Nov. 11, 2021

Embodying your Most Successful Self Through your Unique Style

Embodying your Most Successful Self Through your Unique Style

In this episode, we are joined by special guest Cortney St Clair who is passionate about helping ambitious women get into alignment and step into the most successful version of themselves through the way they get dressed each day! Cortney shares the science behind how you dress with how you show up for your day –which means sweats are for lounging and maybe not for being a BOSS! Remember each of us has a unique style and it’s important to spend time getting clear on your personal style to embody and embrace it in order to show up as your best self. And as a special bonus, Cortney shares her body shape guide and style success journal prompts to help you get intentional with your style –links below!

About the Guest: 

Cortney St Clair is a transformative style coach, she fuses personal development with personal style. Her goal is for you to look in the mirror and be completely lit the F up by what you see so that you can align with your next-level woman and manifest your wildest desires with complete trust and ease.


1:1 transformative style experience :

LAVI$H (new program just launched):

How to Shop Online Like a Stylist Workshop:


Body Shape Guide:

StyleSuccess Journal Prompts:


About the Host:

I am a financial professional, who specializes in helping people to achieve their financial goals. My absolute passion is creating new possibilities in people’s lives by showing them the ropes when it comes to money. I’m here to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. I believe this begins with education and shifting our relationships with money. I love getting to witness people achieving their most ambitious goals and creating new possibilities for themselves and their families!

I love your questions! Reach out to me anytime at:




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Kalee Boisvert:

Welcome to the wealth and wellness podcast with me Kaylie Bob air. I specialize in helping people to achieve their financial goals. I have a love for all things numbers, and I'm passionate about financial literacy. My goal is to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment, and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. But wealth is just one piece of the equation of living our best lives. So join me as we explore both wealth and wellness topics. From your net worth to your self worth. Get ready to take confident action. Hello, this is Kaylee. And thank you so much for tuning into this episode of the wealth and wellness Podcast. I'm really excited for today's chat, we're joined by a special guest. And I think this topic that we're going to be chatting about is very timely, very relevant for everything we've been through over the last kind of year and a half plus with COVID and everything that's been going on. So again, really excited to have our guests here today, we are joined by Courtney St. Clair. Courtney is a transformative style coach. She fuses personal development with personal style. And her goal is for you to look in the mirror and be completely lit the EFF up by what you see. So you can align with your next level woman and manifest her wildest dreams with complete trust and ease. So I love love, love, love that because it's so in alignment with what we talk about on this podcast is wealth and wellness, we we link the two I don't believe that, you know, wealth operates in its own separate bubble either. And there is so much to do with with us and how we're showing up. That relates to wealth too. And I think you're going to chat about that I've noticed posts and things like that on your Instagram about that. So I love that. I love that you make that connection. So Courtney, just to get started, do you want to share a little bit with listeners about your background? And what brought you to do the work that you do today?

Cortney St Clair:

Yeah, sure. So I am a stylist by education. By trade. I've always been very, very involved in the fashion industry. I started when I was you know, 15 years old working retail, I studied styling in college, I went on to be a certified makeup artist. And then before I really kind of had any chance to really start any sort of career, I actually met a man and we decided to start a family. So it was very important to me to play a very active role in my children's life. And I'm very, very fortunate that I was able to be a stay at home mom. So about five years after kind of being at home, I was like, Well, I kind of feel like there's a little bit more to life. And you know, just being a mom, I had this whole part of me that I kind of just put on the backburner. And it was kind of poking at me saying, you know, don't forget about me, don't forget about me, don't forget about me. And so I started a blog just to keep myself busy. And then that's when I really started to kind of learn about self development, it wasn't something that I really knew very much about, you know, growing up. It's not nothing that was kind of talked about in school or anything like that when I was growing up. And it's more and more being talked about now now that social media is around and you know, people are able to find this information much more easily. And I got really, really into it. And I became like this like source of information, and I would want to learn it absolutely as much as I could. And then I never really actually did anything with the information, I just had a whole bunch of knowledge, but knowledge is only potential power, right? It only actually becomes powerful when you use it, which I wasn't doing. So I didn't understand why I really wasn't seeing the growth, I really wasn't seeing the change. And then about probably about a year and a half ago now I don't know I kind of I kind of lost track of time a little bit with COVID. But I walked by the mirror and I was like holy, you like preach about you know, showing up as you know, your most successful woman, you don't look anything like the version of yourself who you aspire to be, you know, you have a closet full of clothes that are fabulous, and they're sitting there and they're waiting for this, you know, one day but you know, why not today be the one day so that's one kind of I made the connection to the link, you know, my love for learning and personal development as well as my love for Style and Image and fashion and how they kind of intermingle together and how I could use the style to actually implement the things that I learned about personal development and you know, everything changed for me and I started sharing my journey on Instagram and I had other woman talking to reach out to me saying what do you do? And can you please lead me through this journey. And that's really how my business was born.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. That's, like so relatable to I think for women like myself as a mom, my daughter said to me, just the other day, we were shopping for clothes for her because changing seasons, and they grow and, and I was just pointing out stuff in the store. I'm like, I should get that. Or maybe I should wear that. And she's like, Mom, you haven't been stylish since you had me. And I was like, oh. So there is this? Yeah, this, I guess we put ourselves on the back burner, like you said, as moms and it's, you know, our kids and everything else can sort of find a way of being the priority and coming first, but we can't lose sight of that. And I love how you sort of then took that opportunity to say why not right now and be in that because there is so much power and being that that person right now rather than, you know, when I get this, when I get this promotion, or when I you know, go do this different thing in my career, then I'll I'll have this or be able to be that person. But it's actually showing up as that person right now to make sure that we can manifest.


