Oct. 30, 2024

Navigating Your Wealth Together For Life

Navigating Your Wealth Together For Life

Our lovely guest Miranda shares with us her journey through working in the financial industry for 30 years and how it has guided her to where she is today. She is passionate about sharing information, education, and being a big part of the community to give back to just really inspire others that they can take these steps and face it, as a business owner as well. This wonderful conversation is a reminder that you cannot achieve what you do not believe. Believe you deserve it and feel good about it.

Miranda’s offering to our listeners:

●   Treat yourself with the love and kindness that you would a good friend.


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About the Guest:

Miranda Solomon is a Responsible Investment Specialist. Through holistic financial planning, she has been helping others in their journey to achieving the financial lives of their dream. Her history of domestic violence and addictions in her family catalyzed a strong purpose to give back and to help those in the same struggle. She speaks about her story, financial literacy and the importance of connection in business. 

Miranda is the winner of IG Wealth Management’s 2023 Humanitarian of The Year award for her efforts in our community, sponsorship and volunteering.

About the Host:

Rev. DeeAnne ‘Rose Hope’ Riendeau B.Msc, HADM, PIDP, NLP is a thought leader in spiritual and business development whose mission is to elevate how we think and live. Experiencing a life of chronic illness, and 2 near death experiences, DeeAnne rebounded with 20 years of health education and a diverse health career.

She is known as the modern day Willy Wonka for giving away her company Your Holistic Earth, which is the first holistic health care system of its kind. She is currently the owner of Rose Hope International, in which she helps those who are seeking more joy, love, freedom, and a deeper meaning in life using your souls library also known as the Akashic Records. 

She has spoken at Harvard University, appeared on Shaw TV, Global Television, and CTV and has been recognized as a visionary and business leader having been nominated for numerous awards including Alberta Business of Distinction. Along with being an entrepreneur, DeeAnne is a mom of 2 bright kids, publisher, popular speaker and international bestselling author who uses her heart and her head to guide others to create their best life. 

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WSC Intro/Outro: This is When Spirit Calls and you on your journey, are in the right place. This show is about magic, miracles and meaning shared through stories, interviews and channeled messages. We have so much to share about who you are and your divine mission here on the earth, let's get to it. When Spirit Calls is right now.


Rev. Rose Hope: We are back with another incredible guest on When Spirit Calls. Please allow me to introduce you to the lovely Miranda Solomon. Miranda is a financial planner whose superpower is connecting with people, creating understanding and trust. Her fulfillment comes from helping others achieve the financial lives of their dreams, which, as we know, is a journey. She works with both individuals and business owners to support their future with holistic financial planning, this includes insurance, both group benefits and personal investments, estate tax and charitable giving. Miranda is the winner of IG wealth management's 2023 Humanitarian of the Year Award for her efforts in the community, sponsorship and volunteering. Coming from a history of domestic violence and addictions in her family, she has a strong purpose to give back and help those that were once her. In doing so, she speaks frequently on the topic of her story, financial literacy, access to advice and the importance of connection in business. Please stay tuned for our lovely guest today.


Oh, welcome back, everybody. We are rocking and rolling with our guests. We're the next season, and I'm so excited about our guest today. You've learned a little bit about the lovely Miranda. Hi, Miranda,

Miranda Solomon:

Hello. It's good to see you.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: I'm so happy that you're here with us today, and we're gonna actually talk about a few different things that we don't typically talk about on the show, because we want to give people some additional tools. So people have reached out, and they've said, I need to know more about money and abundance and how to in this three dimensional world. How do I manage that better? Because a lot of our listeners are struggling with attracting abundance. They're blaming themselves. There are getting really stuck in this self sabotage energy. So we're going to break some of that down for them today, and I'm really excited to get things going. So why don't you start by sharing a bit of the story in terms of why you do what it is you do. I want to know why.

