A Proactive and Empowered Approach to Optimizing Your Health

In this episode, we are joined by special guest Emily Gold Mears whose new book Optimizing your Health, shares years of research and knowledge to help others understand how they can become their own health advocate, modify their lifestyle to reduce their risk of chronic disease, and take a proactive role in their own healthcare. Emily shares some of her top tips from the book for listeners as approachable action steps you can take right now to optimize your health. And find out how you can be more empowered and proactive with your health to live your best life!
About the Guest:
Emily Gold Mears was a practicing lawyer prior to moving into the area of research analysis in science and medicine. She is a citizen scientist, biohacker, and health and science advocate, and activist. Her research is focused on the intersection of functional medicine and allopathic medicine and the critical requirement for all individuals to become their own health care advocates. And she has a new book out – Optimizing your Health: An Approachable Guide to Reducing Your Risk of Chronic Disease.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilygoldmears/?hl=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-gold-mears-ba783414/
About the Host:
I am a financial professional, who specializes in helping people to achieve their financial goals. My absolute passion is creating new possibilities in people’s lives by showing them the ropes when it comes to money. I’m here to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. I believe this begins with education and shifting our relationships with money. I love getting to witness people achieving their most ambitious goals and creating new possibilities for themselves and their families!
I love your questions! Reach out to me anytime at:
Email: kalee.boisvert@raymondjames.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaleeboisvert/
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Welcome to the wealth and wellness podcast with
Kalee Boisvert:me Kayleigh, Bob air. I specialize in helping people to
Kalee Boisvert:achieve their financial goals. I have a love for all things
Kalee Boisvert:numbers, and I'm passionate about financial literacy. My
Kalee Boisvert:goal is to spark healthy and positive conversations around
Kalee Boisvert:wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited
Kalee Boisvert:by their financial situation. But wealth is just one piece of
Kalee Boisvert:the equation of living our best lives. So join me as we explore
Kalee Boisvert:both wealth and wellness topics. From your net worth to your self
Kalee Boisvert:worth. Get ready to take confident action. Hello, this is
Kalee Boisvert:Kaylee and thank you so much for listening in to this episode of
Kalee Boisvert:the wealth and wellness Podcast. I'm excited for our special
Kalee Boisvert:guest today we're talking very wellness and health focused. So
Kalee Boisvert:yes, very excited. I think this is an important conversation to
Kalee Boisvert:be having. And we are lucky to have a new author as well. So on
Kalee Boisvert:on our podcast today is Emily gold Mears, she is the author of
Kalee Boisvert:optimizing your health, an approachable guide to reducing
Kalee Boisvert:your risk of chronic disease. And that book is just out now
Kalee Boisvert:she let me know it came out last week. So this is exciting, brand
Kalee Boisvert:new book and we can chat a lot about your book and, and what's
Kalee Boisvert:in there. And I guess kind of the concepts in general and a
Kalee Boisvert:little bit more about Emily and her background, which is very
Kalee Boisvert:interesting is prior to doing this work and writing her book,
Kalee Boisvert:she was a practicing lawyer, and she moved into the area of
Kalee Boisvert:research analysis in science and medicine. She is a citizen
Kalee Boisvert:scientist, a biohacker and Health and Science advocate and
Kalee Boisvert:activist. Her research is focused on the intersection of
Kalee Boisvert:functional medicine, and all Pathak medicine and the critical
Kalee Boisvert:requirement for all individuals be to become their own health
Kalee Boisvert:care advocate. So I love that because this podcast is all
Kalee Boisvert:about, you know, empowering our listeners and having you feel
Kalee Boisvert:empowered, whether it is with your wealth with your wellness,
Kalee Boisvert:with your health. So I think that that's such a perfect fit.
Kalee Boisvert:And I'm really excited to have you on Emily. So just to get
Kalee Boisvert:started, do you want to share a little bit about what brought
Kalee Boisvert:you to do the work that you do today?
Emily Gold Mears:Certainly, so I have always loved science. As
Emily Gold Mears:you mentioned, I used to be a lawyer, which I did not love.
