The Journey to Stress-Free Leading and Living

Where does the road to stress-free leading and living begin? In this episode, we int...
Where does the road to stress-free leading and living begin?
In this episode, we introduce a model to get you started.
Stress-free sounds like a great way of living. But where do you start? How does one make the decision to become stress-free with the ability to reduce and manage the typical life stressors that can take us off track and off our game? In this episode we’ll introduce the concept and model 5 C’s to Stress-Free. We will explore:
- Why living stress-free begins with you
- The role of clarity in creating your stress-free life
- Key challenges to be mindful of on your journey
- The importance of conscious daily choices
- The essential factor of clear boundaries and why you should create them now
- Why your internal communication is just as important as your external communication
- And more!
About Rhonda:
Rhonda Y. Williams is a former Chief Nursing Officer and hospital CEO. With 20+ years of leadership experience, Rhonda has personally experienced the joys and the stress. Today, Rhonda is an emotional intelligence strategist, and she is known as The Stress-Free Leader. Rhonda coaches’ leaders who are ready to STOP THE MADNESS and reconnect with the joyful, purposeful part of leading. She also works directly with teams who are ready to explore the organizational and bottom-line benefits of creating a stress-free culture. She’s also the host of The Coffee with Rhonda Show.
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