Aug. 31, 2021

How to Use Imagery to Solve Any Problem | UA29

How to Use Imagery to Solve Any Problem | UA29

In episode 10, How to Think Your Future into Existence, you learned how to use visualization to create your future. In this episode, we focus instead on how to use visualization and imagery to solve your problems.

There are several reasons why imagery works so well for problem solving:

Repeated patterns of thinking become wired into our brains and steeped into our subconscious. Our subconscious doesn’t understand language. It does understand pictures and images. We need to be able to communicate with our subconscious to solve deep seated patterns of thinking.

Imagery helps us step out of linear thinking so that we can find more creative solutions.

When we visualize solving a problem a new way, we gain problem solving experience. That’s because our brains can’t distinguish between actual and imagined experiences.

Images can help us remember preferred solutions when we’re in emotionally charged situations that make it hard to remember the specific language we’d planned to use.

Listen to this episode to hear several examples for how you can use images to solve your problems.


If you’d like to take the work deeper and apply it to your own circumstances, let’s connect. I offer free coaching consultation calls. My coaching is all about honouring you in your uniqueness, expanding your sense of what’s possible for you, and helping you to take the steps to move your life in a new direction. I’ll show you how to think more expansively and creatively about your options, learn how to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, overcome your doubts and fears, and start creating the life you want. You can schedule your free, no obligation coaching consultation call with me by clicking on this link and scrolling down to the blue “Free Personal Strategy Session” button.

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I show my paintings by appointment and host custom coaching sessions and live events at The George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion, located on my acreage in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. Reach out to me directly if you’d like to learn more about this.

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I’m a former international tax lawyer and senior partner with Ernst & Young. I left the law in 2014 to learn how to paint. After a couple years painting and selling my work, I became passionate about helping other people who feel stuck in their careers and lives and want to feel more personally fulfilled, invigorated and soul connected. I now spend my time painting, coaching, and creating live events at the George Russell Academy of Creative Expansion in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.