Your Success Is Already In Your Head

In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the fact that your success is already in your head. More specifically your success comes down to the relationship you have with yourself in your moments of solitude. When your head is on the pillow at night. John says that the most significant thing he ever learned in his life is this. That 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. Here’s why that’s significant. If your daily actions determine your success and 95% of them on are unconscious, then clearly your subconscious mind determines both your success in life as well as your enjoyment of life. So you have to gain control over your subconscious mind to have a better life for yourself. And the subconscious mind only response to repetition and that’s the power of feeding the succinct articulation of your life yourself each day. The thing that amazes John and Kelly is that so few people in the mindset and success business get this. That everything comes down to reprogramming the subconscious mind. Because when you don’t, your intentions never turn into actions. And to go even deeper on this John restates the topic today. Your success comes down to the relationship you have with yourself in your moments of solitude. And here’s why. Your actions determine your success. Your actions emanate from your thoughts. Your thoughts emanate from beliefs. So here’s the Takeaway. You’ve got the impact beliefs and thoughts because they determine your actions. That’s why you have to influence the subconscious mind and here’s how you do that. It’s a two-step process. First you create clarity about what you believe, what you want to accomplish and how you’re going to accomplish your specific goals. You’ve also got to determine any false beliefs you have and core wounds. All that is conscious mind. Then the critical second step. Rewire your subconscious by feeding the succinct articulation of your desired life to yourself each day. Takes 12 minutes a day. Then the right actions happen automatically and you have a powerful force pulling your life forward to your desired life. The new AI algorithm that John is creating to create that clarity and to customize our template is projected to be ready for testing in a couple weeks. So stay tuned.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest, to maximize what we've been given, and play the game of life at our full potential.
John Mitchell:
Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level so you can impact your career, relationships and health?
Kelly Hatfield:
If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level, so you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction, as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed, and once you learn it, watch what happens.
Kelly Hatfield:
Welcome to Think It Be It the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield
John Mitchell:
Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So the topic today is your success is already in your head. More specifically, your success comes down to the relationship you have with yourself in your moments of solitude, when your head is on the pillow at night. So Kelly, you you buy that.
Kelly Hatfield:
I do buy it. This is a deep one. I'm excited to dig into this today.
John Mitchell:
I know, I know I it is deep, but well, you know, I tell you that the most significant thing I ever learned, as you well know, is that 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, and let me explain why that is the most significant thing I ever learned. If your daily actions determine your success, and 95% of them are unconscious, then clearly your subconscious mind determines both your success in life as well as your enjoyment of life. I mean, that only makes sense, right, right? Yeah. I mean the fact that your actions are determining your success, and 95% of them are unconscious. The fact that they're unconscious means your subconscious mind is controlling them, therefore your subconscious mind rules your life. And you know, I see that very few people get this, yes, it's truly the central concept of the top book the world on success that's been read by 150 million people in this world. I'm like, wow. Why people don't get this? And, you know, I see in in Think and Grow Rich. I don't hear people coming out saying, Well, yes, it is. It is about the proactive manipulation of the subconscious mind. But boy, you know, once you understand the secret, I mean, it's obvious and and so I see that that's why, you know, learning that 95% of my daily actions were unconscious, that was, that was sort of the pivotal moment. Then I'm like, Oh, I see why. I've been playing the game alive at 5% of my potential. So I got to gain control those unconscious daily actions, and I so it's the subconscious mind and I the subconscious mind only responds to repetition. It doesn't give a damn about logic. You know, all the conscious mind is doing is is setting up your intentions based on logic, and the subconscious mind is carrying out the actions to make your intentions a reality. But that's why you got to feed the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day. That's the repetition that that it needs to have to to influence the subconscious mind is, to say, is, you think everybody gets this?
