects of your life. Like being well doesn't just mean good health, which is totally a part of it. But it's amazing mental health and physical health and emotional health and emotional and spiritual health is kind of a well rounded approach to a really holistic being.
Jenny Ryce:I love that. And you know, we've been echoing this all of our speakers, we've we've had some incredible speakers on the show echo that seen sediment that it's it's not just the one thing, it's multiple things. And the reconditioning that it takes to to step beyond that is is really powerful. So tell me, can you share with us whatever you're comfortable sharing, of course, what has led you to your passion in holistic wellness and holistic support?
Elise Cochran:Okay, so it kind of started a while ago, and honestly, I kind of hit a roadblock, I had a health event come up, I had a severe adrenal insufficiency happening. And that was an excess cortical cortisol production, which is our stress hormones. And you know, being mainstream medicine, the first line of approach is you go to your family doctor, and you know, and I kind of hit a bunch of roadblocks and I wasn't getting the support I needed. And finally, this amazing friend recommended a naturopath and it really just opened my eyes to this whole other world of very much route based healing and nutrition and how important those things are. And trust me working in the medical system, I've seen miracles happen. But it's not the end all be all. There's so many other avenues to approach especially when you've hit kind of a dead end in the system.
Jenny Ryce:And I love that you share that because sometimes we're when we're up against the wall and we can't To find answers, we feel lost. So to know that there's resources and tools out there beyond what we know, I think sometimes is we forget, we have choice. We don't have to stick with what, what we're traditionally funneled into. And like you say, not that it's a bad thing. I'm a huge advocate for using every single resource, we have to find what was like, we got it, use it. And if it's not serving, you try something different. So when you think about your own wellness journey, and if you could turn back time, what would you tell your younger self?
Elise Cochran:Don't be so hard on yourself?
Jenny Ryce:Oh, amen. It's like a truth bomb. Right?
Elise Cochran:Right. Be patient. It's taken a long time. Usually, when the body says no, and the body says stop, it's usually you've gotten many warning signs up to that point, and it's taken a long time for you to get there. So know that feeling good again, in your body may take some time, it may just have patience with that. And we're all learning. We don't know everything right off the bat, it takes years of experience and education, and commitment with yourself to learn what your body needs. So rushing is never gonna get you anywhere faster. And just being mindful of just tuning into listening to your body more, it's always telling us something. So
Jenny Ryce:what's really unique about what you just shared for those of us that, you know, just because we've asked you to share that to your younger self, it could be that you're young in your wellness journey, you could be, you could be 40. And you've never stepped into doing something proactive. So I think that's such sound advice is take time, understand that, you know, it takes time to to heal or change our patterns. Because it's so interesting. What I love that you shared is many of us wait till they're being run over by the bus. Or, you know, we're at this catastrophic moment before we're like it's got to be done differently. I would love to share for those that are listening to know that in my article that I wrote in the chapter of Hue volume three, when I refer to somebody helping me and support me on my natural Pathak journey and getting into holistic wellness and using essential oils, it was actually a lease that led me down that pathway. So you never know where your olive branch or your guide will will surface from. So it's just so exciting for me to have you on the show. Because really, you were one of the most pivotal moments of helping me step into my holistic journey which is crazy because now I am you know hosting a podcast that champions it I have a community that champions holistic wellness, who knew that that essential oil that you set me up with was going to change my trajectory of my life. So I share that, for one thank you and gratitude, but also to show people anything's possible, completely, but it is.
Elise Cochran:And I love that you share that because honestly, the majority of my clients usually find me when they're at their peak, or like shut down burnt out stage, and the stuff that they're doing isn't working. And now when I'm working with clients, we're more working towards a proactive approach. So you don't wait till you get to the point of being catastrophic. Don't wait until your life is in shambles. You want to notice those small signs leading up to that point. So you can shift that
Jenny Ryce:it's so much easier to make a small trajectory change than to like a hard left.
Elise Cochran:For anyone.
Jenny Ryce:Like if you can be can slow down long enough to see the signs and and acknowledge them. It can be such a quick, quick, quick change. If that makes sense. Sometimes it's not always easy, but it is a quick change. So let's talk about how you work with people. How do you support people in wellness?
Elise Cochran:Oh, my goodness, well, I've used essential oils for well over the last 10 years. And specifically really tuned into educating and supporting individuals over the last seven years, I would say. So I just show people simple healthy steps to swap things out in their home, building blocks in their health and just knowing that these small little changes can make huge impacts on your health. And then as well I've just recently implemented an amazing addition to my wellness kit and I'm doing these amazing cleansing for my clients and they're seeing unreal, unreal results, which is always just that's where my heart is I love just helping individuals feel their best selves.
Jenny Ryce:I'm actually really excited. I'm going to be actually experiencing the cleansing tomorrow. So whenever you listen to this, it might have already happened? Can you explain what the what treatment or service I'm receiving tomorrow and what it will do or how it supports the body. And we all know everybody's journey will be different. We're unique, we all have a different fingerprint. So our experience will be slightly different. But what is the standard expectation?