Miranda Solomon:

So thank you for that introduction, I'm a financial planner. I've been in the industry for 30 years. Oh, my goodness, almost 30 years. I started, believe it or not, out of high school, getting into, I wanted an office job, and I actually got into collections. So that was really interesting in the early days, I guess, of the internet ish and, you know, finding people and things like that. But also I got into a situation where I learned a lot about credit and finance, right? And I was really, really interested in it. And then instantly it was like, How can we get proactive? How can we get in front of this, before people get to this situation, and how do they get here? And I was one of them. When I got that job, I had debt for my cell phone at the time, and I was like, No, I can't apply to this place. I owe them money. But it was a way of facing it, setting up some payments, and then also building my new career, right? So I got out into investments, which was really interesting to figure out, all the different types of not just specific investments like stock and mutual funds and things like that, but insurances and how they come into a financial plan to support a person, it's, in my opinion, really just a exercise in facing what you're afraid of, I think, and having the guts to look at it, but then also of feeling a little bit you're going to feel a little bit better, is what I tell my clients every my clients every time I see them, you should feel a little bit better, like we're eating this elephant one bite at a time, and I'm holding your hand through this experience. And that gives us the ability when we do recognize that there are some things that are risks, perhaps that you never even realized, we can sew up those loopholes together so that no matter what happens, you know you're going to be okay, and then I'm on your side. And, heck, you have to deal with me for 20 or 25 years, right? We should have a really great relationship where I'm approachable and inclusive and you feel like we're both, you know, equals. I think there's a little bit of a feel in the industry that a lot of advisors, perhaps are not approachable, or you need X amount of money to come and deal with them before they'll give you any advice. And it just really creates this like disconnect, even in the banks, I mean, to talk to somebody like me, in the banks, it was $500,000 on deposit before they would even talk to you. What kind of a feeling does that create for a person? I don't have $500,000 to invest, but I deserve this information. I could make a difference with this information. So I'm really, really passionate about the sharing of information, education, just getting out there being a big part of the community to give back. Who better to help you than the healed you, right? And to just really inspire others that they can take these steps and face it, not just on the financial planning front, but as a business owner and things like this

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Beautiful, you know, I I'm thinking about my own experience and my life with money and some of the things that I went through. And I'm sure that you have many stories of your clients and maybe even some personal stories about this, but I feel compared to share a little bit too here. So, you know, I had my heart set on becoming a millionaire by the time I was 30, I was, like, really determined. I was an overachiever. Success is, you know, after success and keep climbing. And so I had done really well in my career. I ended up teaching at local colleges. I was really good at saving money. I had bought multiple properties, and, in fact, at one point, I had over 30 land banking projects in Alberta that I owned. Now that was great, and I fell into this industry of land banking as well. A lot of people don't know that I had a little side career for a few years doing land banking, investing, and I made incredible money doing that, more money than I even want to admit. So by the time I was 30, I hit that million dollar mark. But guess what? I lost almost all of it, and that happened through a series of events, I was defrauded with that land banking company. I lost almost, well, about $350,000 there. I went through divorce. So there goes another big chunk of that. And losing the equity, the property, the investments, and I fell into this, like, single mom Dum and so it was almost like, Well, I'm a single mom. I'm struggling. It was like this story that I then fell into. And so after losing pretty much everything, I really had to work hard to build it back up. And at the time, I was building up a business that was making basically $0 I was paying everybody else, but not myself, and I really struggled, and I really felt like I had gone a million steps backwards. What do you have to say to people like me that have felt like they've worked so hard and they've achieved a certain level of success when that all comes crashing down, you know? What are some of the things that you might want to speak to around an experience like that?

