EP67: Grateful Energy Through Reiki with Sam Kirouac

“Wellness means actively doing or making choices that benefit your mind, body, and soul.” — Sam Kirouac
9 years ago, Sam Kirouac went through a difficult family matter that led to her hitting rock bottom. However, she did not want this to take over her life so she quickly had to find a solution to fight it. She discovered the benefits of Reiki and from there, she could feel the energy and noticed that she was able to find gratitude more easily.
Reiki is further explained in this episode. It is channelled universal life energy, and it is everywhere. Throughout the day we interact with people and we exchange energy. We have some of the energy that may leave energy blocks within our chakras. Reiki is a way to move that energy and get it flowing. Sam also talks about the relation of Reiki to chakras, mainly the seven chakras and how these energy centers are located at various parts of the body, connected to different emotions.
Besides Reiki and chakras, Sam is also a Soul Care Coach that connects to the Akashic records as she describes a giant Google database for your soul. Tapping into Akashic, it has always been such a powerful moment when people receive messages that resonate so deeply.
Sam is a huge believer that wellness looks different for everyone. What worked for her may not work for everyone but her advice is to keep seeking that wellness because eventually, you’ll find the thing you connect with.
Wellness Nuggets:
● You can’t pick and choose your family, but you can choose yourself.
● The seven chakras are the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root.
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Sam is an energy therapist and a joy enthusiast. She is passionate about helping people who are seeking clarity, connection, and a deeper understanding of themselves through Reiki healing and the Akashic Records. Sam is a certified Reiki Master, and Soul Care Coach and holds her Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology. Sam has had a diverse career supporting special needs children and victims of domestic violence and this led her to start her business in 2018, Sam Kirouac's Soul Healing. She loves to teach and speak to shine her light and help others to shine theirs too! To top it off, Sam is an author in the book, Heal Volume 4.
Website: www.samkirouac.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samkirouacsoulhealing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samkirouacsoulhealing
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.
Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.
Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.
It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness, in business life and living your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Welcome, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us again for another episode of Winning with wellness. We are so thrilled to have you here listening today to get inspired and new ideas and maybe spark something to step you into your wellness journey. I am so excited to have Sam Kirouac here with me. Thank you so much for being here.
Sam Kirouac:Oh, I am so excited to be here. This is awesome. Thanks, Jenny.
Jenny Ryce:So you guys, I want to tell you a little bit more about Sam before we get in our conversation. Sam has an energy therapist and a joy enthusiast. I would totally agree with that. By the way. She is passionate about helping people who are seeking clarity connection and a deeper understanding of themselves through Reiki healing. And the Akashic records. Sam is a certified Reiki master soul Care Coach and holds her master's degree in counseling psychology. Sam has had a diverse career supporting special needs children and victim of domestic violence. And this led her to starting her business in 2018. Sands soul healing she looks to teach and speak in order to shine her light and help others to shine theirs to. To top it off. Sam is an international best selling author in the book he'll volume for Sam, again, welcome to the show. Thank you Yes, International. That's amazing. I know I added that in there. So for those of you that don't know, it just happened. So I just made sure that was in there for you guys to know because Sam was amazing. I would love for people to get you to know know you right off the gate, if you could share with those that are listening what wellness means to you so they can get an understanding of how this conversation is going to roll. That would be amazing.
Sam Kirouac:Wellness to me means it's actively doing or making choices that benefit your mind, body and soul. The whole of you it's it's doing things it's making choices that lead you to a healthy and joyful life.
Jenny Ryce:That, okay, we should just like write that on a wall.
Sam Kirouac:Done. Awesome.
Jenny Ryce:So I want to talk about many of us. When we're, you know, when we're enlightened in wellness, we didn't always start out that way. Would you be open to sharing something in your past that led you into your wellness journey? Yeah, absolutely.
