Why This 12 Minute A Day Methodology Works

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss why this 12 minute a day technique works. John opens the discussion by saying that it’s a combination of two things. It gives a person immense control over themselves. But that is coupled with intelligent success strategies. John points out that when he was in his 50s and was blessed to make 25 times the 200 – $300,000 a year he was making the prior 20 years, it was happening because of the immense control he had over himself. But it also included being able to implement key strategies. Such as being highly organized. Planning his day the night before and time blocking his days. Also setting aside time each week to deep think two times a week. Also being a conduit of learning. Where he had a system where he would listen to great content an entrepreneur needed. Such as marketing, employee empowerment, time efficiency.
He also focused only on what moves the needle. Of course all that was reinforced in his life GPS template. So it was a combination of knowing the right strategies to apply coupled with having immense control over himself that caused his income to go up so much. During this discussion John and Kelly talk about how most people are disappointed that their intentions oftentimes don’t turn into reality. That’s because they are only setting their intentions with their conscious mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for the doing. And since 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious, you have to influence the subconscious mind. Otherwise you play the game of life at 5% of your potential. John also talks about how the life GPS template has the maturity of a 50-year-old built into it. At the end of the show John and Kelly talk about your thoughts going on in your head most the time determined not only your success but your enjoyment of life.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at john@thinkitbeit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mitchell-76483654/
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at kelly@thinkitbeit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-hatfield-2a2610a/
Learn more about Think It Be It at https://thinkitbeit.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/think-it-be-it-llc
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Welcome to the missing secret Podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield,
John Mitchell:
Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So I've got a good topic for us today. The topic is, why does this 12 minute a day technique work? You think that's worth the exploring?
Kelly Hatfield:
I do, I think. And you know, what's interesting is, when I had first heard that there was skepticism around that, you know? And so, yeah, so I'm interested to kind of see which direction you're going to go with this. And so let's dive in,
John Mitchell:
Right, right? You know, I'd say, Yeah, I was just thinking about how much I love this podcast and love the people that are listening to it, because, you know, they already get this. They already get the concept of the power of creating clarity in your life and feeding it to yourself every day. You know they get that, and they see that that's actually a way of doing life. And so, you know, it's just great to be talking to the tribe, but the tribe also probably wonders, well, why exactly does this work? And I would say that it's a couple of things. First of all, it gives you immense control over your life. I mean, you know, of course it would if you're if you're feeding the succinct articulation of your life, and you're saying to yourself, here's exactly the person I want to be. Here's exactly what I want to accomplish, and here's precisely how I achieve my clearly defined goals. Of course, that gives you control over your life and your daily actions, which determine your success. But the other thing I think that's that's less obvious, is, you know, the template and, and the and the methodology is really designed around the maturity of a 50 year old. You know, basically 50 year old created it, and then 50 year old evolved into being a 60 year old. And, and, you know, I see how powerful it is as as you get older, especially around, I don't know, around that 50 year mark I found, and, you know, you're right there, but, but I found that, you know, at 50, you had heard of all the different success strategies out there, and there's a lot of good ones, but the struggle was never, I need more strategies. It was getting good strategies to show up in your thoughts and actions automatically. But the value of being 50 or older is, you know what the strategies are. And so, you know, I share this because, like, I'm going to teach my class while right at that stage with my class at the University of Texas to teach them exactly how to apply this. They now have got their templates in their hand from the algorithm, but now they're, they're going to apply them and and so I see that when you're 20 years old, you know, what do you know when you're 20 years old, you don't you you don't know that much in terms of high performance skills, like you don't know the logic of thinking twice a week. You don't understand the logic of being highly organized, where you're planning your day the night before, in time, blocking your day, and you don't understand the concept of being a conduit of learning and how you know nobody is smart enough to be highly successful on their own, and you got to bring in the wisdom of others into your head. Do you agree with all that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Oh, sure, 100% that, I think there's so much just, if we're on the topic specifically, of the wisdom that comes along with your with life experience, right? So when you're in that 50, you know, you've got, you know, half a century.
John Mitchell:
Hey, you're one that wrong. You got that at sutra yourself.
Kelly Hatfield:
I know
John Mitchell:
I got well.
Kelly Hatfield:
But there is a wisdom that comes with having that kind of life experience, you know, there is a wisdom that comes with an or confidence that comes with that wisdom because of all of the experiences you know and so, and then the fact that for you, with developing this methodology, and then continuing to iterate over the you know, until current day, where you're getting, you know, the best of the best, and pulling all of these different nuggets in to continue to enhance and optimize this methodology, you know, I think that's one of the reasons why this works. And I think to the point that you were saying we were talking to 20 year olds right now who, like they don't have any experience to draw, to draw off of, you know what I mean? And in the same breath, you know what is magical about 20. Year olds is that they also haven't been kicked in the teeth yet by life, to the extent that, as you, you know, further along in your journey. So they're at that point where their subconscious, yes, their experiences, they've had, to 20 years old, are part of what forms that subconscious. But they haven't had the 30 more years beyond that, where what we're seeing, you know, when we talk a lot about why people are resistant to, you know, making change, or they have a hard time grasping this, it's because they're, you know, oftentimes jaded. Hey, I've tried everything. Nothing works. The world is up to get me. The cards are stacked against me. You know, all of that kind of they've developed that over those years, and that's part of their subconscious, and it just makes it, you know, more of a challenge to override that, but it's possible, you know, through this methodology. But no, I'm 100% on the same page with you as far as that goes.
