The One About Freebirth

Starting off the third season of The Yoni Codes Podcast, Katherine and Melissa take a deep dive into what it means to give birth in sovereignty, create without observation, and to be completely unhindered as we bring our desires into form.
While we discover the process that Katherine worked through in birthing her fourth baby Cora, we also uncover the how the concept of freebirthing relates to all facets of the creation process, whether we are birthing a baby or birthing a piece of art or birthing a book.
There is even a point in this conversation that causes one (or both?) of us to get triggered... tune in to hear how we work through it in the moment.
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Music Credit:
Love Breath - Kundalini Collective - Leyolah Antara & Dar Ra Brady
Leyolah Antara IG: @leyolah_antara
Dar Ra Brady IG: @Dar.Ra.Brady
About the Hosts:
Melissa April - Master Transformational Coach, Rebirth Ceremonialist, Kundalini Dance Facilitator walking the Rose Priestess path
Melissa is a coach and mentor for Creatives & Artists who desire to reconnect with their Innate Creation Intelligence. She supports them to gestate and birth their dreams into the world - be it a body of work, a work of art, or a baby!
Melissa lives with the love of her life and their two beautiful almost 2-year old twins on the beautiful Westcoast of BC.
Katherine Blanco - Birth Witness, Childbirth Educator, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner, Women’s Circle Facilitator, & Podcast Host
Katherine's practice is rooted in nurturing women navigating all facets of their childbearing years. Katherine offers her care both as an online mentor and in-person guide all over the Lower Mainland of BC.
Katherine has been with her beloved for over 21 years and they have four radiant children together.
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Melissa April -
Katherine Blanco -