Miranda Solomon:

First of all, look at all of the bravery and what you did and everything you learned from it. Life is about experience, and so sure, you feel like you fell from the top, but I think we can achieve or keep what we don't believe that we deserve, right? So there's a part of that as well. We talk about that, like cybernetic setting that is your like thermostat, of I can't keep more than $5,000 in my bank account, and I'll sabotage myself if I think that, I'll spend the money just to make myself believe that I don't have this right, and the feeling of struggle. So when you talk about business as well, in that if we put all of our money back into our business, and nobody teaches us how to be business owners, we're just people love to do what we do. We go out to do it, and then we get out there and we realize, okay, I need to be doing only certain things in my business that are going to pay in a certain way, and I need to delegate and have support, and now, now I'm an employer, and all of these other things that come into this. And it's a school of hard knocks, for sure, but it I've learned that it doesn't need to be as strugglesome as perhaps, that I thought it was like, I'm going to be so much more successful, because this was strugglesome the entire way that it was really hard and I had to claw my way up. You could be more successful or as successful if you treat yourself with dignity and you pay yourself first, and you put a portion into the business. And you think anybody that is really healthy and mindful of themselves and respectful to themselves would pay themselves first, right? Most people don't give everything to something and leave nothing for themselves. So this could be also a trauma piece, and I don't want to step any on any toes that way, but,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: oh, fully willing to admit there was lightly trauma attached.

Miranda Solomon:

Yes. So I come from a history of domestic violence and addictions in my family, and so I'm heavily involved with Al Anon and the AA program, and I speak on some of it and things like this, and I have taken some trauma courses as well. And so the trauma informed difference is not only just having been like a victim or a survivor, but understanding the psychological things that are going on when we can't trust ourselves, especially. Or, you know, from a divorce, let's say there was financial abuse, or you just didn't have any control over the money, or maybe you made some decisions that you wished you hadn't, and they didn't turn out well, and that, that feeling of loss being seven times more painful than even the feeling of winning. You know, we win and we achieve all of this money, and that's great, but you could probably say having this million dollars felt awesome, but losing 100,000 is way more painful than gaining the million. And so seeing what your head is doing in that, and when you talk about the abundant side, as I said, you cannot achieve what you cannot believe, then I tell people most definitely. I mean, they still

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: might say that again, I want them to hear this. You cannot achieve what you do not believe.

Miranda Solomon:

Absolutely. You will sabotage yourself every single time without even noticing it. And again, I'm not a coach by any means with regard to that kind of thing, but it's just my own personal experience. I've been working with the law of attraction and vibration, and with coaches and things like this for many years. And I will tell you every time I've been I want to say forced. You know, you get so uncomfortable with a situation where there's no choice. You have to make a decision, you have to do something, and you feel like you put in your all, and then you make that decision, and all of a sudden everything you need comes to you, right? And you it just, I know that, in my opinion, it's my God in the universe. It comes through for me every single time. And so when we finally let go of having control over everything, and that's a big part of the Al Anon program as well, is that we don't have control, and then it's like, well, if I'm not in control of every decision and everything that everybody does, and I just have to look out for me and make sure that I'm a good person and a good citizen, and I'm not, you know, hurting others and things like this, then I don't have to worry about what other people choose and how to, you know, and we can, as CO dependents, we can get fairly manipulative and things like this. So I think it's more of an exercise in in believing yourself, in yourself again, and having the with a team member, just like a coach you we walk through this together to say, No, we can see that money is safe and that, you know, it can be predicted, and that we can hold on to it, and it is not the root of all evil and All of these types of things that we tell ourselves that actually hold us down.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: You know, there's so many of us with limited beliefs around this, and I know for a lot of our listeners who are their healers, they're light workers, they've got this limited belief that says they're not worthy to receive, you know, and this is fairly entrenched deep within us. I mean, I was raised Catholic, so, I mean, we even have a statement that says, I'm not worthy to receive, you know, like that's part of what we would say. And so we've got this so ingrained in us. And so this is definitely one of those things that, you know, we can be invited to work through and work on. And even though you're not a coach, it sounds to me like some of this comes out in some of the sessions that you sit down with people around money. What do you have to say for those people that might have some limited beliefs and maybe they're blocking themselves? What's one thing that you can suggest that we can do to maybe shift some of that for ourselves.