And never actually works that we always say when I get there, but you got to look back and think of all the other times that you said, Well, when I get there, and you never actually did it, it's like you're always chasing it, but you never actually stop and start to embody it. When you get to the level that you said you were going to you just kind of rate you continually raised the bar without ever actually, you know, like doing the thing that you said you were going to do when you got there. Which is why it's it's really, really important to just make one day today because today is one day. So

Kalee Boisvert:

what would you say them for people that, you know, with COVID, we've probably been in, you know, a different state where it's people staying at home, we're doing zoom calls, we're wearing our sweat pants with our, you know, nice attire on top and things like that, you know, what can we be aware of when it comes to our style, coming out of COVID and this lockdown if we maybe haven't bought even new clothes in years, and we feel a little bit out of touch now.


So I mean, it's totally, I mean, all of us kind of settled into kind of sweat pants in the past, you know, year and a half going into COVID. But even I encouraged my clients and my followers even when they weren't, you know, working from home, there's actually something called enclosed cognition. And what enclosed cognition is, is it's the scientific phenomenon, that we tie certain qualities and certain characteristics and certain traits to specific articles of clothing. And when we put those clothing up that type of clothing on, we actually start to embody it. So for a lot of us, you know, sweat pants, equals lounging. So when we put those sweatpants on, we automatically go more into lounge mode, which means it's affecting your quality of work. It's affecting your productivity, it's affecting how you show up. And then the other side to that is why do you see yourself in the mirror. And it's not just in the mirror, when you see you know, your reflection in your laptop, or you see you know, your flexion in the window walking by, you automatically trigger a positive or negative thought in your head about what you're seeing about yourself, right and not positive or negative thought is going to shift how you actually show up, right? If you look at me, like, I look like hell, but who cares. I'm just like, I'm working from home and my sweatpants, whatever, you're lowering your vibe, right? And it's shifting how you're showing up for yourself. It's shifting how you're showing up for your work and your clients. But if you look at them, and you're like, wow, like, I really have it together, I look good, I feel good. All of a sudden, now you're vibrating at a higher level, you are showing up that much more powerfully for yourself that much more powerfully for your clients, right. So it really really does not and your self image pre determines, you know, then sets the tone for your day.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. Okay, so we have to get out of this weapons or put them on afterwork


put them on when you get when you want to tell your brother okay, it's like they say that you shouldn't you know, watch TV in bed because then when you get in bed, you're it will trigger paid. This is where I sleep, right? So when you put on your lounge clothes, it's gonna trigger to your brain. Okay, now it's time for me to chill out and relax. The same thing with people who, you know, just chill out or just do their day to day stuff in in their workout here. Like you know what I mean? I'm wearing like my active or I'm wearing the same leggings that I go to the gym in when I'm out, you know, running errands. It affects how you're going to show up for your workouts because your brain has an associated D when I wear these clothes. This is the activity that I'm supposed to be doing in that right.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. Okay, so I didn't even realize that I didn't even my I wasn't aware of this. So this is very important information for our showing up. So having these different outfits, these this different attire for each different thing that we're showing For makes sense to,


