What is Mindset

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss the concept of mindset. A concept we hear a lot about today. But what is mindset. John and Kelly discuss this at length. And John has a very simple explanation of mindset. It’s controlling your thoughts. And here’s the significance of controlling your thoughts. Your daily actions determine your success in life. Every action must first be preceded by I thought. Accordingly, when you control your thoughts, you control your actions.
Then John points out the most significant thing he ever learned in his life. That 95% your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. Accordingly, if they are unconscious then your subconscious mind therefore controls your life. And to gain control of your thoughts and actions, again 95% of which are unconscious, you must proactively manipulate the subconscious mind. So logical it hurts.
During this podcast John Kelly discuss the bifurcation of society. Only 2% of people today have control over themselves and 98% of people do not. We have all sorts of technological advances going on in society, but people’s ability to control themselves is decreasing. And John points out that the differentiator between the mega successful and the moderately successful is control of self and focus. Control of self is your daily actions. Focus is your thoughts. Mindset is all about controlling your thoughts. And that’s what our 12 minute day methodology is all about. Impacting the creation of your thoughts. So the right actions happen automatically without thinking.
Buy John’s book, THE MISSING SECRET of the Legendary Book Think and Grow Rich : And a 12-minute-a-day technique to apply it here.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at john@thinkitbeit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mitchell-76483654/
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at kelly@thinkitbeit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-hatfield-2a2610a/
Learn more about Think It Be It at https://thinkitbeit.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/think-it-be-it-llc
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Welcome to The Missing Secret Podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield
John Mitchell:
Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So today, our topic is something that's sort of in the consciousness here in the United States about mindset. So the topic is, what is mindset? So, Kelly, how would you describe mindset?
Kelly Hatfield:
Gosh, we just hopped for maybe a minute before we started recording. And you asked me this question, or to be thinking about it, and the first thing that came to mind, and this is, again, not coming from an expert, you know, I'm not coming from a background as far as is concerned, but for me, when I think about mindset, it's the lens that you're looking through? Yeah, that's kind of like the first thing that popped into my mind when you asked me that question is that mindset is the lens that you look through. It's the framing that you give to something, the meaning that you give to something, and how you choose to look at things, is that's the first thing that came to mind. How about you? How would you define that?
John Mitchell:
Well, you know, first of all, I think what you said is really good if our audience had listened that, because that's true. You know how you look at things? You know, are you looking at things optimistically? Are you looking at things pessimistically? And of course, you're naturally wired to look at them pessimistically, since you're survival oriented and fear based, yeah, I like that definition, you know, I would say in an economy of words that mindset is controlling your thoughts. And more specifically, think about this, the thoughts that are going on in your head determine both your success in life and your enjoyment of life. So your thoughts determine your life, and so mindset is controlling your thoughts, and maybe to go one level deeper. So success comes down to your daily actions, and every action that you take must be preceded by a thought. In other words, you can't take an action without having a thought preceding it. Now, 95% of your thoughts and actions are unconscious, but that's that's sort of a whole nother thing. But I think that's a key thing for people to appreciate, is that that, since you're you're anxious determine your success then, and every action requires a thought to proceed, it then to have a successful life. You got to control your thoughts. You buy all that.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, absolutely, you know. And I right away and went to again, how you your thoughts and my description before we you know at the very beginning here about the lens you look through and how you look at things. Those are your thoughts. You know, the way you something or look at something. And so when I'm thinking about my thoughts dictating my actions, and if the lens I'm looking through, the thoughts that I'm having are negative, or self defeating, or then your actions are aligned with that. And then in on the reverse side of that, you know, if you are, for example, using our methodology, and you've got a lot of clarity, and you know you are, you've got a positive mindset around you know your life, your thoughts are positive, and you've got a plan, the actions you're taking are aligned with that. So what you said, John to me, makes perfect sense,
John Mitchell:
Right? So with your team of men and women that are placing people, what do you think about their mindset as a whole? I mean, that's probably a microcosm of people in general, but what's your take on on other people's mindset?
Kelly Hatfield:
Well, we have, you know, with one of our core values as a company, being a growth mindset. You know, this is something that we talk about all the time, because as their roles as recruiters. And that's what my business is, for those of you who are unaware of that is so these recruiters are talking with people all day long, you know, and they're hearing, you know, different things that are happening in that individual's life, and hearing about the different events that are happening in the world. You know, they're, they're conversations that they're having with people. So they have a lot of input all day long, right? If they're not protecting that mindset, and if they're not, you know, doing some of the different things that I teach them and and using this methodology, maybe on a micro level, right? And it's a challenge, you know, because, again, we are wired to be negative, and if you are getting a lot of input from people that might be, you know, negative in some way, shape or form, then you have to do something to counteract that. And so I think that I hire people who are are happy people and who are positive people, I screen for that, right? But even just. With what's going on with the world at the time that we're recording this between, you know, the wildfires, you know, all the international things that are happening, you know, the new administration and all of the business that's taking place politically, like those things. If you're we talked about this a lot, if you're getting in a lot of the input from news and from all of that, if you aren protecting your mindset or paying attention to your mindset, it's easy for you to go off the rails and to be pulled into that negative kind of energy. And so we talk about that all the time as a team, because we're dealing with people. And I think anytime you're dealing with people, you know, and you have to pay really close attention to that mindset, because energy, like we talked about all the time, John, it's contagious, right? So, yeah,
John Mitchell:
Well, you know, I know your mindset is good now that Trump is in office, so I know you're leaving the dream now, right?