Elise Cochran:Yeah, great question. So it's a patented medical grade machine. Of course, there's all these amazing things on the market. But quality over quantity always is the best. It creates some amazing Ionic, basically positive and negative charges to neutralize and attract toxins, specifically heavy metals, and Gly phosphate, which is found in round up and neutralize those in your body as well as extract some of them out of your body. And most of the detox process doesn't happen in our treatment together and unfold over the next two to three days. What I've noticed majority and clients, it really opened up your detox pathways, so that through your liver, your kidneys, and your bowels. So you'll notice big changes in your overall health that way. And most people will report back and feeling lighter, clearer thinking less brain fog, less headaches, less aches and pains, more energy and more feeling like themselves. I've really found the more you've dug into the wellness space in how much our bodies are bombarded with unnecessary toxins in our world. We can avoid them, they're everywhere. And I really advocate on supporting your body in ways that do active approaches not lead into the fear of too many things to overwhelm. And we have so many options out there. And just doing these small little steps can make a huge impact on yourself and your body, and specifically with releasing toxins. So heavy metals are very hard to excrete from your body in general, dietary ones are the best, but sometimes they get locked in our tissues. And this is the best machine clinically shown to reduce up to 40% in some of those heavy metals.
Jenny Ryce:I'm super pumped to give it a try. So I'm what I'm curious about too is if we can dial back to your journey a little bit to your wellness, because so many you know you talked about adrenal fatigue and needing support. What would you say were your top three things that you did at the beginning? Because you said it beautifully just a minute ago? You know, if you start with too much stuff, you get overwhelmed, right? Would you have two or three recommendations for somebody that's looking to do it differently? That you would recommend how they start? Yes. I'd love that.
Elise Cochran:I could probably talk for half an hour about this, but I will. Loaded question here. One One thing that I recommend to every single person that works with me drink really good high quality water, filter your water best thing that you can do for your investment. I use high grade essential oils. If you don't have that, put a little bit of lemon juice in there, start your day off, don't grab your coffee first drink a nice big glass of water before you start your day. As we sleep we lose roughly two liters of water while we sleep. And the first thing that goes in our body feeds actually our organs. So feed it something amazing like water. Second is high grade nutrients and supplementation is huge. We I'm sorry to say our food is not the same as it was 50 years ago. Even if you eat clean, organic, raw vegan, there's still very many missing supplements and trace minerals especially if you're filtering your water you usually are filtering out your amazing trace minerals. So a good supplement and I usually recommend when you work with me specific healthcare providers to target that supplementation. And then of course a well rounded multivitamin is very, very important. Because a lot of adrenal health mental health is kind of all encapsulated into one because when your stress is off the scales it impacts other hormones in your body is linked to your gut health as well. So making sure that you have the proper nutritional support will get you on a good foundation basis and then all the other things will come a lot easier.
Jenny Ryce:And you know for those of you that are listening right now, I'm like right documentation need to get you know, it's this consistency is king, right? You know, you don't want to slam back 50 vitamins in one go. You want to be doing it progressively over time progressively through the day so that your body can absorb it and go so I hope But what you just shared inspires people to step into looking at nutrients in their foods and, and, you know, finding ways to supplement their own health, because stress to a lot of people too, we're living in this climate right now where people are constantly trying to lose weight. But we know that stress is a major component for weight, not necessarily just gain but holding weight. So if we can find ways to alleviate that and bring that down is so important. So when we think about different modalities, obviously, you've you've dabbled in a few things. What would you say is one of your favorite things to support your wellness out of what we've already talked like, beyond what we've already shared today?
Elise Cochran:Oh, it's so interesting, I have so many things that I do. Now honestly, finding something that creates just utter joy in your life, whether that be literally going and standing outside in some fresh cut grass and getting some sunshine on your skin, to curling up with a really good novel, to just walking in your beautiful nature. Like that's probably the top recommendation is shut off the technology, take a time out for yourself, it doesn't have to be long, 10 minutes tops. And just breathe that fresh air and those amazing, amazing things that happen in nature, it really supports so many of our decreasing our stress hormones make us feel amazing serotonin boosts serotonin levels and dopamine levels. It's really important when it's, you know, we all live a busy, chaotic life, but taking even 10 minutes to do that can really change your life.
Jenny Ryce:So when you think about your personal journey, if you're open to sharing, what do you feel has been the biggest roadblocks to either keep you on your pathway of holistic support for yourself or to get on to the pathway?
Elise Cochran:Oh, that's I like work. You know, as passionate, very, like career driven people that we are,
Jenny Ryce:wouldn't know anything about.
Elise Cochran:I myself is the biggest roadblock, I pile on a lot of things onto my sleep and knowing that I create, I literally block off time for myself in my schedule.
Jenny Ryce:Because you have to Oh, I take it you don't?
Elise Cochran:If I don't I'm like, Oh, where did my lunch break? Go? I don't know.