Kelly Hatfield:
I think that it is. I don't. Because I think if they did, you know, there, we would see a lot more. Because the opening of this was, your success is already in your head. Is that right? What's the opening here? We'd have a lot more people in the world who, if they understood this, who would fall into that success category. You know what I mean. And so I don't think that people understand it. And I think that the way that you're describing it, and the way that we keep using repetition to help people wrap their head around this like you're seeing that happen in real time, people all 36 of you,
John Mitchell:
Right? The Magic 36
Kelly Hatfield:
Keep talking about it because it is you need that repetition to truly understand what we're talking about here. And so I love, I mean, one of your superpowers, John is making what seems complex simple, and that's exactly what you've just done in that explanation, and we're continuing to repeat it for that reason,
John Mitchell:
Right? Well. You know, it's so interesting that, you know, success is really an inside job, right? And I think that, I mean, I I certainly thought this in my 30s and 40s, I always sort of felt like my success was on the outside, that, you know, I'm gonna discover this, or I'm gonna discover that, and that's gonna be my success when it's been more external, yeah, right, when, in fact, it was in my head all all along. You know, I just had to create that immense clarity of exactly the person I want to be, and what did I wanted to accomplish, and how is I going to accomplish my goals and, and, you know, yes, that's, that's, that's a little difficult to sit down and create that clarity. But I it was all in my head, yeah, I just had to, you know, pull it out of my head, and then once you create it, then you feed it to yourself each day. And I think the game changer really now is having this AI algorithm where you know all you two is answer 35 questions and press button, and now the template is customized to your life. You don't have to go and figure out, oh, well, what does he mean by clarity about the person I want to be and what I want to accomplish? The algorithm walks right through all of that. So love that
Kelly Hatfield:
Will you do me a favor, and will you write? Read that line on the opening part to our podcast, you know, describe what we were going to talk about, because I have a point I want to make about that.
John Mitchell:
Okay, your success is already in your end. Okay? And then what was the next line? More specifically, your success comes down to the relationship you have with yourself in your moments of solitude.
Kelly Hatfield:
Okay, so that's what I want to kind of zero in on for a second and and this comes back to identity, right, right? So this comes back to, like, being comfortable in your own skin and really clear about who you are. And you know, getting that clarity that you're talking about, right? It's so crucial, and people don't do that the work on their identity, because that's where all everything stems from, is getting really clear about who you are, what you stand for. You know the type of person you need to become to achieve. You know the things you need to be doing consistently, and the actions you need to be taking consistently to achieve, the things that you want to achieve or and having that clarity around what that identity is. And you can have all kinds of different identities. You can have an identity as a as a spouse, and how you want to show up and what your identity is in that relationship in business, and how you going to, you know, show up as a business owner, and you know how that feels, and the words you're going to use to describe that identity that you have for yourself. And so I think this always goes back to people taking the time to do the internal work that you're talking about, because that's versus the needing that external feeling like it's going to come from outside of yourself when it's in yourself, you just sit with yourself and think about those different identities, right,
John Mitchell:
Right? You know, I think that's a great point. And, you know, as I said this before, think it be. It is really for people 50 and older, maybe late 40s, but, and we have people that are, you know, in their 30s, and you know, to them, I'm like, my head is off to you, if you're getting this, but I see that it's, it's for people that are a little older, because it takes that much time to finally wake up one day and go, you know, doing life like everybody else just doesn't work. It just creates the average life, and the average life is pretty damn ugly. And so, I mean, do you agree with that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, I do. And I want to just add something on to what we were talking about identity and tie it into our last episode, you know, as well. And always to when we're talking about subconscious, you know, we're talking about the last episode we talked about wounds, right? Okay, so if you are the type of person and your identity is someone who's like, oh, what's next? What's what's going to happen next? You know, or you know, so you're that person that's like waiting for the other shoe to drop. Yeah, it will it will drop, and all of your actions are aligned with that identity that you have created for yourself through all of these old stories, childhood wounds, all of those things that we've talked about, versus the individual who is what's next, you know? Yeah, right. I mean, it's the same, you know, but a much different message, meaning behind those two different things that you're saying, You know what? I mean, like, oh, what's next? Or, like, what's next, let's go. It's Wow. You know what I mean, as far as when you're thinking about your right, when you're really quiet with yourself, and you're thinking about who am I and what lens do I look at the world through, and right, all of that. These are all of the things that play into your identity and the actions that you take right.
