EP66: From Loss to Light - The Journey From Grief to Spirituality with Marcie Mazurenko

“One of the most important decisions I made was to choose me and start looking at things that made me happy things that I wanted to do.” — Marcie Mazurenko
A very heartfelt episode with Marcie Mazurenko as she talks about loss, grief, healing and more. Marcie lost both of her parents just 11 months apart and she was in a deep state of depression that she stayed in for quite a long time. Eventually, with the help of her lovely children, she was pushed out of it to heal.
She shares a story of her grandmother turning 100 years old and realized that the two main reasons why she lived for so long are that one, she was full of love, and two, she always had faith. Her grandmother chooses life and love, always, even if the journey was tough, she lived through it.
Because of her personal experiences, she wanted to dig deeper into mediumship. Marcie finds it as an opportunity for a beautiful connection. The biggest advice in mediumship is to use your intuition and follow those instincts.
For so long, people are conditioned to suppress their emotions. In the grieving process, it is highly recommended that people honour themselves and never be afraid to seek help.
Wellness Nuggets:
● Mediumship is the practice of purportedly mediating communication between spirits
● When you choose to heal and rise, things you are trying to support you will become more effective
● Grief is like a fingerprint, no two of them are the same
● Gratitude goes a long way
● Raise your vibration
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Marcie Mazurenko never imagined that she would become an energy healer and intuitive coach. After suffering from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, the sudden passing of her parents, only eleven months apart, rocked her to her very foundation. As she valiantly sought to restore and replenish her life energy, she turned inward to nurture her spiritual side, subsequently training in an array of different wellness modalities. Now, as a Reiki Master, Akashic Record Reader, and divine message channeler, this powerful intuitive provides us with life guidance, clarity, and profound messages to assist and support us on our spiritual journeys.
Website: www.marcielee.ca
Facebook (Business): https://www.facebook.com/marcieleehealing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcielee111/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcie-mazurenko-77b59154/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfFk14mMr46U68ZQDDKin2A
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, bestselling author podcast host, and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration. Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded, and finding inspiration. Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and a military veteran's wife. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion. It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness in business life and living your host Jenny Ryce, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness, personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Hi, everyone, welcome back to winning with wellness, we are thrilled to have you here to talk all things wellness, we want to step in to look at different ideas remind ourselves we have choice in being proactive in our own health. Or maybe we want to be inspired to try something different. Many of us have been on wellness journeys, and we get kind of stale sometimes and doing the same things over and over again. So I'm really excited to have Marcie Mazurenko here with me, she was here for us with Episode 11, where we really talk deeply about energy. But we're gonna tap into a different subject today. Marcie, welcome to the show.
Marcie Mazurenko:Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, so thrilled to have you back. And for those of you that didn't get a chance to listen to episode 11, I highly recommend you tap into that. But I want to share a little bit about Marcy, so you have an idea of who she is. So Marcie never imagined that she would become an energy healer and intuitive coach after suffering from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. The setting sudden passing of her parents only 11 months apart, rocked her to her very foundation, I can't even imagine and I can Oh my goodness. As she valiantly sought to restore and replenish her life energy she turned inward to nurture her spiritual side subsequently training in an array of different methods and modalities. Now as a Reiki Master Akashic Record reader and divine message Channeler Marcie is a powerful intuitive, who provides us with life guidance, clarity, profound messages to assist and support us on our own spiritual journey. And I do want to share my own personal experience, I have been blessed to work alongside with Marci in many areas of my life. And we recently just did another reading together through the Akashic records, and it was profoundly changing. So, on a side note, if you guys are curious about what that would look like, highly reach out to Marcie, she is very gifted at her craft. So again, Marcie, thanks for coming back to the show.