Kelly Hatfield:
But no, this isn't really, really, pretty, really good point though, that I want, that I want to make, because, you know, regardless of political affiliation and all of that, I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but I will say this one thing, like I chose to look at this in as positive as a way of like as I can, because I don't have any control over it. I did what I could do, which was vote, right? So I'm choosing to look at this through as positive as of a lens as I can, you know, and giving you know every opportunity to you know, I want him to win. I want country to win. I want him to help everybody. And so I'm gonna stay as positive as possible, you know through those next few years and hope for the best, because that's you know, what's the alternative? I'm going to waste all of this energy wringing my hands and right for something I don't necessarily have control over. So when we talk about mindset, that's how I'm looking at it, too. In an example of or I could choose to do exactly what I just mentioned, a lot of hand wringing, worrying and but what good does that do me, and what does that do anybody around me or in my life? It's negative and it's toxic, and I just don't want to be part of that. So I make a choice right to look at this through a different lens.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, I get that. You know, it's, it's interesting. You know, when Obama was elected. I'm like, oh, no, God, this is not going to be good, but I had the same attitude. I'm like, you know, I did what I could do. I voted. Did I vote for him? And you know, I hope he does good. He certainly is a nice guy, and he's presents well, and unfortunately, that only lasted for three or four months, because, you know, too many things he did were so contrary to what I believe in. But, you know, and I would, but I think your advice to everybody is good. I would just say that with Trump, even though I was basically for him, but I was close to being on the fence because there's so many negative things about prompt. He's going to do some brilliant things and he's going to do some totally unenlightened things. Just count on it. And I'm hoping that the brilliant things are more than the unenlightened things, but we'll get both of them. But absolutely well, you know, one of the things I sort of see today in society, is there really is a bifurcation in society between the people that have control over themselves and the people that don't. Then this gets right on this topic of mindset, in that the people that essentially control their thoughts have control of themselves, and so they fall in that category of the people that have control of themselves. But I'm telling you, and I know you know this, 98% of people do not have control of themselves, and I would say that the numbers probably even higher than that, because very few people are influencing their subconscious mind, which if 98 or 90 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious, then the only way that you really have control of yourself is by influencing the subconscious mind. It's so simple, and of course, I I ask people the question of First of all, do you believe that 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious, and generally, they will affirm that. Of course, it's very researchable and it's well documented, but the more powerful question is, what? What are you doing about it? And the response of that ultimately is nothing, and that's the problem. So then that's also what our methodology directly addresses.
Kelly Hatfield:
John, can I mention one? Can I make one distinction here real quick, which is, you absolutely are doing something to influence your subconscious every day at. Every single one of us is, it's just, I think, through putting the word to positively influence your subconscious point or to because everything you do influences your subconscious, you know, so it's the choices we make. I just mentioned the news, you know. And if that is something that is, I've watched a little bit too much because of all the fires and everything reselling, I've noticed a huge difference in managing my emotions getting along those lines. And so I think that everybody has a morning routine. It's just, does it serve you? Is it influencing your mindset in a positive way or negative? Because if you're getting up and scrolling, but it's influencing your mindset in a negative way. And I don't care what you're scrolling, it's likely going to be influencing it in another way, because you're letting something else take control, help take control or direct your thoughts. But it right? You know what I mean? So I want to make that one distinction, because let's be clear, that you are influencing your subconscious mind. It's just a matter of whether you're influencing it for, you know, success or for for safety.