John Mitchell:
But you know, Kelly, very few people are having the presence of mind to do that, you know. And I think, I think you can blame it, sort on, on social media that, you know, we're, we live in such a flip through culture that it causes us to be shallow thinkers. And you know, it's only when, when someone goes, you know, I could have a better life, you know, but I gotta, I gotta do what, what John and Kelly are talking about. I gotta create clarity about what I want and how am i I'm gonna get it. And, you know, they got this system. I'm gonna do their system. And, you know, I've dug into this. I've been thinking about this and looking forward to this podcast to work through the Why does your success come down to the relationship you have with yourself and your moments of solitude? And I think like you say, it is your identity, but But think about this. Just walk through this. Your actions determine your success and your actions emanate from your thoughts. In other words, you can't take an action without there being a thought, and your thoughts emanate from your beliefs, which is another way of saying, your identity, yeah. And so you know, once you see that that progression that actions determine your success, and actions emanate from thoughts, and thoughts emanate from beliefs. Then the takeaway is, you got to impact your beliefs and thoughts, because they're determining your actions and and therefore it's all subconscious mind stuff, right? Yeah, 100%
Kelly Hatfield:
So let's use this really quick. So, John, you said then that the identity, so if you're someone who thinks nothing ever goes my way, the emotion around that then, because that thought creates an that identity creates an emotion, right? Is negativity, you know, like the actions that then are followed by that emotion are going to be aligned with that which is maybe not taking any action at all, which is an action, yeah, right, or, you know what I mean? So, like, that's a perfect example how you just explained. It really frames, you know, when you're starting an identity, and if you're somebody who believes this one thing, then creates that emotion, and then that emotion determines what action you're going to take. That's how powerful it is and how powerful identity is related to your subconscious. They all go hand in hand
John Mitchell:
And you know, it's interesting is, as I told you, you know, went to this great thing in in Sedona for a week. And you know, Sedona is sort of the metaphysical capital of the world, and they were talking about false beliefs, and also childhood wounds. You know, it made me realize that there's a flaw in my my book, and so I'm now fixing that to address because most people do have false beliefs. In fact, the average person has 12 of them. And so now I'm putting this in my book. And I think that a lot of what you and I are talking about today is there people are getting it. But, you know, this is type of stuff. It would be helpful to actually be able to look at the printed page and think about it. And so it'll be in my book. But the recap of it is that, like you say at the end of the day, your beliefs and your identity is the key, is the key to your whole life. And if, if that's not good, you can fix it. And here's how you fix it. It's really a two step process. The first step is you got to get clarity. You got clarity about what you believe. So what do I believe about myself? What is my identity? What do I plan on accomplishing? And how am I going to do it? And also get aware of any false beliefs that you have and any childhood wound so and again, all this is done through the algorithm. And so you but your conscious mind have to figure it out. And then the second step is, once you you know, create your customized template, you just feed it to yourself every day, and that that now moves it to the subconscious mind, because after 21 days now, it's seated in and I think maybe the thing I'm most proud of with with all this is that I personally think the whole personal growth industry is misguided because all they're doing. Is identifying, you know, things that are problems and affecting intentions. You know, I want to be this way. I want to be that way. Boy, yeah, great. It's good that you have the clarity, because that's the first step. But unless you feed that clarity to yourself, hey, it's saying an intention, it has no impact at all. Well, I won't say it has no impact at all. It has very little impact on your life if you're not seeding it into your subconscious mind, because again, 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. So if you're not dealing with that 95% then everything stays an intention. So, right,
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, absolutely, it's why John, everybody, at the beginning of the year, sets those health resolutions right for the year, and by February, whatever the date is, February, they stopped. You have the best intentions, but you were, you know, repetitively feeding yourself and having the clarity around the internal work you need to do to be able to carry that out. And so that's, yeah, I thought of that right away. I'm like, Yeah, everybody has intentions at the beginning of the year, but then look to see where you're at. And that's proof of exactly what you're talking about. Like you, you know, do it on sheer will for a couple week window of time before you fall off the wagon, so to speak. Whatever it is you're where you're doing. It takes this work of repetition, the work of clarity, step the process that you just walked everybody through about how to sustain that change, reprogram your subconscious and sustain that change over the long term. Right?
