Nov. 9, 2021

EP29: Energy, Spirit, and Death with Psychic Medium Sheetal Story

EP29: Energy, Spirit, and Death with Psychic Medium Sheetal Story

“Wellness really has to live in all of those three spheres of the mind-body-spirit triad for you to really have an aligned life.” — Sheetal Story


Sheetal highlights her love for astrology to navigate energy. As of recording this podcast,  we are on the dark side of the moon where the moon is losing light. So a lot of people are feeling tired and feeling like there's not a lot of energy in the air. Sometimes, we feel like we should be always producing or we should always have the energy but other times, we feel the extreme opposite like crying and that’s just part of the moon cycle.


People are energetic beings having this human experience. There is an energy that beats your heart. That's a synopsis of your cells, your nerves, your brain waves. This can be measured with EKG monitors to see the energies working in the body. When that energy ceases to exist in the body, you take your last breath and now you are in the world of energy.


“What we focus our mind on, we can actually make happen in the world of energy and physicality” — Sheetal Story


Sheetal shed light on intuition, and intuition development, the most significant step is intention setting. As soon as you are conscious of the day, set your intention and see how it affects your day. Another is to visualize or feel that you are in an energy bubble where only your energy stays in this certain bubble and only positivity can enter.


“Your intuition lives in the place of your imagination” — Sheetal Story


Meditation is the key gateway to everything as it is the observer of your thoughts; it is not stopping your thoughts or slowing them down. A really great starting point for beginners in finding grace and peace is through counting your breath. Breathing practices can oxygenate your brain and slow everything down when everything feels rushed. The single-point and awareness meditations are the easiest way to start as a beginner because your mind is focusing on one thing, as opposed to the chatter in your mind. So if you give your mind something to focus on, instead it then redirects your mind to your breath versus the internal chatter.


As a grief counsellor, Sheetal also imparts her sentiments on death and grief. If we encounter someone who’s going through grief,  it's okay to not know what to say, but really what they want is just someone to be there. A common idea about death is that it’s hard, however, in the aspect of energy, its concept is that you go back to the energy world when you take your last breath. You’re in this presence that you can see and feel everything.


We in our current state walk in the world of energy and physicality, so we have a lot of power. We often forget this power of our being and why we're here and our purpose. Remember your personal purpose, your intention, and everything that you focus on can become reality.


Wellness Nuggets:

●       Your body is your vehicle in this lifetime for your spirit.

●       When we listen to ourselves and we listen to the cycles of the energy around us, we start to flow.

●       The universe shows you where you need to go and it is up to you to follow the flag if you will.

●       We are all born intuitive.

●       Set an intention first thing in the morning.

●       Breathing practice for three minutes. Deep breath through your nose, out through your mouth 3 times. Then in natural breath count your breath to a hundred. Note that every time you lose count, you have to start back at one and see how far you get. Make it a practice for seven days.

●       Some applications for breathing practices: Breathwork, Counting, Guided Meditation, etc.


We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!

About the Guest:

Sheetal Story is a psychic medium, a certified astrologer and a law of attraction master coach. She is also a grief support counsellor and meditation teacher. She loves teaching people how to cultivate trust, and cultivate their intuition, throw off the shackles of grief and fear so that they can uncover their soul's purpose and live their most joyful aligned life.

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About the Host:

Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.

Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.

Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.

It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.


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Jenny Ryce:

This is winning with wellness, a podcast about inspiring the wellness warrior in you. If you're feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey, or looking for new ideas and inspiration, you are in the right place, a place you can learn about all things wellness, in business life and living your host Jenny rice, we'll be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Imagine what living a life of wellness would be like. Thank you for joining us today

Jenny Ryce:

Hi, everyone, welcome back to another episode of winning with wellness. I am here with she tells story. We are going to talk about some juicy topics but I'm going to tell you what they are yet you're gonna have to keep listening. But welcome she tell thank you so much for being here.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for having me. I am so excited to Yes, I can't. I have this feeling that this is gonna be a juicy episode and I can't wait to dig in. Just for

Jenny Ryce:

the record. You guys. We were supposed to start recording 45 minutes ago and we just started talking. First hit the record button. So we are going to actually do this but I'd love to get let you guys know more about she tells story well, okay, her story but who she is her last name is story. And so that can get super confusing. But she is a psychic medium, a certified astrologer and a law of attraction master coach. She is also a grief support counselor, and meditation teacher. She loves teaching people how to cultivate trust, and cultivate their intuition. throw off the shackles of grief and fear so that they can uncover their soul's purpose and live their most joyful aligned life. Welcome.