you can commingle them together. Like there's no reason why you can't take something that you do, you know, casual activities and on the weekends and tie them into your work wear, but you want to make sure that you have other pieces on you that make you feel productive, that you know, okay, this is this, I encourage people to take note of what they're wearing and how they show up throughout the day. And that will kind of give them a clue to, you know, assessing, what do I need to do today? How do I need to show up, what in my closet do I know is going to allow me to show up as that and I mean, you can commingle your pieces together, you know, through different activities that you had, you don't need to have like set compartmentalize clothes. But you need to realize that if you are living in your workout gear all the time, it's going to affect how you show up at the gym. Right? If you only wear your work, like you want to be able to take the clothes that you wear to work and dress them down on the weekend. That's totally cool. But you don't want to wear an outfit that you would wear, you know, on the weekend to work, right, you can mix and match the pieces. But you need to realize what pieces do what for you.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. Yeah, so it's just being a little bit. It's more intentional. It's putting some thought into that. And wow, you want to show up how you want it to actually unfold and then matching that with with how you're feeling?


Yeah, like take your work blazer parent with a graphic shirt and a pair of jeans on the weekend. No problem. You've got your graphics shirt, you've got your jeans, you know, okay, this is my more casual clothes. But I know when I pair that blazer with a button down on a pair of heels like it's on, productivity is kicked in.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, yeah. I'm boss, boss woman, then yes, I love it. Okay, what about, like, I just think about how we dress. It's interesting, because I've always thought of how we dress and how we the clothes we wear. I've always been fascinated by it. And I you know, take note of what people are wearing and things like that. But that it's it's sort of an expression to of our authentic selves, or it's it feels like when we are buying something, it's it's our tastes or something that stands out to us with what we're actually wearing. So how can you like help people kind of guide their their wardrobes or their attire, they're buying in that sense of like being true to your authentic self, because I find, it's, you know, I've been in jobs where I felt like I had to buy maybe a certain wardrobe and they, it just didn't feel like I wanted to wear the clothes necessarily, or that they expressed me it was like, I felt like I had to, you know, buy these for the role. But it's almost like feeling then uncomfortable in in what you're wearing as a result of that. So I guess the idea of, you know, how do we incorporate making sure we're feeling like our authentic selves, even with the clothes we wear, not feeling like we have to sort of put on something else or be someone else in what we're putting on.


So the first thing you want to do you want to get actually very, very clear on what it is that you want. When you come to your style, right. There are like, like I was gonna say like and want are two different things you can like a specific aesthetic. I love a boho aesthetic. I think it's beautiful. I think it's gorgeous. And when a woman shows up in a really nice, elevated boho chic outfit. I'm like, wow, right. But I wouldn't want that for myself. I like it. But I don't want it right. But it's very easy for us to see what looks really good on other people. And we know that we want to have a good style. So we try and emulate the things that we see other people wearing were influenced by them, rather than being inspired. Or rather than saying, I appreciate her style, but I don't want it for myself. But I can totally appreciate that she has a very good style, and she's a gorgeous woman and she is owning herself authentically. That's what I desire for myself, I desire that embodiment but not that style. So getting really, really clear on what you want with yourself. I have 11 style success journal prompts that I give out for free. So I can give you a link to that that you can share with your listeners. And then there will be times when you need to assimilate to a certain environment, right. Like if you have an office job, you need to show up looking Office Professional. But you want to be able to tie aspects of your personal style into your what you're wearing to the office, right? You don't want to run into your boss or a client when you're out for dinner on Saturday night. And have them be totally shocked and confused by what it is that you're wearing. Right? Because it's going to impact their trust in you right think about when you're watching TV, we see characters, we fall in love with these characters. We connect to them we feel like we know them. But we never ever see them showing up and be like what, what are they wearing? Right? We don't do that at digit to always make sense. They always look like that Right? Or else it would be confusing would be like why do we even know this character anymore? Like what's happening with them? Why are they dressed like that? Right? It's the same in real life. So if you aspire to have, you know, this kind of like runs rocker kind of vibe to your style, you don't want to shock the living daylights out of people when they see you outside of the office with that kind of look. So you say, Okay, how can I take aspects of this kind of ruins your edgier style, and tie it into my look. And that could be you know, with darker lipstick, and dark nail polish, or you know, some really edgy accessories that you add on to or depending you know, what kind of what your office is, you know, can you do like a band t shirt under your blazer with your dress pants, write small little ways that you can tie things in, so that when they see you out on dinner on Saturday night, they run into you in a restaurant, they're like, oh, yeah, that makes sense. Actually, like, this is exactly what I would expect her to be looking like when she's off work hours, right? They're not confused, they still feel like they know you, right?