Miranda Solomon:

Well, I think what often happens with prospective clients is they feel like they're going to be judged, and they already judge themselves, and there's a lot of shame and blame. And so this isn't out approachable. I want to say inclusive, but this has kind of got a these days, inclusive has this connotation of race and things like that, but inclusive in that I'm just here to help you, not looking out for myself for the most part, and wanting to just do whatever I can to see you be successful. So all the products off the table, how can I help? And what is your biggest worry? And how can we work through that? And again, it's that partner in going forward and saying, okay, so you made some mistakes, but how can we make healthier decisions going forward? Often, educating is a really, really big part of that. We don't understand what we're doing, perhaps in our in our history, or why we you know, it's a lot of situations where, okay, usually, you know, the advisor has a relationship with the guy. He handles all the investments. That's all. I have a SPO, RFP, I've got all this stuff. I go in there to sign, but I'm not really allowed to ask questions things like that. And usually it's the women that were paying the bills in the household, looking after the children. And again, it can be shared in any amount, which I hope is really great, that there's a lot of sharing of duties going on, but more involved in school and all of this kind of stuff, right? And so if there's not an understanding and a comfortable way to or an approachability to be able to ask questions, no matter how stupid they might sound, what does this look like? Like? What does that investment? What does that mean? How does that work? Or others that know more would get. May be frustrated with we don't have time for this. We only have an hour. Why are you asking these questions? Well, I don't want to sign for something that I don't understand. So if we've been kind of pushed through that and just being kind of oblivious, this was my situation, then what happens is, if anything does happen to that first partner, it's a really big issue in this industry as well. Usually the guys die first tour guys, but that's the statistics. And so the woman is left with the money, and she has not a great relationship with that existing advisor, right? So, and it's preventable that he would include her a little bit more, or she, whichever, the advice the relationship is not there. I like to say to my clients that it honestly does not matter if we purchase you a mutual fund or a dump truck. Honest to goodness, there's a trust in that relationship, and they don't care what it is that gets them there. They care that I care and that I'm willing to explain so you understand why we're doing these things right, and it's a I think we're going to go this way, I don't know, put this money in RSPs and do this, this and this, but once I've gathered the rest of the information in the next meeting, we can even change our course and go, I looked at all of your income and everything that's going on, and you're a business owner, I think it's probably better, maybe to consult with your accountant. But also, this should go in a Tax Free Savings Account because of this, this and this, bringing you along that sales, whatever it is path and to have the dignity to make your own decisions, right? I mean,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, you know, I love this so much because I think there are a lot of people that still are avoiding the money stuff, you know, where they're like, Oh, I'm not going to do a budget. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, or they know something's not going right, and then they end up in a divorce, and they end up, you know, in a difficult financial situation. And I keep hearing this time and time again, these situations, and it sounds like you had a similar one, which was part of your reason for doing what you do now. What do you think the biggest value is when we stand up and we say, Okay, I'm gonna deal with this. I'm gonna take this on for myself. Like, what do most of your clients feel when they finally lean in and say, Okay, I'm facing this money beast. I'm gonna do it. What do you think their number one gain is?

Miranda Solomon:

