EP62: Become A Visionary Of Energy And Healing with Sensei Victoria Whitfield

“A great way to process any difficult time in life is to always ask, what am I learning?” — Sensei Victoria Whitfield
Sensei Victoria Whitfield is a Reiki Master who shared with us a very fascinating story of her capabilities being an empath and energy healer. Her story starts with her mom dropping to the ground with her ankle swollen but instead of her mom asking her to get help, she was asked to heal her mom herself. She illustrates it like she felt a slash in her mind, a bolt of clear energy come down through the top of her head which hit her with force, come down into her spine and out of her hands and the next thing she knew the ankle is healed. It was at that moment that everything else changed for her.
In encountering tough times, she advises receiving whatever’s coming to find out what is there to learn. Be confident in your decision-making and take ownership. Be with your journey and receive your vision, not just the light but also the darkness.
Wellness Nuggets:
● I learned the power of grounding and clearing my energy. The more that I worked on myself, the more I invested in my own holistic health the more I respected myself.
● Reiki has five principles: I will not be angry just for today. I will not worry just for today. I will be honest just for today. I will be grateful just for today. And just for today, I will be kind to myself, my neighbour, and every living being.
● Be kind to the rebellious side of you who is saying no, this is you trying to have a sense of power and personal autonomy.
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
As the world's first Business Reiki Master (TM) and hostess of the 5-star rated Journeypreneur Podcast on iTunes, Sensei Victoria Whitfield helps empathic entrepreneurs and leaders stay grounded and clear as they navigate the emotional rollercoaster of business development, by using the power of strategic meditation. Sensei Whitfield is a published author, a successful six-figure energy healer, and has toured the world showing heart-centered and growth-minded leaders how to get connected to their Natural Intuition and truly be #Visionary, so they can work less and increase their impact.
Website: www.victoriawhitfield.com
Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=8816582
Facebook (Business): https://www.facebook.com/senseivictoriawhitfield
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/senseivictoriawhitfield/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/senseiwhitfield/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/senseiwhitfield
About the Host:
Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, bestselling author podcast host, and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration. Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded, and finding inspiration. Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion. It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.
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This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or are looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness in business life and living. Your host Jenny Ryce, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today.
Jenny Ryce:Welcome everyone to another episode of winning with wellness. I am blessed to have sensei Victoria Whitfield here with me welcome sensei Victoria.
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Hi, Jenny. Hi, everyone's good to be here.
Jenny Ryce:Oh, I'm so excited to get into this conversation. I do want to share with everyone a little bit about you before we get started. So I want everyone to know that you're the world's first business Reiki master and hostess of the five star rated journey printer podcasts on iTunes. Sensei Victoria Whitfield helps empathic entrepreneurs and leaders stay grounded and clear as they navigate the emotional rollercoaster of business development by using the power of strategic meditation. Sensei Whitfield is a published author, a successful six figure energy healer, and has toured the world showing heart centered and growth minded leaders how to get connected to their natural intuition and truly be hashtag visionary. So they can work less and increase their impact. And I wish everybody could see you're wearing the most cool baseball hat with your hashtag on it. So that's what's happening right now. So I get to see that. So again, welcome to the show. I'm so
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:excited to be here. And I just, I'm lucky that we started recording, but because we are in such a flow. This is amazing that we get to share this joyful, grateful, off filled energy with your listeners, I'm truly blessed. And happy to be here.
Jenny Ryce:I'm thrilled you're here. I know, I was like, I think we need to press record for those we've never met before. So it was such a great moment to me. And then it was like complete conversation. I was like, we should be recording. So we're not gonna try to recapture because it will never be the same. But we're gonna start digging into really, let's talk about wellness. And I think one thing that you and I really resonated with is reminding people that they have choice that they can choose to step in pathways, and we were we were laughing and giggling about looking at what's considered you know, New Age is ancient medicine and resources and tools. And I mean, my goodness, you are a Reiki Master, especially in the business realm. Obviously, we know that translates into people's lives. What led you to the work that you do?