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. That's so interesting. I don't even like my mind is like, Oh, that makes sense. It's not things though, that come to mind are what I think of when I think about style. But the idea of like you said, just having some sort of jewelry that really represents you or something that you can add on to it. It's still making it you know, feel like you and not that you're too much outside yourself. But yeah, putting it on. So it's you get to represent that that version of you then outside of the office and things like that. I love that. That's awesome. That's a great tip for for professionals that have sort of different kinds of work attires for their for their roles they wear and things like that. What about then like tips for for moms, when like we said, it's when as a mom feels like you're you know, it's busy. And there's always a time crunch. And you're always in a rush to get out the door maybe and it's we're preparing our kids and making sure all bases are covered with them. But it's like almost like again, backburner we take like kind of a backseat to that. And and maybe as women, we're not putting as much time and effort into ourselves. And then like you said, it can feel a bit of a sense of almost like losing yourself or losing touch with with who who that was who you are.


So it really, it comes down to choosing to make yourself a priority. And sometimes, when you're in the season of life that you have, you know, younger children, it means that you have to make sacrifices in other areas, right. So I wake up at five o'clock in the morning to make sure that I have myself completely ready before my children get out of bed. And it makes the morning go that much easier. It makes everything go that much easier. Because I feel better. You know, I want to say hi to people at school drop off. I'm not, you know, dropping my kids off and like ducking and hiding and trying to run away. Right? And feel good. I'm making connections and seeing, you know, people show up better for my kids as well, because I don't feel like it's their fault that I feel bad because I'm so busy with them. Right? You don't think that you make these kind of connections. But subconsciously you do because I don't have any time for myself. I don't make time for apologia swarms. Okay, why? Why do I have any time for myself, Oh, my God, it's because of the kids. And then all of a sudden, you know, you have you formed this little subconscious resentment. But to take back your power, you have to choose to make yourself a priority. Right. So that means, you know, sacrificing a little bit of sleep, to get yourself up to get yourself ready for the day. Maybe that means that you, you know only watch one show on Netflix the night before, and you would have had an hour earlier to get yourself up a little bit earlier, right? It's an act of choice that you have to make, and you have to decide that you're worth that choice. So that's what I do, I get up a little bit earlier. And I ensure that I am fully ready before my children get out of bed. Right there are it takes a little bit when you're learning your style. And you're learning how to dress for your body shape, up time, a little bit more time to really, you know, learn how to finesse and learn how to put pull together an outfit really quick. So you can kind of pre plan if that's something that you're into, like meal planning, but like outfit planning, but I always suggest having more outfits planned than you would need for the week. Because you want to assess how you're feeling in the morning and assess what you can wear to help you feel how you want to feel right. And you might not have an outfit planned specifically for that if you only have seven or you might get to the end of the weekend like that. I don't feel like wearing that now I have nothing to wear, right. But as you learn and as you'll finish your eye and it will get faster and faster and faster. It's like when you're teaching your kid how to do math, right? Like when they're learning two plus two. They're like, Oh, you know you got to write down the two and then you add the two and then you like, but now as an adult like people For you just you just know, right, and you will train yourself to just know when it comes to style, you'll be able to pull things together really, really quickly as you start to play. And as you start to invest the time to play, so going into your closet on a weekend, you know, and taking a couple of hours to just play around with what you have in your closet and mix and match things together, snap pictures of things that you really like, so that when you are in a time crunch in the morning, and if you haven't pre planned, you can say okay, let me scroll through my rolodex of outfits. There's the one and you pull all of the pieces out. And it's done, right. And then there'll be other times when you just, you just pull things together in the morning right away, you know exactly what you want to wear. And you start to get these images in your head and visualizations of outfits that you can wear based on what you have, based on your play, right. It's like going in and playing dress up, except now you're grown up and you you know the heels fit and you can get to become, you know, the woman of your dreams if you actually dress like her, right?

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. Yes, I played a lot of dress up as a kid. So that is a good reminder, because I've never thought of that just going in and playing. So just at a time that you don't even need to pick out an outfit or go late because for me, it's always like, Okay, I'm going somewhere I need to get dressed, what am I going to wear and is that like the anxiety and last minute, but actually doing it in a separate time. And then when you're not on a time crunch or anything like that and just being more intentional about it by giving yourself that time,


