Your Health – How Our 12 Minute A Day Methodology Affects

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss the impact of the think it be it methodology regarding one’s health. Kelly leads off the discussion regarding how is has impacted her health. Then John gets into the difference between one’s intentions and actually taking the actions to make one’s intentions come into reality. John explains how the human mind works. The conscious mind sets your intention and is influenced by logic. The subconscious mind controls your everyday actions, and it’s influenced only by repetition. Here’s the example. Say you want to lose weight. The conscious mind sets the intention to lose weight based on the logic of the health benefits. But the reason people don’t lose weight is not from lack of intention. They have all the intention in the world. They don’t lose weight because they are not influencing the part of their brain that controls their daily actions – the subconscious mind. That’s what controls what they eat and exercising on a daily basis. Because 95% of a person’s daily actions are unconscious. See the connection to the subconscious mind. So the methodology makes the right actions happen automatically without thinking because it’s influencing the subconscious mind. John also talks about doing a health program last year called fountainlife. It’s owned by Tony Robbins. The program’s goal is early detection of cancer, heart disease, or anything else that could be life-threatening. The take away John got from this is that being healthy is all about detecting problems early. Accordingly, you need to get your blood analyzed every six months. You also need to get your gut analyzed. This is done via a stool sample. Also determine if you’re deficient in any micronutrients which can be improved through supplements. The bottom line of our discussion today is that the methodology of think it be it as it relates to health is that it causes the right actions to happen automatically without thinking.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.
John Mitchell:
Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.
Kelly Hatfield:
If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens.
Kelly Hatfield:
Welcome to Think It Be It the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield.
John Mitchell:
Hey, it I'm John Michell. So the topic today is your health, and how our 12 minute day methodology affects it. So So Kelly, how has our methodology affected your health?
Kelly Hatfield:
Me on, you know, it's been game changing, and not in the way that you may think, or that people listening may think, because I was very disciplined, before I started, think it'd be with the things that the common things that we think of when we think about health, which is, you know, exercise, nutrition, those kinds of things, sleep, all of that, well, being able to integrate some of the things into my health that maybe are not the things you're thinking about, like how I intentionally use social media and technology as a positive in my life, you know, and I'm very intentional about how I use that, because that has such a impact on mental health, right, some of those things, and we can go into that a little bit more here in a bit. But it's been instrumental John in health. And for me, it's the number one thing like that I focused on first and that I made the most traction from was my health, which then everything else kind of cascaded. From there. That was the domino for me, right? Because if you don't feel good, it's really hard to show up the way you want to show up in the world and accomplish the things you want to accomplish and take action.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, yeah, I get that. Well, you know, I tell you something that I come to realize just over the last couple of weeks is, you know, when I talk to people about this methodology, there's sort of two challenges. One is, you know, so I tell him, you know, the secret of the top of the world on success is to create immense clarity about your life, you know, exactly the person, you want to be exactly what you want to accomplish, and how you're going to achieve your clearly defined goals. So you take that clarity, you feed it to yourself every day, it ends up impacting your daily actions, 95% of which are unconscious, and then those upgraded daily actions create the life you want. So that's the concept. Well, that's a concept they've never heard up before. You know, it's a way to do in life, but it's a brand new concept. And so that's the first hurdle is is to, to get them to digest. Oh, this is a this is an actual way of doing life as opposed to just winging life. But then the other thing that I see that comes up, is, you go okay, so it comes down to having clarity about each area of your life. Well, they've never thought that deep about the different areas of their life, they've never thought that the deep necessarily about their their health, then what what that exactly looks like and what being the person they want to be what that exactly looks like, what are their spiritual principles I live by. And so the the detail of that clarity is challenging for people. And I see that what the template does that we've created, it shows the clients how, what we're talking about, we're in each area of their life, regarding the level of clarity and detail that is needed in each area of your life, to influence the subconscious mind to get the right actions to happen in that area of your life. And so that's been enlightening that covers because I've always sort of looked at it from my standpoint, but now looking at it from the new person coming in, and I'll give an example of this. I'll read from my visualization, what I have, this is part of what I have on health but so here's what I say to myself. I'm living a long healthy life. 80 to 100 with lots to live for because I'm at the pinnacle of my career. I'm continually upgrading my knowledge of health. I maintain great postural a nine. By exceptional ongoing posture awareness. Daily, I often reestablished my chest sticking out posture, especially in and after bathroom. I get morning sun, I'm fit and crown, I'm well hydrated daily, two glasses of water in the morning. One in the afternoon, I exercise and floss six days a week on eating, I allow two or three cheats a week. I save her by cheat meals. I limit desserts before 6pm also limit bread. I fast three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I evaluate everything I put my mouth is the juice worth the squeeze. I eat 80% full. I don't snack, I ground and posture with am brushing. I do smart sups and I breathe smart. I weigh 169 pounds. I look great. Of course, I may be the only one to thank us I look right, but but that's how it goes. But you know, you see what I'm talking about. That that type of detail with regards to to health is really powerful. When you're feeding that to yourself every day. You know, it's amazing to me how it just shows up when it needs to show up. You know, and later in my visualization on the second page of it, I talked about my exercise routine and that, you know, I exercise six days a week at 5:30pm. You know, that's just become such a way of life that I probably don't even need it in my visualization now. But, but it's just powerful to get all that stuff to basically show up automatically without thinking.