Well, I've had so many people like, I didn't even know I could retire. I had I just was so afraid of looking at this, like, if we don't budget, then we don't know where the issue is when we know that we have no money left over and so not being judged and having all of that shame. Like, imagine if that was if you went to bed at night. You're not worried about all of that stuff, where clients come in and I have $20,000 worth of credit card debt, and I'm able to say, Well, I have some credit card debt too. I get it like I have to have a financial planner as well to help me see around my stuff. I've got my own paradigms, but I'm here to walk through this with you without judgment, and know that everything is forgivable and everything is fixable. It was looking at you rebuilding your business and rebuilding your financial wealth, to know that even though it fell from grace to this point or to wherever it is, that you still have the guts to be able to rebuild that and to know that you've got somebody on your side. So it's really a letting go of all of that shame and all of that worry, and if we're looking at it now, there's things we can do to make sure that you're going to be okay. I 100% guarantee every time we meet, you're going to feel a little bit better. And it's an exercise in peace of mind. So imagine that feeling of peace of mind and knowing that somebody is there for you.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: So peace of mind is worth its weight in gold to me. You know, right? You know, not stewing over it, not getting on the hamster wheel and worrying and worrying and worrying, I think that's just brilliant. The other thing that I'm feeling like there's a sense of relief that shows up for me. There's that sense of compassion that shows up for me. There's the sense of self worth that comes up and feeling empowered to be able to say, hey, look, look at what I've got here, and look at what I can do with it. You know, even if the numbers aren't what you want them to be. And by the way, I'm happy to report that after just a little over a decade, I've more than recouped all of those losses and then some. Yay. And that's because I was willing to sit down and say, What do I need to do here? And I had to stop playing this victim mode of I'm now a struggling single mom, and I had to step into my true path as well. Once I did that, then it was like, Okay, now the abundance was pouring back in, and it's allowed me to actually get even more clear, because, you know, I gotta be honest and. Many of our listeners heard me speak about this before, but I played the I'll be happy when game, you know, I'll be happy when I have the family. I'll be happy when I get that million dollars. I'll be happy. And none of that really, truly filled me up. None of that actually made me happy. I had to go and do the inner work. I had to work through those limited beliefs that says, oh, people that have money are judgmental and arrogant and all of the like, I all these

Miranda Solomon:

ripped others off the entire time not doing

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: They did something unethical.

Miranda Solomon:

I mean, I want to be one of them.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, they manipulated to get where they are. Like, all of your assessments that I had held against these people, and now I like, I pray that people do not think that about me in any way, you know, but I understand that perspective, because I was there, and what that was doing to me was keeping me from playing in the big leagues. It was keeping me from manifesting the abundance that I truly desired. So moving through those limited beliefs. And going back to, you know, how you spoke about those, money is the root of all evil people with money are jerks. You know, all of those limited beliefs we have and we've created, or others have created within us over years of conditioning, if we can really dial into those and really ask the question, is that even true? Is that even true? Nowadays, when I get a thought about anything, my next question is, is that even true? And that has served me so well in all of the things that I've been doing. I just last week, I was in LA for a workshop. And here's a manifestation story for you. I had said an intention, that I wanted my book to become a movie. Now I know nobody in Hollywood. I know no actresses, no producers, like barely anybody in that world. And, you know, several months ago, I'm thinking, How is this even going to be possible? Like, you know, I'm struggling to find the possibility, and my ego mind is coming in, and it's saying there's no way. Like, this is a pipe dream. Everyone wants their book to become a movie. Like, all this stuff is cycling through my head. So I end up signing out for this three day experience. I don't really know what I'm signing out for. I just have a coach of mine who says I need to be there. I'm listening. I go to this conference. Well, guess who's there? Influencers, people on TV, producers, award winning producers. And so brilliantly, this opportunity came up where this actress and this producer says, we're going to make this book a movie? Can you believe that? And so how incredible is it that our limited mind will start to create all of these stories that are not even true, and if we let them, they stop us from believing. And you had that beautiful quote around believing, we've got to believe it. We've got to know that it is possible for us know that wherever you are right now, there is something better that is coming for you, that is showing itself to you in what one way or another. And so this idea of being able to manifest is kind of part of what you do, too. But if we're not willing to face it, if we're not willing to stretch ourselves and look at look at it, get a bit uncomfortable with it, we're not, then we're definitely not going to go anywhere. So you know, one of the next pieces I just want to speak to, because I know that you you give a lot. You are a philanthropist. You support a lot of non for profit work. And I love this way of working. It's something that I've done in my business. I give about 30% away every year to clients of my time and resources. And I love it. I don't want to change that. What would you say to those people that feel like they're giving, giving, giving and not receiving anything, because you have mastered this art of receiving, I believe, and I want to understand from your perspective, what's going on there with people, if they're saying I gave that person so much and they just screwed me over, or they gave me nothing back, or I referred this person so many times, and they're not sending me any referrals. What do you say to that story?