John Mitchell:
Well, I think there's some brilliant people in the in the world that are around mindset. I think Joe Dispenza is is brilliant. I think guy named David Bayer is brilliant about false beliefs. But I'll just say it. I think both of them miss how to influence the subconscious mind and actually incorporate fixing those problems in people's lives. And I fully intend to go visit with both of them after I get my book read. Now, then we'll see what happens. But, you know, I do respect them, and so we'll see. But, yeah, one other thing I wanted to mention that I think is finding sort of interesting. You know, I read, Think and Grow Rich when I was 41 years old. And I discovered this probably, you know, I don't know, a few years ago as I since I was, like in my 20s, I catch kept a journal about my life. Did you do you journal? Did you journal back then? No, I didn't. Right, no, well, I was, I was doing it and, yeah, I'll tell you a funny story. I know, I know
Kelly Hatfield:
How we were talking about that filter earlier. Yeah, yeah.
John Mitchell:
Well, this one went maybe one of those, what to filter, but I think the 36 might appreciate it, buddy. Oh yeah. So as as everybody remembers, I didn't get married in my 50s, and so I don't know when I was 28 or 29 I had this girlfriend, and so he comes over to my house, and I don't know, in the Dayton, I don't know, three or four months in my journal, and I'm thinking, what I'm writing in the journal is private, right? Oh, no. Big mistake. Big mistake. And so, so I write something about her, probably, you know that I sure like her, but I probably won't marry her, you know, something like that. And I come home and she has thrown all my clothes in the hot tub. Seriously, all my clothes are in the hot tub. You know, you just have to laugh about it, but, and, and, you know, if I had to learn that lesson once more or less, the thing, same thing happened. Oh, I don't know, a decade later where a girl that was dating read my journal. And, you know, I'm like, of course, I would never do that. But, you know, I look at it that. But anyway, too, we digress. But anyway, so I've always had a journal, even though it's hurt me sometimes, exactly to your detriment, right? And so I read a few years ago that I read the book Think and Grow Rich when I was 41 years old, and I read that, I thought it was a good book, but it didn't change my life. And what really changed though at 50 was not really more maturity, but really what changed was I had that idea to fix my life, to take the top book the world on since. Yes, whatever book that was, and apply it word for word to my life. And so when I read that, Think and Grow Rich is is now been read by about 150 million people, and it's a top book on success by a factor of 10. You know, that was the factor that made me really go after Think and Grow Rich and apply it word for word my life. Because without that perspective, at 41 I wouldn't gonna make the effort to figure out the damn secret, you know. So I share that with people, just to you know, put this in perspective that this isn't just John and Kelly's magic formula. This is really the power of a book that's been read by 150 million people. And the the law of large numbers tells you that there's something significant here. And so, you know, ignore this at your peril. Would be my advice to you,
Kelly Hatfield:
John Mitchell:
Do you think people understand the significance of the book?
Kelly Hatfield:
I think again, it might take some repetition, right, right? Help people wrap their head around it and really hear it that, but that is so significant and profound, that statement you're making, you know, and so I don't, I want people who are listening to to hear that, that this is John's simplification and interpretation and translation of the top book in the world on success, you know, and breaking it down and making it simple, so that people really get are clear about what that secret is, right? It is the missing secret to what the book is, right.