Emily Gold Mears:But I always loved science and was always curious about health
Emily Gold Mears:and wellness, and would research from time to time what when my
Emily Gold Mears:father became ill about five or six years ago, he had vascular
Emily Gold Mears:dementia. And it was really devastating for me to watch him
Emily Gold Mears:decline. And I learned that that that disease is increasing in
Emily Gold Mears:numbers exponentially. And I watched how his care was
Emily Gold Mears:managed. And I was appalled. Because it was strictly
Emily Gold Mears:pharmaceuticals, there was almost nothing useful that they
Emily Gold Mears:could do for that for him or did. And a lot of the drugs that
Emily Gold Mears:they were giving them worked at cross purposes. And I was
Emily Gold Mears:scratching my head the whole time thinking there must be a
Emily Gold Mears:better way. So I increased my research in an attempt to find
Emily Gold Mears:something, anything that I could learn that could either help him
Emily Gold Mears:or slow the progression of his disease. And it was quite grand.
Emily Gold Mears:What I learned, what I learned is that despite billions of
Emily Gold Mears:dollars allocated toward research in the
Emily Gold Mears:neurodegenerative disease space and brilliant scientists
Emily Gold Mears:devoting their lives to this area, there has been no
Emily Gold Mears:meaningful progress. And I found that quite disconcerting. So I
Emily Gold Mears:shifted a little bit to chronic disease avoidance because in my
Emily Gold Mears:opinion, that's what's gonna get most of us and the allopathic or
Emily Gold Mears:conventional health care system is not well equipped to deal
Emily Gold Mears:with that. If you're in a car accident, if you break a bone,
Emily Gold Mears:if you have an acute infection, you want to go to the
Emily Gold Mears:conventional health care system because they're well equipped to
Emily Gold Mears:deal with that efficiently. But they are not dealing with these
Emily Gold Mears:chronic diseases that are affecting most of us. So I
Emily Gold Mears:thought there must be a better way. And I learned so many
Emily Gold Mears:interesting things that I thought I need to share with
Emily Gold Mears:this. And a lot of the things that I learned are either low
Emily Gold Mears:cost or even free, that people can do to adjust their
Emily Gold Mears:lifestyle, to modify their risks and postpone the onset of these
Emily Gold Mears:diseases. And because of the low cost or free nature of that And
Emily Gold Mears:there's not a lot of financial incentive for the business
Emily Gold Mears:community to promote many of these lifestyle adjustments. So
Emily Gold Mears:I thought, all right, I'm gonna put them in a book and let
Emily Gold Mears:people know that you can take charge, and there are things
Emily Gold Mears:that you can do.
Kalee Boisvert:I love that. Like, again, that is so
Kalee Boisvert:empowering hearing that and, and, you know, sorry to hear
Kalee Boisvert:what you went through, obviously, with your father, but
Kalee Boisvert:how that sort of brought all this other stuff about and now
Kalee Boisvert:you've created something a gift for other people to kind of, you
Kalee Boisvert:know, hopefully, have strategies and things that they can
Kalee Boisvert:implement in their own lives to, to make sure that you know that
Kalee Boisvert:some of these chronic illnesses, like you're saying, Is there a
Kalee Boisvert:way we can just or lifestyles that we can push it down
Kalee Boisvert:further, or maybe avoid them altogether? I guess I would hope
Kalee Boisvert:avoid them altogether would be the better option. I love that.
Kalee Boisvert:So what do you think are like you said, chronic disease,
Kalee Boisvert:that's probably gonna get you know, a lot of us or most of us,
Kalee Boisvert:what do you think are like the biggest health and wellness
Kalee Boisvert:challenges that people are experiencing right now? Is it
Kalee Boisvert:that? And what does that look like? I guess.
Unknown:So I think a lot of people, they don't feel as well
Unknown:as they could feel. And what's interesting is you kind of
Unknown:adjust to a mid level malaise, you know, as we age, things
Unknown:don't work as well. And you just don't have as much energy and
Unknown:you're more tired than you used to be. And healing takes longer,
Unknown:but you kind of accept it. And some of these things you do, you
Unknown:don't need to accept. I think a lot of people are tired. A lot
Unknown:of people have got issues, their energy levels aren't where they
Unknown:should be. And these are all things that can be improved.