right? Because when you are in a time crunch and you're getting frustrated, what happens is you end up getting frustrated, then you end up settling on something that you Okay, well, this is good enough. And good enough is never the vibe, first of all. No, the vibe is I look spectacular. I feel fabulous. Right? That is the vibe that you want to leave with. When you're in your closet and you're feeling frustrated, and you settle on good enough, you're leaving your house in a vibe of defeat in a vibe of frustration right now that is very, very low vibrational state to be in, you will energetically make yourself a match for lower vibrational things, you know, your body language is going to be shut off, you're going to close yourself off to opportunities you might kind of try and blend in, if you're going to an event be like, hey, I want to sync to the background. But if you had into your closet, and you're empowered, and you're like, Yes, I know exactly what I'm going to wear to this thing. And you get yourself dressed and you walk out you enjoy your feel confident you feel fire, you're going to bust the doors of that event, like you own it. Right? And you're going to be like, Look at me, here I am. And that is going to open yourself up to opportunities. You know, if you had to show up in that defeated vibe, you could miss out on something spectacular. Had you showed up in a different vibrational state?

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that that's it is so powerful. And it is such a Yeah, an impacted or whole energy is affected by that. And other people, you know, can can pick up on that, like, how many times do you meet someone and you're just like, wow, they just had a great energy. And it was just something about them that you're so drawn to, we can represent that. Like we can always show up that way ourselves as well. So that's so important. I love it. What about then for people that feel like I mean, out of touch with style? Maybe they are they haven't spent time doing this. So they need to go out and do some shopping or, you know, get some additions for their closets and things like that. And like I find myself even going like what are the what is the trends are what is you know, timeless? Or I go through my claws? And I'm like, is this still in style? Or is it not and I don't even know what to do. So I'm just like, I'll just move on to the next thing.


Trends are fun trends are a really good way to keep your look looking. Correct, right but you don't want to invest in too many trends. Like they say, you know, skinny jeans are out, right? But they're not because you can still buy them in stores. You know, if you can't buy something in a store, if you're the person that can only find the things that you like, in the very back corner of a secondhand store. Your look is dated right you can't get anything new in a store. You can only find it in the thrift store. Then you're looking dated you are you know that one random woman that everybody seems to somehow know that is stuck in the 80s with her perm, and her brown lip liner with her like pink lipstick and her dazzle jean jacket, right? Those people look out of touch. Nobody wants to be that woman. But if that woman had just held on to you know one of those things that felt really really true to her like maybe she kept her permed hair or maybe she just kept her butt dazzle jean jacket, but adopted a few other more current trends on the way nobody would be looking at her like she's completely out of touch with reality. Right so looking at kind of the trends that are in and deciding which ones are going to serve me you know, does it suit my body type? Does it suit you know my coloring Does it suit my goal and my vision for my style, right when you have your style curated, weather, you know, you decide on a vibe for your style, like it's both a little bit boho, or you know, a little bit classically preppy, or you know, a little bit androgynous or like when you decide on that, that's you, that becomes your style. And that is timeless, there are timeless pieces, the wardrobe classics, the wardrobe basics, that will kind of go through, you know, every style guide that are needed to build out cool outfits, I call these it's like cooking, right? You had your main ingredient, which is like your piece of chicken or like the the main entree of the dish, you could just serve the chicken on its own by itself. With no seasoning, no, nothing, no, it'd be fine, right? But it'd be a little bit more, right. So you want to add you know, a little bit of spice or a little bit of, you know, oils or anything onto it to make it more exciting, right. And those spices, and all that kind of add on stuff that you add onto the chicken are like your Trend your pieces, right? That, make it a little bit more, make it more flavorful. And then you add on your sides, which are like your accessories, right. And then you know, you serve it with a really awesome preparing. And that is like your hair, your makeup, right. And it all comes together to create a really, really awesome meal that you serve, or really, really awesome look that you serve, right. So if you've completely kind of let your style though, starting with figuring out, you know, what you want your style to be? How do you envision the most successful version of yourself dressing, what do you truly desire when it comes to your style. And then learning what your body shape is, and how to dress for your body shape, I have a free body shape guide that I'll send you a link for as well, that will help you determine what your body shape shape is, as well as three stylists tips on how to dress in the most flattering way. And then, you know, learning your coloring, and then going out and it really is about experimentation in play, knowing your body shape and know your coloring helps you figure out exactly what to look for that will be very, very flattering on you. But then it's about kind of playing with the pieces, right, you can have all of the theory but until you go out, you actually start to apply it again, it doesn't really do much for you, right you need to play you need to experiment. And that is really how you start to develop your style. And just like anything, if you can't figure it out on your own, there are people like myself that are available to help you, right. There's free resources, there's paid resources, there's one on ones, right, there's all kinds of different ways that you can get help for this, just like you would you know, if you had we're not feeling well. And, you know, you tried home remedies and you couldn't figure out what the matter was on your own, you would go to a doctor to help you right? Well, if you're trying to figure out your style, and you've exhausted, you know, all the things that you're able to do on your own. You can go out and get help from somebody who's a professional in that area.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yes, yeah. Remember, you're not alone. And there are professionals that are there to support you. Absolutely. Because if it does feel like it's just frustration, and you'd kind of just like throw your hands in the air, I can't do this, then maybe that is the point where you say, you know, maybe I need a little bit of assistance on this. And that's okay, because that's why professionals like yourself, myself, that's why we exist, we're there to support people. And I really like the idea of just breaking it down to what is your goals? What is your vision for your style? The same is true with money. Like I always say, you can't get to a destination with your money if you haven't spent time saying, Well, what is it that I want to achieve? Instead of you know, looking around us and and thinking we have to do what other people are doing when it comes to money and finances, really stepping back and saying for yourself, you know, what do I want? What are my goals, taking time to really explore those. I love that like using the same concept then with your style and with how you're going to show up that and how you're going to look if you take some time. So giving it time and attention which oftentimes, like if you're having a struggle that's probably step one is that we're not giving it time and attention. We're not taking that first step that you pointed out. So I love that so much. Again, I love your posts on Instagram. And I guess you know down the line of the benefit of all this like we're talking about showing up with with your style with feeling empowered. Can you talk a little bit about that and how it impacts self worth because some of the things you post is like yeah, how we dress is is that future vision of you know where we want to be in our careers or in our lives and that Feeling like a million bucks? Like how do we? How do we create that for ourselves? How do we replicate it?


