June 24, 2021

You are a Powerful Being – Embracing Your Inner Gifts

You are a Powerful Being – Embracing Your Inner Gifts

In this episode, we are joined by special guest Heather O’Neill who is passionate about helping people heal and harness their own authentic energy field. Heather reminds listeners that you are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. And when you tap into your own inner resources you can experience abundance and joy in your health, wealth, and love. She discusses the law of attraction and how it starts as an inside job –by loving yourself, acknowledging your own immense inner healing power, and focusing on where wealth already shows up for you through gratitude.

About the Guest: 

Heather O’Neill is an Energy Healer and Energy Alignment Coach who works with people who want to understand how to heal and harness their energy field. She helps them to attract and live into their most fulfilling life. Heather holds a BA in psychology, is a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher, a hypnotist, and an empath.

Heather would love to hear from you:

Website: https://healing.family/

Show: Conscious Conversations -https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__rumble.com_c_c-2D867287&d=DwIDaQ&c=6lBq1l7u-nYp55J7Pl8O6Ib5YT4g76ov0zCpXQrgS5M&r=rV-KxHgiPOeFr3Mr6UtzKgNlEC3U0hihLY7hfpLCJFY&m=ymvV3SfsJUD8NQ7XQnlaLci5-o9mwHzsheTMjQLA5-s&s=opWCgaTBBSeD41UR0qlTpfluUTkBj89Oui2wTdRTl4U&e=

 Insta: @heather_oneill_inner_healing

FB: facebook.com/EnergyHealerHeather

About the Host:

I am a financial professional, who specializes in helping people to achieve their financial goals. My absolute passion is creating new possibilities in people’s lives by showing them the ropes when it comes to money. I’m here to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. I believe this begins with education and shifting our relationships with money. I love getting to witness people achieving their most ambitious goals and creating new possibilities for themselves and their families!

I love your questions! Reach out to me anytime at:

Email: kalee.boisvert@raymondjames.ca

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaleeboisvert/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wealthandwelln2


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