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Oh, my word, so I needed it. I needed it first. Before I even knew what Reiki was. I knew what stress. Oh, amen. Yeah, I oh my gosh. So I'm an intuitive person. I grew up in the church and Protestant church. And so for me, it was more about prayer and connecting with nature. I'd have vivid dreams and was also around a lot of highly creative, highly emotive people, passionate people, their passion would jump into my body and I didn't know that there was a word for that until much, much later after I'd studied Reiki and everything learning about what it means to be an empath, someone who absorbs other people's feelings. So where I first rendezvous with energy work and energy healing was back when I actually worked as worked in the medical field here in the States. This is a whole nother can of worms that I could open up. I'll try to try to keep the can of
Jenny Ryce:worms throughout, so don't worry. Yeah,
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:but I'm here. Our medical system is a bit interesting where you could be a medical billing and coder and you're basically just arguing to get paid because people are sick. And so that was such an out of alignment job. For me that I used to check In smoke, drink daily, I was very depressed. Emotional eating. And a friend of mine at the time introduced me to like a breathing technique to calm down when I would sometimes have panic attacks at work from just the amount of stress and frustration I had, being in a dead end job essentially and being very good at the dead end job that I was doing. And a one day while I was hanging out with my mother after a really bad breakup, we went apple picking. And she slipped and fell while we were walking through the farm so much that her ankle twisted, and you can see like the color change of her ankle bones. But she fell in a strange way where her hands were not touching but on either sides hovering of her ankle. I'm like, oh my god, I dropped my ankles. My, my apples is Mom. Oh my God, let me go get help. And she's with intensity. She said, No, you're gonna heal me. I have no idea what you mean. But okay, like it was like, if I don't appease her, I'm not going to be allowed to run and go get help. So I just note next to her. And I'll never forget this. This is this is what changed the course of my life. I knelt down next to her put my hands kind of hovering around her ankle, it was like swollen out of place. And I just looked up at the sky because it was kind of raining and I prayed sky, please come down and heal my mother. And in that moment, it happened. This fast like as fast as a snap of the finger. I felt slash saw in my mind, a bolt of clear energy come down through the top of my head hit me with force come down my spine, out of my hands and arms, through her ankle and into the ground. It happened this fast. And visually, her ankle without us touching it reset itself. It was like click at were like, Oh my God. I wasn't even expecting anything. I was just like, let me play along. My mother looks at me like I have five heads. And I had this feeling of a hand holding my stomach very tightly and unknowing from my stomach saying she's healed get up walk now. Okay, you're healed. Let's get up. We gotta go. We gotta hurry up. We gotta go. She's looking at me like, oh, we gotta go. You're fine. Like this overwhelming feeling that her body. It was an illusion. Like, whatever was happening was a total illusion. gingerly we walked towards the front of the apple orchard. And eventually she was walking around. Finally, look, do you want to go get help now? Can I go you help? She's like, No, go get the apples came back. She was walking around like nothing happened. Went to the bone Doctor later, nothing wrong. And she pulled me aside and said, You know that thing I was doing with my hands called Reiki, I think you need to study this, because something I just imagined something's gonna happen. And that was back in 2010 2008. And ever since I think it might even been 2009 2009 2010. But ever since then, my life has changed. I learned the power of grounding and clearing my own energy. And the more that I worked on myself, the more invested in my own Holistic Health. The more I respected myself and didn't allow toxic environments, toxic people in relationships, like it continued one after another in its mysterious way. Right wellness and energy work light work or a beautiful spiritual development has a beautiful, mysterious way of lifting you up to where we are now. Where this is, all I do is talk to others who are trying to escape that crushing workaholic or hustle culture of the company or the business that they're in. That's just taking them away from their natural birthright for freedom and healing and empowerment. And how we do it is through meditation and energy work, especially Reiki. So that's how I came to it.
Jenny Ryce:Well, and how fascinating that like how did your mom know? Because she obviously guided you to the like she saw something you obviously hadn't seen yet?
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Yeah, no.
Jenny Ryce:And did you see your mum practicing Reiki or receiving Reiki?
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Never before in my life? I didn't know what that is. I mean, like I knew about like, you know when someone's sick, you pray for them
Jenny Ryce:yes or something.