So the way that it works is, is we all have something called a reticular activating system and our reticular activating system, it's a group of neurons in your brain that actually act as a filter. So its job is to take what you're focusing on, and create a filter to remove everything that doesn't align with that focus. So it's kind of like when you're watching TV, and you turn the TV to a channel, you know, It tunes out everything else that's happening, you know, in the airwaves, and only showing you the information that you've specifically asked to be showing. So when you make it a focus to get dressed as the version of yourself, that would be your ultimate dream, Pinnacle version success of yourself, and you actually see her in the mirror staring back at you, you have activated that part of reach a pillar activating system. So that is what I'm focused on, I see myself as this million dollar version of myself, your brain is going to start to tune out things that don't align with that. So you're going to start to notice more and more things to show you evidence that you're actually on your way to becoming that person, you're on your way to being that million dollar woman, because you're seeing her every time you look in the mirror. And when you start to see other areas, appearing in other areas of your life, as a result, it's going to start to shift your beliefs, it's going to start to shift, you know how you show up your actions that you're taking, like, Oh, my God, this is really, really working. And that is how you start to align to that million dollar version of yourself. If that's your goal, right? It always comes down to kind of what are my goals? And how do I picture myself showing up as that most successful version of myself, because at the end of the day, when you get to the end of your life, what really is going to matter is if you feel that you fulfilled what you view as success, right? That everyone else isn't gonna care about, you know, what you had, or what you didn't, didn't do except for yourself, which is why it's really important to differentiate what success means to you and what you want out of your lifetime. And how are you showing up looking like in that, you know, version. So, style relates back to our self worth, because, you know, we all have specific feelings about money in general, you know, what we believe is possible, what we don't believe as possible. But we also have a certain way that we believe and feel about money when it becomes to us personally, right. And those thoughts and those beliefs and those feelings, they're all activated. When it comes time to shop, when it comes time to get dressed. You know, when it comes down to otherwise you don't maintain your physical appearance, you know, your grooming, because you come face to face with your own worthiness with your own self value. Right. It's one thing to say, Wow, that is a really spectacular handbag, you know, is it worth $5,000? Absolutely, like totally the craftsmanship, everything is spectacular, but it's totally worth $5,000. But I'm not worthy of having I'm not worthy of spending $5,000 on a handbag, right? So that is why your style is such a powerful tool to shift your money mindset and raise your self worth and attract more abundance. Because you're able to actually physically see where you're locking, right? So if you you know, desire a $5,000 handbag, and you can afford a $5,000 handbag, and you're choosing to buy your handbag, from Zara, you're discounting yourself, you're discounting yourself worth, right. So it's about you know, taking the next step up, you know, saying, Hey, I'm no longer buy my handbag at Zara, maybe you don't go and buy that $5,000 handbag straight away, because, you know, maybe one, even if you even if you can afford it, it's going to shoot you too far out of your comfort zone that you're going to retreat back right? Or to you know, you can't afford it but you can afford the next step up and Zara like your mentality has gone from, well, I can't afford Chanel. So I'm just gonna buy Zara but you know, there are so many price points in between Chanel and Zara that you could say, You know what, I'm going to move the next step up. And then you know, once they get comfortable there, I'm going to move the next step. But you know, the more you start to see this version of yourself come to reality, the more that you're going to start to attract, the more you're going to raise yourself value, the more you're going to feel that you're worth, the more you're going to be able to hold.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love that. That's just it just brings in so much of what we talk about on this podcast and it's self worth and worthiness. Like the way we we look and style. It's not just about thinking it's you know, surface level and we're just putting on a show or something like that. Like it's this is how you were you're outwardly displaying, you know, how we're feeling and how we're, we're showing up feeling empowered and confident and, and that's what it's about. It's not just Yeah, being vain or trying to you know, be the most are like the best, it's just, it's feeling our best for ourselves. And that's really where the power is.