John Mitchell:
You know, that's very good point. And I think, you know, I look at these kids and they are sharp. They are truly sharp. And, you know, it's interesting, because half of them are athletes, and half of them are are non athletes. But to be in the McCombs School of Business, which, you know, I'm proud the fact that it's the is in the top five business schools in the country, the requirements to get in are way tougher than just to get into the University of Texas, which takes like the top 6% of students, but to get in McCombs, you got to be a top 1% and so by The nature of the students in it, in the class, they're sharp. And even the athletes, you know, they have a to get to that level, they may not be as book sharp as the other ones, but they're equally sharp. And so, you're right. I hadn't really thought about, you know, people get jaded. And I tried this, I tried that, and, you know, and, you know, here I am saying that, you know, do this methodology, because it's an actual way of doing life, as opposed to winging it. Well, that sounds good, you know, I think that sounds good to anybody, really. Yeah, most people don't realize they're winging line. You know, they have no clue as to how they're doing, like they just get up every day and and do life. But I that's sort of the pitch too, I mean. And, you know, I tell you, besides, besides the thing of being able to have immense control over yourself beyond what you've had before and apply like four or five great strategies, like we said, you know that this deep thinking twice a week and being highly organized and and truly heavy having a system to to grow and to focus only on what moves the needle? You know? You put all that into the template which we have. And so now they're operating at 20 years old with a 50 year old mentality, the same as the people that are listening to this, no matter how old they are. You know, I was clueless about those things I just mentioned when I was in my 30s and 40s. You know, as a light that is, I didn't really get it until I was 50, and then I had the methodology for applying it. But, you know, one of the things I have pointed out to my class is that we live in a world where everybody is creating their intentions with their conscious mind, and nobody virtually is going the next step and influencing the subconscious mind, the doing part of the mind to make those intentions a reality. And that's the difference. And you know, that's why so many people you know have this intention and that intention, and it ever comes to be, because you never influence the actions that we're going to cause that intention to be a reality. And so that, to me, is the big difference, don't you? Then, yeah,
Kelly Hatfield:
100% because it's one thing, you know, I would say that the clarity gets you half the way there and getting the clarity is, you know, the first step, and it's the step that most people don't take, because we've talked about this, you know, so many times already, but we're not thinking deeply as a society, and we're not stopping. It's just a million miles an hour, tons of input, and we're not stopping to process and think about anything at a deep level, and really put the work in to get the clarity required. So step one is getting that detailed, you know, of clarity around your life and where you want it to go. And you know, all the things that we've talked about before, and then the magic that happens once that clarity is this methodology, which pro. Programs that subconscious and get you to do what you need to do consistently, you know, and take those actions and influences that, you know, that piece, which is the piece, honestly, you know, I had, I'd seen a lot of success until the point that I had met you, but, you know, having a challenge breaking through to that next level, you know, because I only knew I was operating at what I knew and at what my subconscious level, you know, what my subconscious was allowing me to operate at? You know it was, it wasn't until, you know, understanding, no, no, you don't. You thought you had some clarity, but you don't have the kind of clarity you need. And then being able to inject that clarity into my subconscious in a way that it, you know what I mean, so that I could get the outcome and the results. And I think that's the map. That's where the magic. It really isn't magic, it's science, but it feels like magic, you know?
John Mitchell:
Yeah, that is a great line. Say that again. That's so powerful now that you you inject that. Claire, saying that again, oh, boy. Brian saying,
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, it was that you inject that clarity into your subconscious, and that's where the magic happens. But it's not magic, it's science, but it feels like magic,
John Mitchell:
Yeah, yeah, we're the patent that. Yeah, I know, you know. I'll tell you something else that I see. It was the power of like, someone like Darren Artie, you know, for for you that don't know, Darren Hardy is arguably the top expert world on success. I went and met him and showed me what I created. And you probably heard that story. But, you know, I see that he has this about five minute video every every day on some success concept, and it is so good. It is just consistently good that, you know, probably at least once a week I'm showing my class one of his videos, because it then is a springboard for me to, you know, go off on something that he's talking about. But I would strongly urge our listeners to watch Jared already so videos, because you'll pick up ideas that you'll go put in your visualization. And, you know, I'm, I'm selling it to my students tomorrow, and about the merits of, you know, watching this three or four times a week and so, but it makes tremendous sense to do it, because he's increasing all of our maturity with regards to success, me included. And so I Are you big fan of Darren Hardy?