John Mitchell:
You know, one other thing cleaning up something we said the other day or last podcast about, you know, we're talking about, if you're an entrepreneur and you want to go, you want to are you're, you're not an entrepreneur, but you want to be an entrepreneur. What business to go into. And I talked about, you know, real estate. You know, one of the things that that I see, though, and my friend Steve Pendergrass has pointed this out to me. He's someone that is, I think Steve is 33 years old. He went to Notre Dame, very successful in the corporate world. And last year, he contacts me, sends me an email. He says, I want to learn this methodology, okay? And I said, Well, pop on a plane. Come to Austin. I'll put you up for the night. We'll hang out. And so he does that, and then he writes a check for 20,000 bucks, and I teach you the methodology over a week. And so once I finished teaching it to him, I said, Now, now, Steve, let's apply it to if you want to be an entrepreneur, let's apply it to that, or let's apply it to excelling it at in the corporate world, and he basically says to me, he says, I can't do anything but teach what you've taught me. And you know, I'm like, now I and I guess I've, I understood that at a certain level, but I want, of course, I'm looking at him. He's got three kids now, four kids and a wife, and I'm like, Listen, you got to earn a living. You know, I don't have to learn to earn, earn a living, but you got to earn a living. That's why I can do it. But I also see that once the genie's out of the bottle, and you see this, and you see the immense control it gives you, you don't really have a whole lot of choice to but to teach it to other people. And now I'm embracing helping him do that, because, you know, he's willing to to coach people. I'm not that anxious to coach people. I love teaching what, what we've got, but I'm not that anxious to coach him and so. But it's funny how you know, once you learn this, you sort of, you're you're changed forever. So, oh, 100%
Kelly Hatfield:
I agree with you. You know, it's why I've been on this journey with you for as many years as I have been. Is because once you get you, once you get it, and you grasp the concept, and you start putting it to work, you're like, Wow. You know, this is really, truly life changing. So, right?
John Mitchell:
And so last time, we also talked about taking the pulling Hill quote and saying what it actually means. And this is very much in line with with our topic today. But the quote is, you become what you think about. And boy, you know, I'll let you take that one. I mean, you go for it, dear. Yeah,
Kelly Hatfield:
No. And I think that again, this is goes back to everything that we've talked about in this episode, all starting with and I gave an example of that you know about, as far as your identity, if you're thinking, the lens you're looking through and the things you're thinking about are shaping your world. World, there's no whatever you look for, you will find it, you know. And so I think the work that we're doing on getting clear about your identity, about getting clear about what you want your life to look like, so that you can begin to make the necessary tweaks to your subconscious to bring that into your your world. And so, yeah, 100% and
John Mitchell:
Well, you know what one thing to think about? You know, thoughts are things and to hand to prove this. You know, Elon Musk has a company called neurolink that's actually based here in Austin, and they are implanting computer chips in people's heads. They've now done it to two people, and it gives a person that is is paralyzed, the ability with their thoughts to move the cursor on a computer. Wow. And which, you know, proves, I mean, you know, I mean, they've, they've proved, obviously, that thoughts are electrical impulses, but, but that's a very tangible example of how tangible thoughts are. And so, you know, you think, Well, I have a million thoughts that they come and they go, Well, just appreciate the power of of thought. And I think as we the interpretation today of you become what you think about is so true. You know it's it's like you said earlier, you have to figure out your identity, who, who are you? And once you figure that out, then that shapes what thoughts you have and and then, if you feed that identity to yourself each day, that's who you actually become, and that ends up creating the actions that that creates what you envision. I mean, it's, it's so simple, it hurts.
Kelly Hatfield:
It really is, but we'll keep saying it over and over again until people get it. Okay.
John Mitchell:
Okay. Why? Until next time, we'll see you.
Kelly Hatfield:
Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience, so email us at or in the meantime, live the exceptional life you.