Miranda Solomon:

You know, I think you're looking there those type of people, that mindset is looking at a transaction. I have an expectation if I do this, then you do this, and really, if you're open about that, to say, Listen, if I send you a referral, I expect one in return. And that's a very clear communicated expectation. But living life with expectations that are not communicated is really unfair, and it's asking for you. Disappointment. It absolutely is setting yourself for disappoint, setting yourself up for disappointment, in my opinion, and I've lived my life like this for a very long time. Well, if I buy this beautiful birthday gift for my husband, maybe he will make sure that he does something equally as nice for me, maybe I'll feel deserving, right? And so that's kind of a trap, thinking in that way, that people will reciprocate when you let go of all of that, and you would just it's so much easier to live life that way, actually believing that what is going to come around will come around. If I'm deserving, it will come I don't have to force it. So I'm gonna pour into you and help you in any way that I can. Again, you need to move the needle in a business and all of this, so you can't, you know, spend four and five and I learned that that lesson spending four and five hours with people that there wasn't a lot I could do with $50 a month or something like this, but I can definitely educate them, help them to feel seen and deserving and plan for the future. But this is not a five hour conversation, right? So I'm not becoming a therapist in that way. There are people that I can help more in different ways, but you need that's the dignity is the important part, right? And the deservingness and the approachability. I do want to stop you, though that's a really great question, but I want to share with you one of my great manifestation and I've been doing this for, wow, well, over 15 years. And what happened to me was, you know how we don't think, and you're talking about, when you bring something into the light, like, Is this even really true? As soon as you bring it out into the light, it actually disappears a lot faster. Like, well, that's not real. What was I thinking? Yeah, it's actually way easier to bring it into the light and recognize it for what it is. So I was working out for a couple of months, and I'm doing this great coaching experience, and was all about getting in vibration and of feeling good, and of actually having the guts to do the actions without seeing the results right away, where I know that I'm giving to the, you know, the community, and that's not for referrals. That's who better to help the previous me than the healed me? That's what that is about. And you know, my son, we're doing colonial Collective is like a single parents group that we get involved with, and we do like Secret Santa and things like this. You bring the little kids in, and they pick out, you know, presents for their parents and all this. And my son was 12 at the time. They never helped us when you were a single mom. And I went so well, why are we doing this? I was like, but look at these little kids. Look how happy they are. Look at how happy the moms are, or the dads, the single dads, or whoever it is, the grandparents, when they imagine like they get a present now that they didn't have to pick out. And so this little stuff about being just, maybe not a great corporate citizen, but just being a really good person. So I'll get back to the whole there's no results, and I'm feeling really, really good. And you know, your head goes, it's a pipe dream. Like, what are you doing? So anyway, I'm in the shower at the gym, and it had been kind of like, just really quiet in the back of my head, and it got loud, and it's so funny, because, like, Why me? But anyway, you think I don't have any paradigms? What's going on with that? And it's like you are being a fool. You're so happy in this it's not going to work out, like, what if nothing, it's not going to happen. Like, things like this don't happen to people like you, like you don't deserve this. And I was like, oh my god, shut that up. I literally said that to myself in the shower, and it was a really pivotal moment for me, because I was able to say, whoa, whoa, whoa. Actually, if there's no results that come out of this, I feel really good, and I'm actually allowed to feel this great about getting up every day and going and, you know, doing things and just feeling good. So that, I think the ticket really is in believing that you deserve it and that feel good while you're doing it, because that's just gonna send those ripples out, and you can feel the moment you're like, Ah, I'm not making sales, and you worry then you're not recognizing that it's not you and your job and the dollars that come in that make you happy, which also leads into, Oh, my goodness, it's the journey. It's not the dollars in the bank account that make you happy. It's who you become in the growth.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: I love that so much. It is who you become in the growth

Miranda Solomon:

In the journey, right? Like, wow, experience this life. It's not about I'll be happy when,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: right? Oh yeah, because it's a losing game. As my audience knows, if they've heard that those episodes before you know that I'll be happy when game is a losing game. And I love what you spoke to this, and I love that you shared your own experience about this, because I think it happens for so many of us, where we've got that ego part of our mind that comes in and it's chit chattering away, and our job is to put that in place. And. If we can do that, then, like you said, it doesn't hold the power that it normally would over us.