Sam Kirouac:For me, my wellness journey started almost, I'd say nine years ago, and it was we hadthere was a massive falling out with my husband's family. And there have been things leading up to it. But there was just this one sort of moment. And that falling out led to us no longer communicating. And it was, it was very stressful. And it was really, it was really hard on me in a way because for me, I'm very close to my family and you know, being raised family is everything and important. But this, this falling out was It was huge. And my afterwards after you know, the next day and following my body just started to kind of shut down my body, my mind my emotions, and I needed to process. To me it was like processing trauma. And looking back now from almost nine years, I can look back and see that that was something that started my wellness journey because from there. I took control and I was like no, we're not going to allow this to take over and I wanted to find myself in because I lost myself and you you get sort of lost in in how you should be or you're told you should be and you live that life for a long time. And so, for me, I'm like, No, not anymore at the time I had young daughters. And I didn't want them to not be themselves. I wanted them to be okay with all their quirks. And so from there that really started my looking at all the different ways to physically make myself better emotionally and spiritually as well. So that moment, that heartbreaking moment, looking back, I am grateful for it, because it led me to who I am today. And I am happy and I show up. And it led me to Reiki and Reiki to me was something that has changed my life in the most positive ways.
Jenny Ryce:You bring up something so beautiful I can, I can hazard to guess that everybody listening has a relationship might not be family, but a relationship that they realized is no longer serving them. And they're not sure how to step out. And when they don't, it does, it has a physical effect. It erodes our wellness. I've been there I you know, you are preaching to the choir on this one. And what really is beautiful about you sharing the story and thank you for having the courage to do so is to show that it's okay to step away from toxic relationships. No matter how connected we are a family is the hardest thing to walk away from. But you know, you and I had this conversation beforehand. You can't pick and choose your family, but you can choose you. You can choose good family, you you know your nucleolus and what's so interesting, what's beautiful about what you shared is it led you to your passion, it led you to your work. What's unique about that is we when we look at tragedy, adversity struggle as happening for us, not to us. There is always a lesson to learn or somewhere to lead. So tell me, this led you to Reiki I'm I'm going to guess and you can answer obviously I'm in the guests, you started as a receiver of Reiki and fell in love with Reiki. So can you can you talk about your wellness journey and obviously now I mean, I shared it with the group. You're a Reiki Master. So you know it got you somewhere.
Jenny Ryce:So So you found yourself depleted, you found yourself unwell and realizing like I need to make sure that I'm showing up at the best because you said you have these young beautiful women you're leading as well in your husband's so can you take us through that journey? What brought you there.
Sam Kirouac:So I had a friend, I still have her she's amazing, who was like just come for Reiki. And I'd had Reiki before. And it was really great. And this time I received the Reiki and I could feel energies and I could feel different things. And so I continued to get Reiki from her. And what I was noticing is when I would leave the Reiki sessions, I was starting to see glimpses of who I was, I was able to easily find gratitude. And it was just one of those things where the energy of that experience and the energy of them. It wasn't hanging out in me anymore. I wasn't getting triggered, whether names were were mentioned, or you know, my husband, I could have a conversation without me breaking down into tears. And it was just releasing that and releasing to like you had touched on sort of limiting beliefs around staying with toxic family because for us, we experienced a lot of people saying, well, you should stay with them, their family and you know, family is important. And I remember this moment where we had tried to you know, talk about why we had walked away and how it was actually beneficial for us. I had this moment of like, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, because they're coming from it. And they're looking at it from their perspective. They may have an amazing relationship with their family. So they can even understand what our experience is like. So for me, it was like it doesn't matter. And we don't have to defend it because we know what's right for us. So that was a huge thing. And I think for me, that was part of releasing all that built up energy. And just releasing those those limiting beliefs and those blocks do you think too, and I've come against this with different pathways in my life.
Jenny Ryce:When you shine your light and stand in your truth? It becomes scary for people because they look at it and go oh my gosh, they did it Do I have the courage to do it myself. So it might not necessarily be that their family is fantastic and might be even more toxic but they just don't have the courage to step away. Yeah, that's never dull your light for others.
Sam Kirouac:It is easy to dull that light. So don't don't do that. No, don't do that. So I love Okay, so Reiki gave you the gateway to see your your strength and open up and balance your there are people on here that might not even know what Reiki is, would you mind sharing with them? This is an incredible tool that people can use in their own healing journey for proactive healing. Would you mind sharing just a synopsis of what Reiki can do for a person? Certainly. So Reiki is channeled universal life energy. And it is. Throughout the day, we interact with people and we exchange energy, whether we know it or not, we are exchanging energy and experiences we have some of them leave energy blocks within our chakras. And so what Reiki does is Reiki is a way to move that energy to get the energy flowing, because you want to free flow of energy from the top of your head all the way down, and just this nice, cyclical kind of movement. And so Reiki just goes in and it helps move things around and helps look at your chakras. And it just sends this mega blast of healing energy where it is needed. And Reiki again, Reiki will do no harm, it can benefit. Anyone I Reiki my kids, you can Reiki lots of things. And it's just as beautiful clearing energy, and it's just a way to come back to yourself.