Yeah, it's never about, you know, being the prettiest person in the room, it's never about being the most beautiful, it's never about being looking like, you know, you just blocked off the cover of Vogue, because the vast majority of people don't look like that. And if you look at some of the most successful people in the world, none of them look like they can, you know, be a supermodel at all. But they've always shown up as the best version of themselves, they've always taken pride in the way that they presented themselves. Even Steve Jobs, who, in the end only showed up, you know, in black pants and black sweaters, they were always, you know, impeccable black pants and black sweaters, you know, they weren't old and ratty and holy. But even if you look back to his younger years, before, like, once you reach a certain pinnacle of success, it doesn't become as important, right? If you can let it go a step back, because people know you they know who you are, they know what you're all about. They know that you're successful, right? But if you look back in his younger years, he showed up, you know, he had the suit, he had the tie, he had all that stuff, because it shifts people's perception of you. Right? And it's just a tool, it's just a tool to show people and influence them. Right. You're, you're leveraging that tool to influence people's perceptions of you. And why would you not use that tool to your absolute fullest advantage, right. And it's, again, it's not about dressing. For other people, it's about dressing for yourself first. So you can, you know, leave the right impression and the right perception on the right people. Right? If you're if you're dressing out of alignment with yourself, and you're dressing to impress a certain set of people, those are not going to be the right people to get you where you want to go. Does that make sense?

Kalee Boisvert:

Yes, absolutely. Yep. Yeah, you're doing it for you, you're doing it for how you want to show up your goals, your self worth your empowerment. Absolutely. And if we're, yeah, if we're focused on external, that's where we're going to get all in our heads, and probably it will be a lot harder for process.


When you align your internal with your external, you align with the people that are going to be able to help you get where you want to go like your group of people, like your soulmate clients, your soulmate, mentors, you know, the people that are really your people that you feel that you can be 100% yourself around, without having to put on any masks or or fake anything or, you know, be inauthentic. Right. And that, that is where your whole fulfillment is going to come from is being able to be authentically truly you without having to feel any sort of, you know, anxiety around how it's going to affect, you know, the people that are a part of your world.

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, yeah. And it's, it's fun. And if you think of yourself as you know, in certain scenarios, or when you felt amazing when you got you know, your hair done your makeup done, or you're wearing something that you just loved, it's, it's like a, it's a, it's a positive experience, it's uplifting, it is very much like it does bring up the vibration on how you're feeling. And it is nice to be in those moments. Like, it's nice to do a date night with your partner and, and dress up and you know, and do your makeup and things like that, if you feel like you've kind of been in the hole in the house a lot, you know, with COVID, and everything like that, if you can do those things, it does feel good. And it feels nice to be in that that mode as well.


Yeah, and but like imagine being able to take that feeling that you get when you dress up for these special occasions, and bring it into your everyday life. Like imagine the impact that would have on how your day to day goes for you. Right? You don't know what opportunities you're walking right by when you're not dressed to you know, put yourself in an energetic align state to be a match for them right in the movies. One does the woman meet the man or like one does she been to that high power CEO see something in her and gives her the job interview that, you know changes the trajectory of her life? It's when she's out running some sort of Aaron and her day to day life. And she literally just smacks right into them. Right? So when you're going to the grocery store, and you're saying, well, here's what I look like, I'm just going to the grocery store. That trip to the grocery store could have changed the whole trajectory of your life. If you had been dressed in an energetic state to be the match for the opportunity that you walked right by because you were in sweatpants and your husband's college t shirt with a hole in it. Because you were just going to the grocery store. You don't like you don't know why you're dressed when you make it a priority to show up for yourself. You're ready for anything. You're ready for any committee that's gonna go your way Right, somebody calls you up and says, Hey, you want to meet for lunch? You're like, Yeah, I'm ready to go. Cuz you're ready. Yeah. But if you want, you're gonna be like, Oh, well, maybe next time. And that, that you missed out on could have been, you know the lunch where you were sitting in the table next to, you know, the boss of the company that you're dying to work out right? You'd like you don't know, when you don't show up for yourself? What you're missing out on?