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah. Yeah. What do you think was like when we
Kalee Boisvert:think about some of those top issues? So like, can you give
Kalee Boisvert:maybe a few ideas or pointers for people? If it happens to be
Kalee Boisvert:gut issues? Like how can we identify it? How can we even be
Kalee Boisvert:aware? Like you said, I guess sometimes we just adapt and
Kalee Boisvert:think, Oh, this is the way it is that I guess it's the way it's
Kalee Boisvert:always gonna be? Is there things we can look out for, I guess,
Kalee Boisvert:where we know that maybe, you know, things could be better?
Unknown:Well, I think that you'll know, I mean, if you are
Unknown:feeling more tired than you're used to, if your sleep is not as
Unknown:efficient as it used to be, if you're bloated, if you have
Unknown:headaches, I mean, what's remarkable is how many things
Unknown:are connected to gut dysfunction. And most of us have
Unknown:some level of gut dysfunction, it's part of what happens as you
Unknown:age, and our food supply is terribly tainted, and our
Unknown:lifestyle habits aren't as good as they should be. And I think
Unknown:the gut is the first place to go to try to optimize. And the way
Unknown:you can do that, first of all, I have a whole chapter on testing,
Unknown:which I'm a big believer in, that you cannot fix anything
Unknown:that you can't measure. And that applies to so many aspects of
Unknown:life. But particularly with health. If you do testing, and
Unknown:there are ways to test the status of your gut, then you can
Unknown:determine how good or bad it is, and where you need to work on
Kalee Boisvert:Okay. And then. So that's kind of step one, is
Kalee Boisvert:that having that awareness piece, which is important place
Kalee Boisvert:to start? And then what are some, what do you find that
Kalee Boisvert:people? I mean, obviously, it's gonna be different for everyone,
Kalee Boisvert:but some of the maybe the, like, lifestyle changes, like things
Kalee Boisvert:that we can do to alter lifestyle choices based on maybe
Kalee Boisvert:kind of typically what we're doing now in society, maybe it's
Kalee Boisvert:maybe it's, we have a lot of stress or things like that, or
Kalee Boisvert:were gogogo like, and sometimes they're eating on the go and not
Kalee Boisvert:making the most healthy choices or things like that, like is
Kalee Boisvert:there anything you can kind of see overlapping in that realm of
Kalee Boisvert:how our, how our lives are going about now and how we can maybe
Kalee Boisvert:alter some of these lifestyle choices or rethink them even?
Unknown:Yes, definitely. One of the main themes in my book,
Unknown:which the conventional healthcare system misses, is
Unknown:that we are all individuals, we are very different genetically,
Unknown:biochemically and physiologically, and the one
Unknown:size fits all protocol which dominates the healthcare system
Unknown:is inefficient. And what works for your friend or even your
Unknown:sister or brother may not work for you and may in fact be
Unknown:harmful for you. But having said that, you have to get to know
Unknown:yourself, but there are some overarching kind of generic
Unknown:things that people can do. I would start with nutrition, and
Unknown:I speak from experience having very poor nutritional habits for
Unknown:most of my life and not fully understanding the internal
Unknown:damage that I had been doing. But you have to modify your
Unknown:eating which means limit or eliminate completely processed
Unknown:foods. If there are a lot of ingredients that are
Unknown:unrecognizable. Don't eat them. Try to eat whole food, non
Unknown:processed food and When you can organic food. And a lot of
Unknown:people say, well, it's more expensive, and it is true, but
Unknown:you knowing a lot about wealth, I think what applies to so many
Unknown:things, including wellness is you can pay now, or you can pay
Unknown:later. And if you choose to pay later, you almost always pay
Unknown:much, much more. And prevention and some of the lifestyle
Unknown:adjustments may cost a bit upfront. But ultimately you will
Unknown:be saving money because it is very costly to get sick. So
Unknown:eating is one thing, optimizing your sleep is another thing and
Unknown:I go into different action steps in the book and things that you
Unknown:can do is try to have the same sleep going to sleep time as
Unknown:well as the same waking up time have consistency, sleep in a
Unknown:dark room, a cold room, reduce your blue light exposure at
Unknown:night, I have a whole chapter on light. And blue light in and of
Unknown:itself is not so bad. It's just the timing of the exposure