Kelly Hatfield:
Ya know, and I think I think that's something that's important to share, John, and I know we talk a lot about the 95%, you know, of our actions and thoughts being subconscious Can you share, because this drove home the point for me not only about that, but in relation to health, too. And I know that a lot of people may resonate with this, which is, you know, your the whole thought process about like losing weight. Right. And so that whole idea of how that works, that you know, the intention, ality the intention piece happens in the conscious mind. Yeah, we're and so will you share that, because I think for those listening, and having wanted to make some major changes in their health, trying falling off the wagon getting frustrated, and that that's a cycle that everybody listening can probably relate to related to their health?
John Mitchell:
You know, I'm glad you mentioned that, because, you know, I was telling you, just before we went on air about a new client that we have, and he's a good example, because he wants to lose like 60 pounds. And, and so and I was just explaining this to him last night, I was asking him, I say, well, well, how do you create success in your life? And he goes, Well, my habits and routines. And I go, Well, how's that working for you? They goes, Ah, not so well. Get out. And I'm like, Well, let me explain to you why that is. And I said, you know, here's how the human mind works. Conscious mind sets the intention, and is influenced by logic, subconscious mind controls your daily actions, influenced only by repetition. And the example is, let's say you want to lose weight. Well, the conscious mind sets the intention to lose weight based on the logic of the health benefit. Well, you know, the reason people are not losing weight is not from lack of intention. It's from lack of influencing the part of their brain that's controlling their daily thoughts and actions, more specifically, what they're eating and exercising. And, you know, I was pointing out to him, I said, that's why what you have tried in the past hasn't worked. It certainly has not been lack of intention. You and you know what it takes to lose the weight, you know, you got to cut back on what you're eating, and you got to increase exercising, but because you have not been going after the subconscious mind, which controls your daily actions. That's why you haven't had success said and I said, watch what happens when you start reading your visualization every day and you're articulating to yourself, here's exactly what I'm I'm doing with regards to exercising here's what I'm doing. And when I'm doing it and how long I'm doing it, and here's what I'm doing with regards to eating, and articulating, you know, maybe intermittent fasting. And I said, that's going to be the game changer for you. And you'll see rather quickly, because it'll hit your health almost immediately. And one of the things you'll also see is you'll see guilt come in, because foundationally in the visualization, you're saying that you do what you say you're going to do. So if you're feeding every day that you're going to work out at 5:30pm. And you don't get ready for a healthy dose of of guilt, which will, you'll you'll find that unpleasant. And you'll you all play, see that the the pain of exercising is less than the pain of the guilt. Yeah, hi, have you buy that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Oh well, 100%. And there's something to that I want to point out, when you ask that client, you know, what do you do to create success in this area of your life? And where do you think that is? And he said, You're my habits and behavior? And he's right. I mean, like, so right now, like your habits and behavior aren't serving you related to your health. So it's not even to about you know, we're we're talking about installing new habits and behavior and using this technique, but it's the same answer, because the reason why you're not one of the other reasons why is related to the current behavior and habits that you have that aren't serving your health. Right. Right. You know, and so it's reprogramming those and so the No, I'm 100%, you know, are am on the same page as far as that guilt piece, because I think that it's different. In here's why, because I as somebody who has tried to do something before in the past, let's say, related to health, and you know, do great for a few days, or maybe a week or maybe even two weeks, and then all of a sudden, you know, because we know what the brain is like, you know, you've quit before. So when's it happening? Because it's good, right? And then you beat yourself up and their shame and kind of like, associated with not being able to follow through or whatever, this is a little different. And so it's not so much where it's that shame kind of cycle that people can go through when they don't do something they say it is that guilt, like, oh, you know, because in your visualization, you're saying, you know, I do what I say I'm going to do I keep my word to myself, and that you're hardwiring that in. And so when you don't do it, you know, you're initially before this starts kicking in there is that little thing that goes, you know, I need to it's 530 I even if I just get up and walk around the block, it's going to count, right? So you start changing your behavior around that. So I love that you shared that to that little, that little thing that happens. And there is a distinction with it for some reason, and I'm not sure what that is with this methodology on why you feel that way versus shame. And I think it has to do with keeping your word to yourself.