In this episode, Melissa and Katherine take their listeners on a wild ride through what conscious conception means when birthing all of our creations into the world, not just human babies. Stay connected: Join our newsletter ...
In this episode, Melissa and Katherine explore their relationship to shame and parenthood. Stay connected: Join our newsletter to stay connect with us and to also receive invitations to upcoming online and in-person sisterhoo...
Starting off the third season of The Yoni Codes Podcast, Katherine and Melissa take a deep dive into what it means to give birth in sovereignty, create without observation, and to be completely unhindered as we bring our desi...
In their Summer Season Finale, Melissa and Katherine open up and share their personal insights on being in the thick of mothering little ones. In this raw and real conversation they reveal a potent Yoni Code that can serve us...
Join us for this potent conversation with Lea Bayles, as she helps lift the veil on what is waiting for us on the other side of our childbearing years and how she found her power in the transition into being the Matriarch of ...
Women gather. Reflections initiated. Intentions held. Magic made. In this episode Melissa and Katherine share their take on modern sister circles. They explore the energy that is created when women gather and the potent conta...
Join Melissa and Katherine in a riveting conversation on moving through grief with Grace Harman. We touch on the power of presence and intention in death and the grieving process. Grace Bella Harman (she/her/hers) is a Board ...
Opening up Season 2 of the Yoni Codes with a riveting conversation on Transition. The space between the creation process and being fully open to express your creation... or your baby. Katherine and Melissa weave metaphor of t...
Tune in as Melissa and Katherine share some exciting changes coming to The Yoni Codes. This is our season one closer and we look forward to dropping our next episode. We will be starting Season 2 on the next Full Moon, Tuesda...
What is the deal with procrastination? What does it feel like when we trust our desire to put something off? Most of us have felt some shame when we procrastinate, but what if our bodies are telling us something? Is there an ...
Is stoking your entrepreneurial fire and your desire to be a fully present mother about finding balance or is it about creating harmony? In this episode, Melissa and Katherine begin to explore their respective experiences nav...
When we move through a rebirth portal, part of the 'big surrender' is the process of letting let go. And when we let go, regardless of the circumstances, grief often follows. In this episode, Melissa and Katherine share their...
In this mini episode, Katherine Blanco riffs on why you cannot manifest your birth. Katherine speaks to: How we are Nature and we need to surrender to Her The dangerous messaging that permeates the natural birth world regardi...
Have you ever deflected a compliment or rejected a gift? Perhaps you accepted, but felt feelings of unworthiness? If it is our birthright to receive, why have we forgotten how? How can we allow our innate feminine essence to ...
Have you found yourself saying yes when you want to say no? Do you ever edit or censor your expression for fear of being rejected? Perhaps you feel energetically depleted after spending time with your so-called friends? These...
We have all heard Gandhi’s quote “Be the change you want to see in the world”, but what would our world feel if we all embodied the peace we want to see in the world? In this episode Melissa and Katherine speak to why we need...
This week we have the pleasure of hosting the dynamic duo, Jen Lang and Jane Stark from the No Halos Here podcast. Together we explore working in collaboration with other women and the potential for creating magic when we let...
What if we told you that we are living through the Zombie Apocalypse and that you may in fact be one yourself? The tentacles of technology are infiltrating our sub- and collective consciousness, whether we would like to admit...
Planning for the postpartum time is something that our Western culture often lacks. What would it feel like to bring intention to our physical, emotional, and energetic healing during this tender time? In this episode, Kather...
Allowing ourselves the opportunity to take a pause to reevaluate, reset and rest can be challenging in today's fast-paced hustle culture. Yep, it's that patriarchy showing up in our subconscious again. This conversation gets ...
Killing the Martyr in relation to Conflict is all about recognizing and then unlearning the patterns that are multigenerational, usually through the Maternal line. Conflict resolution is handled in so many different, and ofte...
Ceremony and ritual are ancient practices that humanity have utilized to embody spirtuality for centuries. Bringing ritual and ceremony to our sacred time of mensuration can be a transformative and powerful way to connect wit...
The patriarchy is a sickness that can be hard to spot simply because it’s so ingrained in our culture. The Healing Arts industry (healers, light-workers, coaches, even birth workers!) is not immune to the dis-ease of its syst...
Harnessing the power of our menstruation is our birthright, yet as a society we have lost this connection to this monthly rebirth cycle. In this "Red Tent" episode, Katherine and Melissa touch on the history of our blood myst...