Jenny Ryce:And for those listening that don't know what chakras are, can you give a like a Call Notes version of chakras?
Sam Kirouac:Certainly. So, there are several chakras in our body, but most are aware of the seven main chakras. So they are energy centers located at various specific parts in our body sort of down the line. And they all connected to different emotions and also physical parts in our body. And so there's like the crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart, solar plexus, sacral, and then the root. And so that you just want all of those seven to be running at the same speed with clear beautiful energy.
Jenny Ryce:Think of it as the engine to your body as your engine to your car, right? You don't put diesel in a gas engine, it doesn't work well. Yes, really, when you think of, of Reiki in itself and the modality that you champion. if somebody was curious about finding a Reiki Master or someone to work with, do you have any suggestions on what to look for? Because Can you work remotely? So if people are curious, like do they have to be in person? Can you share what that's about?
Sam Kirouac:Yeah, Reiki can be anywhere because energy is everywhere. So for me, I do in person and I also offer distance Reiki sessions. And the way I do distance Reiki sessions, is I have the person in a quiet calm place in their home or wherever they can be, were uninterrupted. And then I do the Reiki and then afterwards, we connect either on Zoom or a phone call. And we kind of go over different things. For me, I do intuitive Reiki, so sometimes there are messages that come through as well. And I just make sure at the end that any information that came to me during that session, I make sure the client hears it and if they have any questions too, because sometimes they may experience things or moving energy or all kinds of fun stuff. So it's a way at the end for us to kind of connect and talk about our both of our experiences.
Jenny Ryce:So let's talk about soul coach, being a soul Care Coach. What does that mean?
Sam Kirouac:So that is the reading into the Akashic records. I love reading the Akashic records. So for those of you that don't know the Akashic records, I always say it's like this giant Google database for your soul. So since your soul was created up until present and possible future, I always say possible future because there's freewill. We make choices sometimes we have our soul lessons lead us in a little bit of a bump your paths sometimes, but it's basically just looking at in this lifetime, whether it's past experiences, past life, that have influenced our present life. And maybe there's some clearings that have to happen and just sort of a clear and a clear understanding of what you want in this lifetime.
Jenny Ryce:I love that. And when, when we do Akashic Records readings, what I love is you're tapping into history. You're tapping into, there's so much wisdom there. And what has been the most powerful experience, or aha moment that you've had from the Akash X? Personally,
Sam Kirouac:I think for me, the biggest thing was, and I, with all of my clients, no matter who the message is come in with so much compassion and love. And it's just, it's such a powerful moment when, you know, when these messages come through, and the clients just, it resonates so deeply. And I've had, you know, clients have these aha moments or, you know, just tearful moments of, you know, reassurance and it just the energy and the vibration of these records, like the compassion and the love is just it always, you know, it gives me goosebumps, and it just makes me appreciate and just realize how sacred this is.
Jenny Ryce:So when you think about your journey, and obviously, what you've shared with everybody, there was a catalyst that kind of moved you to really proactive way of how a health in thinking about your wellness. Why do you think it's important for people to start redefining their wellness in their lives?
Sam Kirouac:Well, what I think I love about wellness is wellness can look so different for everyone. It's a very unique thing. So for me, I went on a journey of looking for what fit for me, what sparks me. And when I'm like, Yeah, I can do that. And that feels really good. So what worked for me may not work for everyone. And that's kind of this, this amazing kind of, I guess, journey to finding that wellness and just starting because once you you start, once you find that thing that you connect with that lights you up, that's going to be your motivator to keep going, you just have to find the thing that resonates with you the most and, and it is like once you start is that engine, right? It's just like, I like this and you start to feel the shifts and you start to you know, maybe it's physically you start to feel healthier, or mentally maybe you're not so anxious or all those things. But it's just starting and finding, trying out different things to see what actually fits for me.
Jenny Ryce:I would love if you're open to sharing, describing what life felt like before proactive wellness into what it feels like now, would you be open to describing the depths?
