Half Past Sooner Rather Than Later

What is the deal with procrastination?
What does it feel like when we trust our desire to put something off?
Most of us have felt some shame when we procrastinate, but what if our bodies are telling us something?
Is there an intelligence to our indulgence in waiting to complete a task until the mood strikes?
Tune in as Katherine and Melissa discover:
• How our relationship with procrastination can be a healthy way to connect with our natural flow
• Is this behaviour anchored in self sabotage or self care?
• Procrastination as a teacher and inner guide
• The power in trusting the timing of the creation process
• The role of surrender in finding deep fulfillment
• Questions to ask yourself to feel into your alignment
We had a great time uncovering the Yoni Code this week. Thank you for joining us!
If you enjoyed this conversation we recommend you check out episode 10, There is No “I” in Perfect.
About the Hosts:
Melissa April - Rebirth Guide, Transformational Soul Coach
Melissa holds sacred space for women to reclaim their feminine intelligence and weave their magic into their life's work.
Melissa lives with the love of her life and their two beautiful 15 months old twins on the beautiful Westcoast of Canada.
Katherine Blanco - Birth Keeper, Childbirth Educator, Yoga Teacher, Holistic Reproductive Practitioner, Women’s Circle Facilitator, & Podcast Host
Katherine's practice is rooted in supporting women navigating all facets of their childbearing years, both as an online mentor and in-person guide.
Katherine lives on the Sunshine Coast, BC with her beloved of over 20 years and their four radiant children.
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@theyonicodes: www.instagram.com/theyonicodes
@themelissapril: www.instagram.com/themelissaapril
@katherineblancobirth: www.instagram.com/katherineblancobirth
Melissa April - www.melissamakeiff.com
Katherine Blanco - www.katherineblanco.ca