Unknown:during the day light is fine, and we need it at night is when
Unknown:you don't want it because it interferes with your own
Unknown:production of melatonin and can disrupt your sleep. Stress is a
Unknown:huge factor, which is one that I continue to try and improve it's
Unknown:hard. And we have to improve our response to stress because it's
Unknown:unreasonable to think that you can avoid stress, stress is a
Unknown:factor of life that we cannot avoid. But the goal should be to
Unknown:improve one's response to stress. And whether that's by
Unknown:meditation or by breathing or just reframing the perspective
Unknown:about whatever stressful event occurred. That will go a long
Unknown:way. Let's see what else there's so many. I mean, I'm a believer
Unknown:in optimizing hormones, hormones don't get enough attention as to
Unknown:the effect they have on our lives. Now, as I say all these
Unknown:things. I'm not a medical doctor. So one should always
Unknown:consult their doctor before making any dramatic changes. But
Unknown:those are some big things that one can do. Okay, I love
Kalee Boisvert:it. And it says so your book, optimizing your
Kalee Boisvert:health, it covers 19 essential topics for people working to
Kalee Boisvert:avoid chronic disease to age well and have that wellness. So
Kalee Boisvert:19 topics I mean, you don't need to go through them all or
Kalee Boisvert:anything like that. But can you give listeners just an idea of
Kalee Boisvert:then what what that looks like for if they're interested in
Kalee Boisvert:reading further and getting your book?
Unknown:Certainly Well, it's in fact, 18 topics, my 19th Chapter
Unknown:is a resource chapter, okay, because I learned a lot of
Unknown:brands and things like that that are the best. And I thought I
Unknown:would save the reader the trouble of investing,
Unknown:investigating them on their own. And I list brands for every
Unknown:single chapter, that will save them time. And I start with the
Unknown:oral health because your mouth is the gateway to your digestive
Unknown:health. And poor oral health affects your entire body. And I
Unknown:go on to the gut, I talk about the immune system and how it's
Unknown:connected to inflammation. I talk about stress, another huge
Unknown:factor in our health, our toxins, we are all exposed to so
Unknown:many toxins. There's something like 85,000 chemicals that are
Unknown:allowed in the United States, unlike Europe and other areas of
Unknown:the world where they ban a lot of these harmful chemicals. And
Unknown:while we can't eliminate our toxic exposure completely, there
Unknown:are many things that we can do to reduce our exposure. Starting
Unknown:with your beauty care products, or your home cleaning products,
Unknown:or you get an air filter, or a water filter, there are changes
Unknown:that one can make. Let's see, I talked about sleep, how to
Unknown:optimize sleep, nutrition, exercise, we've become a very
Unknown:sedentary society. And that's not helpful. Even going to the
Unknown:gym for an hour and working out on a regular basis. But then
Unknown:coming home and sitting for eight hours in front of our
Unknown:computers, we're not doing ourselves any favors, you have
Unknown:to be constantly moving, not at an Olympic level, but just
Unknown:movement. You know, if you have to sit at your computer for
Unknown:eight hours a day, every 45 minutes, get up for five or 10
Unknown:or 15 minutes and walk around. Let's see what else breathing.
Unknown:Breathing is something that we take for granted. You think that
Unknown:it's automatic, and to a degree it is automatic, but most of us
Unknown:are doing it incorrectly. A lot of people are breathing through
Unknown:their mouth, which doesn't get sufficient oxygen to their
Unknown:brain. And I talked about how nose breathing is much more
Unknown:efficient and much more health conscious.
Unknown:Let's see light I go into light. That's something that most
Unknown:people don't consider. And a lot of us are concerned about the
Unknown:environment and climate change and so we listen to the advice
Unknown:which is to get LED lights because apparently those are
Unknown:more sustainable and better for our environment with Fact is, is
Unknown:there bad for our biology, the LED lights, the spectrum of
Unknown:light is not good for us. And that affects us. And there's
Unknown:very little attention paid to that. But incandescent lights
Unknown:are far more healthy for our biology, I can't speak to what
Unknown:they're doing to the environment. That's not my
Unknown:jurisdiction. But I guess one needs to make a choice there.