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:But she had never talked to me about any of that. This was like, it was like a split. Intuitive shift. What have moved you
Jenny Ryce:into action? Obviously? Completely? Yeah, yeah, that is just if your mom happens to be listening to this episode way to go Mom. Sometimes especially, especially when you're empathic, you're especially young too, as a young person and he or you know, young youth, you're questioning all these things that are happening to you all the time. So your for your mom to give you that green light without maybe not even realizing how powerfully changing it would be for you. Oh, my gosh, I'm in awe of your mom right now. What a gift. What a wonderful gift. Oh, incredible. Change my life. Right. So you, you talked about briefly to that life was not good for you in the workforce that you were, you know, struggling and experiencing a lot of stress anxiety. I've been on that path hence why I'm in the holistic world that I work in now as a coach, as a community leader, all of those kinds of things. And what was Do you think so obviously, we know the moment that led you to, to stepping into this craft and understanding it and embodying it. What gave you the courage to leave work? Because there's three people when you're good at what you do, and the paycheck is there? And oh, yeah. How did you take that transitional step?
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Yeah, yeah, I got hurt. I got hurt. Um, that's I, maybe that was gave me the courage is more of like running from running from pain and running from dysfunction. You know, I always grew up with stories about my maternal grandfather, my mother's father, how how intelligent he was, how driven how, how powerful. And he's so like smart and convincing is like a top salesman and as lumberyard and, but I never got to meet him because he dropped dead at 52 years old, leaving his three daughters orphaned. Because he worked himself to death. That's the legacy that I grew up under of you work hard, you work hard. And that's how you get the respect and love of others. And so while I was working in this position in the medical field, it was interesting, every day, I was doing something called coding claims, and I would code claims to get them paid very, very well. I grew the practice from around 75,000 to 750,000 a month, just getting better and better and better at coding claims. And one of the diagnosis codes that I would use with seven, eight 6.50 chest pain, I'll never forget it because it does so many times. And one day, the boss, like the office manager was so angry that she screamed, not at me but at a person nearby so loud that for the first time I was I was young, I was just out of college just out of college. My chest tightened. I've never felt that before in my life. And I'm not I'm not good with irony. I don't really like I'm not good with irony. I get the I get the message fast. So I sat there and as like, I got my chest height and she wanted me to stand closer to her because I felt like a calming presence to her. Even though I was in outer space. I wasn't even in the room. But my chest is tight.
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Like that level of stress where I'm getting physical, physical feelings, I turned her So AJ like, my chest just got tighter. What? What should I do and she immediately went into nurse motor. Oh, you need to take this many Coumadin and blah, blah, blah, as if I was another patient. I had to get out. I had to get out. That was the last straw like not even when I asked to go to halftime for double the pay and they were like absolutely because I was making them so much my name care. But when it came down to the tightness in my chest, that for me was like I can't I don't want to die here. I never got to meet my grandpa. Both my parents have been in the hospital before for high blood pressure. I'm way too young. I'm in my 20s to be having this is crazy. I gotta get out of here. So I work to the end of the day, which means coming in at seven closing out at around 8:30pm logged up so
Jenny Ryce:you were doing like long shifts too.
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Oh, yeah. Yeah, I had 11 People working under me. Left a two sentence resignation. letter on my, on her chair. And I never looked back. I like I had to get out of there because I didn't want to die there. That was my, my learning because that pain in my body. That was the sign of its time to go for me getting hurt was what motivated me to leave that and it serendipitously, right because the universe is so compassionate. My father is accident, like had a car accident, this big settlement came through and he like, gave me a chunk of it. And he's like, Honey, you just you take time to heal yourself, and do what you need to. And so I invested more and like wellness and healing and just pause on working until I found a nonprofit of like loving people where I could get back into the workplace. But that for me, was how I left. And then once I started working at the nonprofit, I built up more of my confidence that could eventually start my business. But that was really what helped me to get up is the pain. Something about pain is very powerful motivator. If you're open to feeling if you're not open to feeling, maybe the pain needs to be strong enough like that, like your heart being grabbed, right? In order for you to register, when it's time to go was only natural to want to move away from pain.
Jenny Ryce:There's really only two things that motivate people move to joy or move away from pain.