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, that whole shame thing is Zen resting. I know today, you know, I don't really ever experience guilt. Now, you know, like, a couple of weeks ago, you know, in my visualization, I articulate that I don't snack. Well, I snacked one day. And you know, I felt guilt. And I'm like, This is good. Because, you know, I don't know, you know, I might. I mean, it's rare that I go against anything in my visualization. But you know, I'm human. And you know, it doesn't mean that doesn't work if I deviated one time, but the beauty of it is that guilt. I'm like, you know, how good was that stack? Was it better than Was it worth the guilt you you experienced? You know, not like now it wasn't that good?
Kelly Hatfield:
Well, and there's one thing that I want to point out, too, that this does and you just did a perfect demonstration of that is that the great thing about this technique is that you recognized it while it was happening and you made a choice. Yeah, whereas so much of what we do is on autopilot that there's a bag of chips down the bullet before you even read wrecking realize that it happened you know what I mean? So that's the beauty to have this is it it's not that you beat yourself up or that you feel super guilty will you know when but you it's a conscious choice where you're like, you actually think about it, you're present in the moment and you think about Yeah, is this gonna be worth it or not? Do I want to do this, you know, I'm going to like, but there is a thought process instead it be instead of it being automatic. Yeah.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, that's a great point. And that's what happened, you know, as I'm reaching for the cookie or whatever it was, I'm like, Okay, this is a snack, am I I'm gonna do this. And I did it. You know, but that's the difference. I was conscious of it. I was making the choice. I knew I was going to against my visualization. And I knew I'd feel the guilt. And you know, I don't think any of us wants to be a robot. And that, to me is one of the powerful things about this methodology. Yes, you're programming yourself. But you always have free will. And you're not a robot. But boy, you are highly, highly programmed and highly tuned to doing the right things in a way that the vast majority of other people are not. And
Kelly Hatfield:
I think too, it's like with, you know, let's use a cupcake. As an example. My birthday just came and went, and, you know, I tried to stay away from refined sugar and all of that, but when I was at your 40th birthday, exactly,
I love you for that. That was a gift. That was your kit.
John Mitchell:
I mean, you lose 35. But I know it was really you're 40. All right.
Kelly Hatfield:
Oh, my gosh, good one. But I think too, it's also because this is when we talk about the exceptional life and all of that, that is to about like, I'm going to make a choice. And if that's the choice, I'm making up, enjoy it. Yeah, right. Like, I'm going to really savor it and be like, you know, what, I stay away from sugar, you know, that's part of my health, in my visualization is refined sugar and carbohydrate. But when I do decide to partake, I'm going to enjoy the heck out of it. I probably won't 20 minutes from them, because I'm not used to eating it. I'll have the rush. But I know that too. And I'm like, in this moment, I'm gonna do a little dance while I eat is. Right, you know, so
John Mitchell:
You know, that's, that's why in my visualization, because I like sweets. I'm like, you know, when I'm having a cheat meal, or sweets, I am savoring every bite of it. I like intentionally savoring it. And I'm like, boy, this tastes so good. And you know, when you do it like that, you don't have to have sweets all the time. You're savoring it when you when you do.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, no. And there's one thing in point, I want to make sure that that we that I make today. And we're talking specifically, we talked about nutrition, and we've talked about exercise, and, you know, sleep and some of the other things, but this is where the clarity comes in, that you talked about at the beginning. Because it's not necessarily just about these things. It's about what or sit down and think about the things that are impacting your health. And when we talk about health, we're talking mental, emotional, and physical health. What are the things that are impacting those are influencing those in either a positive or a negative way? You know, and for me recognizing, okay, so social media, you know, or technology, I need to make sure that I'm harnessing that, that I'm putting some limits on that for myself, and that I'm utilizing it in a really intentional way as a great tool and a way to bring positivity growth, like I'm only looking at the things that are feeding, what my goals are, what my growth strategy is, so that I really putting the the guardrails on that from a mental health standpoint and why green operates like I don't do any of the short form social media, because it rained to think, like so you're you really are sitting down. And I'm thinking about what are the things that from a health perspective, are impacting my life? And what are some of the things that I could do to benefit? You know, myself? What are some new habits that I could develop that would enhance my health?