Sheetal Story:

Thank you for having me.

Jenny Ryce:

You know what's crazy as I read your bio, before off the air, we were actually having a conversation and didn't I say like release the shackles I had no idea that was in your bio. That is divine timing.

Sheetal Story:

You might be psychic.

Jenny Ryce:

I might be psychic. Who knows. So I would love to ask you. We always like to start off this podcast because we're really here to help people see different pathways to wellness. Redefine wellness is kind of like one of these golden nuggets that we forgot. Wellness is a different experience and journey for every single human being on the planet. So I'd love to know what does wellness actually mean to you?


I think I always think of the Mind Body Spirit triad, right? That wellness really has to live in all those three fears, spheres, for you to really have an aligned life. And we often focus on the body because it's kind of that physical thing that we can see and do and diets and water and you know, all those kinds of sleep. Those are kind of things that we can do something about. But when we start to look at our mental wellness, and our spiritual wellness, those are really what's driving the ship, right. And it's all the three in tandem, that's going to really help you to live the most wellness, joyful aligned life. And so wellness to me means like recalibrating in those moments to have your mind body spirit come into alignment, because your body takes is it's your vehicle in this lifetime for your spirit. And your mental mental health is actually your mind that keeps your body safe and tries to keep you safe the ego. So we need all of them working together. And when they start to work against each other, that's when we start to be not well. And so you know, caring for all the three parts is so so, so important. So that's what wellness means to me is kind of recalibrating that the diet and fitness industry, big, big, big business for so long right now the meditation industry is kind of come up that's becoming more mainstream as you know, mindfulness, which I love that and so spirituality used to live in the realm of religion. And I think now we're making that also more mainstream with things like intuition development, and sitting in the seat of the soul and understanding the ego and the souls you know, dichotomy versus making it religious like there's no dogma there, right? You can just be spiritual without having to sit in a specific place and give money or to you know, read a specific book and that's it. So, yeah, I love wellness to me as all the three coming together.

Jenny Ryce:

And I love that you touch on all three areas because really we are mind body and soul. We are That is who we are. This is how we're built. We're energy. So when you work with your clients, what areas do you own Obviously, like you said, the physical part is a money machine, I'm assuming we don't tap into that too much in your field.


And truthfully, if I'm being honest, that's the place that I always fall down a little bit to be transparent. Because my mind and spirit is stuff that I kind of focus on all the time. Like, if I feel like a trigger in some way, I'll sit with that and understand, what's the trigger? Where's this coming from? Where my childhood does this remind me of, and then maybe I'll journal about it, or maybe I'll talk to a trusted friend about it. And then even spirituality, I'm always meditating or leading a class and intuition development or mediumship. So it's like, you know that those two things come really easily to me. But in terms of the physical body part, that's not so much that I have to work on in this lifetime. But yeah, in terms of spirituality, that's something that is kind of again, I'm always sort of tapped into my intuition in life, where I feel it in my body, and how it's working on a day to day basis. So, you know, we sort of talked a little bit about astrology before we came together, and I love using astrology to navigate energy. Because if we're kind of like, right now, at the time of taping of this podcast, we are in the Dark Side of the Moon, where the moon is losing light. So a lot of people are feeling tired. They're feeling like there's not a lot of energy in the air. And I'm like, Yeah, of course. Because the moon's losing weight, like, I don't sweat about those things, right? I'm just like, yeah, that's what's happening now. And so many people like, oh, oh, so it's like, what I'm supposed to be feeling? Like, yes, we have this incongruence with, we feel like we should be always producing, we should always be on we should have a lot of energy. And sometimes you just don't, sometimes you just feel like crying. That's just part of the moon cycle. So when we listen to ourselves, and we listen to the cycles of the energy around us, we start to flow better with that, if that makes sense.