Miranda Solomon:

There's no other part of it, though. Yes, that it's only there to protect us. It is just there because it's fearful that we're going to do something that's going to hurt us. But anything we've ever done, riding a bike, you know, oh my god, walking, I'm scared of heights, walking across, like, one of those bridges, suspension bridges, body one foot in front of the other. But then when you do it, you're like, look what I can do, and that builds confidence, and you can do it again. So everything that we're uncomfortable with or scared of in a lot of situations is just an experience. So when you educate yourself and you know that it's safe or whatever it is, then you go into it a little bit, you know, less afraid. But we still have to do things that make us afraid. If we're going to do anything that's going to mean anything,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Right? We've got to be willing to stretch ourselves, and in the stretching is where we get to receive too. You know, it's, you know, when you talked about, you know, giving, and those people that are like giving, giving feeling like they're getting nothing back, are you not already receiving the feeling of feeling so good, like you said to your son, doesn't it feel good? Look at the smiles. Look at the joy in these presents. Like that is the gift, and anything else that shows up as a byproduct of that is a bonus,

Miranda Solomon:

And you have to let go of all of that, right? Think about what for me it was to see him embrace that and coloring with four year olds, writing out little Mother's Day cards and stuff. When he let go of the outcome, yeah, he just enjoyed that experience, and it is what it is, right? And so giving back to community is a really important thing for me. I grew up in a really small community on the Sunshine Coast of BC, and my dad owned a construction company, and you would run into people at the mailbox. I use this experience all the time. It's a great story, because are my windows in yet? Well, you don't, I'm not working right now and avoid people. We just want that connection, and we want somebody that we trust, and yeah, the Windows came in, or I'll have to check or whatever, but being a good citizen in that way and just treating your my clients become my friends, right? You know, they just want that connection, and they want that to be seen. And just like I would want to be seen, right, we worry so much that we can't trust sales people. And it's really I'm wanting to turn the industry on its side in that way, that clients, this is one of the reason that reasons that I left the bank, because the clients need to come first. And if we always do what's right by them, then the numbers will come because they know, let's say at the bank, that we sell MasterCards. And so if we go in as a client to renew a mortgage and come out with a MasterCard, that feeling is like I got talked into that I didn't really need that. And so if you they think that they might need an a MasterCard for online purchase or whatever it is, they will come to us and say that they maybe need that. And then we can advise them. It's about turning it around backwards, instead of, oh, I can only make a certain amount of money on a certain type of client, right? So, yeah,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: To me, what you're saying is it's about service. You know, it comes back to being in service. And being in service doesn't mean we self sacrifice everyone listening. Being in service means that we are willing to ensure that others are taken care of, knowing we will get something in return, even if that something is the feeling of feeling good, because it's

Miranda Solomon:

years down the road. You now know what you're building. You can't see all of this.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yeah, you know, there's a huge ripple. I have clients that come out of the woodworks that I've been talking to for years and years. I just had one the other day who's like, I'm finally ready to work with you, you know? And that's five years of relationship building. It is about building and nurturing relationship at the end of the day, because if we are not yielding financial benefit, we are nurturing beautiful souls who we don't even know what the outcomes can be, right?

Miranda Solomon:

Absolutely, all the people we touch, yeah,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: people we touch, we forget, you know, and you know as we're speaking to and again, this is repetitive from other podcasts, but this idea of continual expectancy and continual expectancy does not mean that we're attached to a particular outcome, but rather we know that whatever it is that does result is exactly what is needed for our highest good and the good of others involved.