John Mitchell:
Right, right. Or, you know, I'll tell you something that I did last year that that has been very enlightening. There's a company called fountain life, and it's owned by Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis and the whole purpose of the this company, it's a health company, and it's geared to early detection of cancer, and or heart disease, or anything else, but those are the two two bases. And, you know, it's pretty expensive, like they it it cost $20,000 And, you know, the program is you go through this full body scan to find any type of cancer. And they they have you do this called the Grail blood test to detect cancer throughout your blood. And then they use this AI guided analysis of your heart where they, you know, run this dye through your veins to see that all of your arteries are open or if they're not where the third clogged. You know, it was very interesting. And they have a doctor that goes over the the reports with Yeah, and the other thing they do is they analyze your gut. It's through a stool sample and they can figure out what level of inflammation you have in your gut. And as I started working with the doctor You know, we found that in my case, I had too much inflammation, which is a problem, a lot of people have too much inflammation. So she started me on peptides, which I'd never heard of peptides, I was certainly doing supplements, and she was guiding me on that. But, you know, peptides are where you inject something, these little bottles of medicine into your arm once a day. And I started doing that. And then we we measured, what was the result. And surprisingly, you know, my inflammation was substantially less. And so, you know, I share this story, because the takeaway from it is that, you know, if you're healthy today, if you are ahead of catching something, you're infinitely better off than the people that aren't. And so you know, the basics of what you have to do, I think, is you got to get a colonoscopy every year, you need to be taking supplements that overcome any deficiencies in micronutrient nutrients that you might have, you know, there's a lot of talk about supplements as to whether they're effective or not. But they're really effective if you have a deficiency. So you, there's a way to test for micro nutrients, whether you have heart problems or not, you probably ought to have your heart tested to see where you are on that. It's a leading killer of people. And you need to probably every, depending on your age, every few years, get a full body scan to detect, you know, any cancers. And also, you know, probably get your blood tested twice a year. So you're seeing what the numbers are, you know, if you do all that, you're gonna have a long life. That's what I've come away, realizing. Yeah.
Kelly Hatfield:
And I think that that's all excellent advice. And if you have the resources to do that, I think that that's fantastic. At a minimum, you know, for those that are listening, making sure, because I think so many times and John, we've talked about this, you know, where it's this, well, if I don't know that there's something wrong, then there isn't, you know, if you're right, right, and your answer is bliss kind of thing. So at a minimum, making sure you're going in and you're getting regular checkups, and that you're getting your colonoscopies and the things that you are covered by insurance, you know, that you're making sure that, you know, if you don't have the resources, for things that are outside of the insurance realm, you know, that you are utilizing your benefits and you're doing the or putting yourself first on your list and making your health a priority. And I think that, you know, ultimately, if you've got those additional resources, that's fantastic. You should be doing everything that you can, you know, to live a full and healthy life quality life in our elegante. Like, you're where you're talking about 200, you know,
John Mitchell:
When you know, I don't really intend to renew with fountain life again, I did it because I felt like there was knowledge I needed that I didn't have and that was worth the investment. But now that I've been on now gone through it, and I understand what tests are they doing? I could get all that the tests done for under 3000 bucks. Okay, nice. Yeah. And, and so, you know, what I described is sort of my takeaway from that. So, but to wrap this up, I think that, like you said at the beginning, you know, health is the most precious thing you have. And this moves, you're in our methodology moves the your intentions with regards to doing things regarding eating and exercise moves them from being pure intentions to actually being actions that happen automatically without thinking. So next time we will talk about, I think, maybe how this methodology affects each of us from being the person we want to be. That I think would be a pretty fun discussion. Until next time, we'll see you.
Kelly Hatfield:
Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at kelly@thinkitbeitcom or In the meantime, live the exceptional life