Jenny Ryce:

Absolutely. You know, and I think we lose sight of the fact that we weren't put on this earth to be machines. That's what we built, we built those. We were, you know, we were created. You know, the fact that you bring that to light that we are in cycle like the earth like the moon, and you know, we move with the tides and all of those things. It is it is so interesting that we've drifted so far from those teachings and those understandings and those awareness. I'm curious, in your home, in your childhood, is this something that was supported in your logic? Or is this a passion you developed? As you grew up? Grew up? Like where did this connection to your mind and soul really start developing?


I am born into Hindus, Hinduism, my both my parents are Hindu. And so my mom's from Malaysia, and my dad's from India. And so mindfulness, you know, I think what came to be known as mindfulness is really my religion. Right? It all came from Lucky you. So it's like, that was definitely we were always sort of very spiritual, we would go to temple, but I don't speak the language. My mom and dad speak five different languages from each other. The only language we all speak together is English. So I didn't understand what they would be sort of chanting or whatever, but I would still chant and sing the songs. And it feels really lovely. Like sound in itself has so much healing, resonance and frequency. I mean, we are energetic beings having this human experience. So frequency and resonance, really speak to us literally on an energetic level. So level. So I think even at that age, I saw Spirit ever since I was a kid, and I see energy around people. So I see colors. And I understand now what those colors mean, as a kid I kind of didn't. I just knew I liked people that had these certain colors. And I didn't like these people that had these certain colors and their aura. And so I kind of just grew up with that I was very my mom is a spiritual healer. So I told my mom and was like no problem. You know, that's, that's abilities that run through our family, actually. So she had a great grandfather who also had like a healing ability. One of my cousins also see spirit. Both my kids, once a healer one see spirit as well. So we have this kind of like I grew up with it, which I feel very fortunate about, like, I didn't ever feel like I wasn't loved because of it. What I did notice is that I was different from other kids in robot, he wants that, like, oh, especially

Jenny Ryce:

as a kid, you're like, can I just get into the crowd?


I kid of color, right? Like I was also I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, so there wasn't a lot of kids look like me. You know, there wasn't, I was often the only kind of colored kid. And I am a visible minority. Although I am a light skinned woman, so I do have privilege with that. But yeah, even then, it was kind of I was often the only East Indian kid around so it was I didn't want to stand out even more than that. So if people knew I could see spirit, oh my gosh, and it almost slipped out at the age of nine. And we were walking to school because all the kids in the neighborhood would walk to school together. I had a really wonderful childhood. And we're walking to school and this swing was swinging in the wind and I remember like I could see an old man on the swing swinging, and his eyes were coming darker. And I'm like, Oh my God, how creepy is that guy. And my friends are like, there's nobody on the swing she felt like that is it's just the wind. And I look back in the swing swing, it's the only swing swing. And by itself, all the other swings are still and, and. And I'm like, nobody else saw that everyone's looking at me like I got horns. Do you know? Yeah, my head. I'm like, No, I guess yeah. Wow, that's weird. I must have made that up, like, and I realized at that point, like I was really different. So I didn't want that. So I never talked to anybody about this. And then I started having really prayers at night. And my mum is a horror film junkie. So we did, we saw some kind of crazy movies as a kid and that kind of thing colored my dreams. So at that point, I was just not sleeping, my mum said, You know what, you can turn off your gifts, if it's too much for you. At the age of nine, I just kind of turned it all off, almost like a kind of a door shutting on the top of my head that is like that's done. And then I just had like, the super normal childhood, like I became really science minded, I was really creative before this happened, which is interesting. Because it's there's the theory is it attaches into your right brain, this these abilities, that's kind of where your imagery mute stealing side of your brain is, is in the right side. And the left is the logical linear side. So as soon as I kind of turned off those gifts of like, I'm going to be a doctor. And I was like, interesting scientists and math. And yeah. And so I started trying to going the doctor route until I failed calculus and your first year of university. And then I thought, how can you be a lawyer? So went into kind of lost stuff, and I couldn't pass the LSAT to save my life. And then I realized, maybe that's not for me. So it's so interesting, when, you know, the universe starts to kind of show you where you need to go. And you just got to kind of follow the flag, if you will, and just not have judgment that you suck at something. And I feel like somebody needs to hear that. That's Agreed, agreed? Yes, you don't stuck. It's just the universe trying to redirect you to something else. Are you willing to hear it?