Marcie Mazurenko:Thank you for having me.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, my goodness. So let's dig in, you know, I really want to highlight the you know, not that this is going to be a downer show, guys. So you know, don't don't be upset with me for digging into this. But I really want to dig into this exceptional loss that you experienced in a very short period of time, I lost my mom, oh, my gosh, just over three years ago now. And now that was a life changing experience when you lose a parent. And I'm blessed to still have my dad and I have, you know, my step parents and things like that. I can't imagine my world being rocked so deeply to lose to within a year, both of them in a year. Do you do you want to share? You know, there are people out there right now that are going through something similar? And maybe it's it might not be parents, it could be best friends, it could be grandparents. Would you mind sharing how you manage to recover and thrive because you are doing what you do now because of your journey? Sure,
Marcie Mazurenko:I mean, the first thing that I'll say is that it wasn't easy. And it wasn't fast. It was really many, many years. You know, after my mom passed away, I really went into autopilot. I had four kids that I was looking after doing all of the things and really also taking care of my dad, right and just being there for him and his grief and the guilt that he felt and trying to support him. I don't even know that I had time to grieve that loss. And 11 months later, my dad passed away and he had clearly died of a broken heart. So that that was when the downward spiral hit me hard. And really, I went into a really deep depression. I didn't want to get up Edie, and I thank God every day for my kids, because the only reason I didn't get out of bed, and I stayed there for a long time, you know, I felt really alone, I felt cheated. I felt lost, you know, my marriage had been failing for many years after other loss that we had experienced. And so it was just very dark. And I stayed there for a really long time. And it was some inspiration eventually, that I discovered, really from my grandmother, and I'm not sure if I've shared this story before, but my grandmother was turning 100 years old. And I was asked to give a bit of a speech at her at her celebration. And so I started thinking about, you know, what, what was her life? Like? How did she live to be 100. And what I realized is that you want, she was full of love, and to she always had faith. And so my faith over the years has years had wavered, obviously, you know, all of this loss made me not believe in, you know, a higher power. And so, listening to some of these stories of my grandmother, and realizing that she always chose to be okay, in fact, that's what she said, at my dad's funeral, someone asked her, How are you doing? And she said, I'm okay, what choice do I have? At 96 years old after burying her fourth of five children. And that's when I went, alright, I can be okay. And it was really a pivotal moment for me, in that realization and going, okay. She, after everything that she has been through, and lived through, she still chooses love, she still chooses life, and she still chooses to be okay. And that was really where I started my journey in terms of, you know, discovering how I could help myself how I could heal myself. And now shifting into how I can help others through their, whether that that's grief or guidance, or whatever they're looking for in their spiritual journey.
Jenny Ryce:I love that you highlight that word, choice. Choose, we forget, especially when we're in the darkest of places, and the waitest. When we feel most weighed down and our soul feels crushed, we forget that we have the choice to change. And I'm not going to even guess for a second that choosing to move forward was easy. What were some of the first steps that you did to choose to step from the darkness into healing? Moving forward? What were some of those choices that you made?
Marcie Mazurenko:I think one of the most powerful choices that I have ever made and continued to make is choosing me. Because I had been nurturing I had been taken care of I had been taught that that's, that's what we do. society teaches us that. And so one of the most important decisions I made was to choose me and start looking at things that made me happy things that I wanted to do. And so really, the one of the first things I did was was taken online course in mediumship. Because that was something that has had always intrigued me, I had, you know, sat through a couple of readings where people connected with my parents and told me things that they shouldn't know, they couldn't have known. And so that was really powerful for me, and I didn't at that time, I didn't think that I would be able to do that. But I was certainly curious about it. And it was something that was important to me. And that that's how my journey started is, you know, learning mediumship and then part of that program taught me about the chakras, for example, and opening the chakras and how they can affect us. And then I went, Wow, maybe that's why I'm so tired all the time is because I need to work on my chakras, which led me to energy healing. And once I started doing energy healing, guess what messages started to come through to me when I was working on clients. So then I, you know, dove deeper into the mediumship side of things.
Jenny Ryce:So when you think about that pivotal moment, you chose you, that is a hard choice to make. And I know that sounds crazy. But it is because you shared it beautifully. We are conditioned to believe that we need to do all the things for others, right? And that being thoughtful about ourselves is selfish. And I love that in society. We're trying to shift that mode, that methodology and that thought process because when we can nurture ourselves, we show up at our very best so when we serve others, of course. So when you think back and you made that conscious decision to pick you and choose you which with a family of four I'm sure was very challenging. What was the first thing that you in? implemented.
