Dec. 13, 2022

Talking to Rocks and Communing With Nature | UA96

Talking to Rocks and Communing With Nature | UA96

Nature helps us discover a depth of beauty in our surroundings that connects us with who we are.

In this episode, I share the reason I’m spending more time in nature, how doing that is elevating the way I think and feel, and how more time in nature can do that for you too.

Nature evokes a sense of, “Yes, THIS is it” more than any other experience I can think of. That’s because nature resonates with the deepest part of us.

You can directly experience your personal connection with nature by walking under a starry sky, running your hands over the bark of an old tree, or noticing the ancient voices of rocks that call you to collect them and take them home.

Let nature evoke in you a recognition of the sacredness of the planet and a knowing you are part of that sacredness.


If you’d like to take the ideas you hear about in this podcast further in your own life, you’re officially invited to join me for a free coaching consultation call. On the call, we’ll talk about your specific challenges and desires, I’ll diagnose what I see holding you back, and we’ll consider whether it makes sense to coach together. Whether you decide to coach with me or not, you’ll walk away from our call with a clearer understanding of how to move forward. You can use this link to book your session:

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I’m a former international tax lawyer and senior partner of Ernst & Young in Toronto, where I serviced banks and other large multinationals and led a large group of professionals.

My life expanded when I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint, something I’d always dreamt of doing, but had no reason to believe was possible for me. After a couple years of painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who yearn to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected in their lives every day, and I became certified as a life coach.

I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at GRACE Studio (more formally, the “George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion”) in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. And, of course, producing this podcast for you.