Jenny Ryce:

So for those of you that didn't catch that, it's not that you're failing in life is that you're being redirected to your purpose? Well, to where, where you're going to be thriving. So can you share we already talked a little bit about this, can you share your example of that journey and how you ended up where you are today? I mean, Cole knows version, obviously. But you know,


when I was born, no, no, no. International every time. So I have a degree in business. And my background is in purchasing. And I had I took a sales job to be at home to look after my kids, I got two young kids. And I every time I tried to go back into purchasing, my whole thing was I was going to retire a VP of purchasing for some big company. I loved it, it was something I could do well, but at that time, after I had my second child, my mediumship started to come back. And again, my gifts, my gifts started to come back in. And then I started to have amazing experiences with teachers that came into my life and groups. And it just started to expand at such an astronomical rate. Like it was just developing my meditation, everything was developing so fast that I was like, Okay, this seems too easy. Right. And every time I tried to go back into the PA purchasing that would not happen, like job interviews, and I passed like all of the interviews, and we get to the last interview and maybe like, you know what, I don't know, just a gut feeling. I'm not gonna hire you. And it's not a word, like what are you talking about? Everyone else liked me? Why, why this, like, where's this roadblock coming from? And somebody suggested to me, this is a redirect. And I was like, Okay, what to what? So as a kind of stayed in my sales job, which was wonderful, because it was so flexible. So I was able to get my work done. And then still see clients in the evenings, weekends and holidays. So I was working all the time, right and employee mindset. And fast forward to I got all my designations and everything as I was doing those things on the side. And then fast forward to the pandemic, January 2020, to 2020 Sorry, I started a new job in seniors health care, and very interesting of course, that was like decimated because Aren't you a psychic? Wouldn't you have known that was coming? If that was true, I'd be a millionaire.

Jenny Ryce:

I was just gonna say we're not always given all the signs.


And I'm living this life too. Yeah, I'm also expanding my soul. So in the end, I was released from my job because I couldn't get into the health care the seniors homes because they were in lockdowns and outbreaks and I was released from my job in March 2020. And I had been seeing clients in Just finally, because as soon as my calendar opened, it's filled, like I just filled, like I was already booking a month or two out at that point. And then I just downloaded this wonderful. I literally feel like I channeled it from spirit, this passion and purpose, a group coaching program to help women step into their purpose and live the life of their dreams. And it was a time where a lot of people very disillusioned with their jobs anyway. So this was a fantastic opportunity to take a timeout and sort of see like, where am I actually going, so called in Amazing 15 Amazing, beautiful women that came into that group. And then I haven't stopped. So I teach classes intuition, development and passion and purpose. And yeah, it's just all things manifestation because I'm a law of attraction coach. So yeah, just surfing the waves of energy that live in our world. It's been, you know, understanding that you're being redirected, or you're being shown your gifts and talents. It's just, yeah, and life changing, really, when you start to realize that.

Jenny Ryce:

And when we think about, I love, you know, I love that you're talking about manifestation and intuition, we're going to have some people listening right now that are like, I have any intuition, right. And I probably a few years ago would have been like, I'm not intuitive. Knowing I mean, I'm expanding and learning and tapping into those skill sets. But for anybody that's listening right now that is unsure, what would be, you know, two or three things that you could give them to start nurturing that practice that they could start kind of digging in, and maybe opening that door for themselves.