Marcie Mazurenko:I think the first thing that I implemented eventually after learning some of the tools and techniques, and it's still something I use every single day, and it's so powerful is gratitude. Because it was interesting, because I will I remember when my mum passed away, that I could still step into gratitude, because I remember being so grateful for the relationship that we had and the time that we had together. And I realized that not everybody had that. And I had a very good friend of mine who said, you know, I have a terrible relationship with my mom, you're so lucky to have had her. To have that relationship with my mom that I did. She was my best friend. And so I really felt that gratitude. But when my dad passed away, I couldn't find any of it. I felt sorry for myself, I didn't think that anybody else could be any worse off that I was because I only saw the darkness. And so through the tools that I learned, you know, through the programs that I took, now, being able to shift into gratitude at any time has really been, you know, life changing for me, because it it changes your vibration, it allows you to be open to these things. And really, it shifts your whole mindset and thought process because there's always something to be thankful for.
Jenny Ryce:When you're tapped into a word, of course, you know, I'm super passionate about is mindset. And again, that really stems into the choice. We don't want anyone to step into false positivity, right like that. That's just you're just putting a bandaid on something that's not working. But when you consciously choose like your grandma chose, I'm okay. When you consciously choose doesn't mean you're not hurting doesn't mean you're not feeling loss, it doesn't mean you're not going through, uncomfortableness. It, it just means you're choosing to look at it from a different lens. So you can heal in a different way. Did you find that when you chose to heal? Big because you decided you needed to rise? Did you find your healing was easier?
Marcie Mazurenko:Yes, and no,
Jenny Ryce:I was gonna say easier is probably not the word I want to use. But more effective, maybe is the word I'm trying to use
Marcie Mazurenko:it. Yeah. And I mean, the thing about healing is that one, we're always healing. My belief is that we were never healed, none of us are. And the thing I tell a lot of my clients too, is that the crap has to come up for it to come out. And so again, we've been conditioned, a lot of us in my, this was my experience growing up, a lot of us have been conditioned and taught to suppress our emotions. And so we've always pushed all of these things down, you know, suck it up, we you should be okay. You know. And so these were all things that I had to learn and work through. And once I started healing and working on gratitude, then things started to bubble up. And I had to let go of that. And so some of that sucked, I'm not gonna lie. And again, I tell clients that all the time, it's not easy. It's, it's, it's a tough job to do the work, but it's so worth it in the end. And that's how I've been able to manage and grow over all of these years is doing that work.
Jenny Ryce:So when you've got somebody that's listening to us right now, because what's really profound to me is not everybody's going to either want to step in and do trainings, and, you know, potentially turn this into a life career that this shift, we've got somebody mourning right now some type of loss. What would you recommend that they can do right now to help live in their truth to feel through what's happening? What type of support would you recommend that they get?
Marcie Mazurenko:Well, first of all, I would recommend that they honor themselves. Because again, I think that we don't do enough of that in the grieving process. And I saw something the other day that is coming forward to share. And it was basically that grief is like a fingerprint, no, two of them are the same. And that really resonated with me. And I think it will resonate with anybody that is going through loss because we do it is different for all of us, even, like I just said, between the difference between grieving my mom and my dad was a completely different experience for me. So, you know, being able to honor that and lean into that, because everybody's needs are going to be different in that process. And at different times. Again, you know, we've been taught that there's this diff these different stages to grief, and some are longer than others. And maybe, but there were times I didn't experience any of those stages. So really, to me, it's about honoring yourself and, and reaching out for the help, because sometimes it's just a conversation Sometimes it's just knowing that someone else is going through or has gone through something similar. Sometimes for me, I did find comfort and still find comfort when I have a medium or somebody connects to my parents on the other side, and they show up all the time and all kinds of fun and interesting ways. But there is comfort knowing that they're around, you know, ask them to send you a sign. That was one of the first things I learned in mediumship. And so when I'm searching for my parents, or looking for an answer, I asked them to send me a dragonfly, and it always shows up. I love
Jenny Ryce:that. And when we think about mediumship, so for some people, this can be overwhelming this concept, right? Because it it can buck up against like belief systems from childhood or, or, you know, belief systems, through your religious backgrounds and those kinds of things. I have to say that mediumship, to me is something that's beautiful, it's a connection, it's an opportunity to if if somebody is looking for a medium, because unfortunately, not all mediums are created equal. And like anything out there in the world, there are the ones that are really gifted and crafted and honest with their practice. And then there might be somebody that's not so much. So when when you we have somebody that's never looked into that, or we want this to be an incredible experience? What are some things that they can look for when they're looking for medium? Obviously, you guys call Marcy, she's exceptional at what she does. But if you're not drawn to that conversation, what can somebody look for?