Unknown:And I go into hydration, something that we hear a lot
Unknown:about, you have to drink water, it's really important. A lot of
Unknown:times, headaches, and other feelings of malaise can simply
Unknown:be due to not ingesting sufficient amounts of water. And
Unknown:we've all heard the adage that you should drink 810 ounce glass
Unknown:glasses of water a day. But that's just sort of a random
Unknown:number. It depends upon your gender, your height, your
Unknown:weight, how active you are, what climate you live in. But in any
Unknown:event, you should pay attention to that. And I go into fasting.
Unknown:Fasting is becoming quite popular today. But there are
Unknown:many types of fasting. And women need to be careful, because
Unknown:extreme fasting can affect their hormones in a negative way. And
Unknown:you don't want to do that. So once again, that needs to be
Unknown:done carefully. And I go into genetics, which is a really
Unknown:exciting field, one that I think is going to change medicine. And
Unknown:what that does is it just gives you your disease risk profile.
Unknown:And I also go into epigenetics, which is this emerging field of
Unknown:science that everyone is going to hear more about, which
Unknown:basically says, how your environment and your lifestyle
Unknown:will affect the function of your genes. So some people are
Unknown:concerned about getting genetic testing, because they fear they
Unknown:don't want to know. But the reality is, there's not a lot of
Unknown:single gene diseases. And those are ones that you can't do
Unknown:anything about most of the information that you gain from
Unknown:this genetic testing, talks about your genetic variations.
Unknown:And they don't give you a guarantee that you will get a
Unknown:disease, but they just show that you may have a slightly higher
Unknown:predisposition, or a slightly higher risk profile. And that is
Unknown:good to know because there are so many things that you can do
Unknown:to modify that risk. And then another chapter I have which is
Unknown:in depth is supplements, because I am a believer in supplements.
Unknown:Because our soil has been degraded of minerals and
Unknown:vitamins. And our food supply is terribly tainted, and we're all
Unknown:stressed and on the go. And as we age, we lose certain minerals
Unknown:and enzymes. But once again, I learned the hard way that one
Unknown:has to be very careful about the supplements they take, because
Unknown:everyone and their brother are recommending certain
Unknown:supplements. But the reality is one, I think that one should
Unknown:never take supplements without testing what their baseline is
Unknown:first. Because you don't want to be supplementing with a vitamin
Unknown:or mineral, or an essential fatty acid or an amino acid if
Unknown:you have plenty of them that can throw your balance off. But you
Unknown:want to know where you are deficient. And then on top of
Unknown:that a lot of these supplements are synergistic, that you rarely
Unknown:hear anyone talking about. For instance, during the pandemic,
Unknown:everybody was recommending that we take zinc, because zinc is
Unknown:antiviral, and that is true. But the reality is zinc is
Unknown:synergistic with copper. And if one takes too much zinc, then
Unknown:they can throw their copper levels off balance and have
Unknown:problems with that. And that's true with magnesium and vitamin
Unknown:D and vitamin A. So we can't just randomly take the
Unknown:supplements without learning about our own system first.
Kalee Boisvert:And that's usually done by tests you were
Kalee Boisvert:saying, right, like the test would help you get a baseline.
Unknown:Exactly, exactly. There are many tests and if your
Unknown:healthcare provider won't provide them, the whole chapter
Unknown:on testing. There are many platforms available today where
Unknown:the consumer can go online, and they can order a test and most
Unknown:of them come with a consultation to discuss and evaluate the
Unknown:results of your test. Okay, perfect.
Kalee Boisvert:Well, that's helpful. You mentioned at the
Kalee Boisvert:beginning oral health I hadn't ever heard that one actually.
Kalee Boisvert:What is it like? What are we looking for when it comes to
Kalee Boisvert:oral health?
Unknown:Well, that's where a lot of diseases start that in
Unknown:the gut. I mean, because what you eat and if you have
Unknown:gingivitis they found a definite connection between A particular
Unknown:kind of gum disease and neurodegenerative disorder.