I think the first thing to understand is that we are all born intuitive, right? We have We are energetic beings having this human experience. And when I mean that there is an energy that beats your heart, that's a synapse of your name, your nerves, your brainwaves, and we can measure that with EKG monitors. And you know, all these different monitors to see the energies working in the body. And when that energy ceases to exist in the body, you take your last breath. And now you are in the world of energy like that. So we all have this ability, we are energetic beings. First, we walk in a world of energy, and physicality. That's why we're so powerful. And we can use this wonderful mind to focus that energy. So what we are fixate on, or what we focus on our mind, we can actually make happen in the world of energy and physicality. So one of the best tools that I teach, especially in intuition one on one is intention setting, like if you can set an intention, the first thing in the day, as soon as you're conscious in the morning that you're awake, that your intention for what you want your data look like, and then see how it goes. Just see, like, I always sort of say to my clients, and my students build your own book of evidence, right that this is true for you be I'm a Virgo, I need evidence that this works. I need to know that this is real, like show me proof. Right? If you were like you talk to dead people like Yeah, and I need proof that that's real. I can't, I have to give you information for things that I couldn't possibly know. That's how I know it works. That's why I only teach what I know to be true. So with intuition development, one of the first and easiest things is intention setting first thing in the morning, and then see how your day goes. And if your day goes opposite of your intention, then it's funny because that just happened is it could be a trauma response that I never get what I want. No are you then like opposite. So again, that could be a nice, interesting, introspective point for yourself. Like, do I actually believe that things have to be hard, or that I can't get on what I want. So intuition, development, energy, we are energetic beings first, so you are always picking up energy in your, in your environment, we think about it that way. Like think of it when COVID first hit, right. I always like to call it the White Paper, white toilet paper flags of fear, right at all the toilet paper in people's carts. And they were so scared and I'm like, this isn't even a diarrhea kind of virus. I don't understand what

Jenny Ryce:

Yeah, that's a whole other episode.


Fear was permeating the air. I had so many clients like she tell, I can't go to the grocery stores right now. I can't even be out in public. And I'm like, where is your white light bubble? Like where are your boundaries mean? That you understand where your energy is? And where the world's energy is like there's there has to be a boundary to that. If you're permeable, and everything's coming in, and you're like a sponge, what's going to happen, you're gonna feel super depleted, you're gonna be taken on other people's stuff. So if that's somebody that's listening, that you feel like I keep taking on other people's stuff, and I don't understand why is because you're not understanding your boundaries with your energy, though a really another great tool is to just surround yourself and just envision it if you're not a visual person, be a feeler person, of just bringing yourself as a white light bubble just surrounding yourself in this bubble and saying, when I go out, my energy stays in this bubble and only positivity You can come in and just see what happened. Let's see, it might sound crazy to you. But your intuition lives in the place of your imagination. So when you see children, they're born with no ego, right? They cry when they're sad, or they need something and they laugh when they're happy. And then when we start to build up our ego, with the world around us that the belief is I need to achieve to be loved, I need to do for others to be loved. When I do good things, I am praised, right. That's how we grew up, we raise our children to be good humans and society, that's normal. And we stop thinking for ourselves and stop, stop listening to our intuition. And we start to build up that ego, that lovely brain that likes to keep us safe. So out of tandem, right? The Mind Body Spirit axis is is not well, right. So if you're thinking that your brain is you're so hard on yourself in judgment, and I got to do for others, and I keep attracting narcissists, that means that there is a spiritual out of alignment, there is a capacity issue in your spirit. That's, that's not holding well. So those are kind of some things, some pointers to see where you're not working well. And then some pointers, the intuition in the white light bubble, and then of course, meditation, right? Meditation is the key really gateway to everything, because you can't hear yourself, if you're chatter, the mind is going so, so fast, and so hard and so loud. So meditation is really becoming the observer of your thoughts. It's not stopping your thoughts. It's not slowing, it's just becoming the observer of them and realizing who is the observer, it's your spirit.

Jenny Ryce:

And it's so interesting, because I think it could be influenced by, by media and all those things. People, and myself included, when we start meditating, we think we've got to be this, you know, cross legged? Yeah, which I mean, amazing. But then when we can sit silent for five seconds, because our mind is shooting all over the place, you know, can you speak to that for people that are, are new, and then are looking for ways to to awaken or to find peace? Yeah, you know, finding grace I think is so, so hard sometimes for people when they're trying a new practice.