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Yeah, and I was still at that vibration where I need
Jenny Ryce:to pray. It's so fascinating. I just saw your story resonates so deeply. I too ended up with a with a heart situation that I actually wrote a chapter about. But yeah, I quickly enough, same similar thing like over investing all the things, all the things. So when you think about we're going to have entrepreneurs right now. And you and I both know the information we're sharing in this, whether it will relate to entrepreneurs that were really people in their homes with their families, it doesn't matter which which area they're in, when we've got somebody who's listening right now who's may saying on the fact that they can't make a change, because what would you speak to that? I know you work with dozens of people. I can't do this because
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Mm hmm. What do you sell? Yeah, I'm going to I'm going to take some inspiration from my hat and I'm gonna black hat this person. I'm gonna agree with them. Yeah, you can't Don't sit in till it until it's done. Like sit in it until it's done. You can do whatever you want, including not take action. So everyone has their line in the sand and hearing intuitive guidance to honor whatever that rebellion is that's coming up in the person who's naysaying themselves like I can't I can't do this program, because it's too expensive. Or I can't do this protocol because it takes too much time or I can't because I don't want to go back to school or whatever. Or I don't want to upset the applecart. I gotta get my husband's permission. Well, I've heard so many objections. I trained in sales, by the way as well. It's like, I don't know them all.
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Yeah, I've used them to myself to get out of stuff. Yeah. So the only reason like why not?
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:Why not be kind to yourself. In Reiki, we have five principles they are just for today, I will not be angry just for today, I will not worry. Just for today. I will be honest, just for today, I will be grateful. And just for today, I will be kind to myself, my neighbor and every living being. So I'm I'm rolling with number five, be kind to yourself, be kind to the rebellion. The person who is saying no, this is you trying to have a sense of power and personal autonomy. And so maybe in not moving forward. There's something there for you when you're ready. You will if it's for you, right, there are many phases. There are many masters. There are many guides out there, right Jenny may be your person. If you keep listening to her, you feel safe with her. It's probably because she's your person, but you got to soak in her juice until you're ready. Right or maybe I'm your person right? Maybe you've been following me for quite some time. Like, oh, you know, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I can't No, I can't I can't I can't continue to soak in the juice until you're ready. There are those though, who are ready and don't Be angry at them. If they need to make the jump into working with Jenny writer if they need to make the jump into working with me or anyone else that they go for, don't be angry at them for moving forward and changing their life because they honored their cycle. If you're really not ready, don't be you don't have to move forward, receive whatever is coming for you. In the darkness, you know, a great way to process any difficult time in life, is to always ask what am I learning? What am I learning right now. So if, if you are still learning from the not changing things yet, right, you don't have finished business, right? You want to continue? What's coming in, take it in,
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:don't blame anybody else for your decision to not move forward. And don't be angry and others, or blame them or criticize them for deciding to change themselves and make things better for them. It's not about you, that's their journey. Be with your journey. Receive your vision, right? You need to be the visionary of your journey. Let them be there. So to your question, Jenny, I would say there, maybe there's something for them, where they're at, we got to be broad visioned enough as visionaries, to, to receive not just the light, but also the darkness, not just our schedule, but all people's cycles, honoring that we're all equal.
Jenny Ryce:such incredible insight. I can't believe we're coming into close of time. So I obviously I think we will record another episode down the road here. So, so much to discuss what I would love to know, since you Victoria, then sure there's something that you're like, I feel like I need to share this before we close out. And uh, maybe I haven't asked a question or we haven't led the conversation that way. So anything you want to leave the listeners with?
Sensei Victoria Whitfield:I love that you always end with this question such a good one. So for me, this is interesting. What's dropping in for me in this moment is an encouragement to share, there is a responsibility around knowledge. If you've received something to everyone that's listening right now are watching. If you've received something that's touched you or inspired you now you now have a responsibility to continue the wave of inspiration. Maybe you didn't know it yet. But you're actually part of a ripple, a ripple effect happening in the field right around you. So you've received this inspiration and right this good moment, another drop of wisdom and value from Jenny right or anything that I may have offered. And that has moved a piece of your heart and spirit. Be in alignment with the flow of nature and allow that to ripple out share this with someone who is the next ripple right in the field for you that way you become part of this greater circle of transformation is by passing on the knowledge there's a responsibility I believe in hearing this is not entertainment, this is an activation and let this being an activation, pass it along pay it forward.
Jenny Ryce:So beautifully said thank you so much for sharing your time, your your insight, your personal story with us. It is just been an absolute pleasure to witness and be a part of that to our listeners. Thank you so much for being here and sharing time and space. And just opening up your possibilities. I'm going to ensure that you have all the information you need to contact sensei Victoria in the show notes, so don't worry, you guys you'll know how to track her down. Also to don't forget to connect in with your holistic Earth. It's another resource an opportunity for you to find new and exciting pathways to inspire the wellness to new. Thank you so much for being here.