Unknown:Alzheimer's and dementia have been connected to something
Unknown:called P ginger Valas, which is a particular kind of gum disease
Unknown:bacteria that goes from your gum into your bloodstream and
Unknown:crosses the blood brain barrier in your brain. So it's something
Unknown:that you want to be mindful of that and the fact that a lot of
Unknown:oral care products contain very harmful ingredients. They have
Unknown:chemicals, a lot of mouthwashes have alcohol and you don't want
Unknown:to do that, because what happens is they kill the good and the
Unknown:bad bacteria. And that will not end up well for you.
Kalee Boisvert:Interesting. Very interesting, I haven't
Kalee Boisvert:really even thought about that. So oral health is one of them.
Kalee Boisvert:I'm intrigued by that one. And it says, So in your book, how
Kalee Boisvert:it's structured each chapter, you have an ending with, like
Kalee Boisvert:approachable action steps for people. And that's what you
Kalee Boisvert:alluded to before, right? You said a lot of these are things
Kalee Boisvert:we can do right now, not very costly. Is there a few you want
Kalee Boisvert:to share just like off the top of your head, maybe that people
Kalee Boisvert:could be aware of that they can start doing right now some of
Kalee Boisvert:these action steps?
Unknown:Well, for oral health, I mean, I would first look at
Unknown:the ingredients in your toothpaste or mouthwash, and try
Unknown:to get non toxic products wherever you can. And that's
Unknown:also true for your beauty care products. It is astonishing how
Unknown:many bad chemicals are in beauty care products. And there are
Unknown:plenty of non toxic brands that are available. I don't know if
Unknown:they're as effective as the ones filled with chemicals. But long
Unknown:term, there'll be better for your health. On let me think of
Unknown:some of the others. Light as I mentioned, I would switch from
Unknown:led to incandescent, I didn't mention the cold chapter, the
Unknown:cold chapter is called thermogenesis. And that talks
Unknown:about a process of heat production, which can help you
Unknown:cognitively it benefits your immune system. And one of the
Unknown:action steps in that is there are people who are more extreme
Unknown:than I am, and they'll go into a cold plunge or an ice bath on a
Unknown:daily basis. That is a little extreme for me. But what I do do
Unknown:is at the end of my shower, I turn a normal temperature shower
Unknown:to very cold for 30 seconds. And it's hard. And I don't love it.
Unknown:But you really feel invigorated. And it is supposed to have great
Unknown:benefits. So that's a free tip that anybody can do.
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you're right.
Kalee Boisvert:It's part but but your I can see how that would help, like help
Kalee Boisvert:really wake you up really? Refresh you for the day? Yeah,
Unknown:it does. It does. Let's see what else. For supplements,
Unknown:I think I have a lot of tips, there are websites that you can
Unknown:go to, to check the quality of your supplements, because the
Unknown:supplement industry has a very low barrier to entry. So a lot
Unknown:of people are in the supplement business. And while they may
Unknown:begin with good intentions, if they have success, they get
Unknown:bought by big corporations who can change the ingredients. And
Unknown:oftentimes, the ingredients which are listed on the label,
Unknown:don't match the ingredients and the capsule or the tablet. And
Unknown:then additionally, they add binders and excipients and
Unknown:fillers that we just don't need to be ingesting. And there are
Unknown:websites that you can go to to check the source.
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah, I had, I went to my naturopath like,
Kalee Boisvert:yeah, a while back, and he had this big box full of all these
Kalee Boisvert:different like vitamins and supplements. And I was like,
Kalee Boisvert:what's that, and he's like, those are all the ones you
Kalee Boisvert:should not be buying. And I was like, Oh my gosh, like so many
Kalee Boisvert:of the brands that I was using, were in that box. So that really
Kalee Boisvert:shifted for me like at that awareness of you know, you just
Kalee Boisvert:look at the label of like, what it is like, Oh, this is vitamin
Kalee Boisvert:D. And that's what I'm looking for. But you don't actually look
Kalee Boisvert:any further decide when you know, who is the provider what's
Kalee Boisvert:inside of it. And he kind of pointed all that out to me too.