Marcie Mazurenko:First of all, I think it's important for the listeners to kind of have this perspective about mediumship. To me, mediumship is connection with the unseen. So it's not only about your loved ones who have passed, it can also be about connecting with archangels, it can be about connecting with your spirit guides, or your spirit team are going into the Akashic records or channeling messages from, you know, a master or a higher power. So mediumship is more than talking with your loved ones who have passed. That's a big part of it. So I think when you're looking for somebody to provide that service, that's important to know, because some people specialize in connecting with loved ones who have passed some specialize in Angel reading. So there's such a wide range that of those services that are being offered. If you're really looking to connect with a loved one, then find someone who specializes in that find testimonials are huge, because that will tell you that other people have experienced that medium and what their experience has been, that's really important. And I always tell people use your own intuition, you're gonna look at mediums or you know, other healers, whatever you're looking for on your wellness journey, and you're gonna get the goosebumps or you're gonna get the ear ringing those signs that are intuitive hits for you, and follow that instinct.
Jenny Ryce:I love that you bring that up, because I didn't realize until probably a couple years ago that when my ear rung, or I get this weird feeling on the left side of my face, that it's actually an intuitive hit. I mean, we many of us already know that gut feeling like you're like, Ooh, I know I should do this, but I'm doing this. We know that. But there are these incredible signals that we receive, that are subtle, that tell us what we need to know. And tapping into that when people work with you. Do you have? Do you help them discover what those signals are?
Marcie Mazurenko:I do. I have a lot of people who come to me who are dealing with some of the same things that I experienced depression, anxiety, overwhelm, fatigue. And those are all things to me that are important understanding kind of in the broader scope of mediumship and understanding connection with spirit because sometimes that is either the energy of the unseen or it could be the energy of other people that we're picking up and it does, it shows up in our physical body. So understanding what that is, can really help people alleviate it and release it.
Jenny Ryce:When you think about the work that you do, what is the most rewarding part?
Marcie Mazurenko:The most rewarding part for me is that feeling that people leave a session with me feeling lighter. And when again, whether that's because I've connected to a loved one that they've you know, had questions for or just want to hear from or whether I'm bringing the messages from, you know, their spirit guides or their spirit team and at During questions and guidance that they're looking for getting that clarity, or whether I'm doing an energy healing or you know, a channeling, having that client leave feeling lighter, is what's most rewarding for me.
Jenny Ryce:So when you think of, you know, especially for our listeners that are with us right now that have are either currently experiencing loss or moving through the grieving process, what would you say, would be the most valuable piece of advice information you could share with them right now?
Marcie Mazurenko:I would, I would say two. The first one is gratitude. And being able to again, find that because it's going to raise your vibration, and it's going to again, kind of lighten that load. And I always tell people that gratitude doesn't have to be based around what you're feeling. So if you're feeling a heavy day, because you've lost someone, you can be grateful that the sky is blue, you don't have to be grateful for that, you know, that experience or that person. But just being in that state of gratitude is one of the highest vibrational energies that we can be in. So that's definitely one. The other one is the all repeated is, is choosing the sign and understanding and respecting that, because there's so much comfort in that. So whether it's a feather or a coin, or a dragonfly or a butterfly, most people kind of already again, have that inkling or that knowing that they're their loved one is bringing them signs, it might be the lights flickering, kind of understanding that and tapping into that and leaning into it again, to allow those signs to come forward. And again, and then show gratitude, thank you for showing up. Thank you for letting me know you're nearby, I really needed that today.