Kalee Boisvert:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I know, I met my boyfriend, like he saw me from his building. And it was I was wearing like a superhero shirt. So that's probably not a good ad for this. For what we're saying, but it really drew him in. He loves superheroes. So, um, I mean, I wouldn't suggest that for everyone. If that's not, you know, in the realm of what you're looking for. But you're right. It's just, we never know. And when we're out, especially in for business, or for socializing, and things like that, like I was laughing to myself yesterday, I was picking up my daughter from school, and I was wearing a big tie dye hoodie and Crocs and I was thinking that we have this call in this recording today. And it was like making me laugh to myself, because I'm like, this is probably not, not the attire that I that's not. My poor daughter is like, Mom don't come to the front door. I'm like, Okay, now I'm even being one of those embarrassing parents in our life. So can you tell us just I guess quickly, for people that aren't aware, what what does it mean to work with someone like yourself, like a style coach, like what could that look like for people.


So right now, I have a couple of different options. So if you want some things like completely self led, I have a workshop called how to shop online like a stylist, it will teach you, you know how to assess, you know, the things that you see online, online, when you're shopping online for your lines and details, how the government manipulate your body and things like that, so that it greatly reduces if not completely eliminate your return rate, like a lot of the times, now we treat our houses like the dressing room, you know, we order, you know a bunch of clothes, we try them on at home, and then we have to go through the whole hassle of actually returning the things that we don't like, it's disappointing, because we're excited to get these things. And then all of a sudden, they don't look how we expected them to look. So it kind of eliminates that feeling, you are constantly able to order the things that you ordered. And you know that when they get to your door, you're going to love the way that everything looks on your body. So that's an option. That's a self led workshop that you can go through until the end of this year. So at the end of 2021, I have the one on one embody and elevate styling experience, it's a seven week transform the styling experience where we work together in a one to one capacity. So there is a week of pre recorded self LED work. And then six weeks of one on one, one hour zoom calls, one call per week, in the new year, I'm going to be reformatting that one on one experience into an actual group experience. And I'm going to be changing the way that I work in a one on one capacity with clients. So if that would be something you're interested in, you have to the end of the year to hop in on that. And then at the end of this week, so right when this kind of podcast is going to be coming out, I have a new program launching all around using your style to shift to an abundance mindset and actually manifest $1,000 over the 22 days of the container. So those are the offers that I have. Right now as far as I have the free resources that I mentioned to you that I'll send you the links for as well. And then there's all kinds of free stuff that I put out on Instagram as well tips, tricks and inspiration. So that was also a really, really good spot to kind of just come into my world and absorb the energy. And you know, see what I'm all about. So I would love to see you all head over and say hi to me on Instagram.

Kalee Boisvert:

I love it. I love what you have on Instagram. It's absolutely it's really good stuff. So definitely give give you a give a bit of a follow. Take a look at that. And I'll put all your links to everything that you've mentioned in the show notes as well for everyone because it's this is great stuff. And I think some of those tips and things like that, though sound amazing. And a reminder to people if if this does feel overwhelming if you have felt, you know, a little bit out of touch or haven't given us the time and attention and needs, you don't have to do it alone. Absolutely reach out to someone like you know, reach out to Courtney, reach out to someone and don't think that this is yeah, a sole mission that you have to do all alone. So that's why that's why she's here. That's why we do what we do. Right. Right. Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Courtney. This has been a great chat. I love versation Yeah, it's so important. It's such an important one. I think the audience is going to love this. It's not something we've talked about on the podcast before but something that is very important for us to be talking about it because the inner work, the outer work it all has to be aligned like you said so I love that so much.


It's our dance. I like to call it a dance that kind of have to dance together if one is moving and the other one's not it, the other one's gonna fumble, right? They need to. It's a dance they have to work

Kalee Boisvert:

together. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you, Courtney. And thank you everyone for listening to this episode and we will catch you on the next episode. All right, bye.