Kalee Boisvert:And I was like, Oh, that was very eye opening. Because
Kalee Boisvert:basically everything I was buying was not
Unknown:indeed good. I'm glad that your nature pack did that
Unknown:for you. Because you're right, a lot of us are trusting and we
Unknown:overlook the very reality that you don't always get what you
Unknown:buy. So it's unfortunate but true.
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah, yeah, it is that we just have to be that
Kalee Boisvert:much more mindful now because it is big corporations, big
Kalee Boisvert:business profits to be made. You also say that we have a natural
Kalee Boisvert:ability to heal. And I love that like just remembering, I guess
Kalee Boisvert:that our bodies are are created as these you know, these vessels
Kalee Boisvert:of where we are able to naturally heal like when we get
Kalee Boisvert:a cut or when we are sick and things like that and how we
Kalee Boisvert:recover. So is there ways that we can help support that natural
Kalee Boisvert:ability we already have inside our cells? I think more and more
Kalee Boisvert:people are becoming aware of this and wanting to look for
Kalee Boisvert:those natural ways or ways to promote our own body to do its
Kalee Boisvert:its functions. So anything you want to comment on the add on
Kalee Boisvert:that natural ability to heal.
Unknown:Well sleep plays into that quite a bit. It's really
Unknown:important to get good restful sleep. And years ago everybody
Unknown:thought thought that it was a badge of honor to sleep only
Unknown:four or six hours. And as it turns out, that's not really a
Unknown:good thing to do. There are a few outliers who are genetically
Unknown:predisposed to get by and not have adverse effects from such
Unknown:little sleep. But most of us don't fall into that category.
Unknown:And if you find that you are you have good sleep, REM sleep, deep
Unknown:sleep, you go through all the different stages of sleep, that
Unknown:will help your immune system to heal that and nutrition, what we
Unknown:put in our mouth, if we're putting healthy whole foods,
Unknown:that's going to help us to say and what toxic exposure reducing
Unknown:toxic exposure, because if we're trying to heal, and we're
Unknown:bombarded by all these toxins, it's going to make it more
Kalee Boisvert:Okay. Okay, I love it. Um, and then what about
Kalee Boisvert:advocating for our own health, like, I think that's such a big
Kalee Boisvert:one. And so empowering to think of that we get to step in and,
Kalee Boisvert:and kind of be in that role as well, though, because we
Kalee Boisvert:ultimately we know ourselves best. And, you know, you're the
Kalee Boisvert:you're the person that's with yourself day to day, so you know
Kalee Boisvert:what the symptoms and what you're going through, and things
Kalee Boisvert:like that. Whereas when you go to a doctor, you know, you only
Kalee Boisvert:have a few minutes, to maybe share what's going on with them.
Kalee Boisvert:So how can we make sure we're advocating for health and really
Kalee Boisvert:feeling empowered when it comes to our health and our well
Kalee Boisvert:being?
Unknown:Well, I do think that's really important. Unfortunately,
Unknown:we cannot hand over our healthcare journey to a doctor
Unknown:or anybody because as you say, they only have a few minutes.
Unknown:And the reality is we know ourselves better than anybody
Unknown:else. We know how we respond to food to everything, we know it
Unknown:best. And it's important to do your due diligence, but maybe
Unknown:before you go to the doctor go with a list of questions. And if
Unknown:there's something that's not going right, you can do basic
Unknown:research to try and understand some of that, but one must
Unknown:always be their own health advocate and not rely on
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah, yeah, we give a lot of power to them. And
Kalee Boisvert:they're, they're very helpful, they do a lot of very good
Kalee Boisvert:things. But we have to Yeah, we have to step in and step up and,
Kalee Boisvert:and help ourselves too, because we're kind of exhausted, like,
Kalee Boisvert:we're with ourselves, the majority of the time, so we have
Kalee Boisvert:to take that accountability backwards. Anything else that we
Kalee Boisvert:haven't really touched on, like your book sounds amazing. So if
Kalee Boisvert:listeners want to, like it's basically like, you've done all
Kalee Boisvert:the research for us, and put it all together in one spot, so I
Kalee Boisvert:think that's what sounds really helpful and beneficial for that.