Jenny Ryce:I love that you acknowledge that as well is sharing the acknowledgement that you actually have received the sign. My mom comes to me as an eagle. She's a bald eagle. And it's so fascinating. Because we live in an area where we, you know, there are eagles, it's not like it's a shocker around here we see eagles who are sandwiched between two rivers. And I always know when it's actually her, if that makes sense. And, you know, I have this story of my twin at an event. And there was an eagle there. Ironically enough in this eagle was staring my sister down, she sent me a picture. And I'm like, That's my mom's eye. And, you know, whether people choose to believe that or not is okay, but it brings me comfort and ease. And it lets me know that she's with me and she's soaring. And that was, you know, something that was her her. She suffered from illness and was trapped in her body for 10 years. So to know that she soars just brings me so much joy. And I have another family member that finds dimes for for a special family member. So whenever I find a diamond like I see you. And interestingly enough, I was cleaning out a wallet I was going to donate and there was a diamond it and I'm a believer, then she shared this wisdom with me that you need to when you pass on a wallet, there should be money in it to bring good luck to the wallet. And I left the dime in there to transfer it over. I was like, Oh, I see. Oh, don't worry.
Marcie Mazurenko:I have all kinds of crazy stories about dragonflies and how they have shown up for me. And it's often when I'm asking a question because I will say mom and dad, if this is this or if this is what I'm supposed to do send me a dragonfly. And it's important to note and I tell clients this all the time too. Because I mean I live in Alberta, we have winter six months of the year there are no dragonflies, but they spirits very powerful. And they figure it out. It'll show up in your newsfeed on social media. It'll you'll be flipping through a magazine, it'll come on a commercial on TV. So it's not always you know, the physical dragonfly that we expect to see spirits magical and they'll show up in all kinds of cool ways.
Jenny Ryce:We need to be open to receive and I think that's the the most important thing. So Marcy, as we finish our conversation together. If you could share one more thing, is there a question? I didn't ask that you would love to make sure that the audience knows before we end our time together or, you know, you feel like oh, we got to have this conversation around now would be the time is there anything else you'd like to share?
Marcie Mazurenko:I think it would be you know, kind of reiterating what you said is to be open to receiving and to be open to this idea. Regardless again of your background or your beliefs be open to this idea that there's so much that we can't see that are loved ones are just beyond our own aura. That's where heaven exists, they're not that far away. As well, as you know, again, the spirit guides, the guardian angels, all of those are able to be, you know, so close to you and come to you. And what I would like to leave the listeners with is, everyone has a spirit team. And it's so beautiful and amazing and incredible to know that you're being supported by your loved ones who have passed by your spirit guides by your master guides by guardian angels may be even Archangels. And so again, you know, ask them for help, ask them for guidance, lean into them, thank you thank them for the blessings that they bring you each and every day. And really just know that you have this whole team of energies that are loving and supporting you each and every day.
Jenny Ryce:I love that I'm not gonna tarnish anything more by adding anything to it. That is a beautiful way to end this conversation. Marcie, thank you so much for being on the show.
Marcie Mazurenko:Thank you for having me.
Jenny Ryce:So for those of you that want to connect with Marcie, do not worry. She is an incredible member of your holistic Earth. If you can't find her on the show notes. We're gonna make sure all her contact information is there. You can find her in our directory and connect with her that way. Do not hesitate to reach out to Marcie, if you're curious want to tap in or just have some questions I know she'd be open to supporting you. Like I said, I've worked with her directly. She's phenomenal at what she does. Thank you all for listening and being here and inspiring your own wellness. We are always here to ignite the wellness orient you thank you so much for sharing your time.