Jenny Ryce:Like I'm doing the things. I appreciate you sharing that because I think one of the biggest challenges for for many of us, when we're trying something new, or we're stepping into a new idea, our first reaction for many people is I don't have enough time. Right. And you and I both know this, that if you sleeping eight hours a day and work eight hours a day, you have 72 hours in a week to do whatever you choose. So in reality, we have enough time. It's just where we're choosing to put it. But our first natural response is oh my gosh, how do I add another thing in so I love that, you know, you talk about your own personal roadblock, and of course earlier sharing, added in small. So if if you were gonna say one activity, so I love that we shared about drinking water and supplementation. But if there was one activity that you can't What is it that you can't live without in your life in your schedule? Like it's got to happen or you're like, off the rails again.
Elise Cochran:There's many things but there was a few couple. Sleep is so underrated and so important. And I do not sacrifice on my sleep I do roughly eight to nine hours a night which some people are like Elise, that is crazy, but honestly, optimal like some people say six, but I aim for eight, you want at least two REM cycles. So deep sleep patterns. Because guess what, that's when your immune function is happening. That's when you have anything going on in your body. That's when it rests and rejuvenates. And then of course, my non negotiable is honestly my essential oils. Yeah, like I put some on before coming on here and to target my clear confidence speech to if I'm feeling overwhelmed and roadblocked and creativity is down. I'll grab something, breathe it in and instantly feel calm over my body and then I can focus in on the task at hand and I think it's a good reminder that we don't breathe deeply enough as is and taking that little 32nd break to clear your head clear your space and just refocus This is so powerful and so intentional, that we don't give ourselves that time of day, usually when our head is down on this amazing creativity projects or whatever we're doing. But being mindful that it's us in this, were the most important in this.
Jenny Ryce:I love that you brought up intention. How do you prepare or set your day up?
Elise Cochran:Honestly, I block off my morning, I usually don't work before 9:10am Because I like to start my day off slow, I have my water and then I have my coffee and I have a good meal before I start my day. And then I usually read a book, journal, I set intentions and I usually do an essential oil routine as well to whatever I'm doing and who I'm supporting. Because us as healers, health practitioners, we talk to a lot of people, we give a lot of our energy elsewhere, and I make sure that my energy is home with me before I go and do those things with other people.
Jenny Ryce:I absolutely couldn't champion that message more, you know, we have to serve from a full cup. And you know, I appreciate you being a glowing example of, of moving into that, because I'm sure it took time to build to build that into your life. And to make it a non negotiable.
Elise Cochran:Oh, big time. And honestly, I've just learned over the years I'm not a morning person, why would I want to be grumpy
Jenny Ryce:with serve the best when I'm like grumpy and nasty. You know, it's so interesting. I love that you share about a good night's sleep. I I'm, I aim for eight hours a night. I'm the same way I need my sleep. And I perform better. I'm a better wife a better friend. I'm a better mom. All the things,
Elise Cochran:right? Well, I can't remember, I think it's 30% of our life is spent sleeping. There's a reason for that. Yeah,
Jenny Ryce:it's when we heal, it's when we recuperate. So as we're getting close with our time together, I would love to know if there is anything that you want to share with those that are listening that maybe I haven't asked or a closing thought or something that you feel called to share about either yourself or holistic wellness.
Elise Cochran:Oh, this is good one. I think it's funny, because the theme is all about really connecting with you and connecting with your body and your spirit on a daily basis that don't push that aside. Don't push off those and whether it be something physical happening in your body. But honestly, we didn't dig into it too much your spiritual and emotional self also needs that extra love and intention as well. And just honestly creating these powerful routines in your day, no matter how busy it is, everyone has five minutes. Maybe
Jenny Ryce:you absolutely say that because I am chronic for feeling I have to do so much of something and for it to be a thing for it to be honored for it to be a ritual for it to be a routine. And that will roadblock me from actually stepping into doing it because I'm like, Oh, if I can't do it five days a week, why am I doing it? Once a week is better than nothing. And I've been really having to work and shift that mentality and belief system. Because I come from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. And the work hard theme is very, very embedded. Right? I appreciate you sharing that. And, you know, inspiring the audience's listening as well as myself for looking at different ways to incorporate wellness. Again, I cannot wait to try this, this new offering that you have tomorrow and experienced for myself what that detoxification feels like. And it's truly an honor to have you on the show. Thank you so much for being here, Elise.
Elise Cochran:Thanks for so much for having me. This was great. I had a blast chatting with you today.
Jenny Ryce:I can't wait to do it again. So we'll be one of many I promise to those that are listening. So thank you again for those who have tuned in today or share this episode. If you know somebody that you feel absolutely must hear what Elise shared with us today. Please tap in and share it with them. Sometimes people just need a little nudge to move into a new pathway of wellness. I know I did. Elise was there For me when I needed to shift and change, so you could be that lifeline for somebody else. So don't hesitate to share this out. Thank you again for taking the time and space to listen to this show. And to really become a champion of your own wellness. We are so excited to ignite the wellness warrior and all of you. Don't hesitate again to tap into the resources at your holistic Earth. It's a beautiful place to come and connect with community and resources to help you on that pathway of wellness. Again, Elise, thank you for being on the show. And everyone have a glorious day. We'll connect again on the next episode.