Kalee Boisvert:It's like, kind of check, check, check all the boxes, that your
Kalee Boisvert:book is sort of all in one that people can be helped kind of
Kalee Boisvert:with their overall health, which is pretty exciting. And I think
Kalee Boisvert:that's a, that's a really good concept to have it all in one
Kalee Boisvert:spot, because it can be overwhelming. There's
Kalee Boisvert:information everywhere, coming at us. So it looks like you've
Kalee Boisvert:done the work for us and the research and everything. So
Kalee Boisvert:where can they find, I guess, where can they find your book,
Kalee Boisvert:or learn more about you or reach out to you.
Unknown:So my book is on Amazon, it's on Barnes and
Unknown:Noble, wherever books are sold. I have a website and illegal
Unknown:mirrors.com I have an Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn. Also
Unknown:the same name, Emily gold mirrors. And what I did do, as
Unknown:you mentioned, is there are many books written on a lot of these
Unknown:topics, sleep and nutrition and supplements and all that. But I
Unknown:figured I happen to love research, but I thought many
Unknown:people don't have the time to do research to the extent that I
Unknown:do. So what I tried to do was read all of those books on all
Unknown:the topics and take the most salient aspects of each topic,
Unknown:and then put them in a kind of easy to manage forum so that the
Unknown:everyday health consumer can access them.
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah, I love it. Yeah. So you don't have to get a
Kalee Boisvert:separate book on nutrition and sleep and that you've brought it
Kalee Boisvert:all together for us. You've made it easy for us. So there's no
Kalee Boisvert:excuses now or not being proactive with these things. I
Kalee Boisvert:hope so. Um, before we wrap up, is there anything else that you
Kalee Boisvert:want to say to listeners as you know, a tip or an idea or
Kalee Boisvert:something for them to consider? Yeah, before, like, kind of
Kalee Boisvert:overall theme or anything like that, that you want to share?
Unknown:I would just say that some of this may seem
Unknown:overwhelming. And I'm not suggesting that somebody do
Unknown:everything. It's in the book. But start slow and start small.
Unknown:Try one or two things and stick with that for a while. And if
Unknown:you start to feel better, you may be incentivized then to add
Unknown:more things. But the more that you do, the better you will
Unknown:feel. And that is a great motivation to continue down this
Unknown:health journey.
Kalee Boisvert:Yeah, absolutely. Because like we were
Kalee Boisvert:saying, I think before we started recording is just, you
Kalee Boisvert:know, I talk on the wealth piece and building your wealth, and I
Kalee Boisvert:plan for people's retirements and their financial freedom. And
Kalee Boisvert:as you know, the whole longevity piece. But if you're, if your
Kalee Boisvert:health isn't there, if you're not, you know, feeling your best
Kalee Boisvert:self or feeling as good as you can be feeling, what's the like,
Kalee Boisvert:then what's the purpose of the money and the wealth and what
Kalee Boisvert:we're building and what we're goal planning for, like, you
Kalee Boisvert:need to be at your best self at that point, too. So I love that
Kalee Boisvert:that there's things we can do right now that are going to have
Kalee Boisvert:a major impact. It's that compounding effect even with
Kalee Boisvert:your health.
Unknown:Very true. Very true.
Kalee Boisvert:I love it. So I'll include links in the show
Kalee Boisvert:notes for everything you mentioned, as well and
Kalee Boisvert:definitely recommend that people check out your book sounds
Kalee Boisvert:amazing. And you've put a lot of work into all this and very
Kalee Boisvert:relevant and things we need to know now. So thank you so much,
Kalee Boisvert:Emily, for sharing your time and coming on the podcast.
Unknown:Thank you, Kaylee. I enjoyed talking with you.
Kalee Boisvert:Awesome. Thank you so much. And thank you
Kalee Boisvert:everyone for listening in and I will catch you on the next
Kalee Boisvert:episode. Goodbye for now. I hope you found value in this episode.
Kalee Boisvert:And because I'm such a proponent of taking confident action, I
Kalee Boisvert:want to pose a question to you the listener. What is one action
Kalee Boisvert:that you feel inspired to take after listening to today's
Kalee Boisvert:episode? If you enjoy listening, please subscribe and share with
Kalee Boisvert:your friends and family. Thank you so much and I will catch you