Miranda Solomon:

Oh, I love that.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Isn't that beautiful. And this is what you practice. This is what I absolutely is. Yep, exactly what you're saying is, don't get attached to the outcome. Just know that what you're doing is amazing, and that feeling in itself is the receiving part. And I. So many of us gets blocked on that receiving, you know, because we are attached to an expectation of what it needs to look like, or we have some subconscious, limited beliefs that are holding us back and saying, oh, you know, money is the root of all evil, or what have you, or we're lacking belief in our own worth. Those are the three big things that I know I really took out of our conversation today,

Miranda Solomon:

Aabsolutely. And think about, you know, people will say, like, if you walk into a room when you're in a certain head space, right, and you're not confident in yourself, and you go, I wonder if they will like me, and I've been that person. But then when you make the switch to go. I wonder if I will like them. It's not even like that, in my opinion, it is if you are in a situation where you don't feel like you're receiving and you're over giving, you are in the wrong room. You need to get around those people who want to support you as well, who reciprocate without being asked you are you are in the wrong rooms. That's why you feel taken advantage of, or you're over giving before speaking about wanting to receive. So get yourself in the rooms of the people that recognize what you bring to the table and are willing to reciprocate. They want to see you succeed as much as themselves. And that's really what happens when you get to the next level. It's not about competition, it's about collaboration and about the greater good. Absolutely.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Love it. I'm

Miranda Solomon:

all about the greater good. I love it. Love it. Been such a beautiful conversation. Thank you, Miranda, so much for taking time to be with us today. So if someone says, oh my God, I need a financial planner. We have international clients too. So what does that look like? If someone just wants to chat with you and they say, Oh my God, I feel like inspired now to tackle this money beast. You know, what does that look like? Where do we go from here?

Miranda Solomon:

So I do. Wealth Management is the second biggest in Canada. We're 260 5 billion of assets, so a very big institution with a lot of support. I am here because this is what we do. We look from the collaborative high level to help figure out what it is to help you, and then go from there. It's always client centric. So what you would do is just search me up on any socials, as well as ig.ca, as well as I'm sure you'll share my information in adapt to this podcast as well. Know that you shouldn't be embarrassed and that your advisors should be inclusive and should be willing to have a discussion with you. Give me a shout. I'll talk to you. I'll share any information that I can and get you to the right place, most definitely. So we're licensed in Canada, but there are international clients that we do have as well. I have ones that are Australia, and they come back to Canada and things like this, but the most of the the focus on is on Canadian clients, yeah,

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: listening from the States, and they're just like, I could just use a safe place to land.

Miranda Solomon:

I would love that conversation Absolutely, because we have different types of retirement plans and all of that. It's really about finding the person that you can trust.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Yes, and you know, you have really ensured that people feel safe. That's one of the biggest things that I felt with you and the conversations I've had with you is that you're really going to create a safe space to be fully seen and heard, and don't we all just need to be seen and heard,

Miranda Solomon:

so Right? I mean, just when we're asking, when we're dealing with the banks, for example, we're coming into investment and product that is not a financial plan, right? So just looking from you need an advisor that's willing to really take the time to get to know you and then start to make those decisions

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: that big picture, yeah, yes. Well, this has been fantastic. I hope you guys have gained some valuable insight today, and perhaps feel more inspired than ever before to really step into your money story. Miranda, this has been great, and yes, we will put all your contact information in the show notes. She's available for free time, if money, if time is free, but she's available for all of you, if you wish to reach out and have a conversation, get the ball rolling. Miranda is your gal. Thank you so much, Miranda, for being with us, and

Miranda Solomon:

Thanks so much.

Miranda Solomon:

Rev. Rose Hope: Oh, it's been such a pleasure. And thank you all for listening and tuning in to another wonderful edition of When Spirit calls clearly, spirit has called this woman in to help guide us on our money journey. And I thank you again. So much. Bye, everyone.

Miranda Solomon:

WSC Intro/Outro: So happy you could join us today, and we hope that you found comfort and inspiration with wherever you are at right now, if you feel you received a gift in today's message, please pass that gift along to a loved one by sharing this episode with them to continue this conversation, please join me at Rosehope.ca and when you do, be sure to access your free gift by signing up for the When Spirit Calls newsletter, I'm looking forward to connecting with you again soon.

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