The Stress-Free Leader Podcast is aimed directly at you. Yes, YOU! The leader who is still answering texts well after hours, checking email while on vacation and saying yes when you should be saying no. This show is for you!
Show Quote: “Creativity is the depth of the honesty you express towards your possibility.” –Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this episode, we explore the importance of tapping into your leadership creativity to enjoy the ultimate leadership success.
In this episode, we break down the art of persuasion and the connection to effective leadership. Aristotle identified 3 modes of persuasion, known as the 3 appeals. Ethos, Pathos and Logos are 3 essential parts of making a persuasive argument.
Show Quote: I like to solve problems. I know it is a skill set, but it’s also an obligation. I grew up with parents who believe that you don’t simply complain: you try to find solutions and fix what’s in front of you. –Stacy Abrams In this episode,
Allyship: Going Beyond the Basics Show Quote: I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” – Maya Angelou In this episode,
Show Quote: In fact, the Confidence of the people is worth more than money” Carter G. Woodson In this episode, we explore confidence and in particular, why it can be so challenging for women leaders. Ms. Edna Howard joins us for the conversation.
In this episode, Alaina Schwartz joins the conversation to continue our discussion on this important topic. I’ve heard it since I was young. I imagine you have too. The only way to succeed is to work hard. Unfortunately,