John Mitchell:
You know that's that's a great point, because you're right. You're influencing it one way or the other. But if you're not proactively influencing it, essentially not influencing or not, you're letting it be reactive. Then, you know, when you're scrolling, it's like you're putting your inclination be fear based on on steroids. You know, it's almost like taking a drug that amplifies being fear based and reactive. You bet it is absolutely and you know, this is really a line from Darren Hardy, and I haven't already heard him say it lately, but it's so true that the differentiator between the mega successful and the moderately successful is control of self and focus. And I know you'd agree with that, right? Yeah, 100% so think about that. So control of self and focus is what separates the performers from the non performers. Well, what is control of self? What's your daily actions? What is focus? Well, it's your thoughts. And so if both of those are unconscious, or 95% of them, you know you got to gain control of it, and so that our 12 minute day methodology is how you do it
absolutely. And I think, you know, I don't want
Kelly Hatfield:
to overuse this word, but it's really what we're talking about, which is that you are moving through your day intentionally, not on autopilot, right, but with intention. I mean, we move through our day on autopilot. We all do, and regardless of even whether you use this technique, that's the whole point is, we're reprogramming that subconscious or that autopilot to be working for you rather than against you, really. You know, it is about navigating your day with intentionality and the the methodology helps you do that,
John Mitchell:
Right? You know, you find this interesting. I had a guy that heard about our methodology and contacted me, and he actually flew to Austin and spent the evening with us, Saturday night, and he got, he's a coach, and he has a big coaching practice, and he was, he learned how to coach from going to Bob Proctor, who, you know, was steeped in, in Think and Grow Rich. I'm not so sure. I believe that Bob Proctor ever figured out the secret, but, but nevertheless, I think he got close to the secret, and he did a lot of good things, and he developed a coaching program around, basically around, Think and Grow Rich. And so the guy came to me and he says, let's incorporate think it be it into my methodology. So it's really interesting to look at that methodology, which, again, was steeped in Think and Grow Rich, and compare it to think it did. What I saw is that a lot of this other methodology is all about affirming your belief in yourself, and which is is really good, is fully support that. But you know, it's one thing to have a belief in yourself, but you also have to affirm here's exactly the actions I need to take and and you know this, he and I are now going to look close at his methodology. I'm going to show him the online course that you and I created and see if there's anything that just look at the difference in in approach. But you know, I see one of the problems that sometimes people have is, you know, in our methodology, we say, you know, what's, what's your business, or what's your career look like three years from now? And sometimes I don't know, you know, I've seen this a number of times, where someone would come to me. And they're making a couple 100 grand a year, and they they go, Okay, I want to be making $5 million in three years. And I'm like, Whoa. Just hold on there, Pastor, let's just understand, you know, where we are today, and and let's make the first threshold. And again, this would apply to an entrepreneur. Let's, let's make the first threshold, netting a million dollars a year. Let's figure out, you know, what's the time frame for that? What are the milestones to get there? And let's get there, and then we'll figure out how to go to 5 million and and I would say the same essential thing to someone that's not an entrepreneur, figure out where you want to be three years from now, and wherever that is, and what are the milestones to get there? And don't make the goal so far out there relative to where you are today, right? You buy all that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, you know, I definitely do, and I would, you know, in the milestones to get there, too for me, because I feel like two, three years is a long time. And I think if you haven't been consistently taking action to action towards something, and you begin taking action that provides information and more and more clarity, which often changes. You know what some of those you know benchmarks are, but, but what I find, and we talked we talked about this so many times. John is around identity, and who do I need to become to go from $200,000 to $5 million and what skills do I need to acquire if I'm going to grow a company to be 5 million and I'm at $200,000 now I know for sure I'm going to need to be hiring. So what kind of a leader, you know, do I need to be? Like, you're it's thinking about like it's going that deep. And I think when we first started working together, John so many years ago, and you kept kicking it back to me saying it needs to have more detail. It needs to be more deep. It needs to that that is kind of the nuance around all this, is that, like, you know, because there is an identity, and you have to become a different person than you are today, from 200,000 to 5 million. Does that make sense?
John Mitchell:
Yeah, well, you know, my friend that came this weekend, very sharp guy, and he's, he's, I think, 52 or 53 and, I mean, he's got charisma, and his goal is to build $100 billion coaching business. And he affirms that to himself every day. And now I'm sort of processing, you know, what we talked about, and what his goal is, and and he firmly believes it. And I think he has probably the talent to do it. And so by the next time I visit with him, you know, I'm gonna make him think about this idea that. And you know, he affirms this to himself every day that I'm building $100 billion coaching business. Well, that's good because it it creates certainty in him from an attitude standpoint. But I'm also like, Well, wait a minute, what are the actual actions that are gonna have to happen to get there? And I, and again, I support the idea of building up your belief in it. But belief is one thing, you know, like, show me the road map here. And, you know, maybe, and I don't know, this sort of spitballing off the top of my head, but, and he's crushing it today, you know, but he's not anywhere close to 100 million. So I'm like, why don't we figure out how to get to 10,000,001st and let's get there, and then we'll figure out, you know, the next step, it, but it, it won't be 10 million, then to 100 million. It'll be, you know, 10 million, maybe to 25 million, then 25 million to 50 million, you know, yeah. But the point I want to, want to convey to our audience is that you have to affirm who you are and the the person you need to become to achieve whatever goal you have. But you also have to define, you know, here's where I am today, here's where I want to be in three years. Three years is is not too far out, and it's not also not too too soon. And you got to figure out, what are the actual actions I got to take. And then when you feed those actual actions to yourself every day in your 12 minute day technique, then you take them, you know, you you wire them into your subconscious mind, yeah. But, you know, it's just interesting to see somebody that is very bright that has been steeped in Think and Grow Rich, but comes at it with another angle to it.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, no interesting. Something definitely, some additional insights to take in around that too, for our methodology. I mean, I think information that's coming in that you can, you know, evaluate, and again, you know, is this true? Do? Does this make sense, you know, and just to continue to do what you've done over all of these years of developing this methodology, which is to optimize it, you know, make it more and more valuable,
John Mitchell:
Right, right? Okay, well, that's our topic of mindset. So just to appreciate how important mindset is and that it really is controlling your thoughts, so until next time, we'll see.