You're so right. And I think when you're so busy to your you know, so used to a busy mind, that it is always incessantly chattering. To have that quiet, it feel I often heard hear that from clients that are so busy, that quiet, a nerve to them, they don't like it, they don't like quiet. So what I would say is a really great starting point is breath, like counting your breath. So a simple one that I try with my beginners is count your breath for one minute. So set your timer for three minutes. And and then have you breathe in. And so we always climb our breaths with a deep breath in through your nose out through your mouth three times, that kind of oxygenates your brain slows everything down. And then just count your breath for the timer. So give yourself three minutes to kind of settle in. And every time you lose count, come back to the count. So let's say I'm counting my breath. And I think oh, did I leave the stove? Oh, no, I'm supposed to be counting the breath. You have to start back at one. I love it. Make it make it a practice for seven days to just try it for yourself. That your intention? Do you rather work in the morning or maybe at night whenever it feels better for you. And just count the single point in awareness meditations are the easiest way to start as a beginner because your mind is focusing on one thing, as opposed to the chatter in your mind is focusing your brain elsewhere. So if you give it something to focus on instead, it then takes the pressure off the other chatter, if you will. So yeah, breathwork counting. guided meditations are like the easiest way and there's so many free Insight Timer headspace all these free to, I think, yeah, there's a number of them that are free on the App Store. So great places to start.

Jenny Ryce:

I love it. So I can't believe it. I could talk to you for hours. But we know we gotta like sum up your I think eventually if Is there anything that you wish I had asked you? Is there a question you wish I had asked you to share with the audience.

Sheetal Story:

I was super excited to talk about death.

Jenny Ryce:

Okay, tell me about death.


Well, I'm a grief counselor, and I'm a meditation or a meditation teacher and a medium. And so you know, death, dying grief. Those are things I love, love, love to talk about. Because in society, I don't think we've been ever taught how to hold space for somebody who is going through those things that you know, makes us really uncomfortable, especially if you know somebody who's passed away or somebody close to them have passed away. We don't know what to say. Right? And I think I just want to earn People that if you know someone who's going through grief, it's okay to not know what to say. But really what they want is just someone to be there and not be scared to say, Hey, I just wanted to see if you're okay, can I come by and bring you some flowers? Or can I, I'm going to bring you something to eat. Because they often don't ask for support. But when you come by the it is really, really important. So, you know, and even like our spirit passing, as our spirit takes us last breath and kind of touched on this before, Hollywood loves to make us thing. And I think some religion makes it likes to make us think that it's hard. And it's not much, you just as soon as you take your last breath, you're back in the world of energy. Again, you don't have to pay the piper, you don't have to be a good person, you don't have to repent, none of that you don't need anything, you are literally back in the world of spirit again. And it is you're in this presence that you can see and feel everything. So they are with us, they're still alongside us. And if you're grieving that, are you you're very intuitive, and you can feel that, then you just say hi. And back up. I don't want you in my space. We walk in the world of energy and physicality. So we have a lot of power to us, we forget our power. And I think that's kind of in a really great summary to everything we kind of talked about is that we forget the power of our being and why you're here and what you came here to do. Right? Your purpose, your intention, everything that you focus on can become reality, even if you think about where you're at now, everyone who's listening, that was once a wish or desire that you have for yourself. Right now you're on to the next thing. And so you might feel lost about that. And I think just having your intention and vision visioning. What do you want your future to look like? We'll get you there. And grief. Of course, those are things that's part of being in the human experience. And can you hold faith for that party up and letting go with something that needs to go,

Jenny Ryce:

though? I'm thankful to that you wanted to bring up grief. Because again, I don't think it's a topic that's given enough light. And we all go through it. And we all come with an expiry date. That's what makes life worth living. So I appreciate you sharing it and bringing it forward. And for this incredible conversation. Like I said, I wish we had repressed record, it would have been a seven hour episode, I wish we had recorded our whole conversation that we you know, we did, we did sum it up for you guys, and bring you all the nuggets from that conversation in this episode. So thank you so much for being here. It is an absolute honor to share and your wisdom. And thank you so much for sharing with everybody that's listening.


And it's been such a pleasure to get to know you. And to be here as well. I can't wait to see what else is in store for you and the future. And I'd love to come back if you'd like to have me because there's so much more we could talk.