Aug. 3, 2021

Your Gift of Brokenness | UA25

Your Gift of Brokenness | UA25

The “broken” pieces of us - the parts of us we’ve been believing are wrong – are often areas of tremendous strength and value.

When there’s something about us that’s been bothering us, and we decide to start loving it and not trying to hide it, it can become the reason other people seek us out. It can be what allows other people to relate to us and makes them want to get to know us better. Ironically, it’s when we pretend to be too perfect that we turn other people away.

In this episode, we explore how to reframe your thinking about those things you’re making wrong about you. We consider several examples of how people have transformed things they thought were wrong about them into exactly the reason they now celebrate themselves.

There’s nothing more freeing than finding out that ALL of you is worthwhile.


If this podcast is whetting your appetite to start moving your life in a new direction and you’d like some help getting there, there are two ways I’ve created to help you:

When you coach with me, we’ll help you create the career and life you’ve been yearning to lead. My coaching is all about honouring you in your uniqueness and helping you expand your sense of what’s possible for you. I’ll show you how to think more expansively and creatively about your options, learn how to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, overcome your doubts and fears, and start creating the life you want. You can schedule your free, no obligation coaching consultation call with me by clicking on this link:

If you like the idea of joining a diverse, welcoming community where we’re focused on expansive, out-of-the-box thinking about our careers, you’ll want to join my brand new, private, free Creatively Expansive Careers Facebook group, starting very soon. If you’d like more details or you’d like to apply to join, send me a note to

You can hear more ideas by subscribing to my Creative Expansive Weekly newsletter or by following my posts on Instagram or LinkedIn:

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See my paintings, announcements about live events at The George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion, and other useful information at my website: GRACE is located on my acreage in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. Ontario, Canada.

I’m always happy to hear your ideas for this podcast. Write to me at to share your comments and concerns about anything I talk about in this podcast, or to make suggestions about topics you'd like me to cover in a future episode.


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I’m a former international tax lawyer and senior partner with Ernst & Young. I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint. After a couple years painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who feel stuck in their careers and lives and want to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected. I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at the George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.