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, I love Darren Hardy, and a big fan. And I think whether it's Darren Hardy or whether it's, you know, someone else, that's the beauty, you know, like, so, for example, we haven't talked much about this, John, but there is something I'm going to be looking at doing, you know, with the high performance stuff that I love to teach, where I'm going to add an element of this in, because that's the missing component for most people. Most people don't need new strategies. We've talked about this. There's plenty of strategies out there. You just need to program your subconscious to implement and do the things that you want to do. We're relying too much on our conscious, which we know is not effective. And so, yeah, for example, I listened to a podcast today, and there was one piece in there, and I was like, I'm going to add that into my visualization. And it was about, this was specifically around money mindset, you know, that kind of thing. And it was about negotiation. And I'm like, I'm going to put that into my where I'm going to try to negotiate something at least once a day, as part of it, to exercise that muscle around, not so anyway, to help with my negotiation skills in business, but also just in general. And I've already done it once. This morning's where we've just moved into a new home, and, you know, and so I specifically asked, Do you have any price breaks, you know, for, you know? And it's just interesting to, once you get that into your subconscious, and then begin, it's just like the other things we've talked about that we've added in new behavior, and watch to see what happens. And I probably, you know, just saved a couple grand that today by asking that one question, you know, and and then going, oh, yeah, we could, you know, we can do that. We do have a new home, you know, since you're just new moving into this new home, we do have a program that we could do. Had I not asked, right? They would not have offered that. You know
John Mitchell:
I see that everything in life is negotiable, exactly
Kelly Hatfield:
Everything. And so I'm like, I'm going to try this, and I want to program. I just watched it this morning and tried it. But here's what I know, through what this methodology, meeting you has taught me my conscious mind right now, because it's fresh this morning, right? Oh, I'm going to try that today. So the first opportunity came up this morning. It was fresh in my mind. But if I don't put this into my methodology and visualization, tomorrow will come, the next day will come, and I will forget that this was something that I wanted to implement, because things are just so crazy, I'll fall it's just like anything else you try to implement, you go strong for, you know, a period of time, whatever that is, whether it's one day or two weeks. But then something happens, and you forget about it, because your subconscious takes, you know, runs everything, right? Well, I'm getting this into my visualization, you know, for that very reason. And that's the cool thing. When you're talking about Darren Hardy presenting that like you can take all these new, cool ideas, concepts and strategies. Pick those things that you feel are going to make the biggest difference. And I just kind of do one at a time, and I'm like that. I'm going to try. I'm going to integrate this. It'll, it'll improve my businesses and my life. And that's the beauty of this. And I love that idea, as far as daring party is concerned, to just get people started, just doing that, and it's a huge difference.
John Mitchell:
Well, and you know, you, you also touched on it a minute ago, about the the dance between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. I mean, you need both of you. They're equally beneficial. But the amazing thing to me is that 99% of people only influence the conscious mind. They do nothing influence the subconscious mind. Yet that's the doing part of it. And so, you know, I also like, candidly, I like that 99% of people are not influencing the subconscious mind. So much easier to compete
Kelly Hatfield:
Totally. I know I say this, and I I want to make sure I say this in the right context, and that it's not taken but like it does you have an advantage, I mean, and I we always talk about this in our business, because we our customer service is exceptional, and we're more and more standing out because quality of customer service continues in our society and culture to to diminish, you know, and so we have a real opportunity to stand out and have a unique selling position, because we're so good at that. And it's same thing. That's when I think about this methodology. It's the same thing. It absolutely gives you an edge because you shy, you stand out like a shiny star, you know, so different than than everybody else. And that about it?
John Mitchell:
Yeah, well, and you know it's, it always goes back, ultimately, that the thoughts that are going on your head on an ongoing basis both determine your success in life as well as your enjoyment of life and and I don't think anybody would disagree with that in this shallow thinking world we live in. I sure as they most people don't really contemplate that. But that is so true, and therefore you have to keep take control of the thoughts that are going on in your head. I mean, you know, not that hard to connect the dots well. And you know, as I have really studied this and understood the methodology more, I see that you're really influencing the creation of your thoughts. Because once a thought happens, there's no controlling, you know, it's out. But by feeding the succinct articulation of your life yourself each day, that ends up impacting the thoughts that are in your head on an ongoing basis. And every action you take has to be preceded by a thought. And so that's the power of influencing the thoughts when they're getting created and and I have seen, because I'm paying more attention to this now, how that really plays out. And I see that sometimes it plays out where I'll do the right action automatically without thinking just, you know, it. I just noticed, oh, the action happened sort of after the fact, but there was never any conscious thought about it. And then, and this is more often the case, that I will be going along my day, and something in my visualization will will cause an unkind will thought to bubble up and and it'll bubble up to the conscious and it'll my conscious thought will be, oh, I need to do this. I need to do that. A good example would be my posture when I'm walking around, you know. I want to have good posture. And so every once while it'll bubble up, oh, tighten up my posture, you know, but it also happens with focusing on what moves the needle and and being in the moment and enjoying life, you know, so many things, but I see that that's a key part of it is unconscious thoughts bubbling up to the conscious and then you take in the the right action from the conscious awareness of. It so, okay, anything else to add to that?
Kelly Hatfield:
I don't think so. I think that you covered it. That was pretty brilliant.
John Mitchell:
Don't you think? Come on, yo, I don't know. Okay, well until, until next time we will see you.