Sam Kirouac:Before I would definitely say it was there was no sleep. There was a lot more in my head spinning. I was definitely way more emotional. And for me, my health. I have an autoimmune. And so I never knew I had an autoimmune until then it was sparked all kinds of things wrong in my body physically. And I felt completely powerless. And so moving through and really working on me and finding that modality and other modalities like I, you know, chiropractic and all those physiotherapy all those things that I also work with. Now I'm at a place where I sleep so much better. I find I find joy all the time. I'm happier my kids notice it, it's you know, my husband, and we have an amazing relationship. And I'm no longer hiding. If that makes sense. Like I'm okay to show up as me quirks and all I'm very quirky. And that's okay. And so I kind of put my best self out into the world because it's, it's a good place.
Jenny Ryce:I love that. And you shared with with us just a second ago with some modalities that you do. What out there is a modality or a method or a, you know, a practice that you haven't tried yet on your wellness journey, but you're excited to try.
Sam Kirouac:So I don't know if I would call it a practice or not. But I've just sort of like, come in to the whole human design. Explain, like, well, I don't even know enough about it.
Sam Kirouac:That's how much I'm curious minds. Okay. Yeah. So I know like, like human design has to do with sort of just where you line up and there's different parts to it. And it's basically kind of like how your energy shows up in the world and how to work with that energy to make the best. So it's learning sort of where you fit on this. I don't know I guess To me, I equate it a bit with like maybe like the Enneagram. For those who know what the Enneagram is a different personality types. So I feel like human design just goes deeper into it. So I'm fascinated to look closer into that, because the people who have been talking about it, it just, it sounds amazing. But I'm also someone I should preface that by saying I love learning. So there's always something that I'm like, Ooh, that sounds amazing. So that in astrology, I'd love to really figure out astrology as well.
Jenny Ryce:I love it, you share that my husband's always like, you're taking another course. I'm like, yes, there's never I love everything. It says, I love it. So as our timelines down together, I would love to flip the tables only if there's something that you haven't had a chance to share that you would really like to ensure that the audience hears, or is there a final thought you'd like to leave with everybody.
Sam Kirouac:Um, I think I'll go back to what you had said about finding a Reiki person. There are so many different people who do Reiki and it's important that you really resonate with your person who does Reiki. And if you meet with someone, or if you have a consultation, and that's not your person, that's okay. That doesn't mean Reiki is not for you. It just means that person might not be your person. So look at other people, and if they have consultations, or if they have social media, just kind of like, you know, stalk them for a little bit, see if you like their energy, and then go from there. Because I can guarantee you, you will find someone who will just resonate, and you'll just know.
Jenny Ryce:I'm, I love that you highlight that because we feel sometimes obligated because we've engaged with somebody to stay with them. And we're not always going to work well with people. I have my mindset coaches, you know, and I'm not everybody's coach, not everyone's gonna want to work with me. So I always encourage and I love that you share that. It's okay, if you're not the right fit.
Sam Kirouac:Yeah, it's it's, you know, your healing journey. You want to make sure the person or the people who are on it sort of don't cause you more stress.
Jenny Ryce:Yeah. Lifting if, yeah, you're in an environment that you're hoping to be healing and you feel like it's doing the opposite. You need to get out. I think that was a golden nugget. There like, bounce, it's okay.
Sam Kirouac:Permission granted. Yes.
Jenny Ryce:Yeah. 100%. Oh, Sam, thank you so much for being on the show. I'm going to share in your in the show notes how people can connect with you. Is there any thing that you want to add to the other than the stuff that you provided? I'm going to share with them or anything?
Sam Kirouac:No, I think this, you know, I could keep talking about Reiki all day. So we'll just leave it at that.
Jenny Ryce:So make sure you guys if you're curious about Reiki or the Akashic records, step in and connect with Sam. She is an incredible member of your holistic Earth. If you can't find her information in the show notes. You can find her in our directory and get all her information there. Do not hesitate to dig in. She is part of the whole being to help you ignite your wellness warrior. She is an amazing resource and tool and exceptional at what she does. So you guys, reach into Sam's wellness and tap in and find a way to spark something new again, if Sam's not your right person she can help you find who is so thank you against him for being on the show.
Sam Kirouac:No, thank you so much, Jenny. It's been fun.
Jenny Ryce:And all of you listeners thank you for allowing us into your time and space. One of your greatest assets is your time. We appreciate you deeply for sharing it with us. Do not hesitate to step in and try something new. You never know what's going to land and lead you to the journey that you're going to be living your best life. Thank you again so much for listening. We look forward to catching you on the next episode of winning with wellness.