Using our Life GPS Template – Once You’ve Created it from our AI Algorithm

In this episode John and Kelly explain how to use our life GPS template after you have created it from our AI algorithm. Where after you answer about 50 questions, you press a button and our template is customized to your unique life. In this week’s episode, we explain actually how to use the life GPS template. Kelly mentions that she reads her visualization every morning and also listens to it. John explains that each morning he just listens to it. Right after he wakes up, he puts on his headphones and listens to his visualization in his own voice. Using a cool app called speechify. John talks about how powerful this is to just close his eyes and listen to his visualization. One day a week though, he reads his visualization. In order to stay connected to that. In this episode John and Kelly both talk about the huge impact it has to feed the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day. John talks about how it allows him to have a great marriage. If his wife Ginger ever says something irritating, John focuses on just noticing his irritation. Before he speaks. What a game changer. During this podcast John and Kelly talk about the big picture of how success works. Your success is already in your head. You have to just mine the gold. And John shares a profound idea. Are you happy with the life you have created? At the end of the day, other people are not thinking about you. So all that matters is what you think about your own life. Are you happy with the level you’re playing at. Are you happy with the life you are creating?
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest, to maximize what we've been given, and play the game of life at our full potential.
John Mitchell:
Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level so you can impact your career, relationships and health?
Kelly Hatfield:
If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level, so you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction, as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed, and once you learn it, watch what happens.
Kelly Hatfield:
Welcome to Think It Be It the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield,
John Mitchell:
Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So the topic today is using our life GPS template, once you've customized it to your life using our AI algorithm. So this is really the third of three podcasts where we teach you how to apply our 12 minute day methodology to your life, and the podcast, two weeks ago, taught everybody the science. And then last week, we introduced you to the AI algorithm, where, essentially you answer 50 questions, press a button and it customizes our life GPS template to your life and and off you go. And so this week, we're going to teach you how to use the live GPS template to once you have it in your hot little hands. So Kelly, you know, I guess one thing I would say to everybody is, so you're going to use our algorithm and answer 50 questions. Now I would dare say you're not going to do that at one sitting. You're going to find that, you know, some of the questions are one word answers and some are 75 word answers. And so we're building into the feature that you can save your answers so you know, we'll see how quickly people get this done. But this episode is, how are you using it once you have it, so you might share with everybody how you use your daily visualization, your life, GPS template, yeah.
Kelly Hatfield:
So I use mine every morning, so I'm reading it first thing when I wake up every morning, and I do have it in on my sheet of paper that I read it. So I'm not reading it on a device. I actually have it on my sheet of paper that I have in my stand. And then I also, you know, we talked a little bit about this in prior episodes, but I also have recorded it in my own voice. I know you have a cool app you use, but I listen to mine too, while I do my stretch before my workout. So I kind of get it in in two different places in the day, but I start it first thing in the morning, when I first wake up, when I'm most receptive to, you know, all of that programming inside the life, GPS and so that ultimately is, you know, my process for how I read my visualization every day. And do you still listen to it? I listen to it every day. So I listen to it during my warm up, while I'm warming up for my workout. I listen to it in my own voice. And yeah,
John Mitchell:
So you read it, and then you listen to it.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yep, I read it. Well, I don't listen to it for like another hour, so I read it first thing, and then once I've had breakfast, you know, got the dogs like, gone through the kind of morning stuff, gone through some of my emails that everything in before I work out. I listen to it while I'm stretching and warm up while I'm warming up.
John Mitchell:
Man, that's good. I tell you that subconscious mind of yours is programmed, baby, that thing,
Kelly Hatfield:
That thing is program. It is. And it's so funny though, too, where we talk about clarity, and we're talking about reprogramming your subconscious. And it's so funny that when things come up, so even if, like, it's, you know, first thing in the day, later in the day, when things come up and I am, like, out of alignment, you know, where I'm like, oh, like it. This works like installing this first thing in the morning, like this. And for me, in the two different ways, by visually reading it, and then by hearing my own voice say it. It really is like having a superpower, right,
John Mitchell:
Right? Well, they're about to find out, yes, you know, I'll tell you how I use it, and it's different. Now for me, I got turned on to this really cool app called speechify. And, you know, I. To read my visualization every morning as soon as I got up, just like like you. But, you know, I changed my visualization a lot, because I just continually have this deeper and deeper understanding of myself from reading the succinct articulation of my life. And you know, I wanted to listen to it, but it was just such a pain to then try and and change the the audio and but speechify makes it totally simple where, you know, when I make a change to my visualization, I just upload it to speechify, and then I can listen to it. And so it makes changing the visualization super easy. And so I have the hard copy of my life GPS template sitting on my ninth stand. So I see it in my bedroom every morning. And then when I first awake, I get up, and I usually go the bathroom and then come back to bed, turn on the vibrating bed, and close my eyes, put my headphones on and press a button, and for the next 12 minutes, I'm listening to my life, and it is so relaxing and cool, and I'm totally focused on it. And so I mean, it's, it's just great and, and now, you know, on on Wednesdays, I will make myself read it, because I don't want to get a completely away from that. But, and either one is, is fine, but I see the power of really listening to it and reading it, and you'll find that you you become semi assessed with it. And you know, I want you to talk about something that you turn me on to, oh, uh, maybe a couple weeks ago, and it was on Mel Robbins podcast. This guy was talking about the effects of social media and on on people today. And you know, one of the things that really caught my ear is how people are losing their identity. Well, would you talk about that and how, how the our methodology impacts that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, absolutely. I think what was fascinating about that discussion was exactly that when we live externally, when we live outside ourselves, when we're on social media, and you're looking at everybody else's life and being like, oh, you know, I want that, or I should have that, or I should buy that, or I should, like, it's all of these I shoulds. And you're really living outside yourself. You're externalizing rather the internalizing, and it's one of the the challenges that people are having with identity now is they're very unclear at their own identity because they're basing it off of what they think they should be doing, based on what they're seeing online and comparing themselves to others and all of this. And so what's wonderful about this methodology is that every day you are hardwiring in. First of all, you're getting a ton of clarity. You're you have to stop and think about who you are, who you want to be, who you aspire to be. You know, all of those things. Once you've done that work, now you're installing that every single day to give you, you know, that clarity and program that subconscious to you know your identity and how you're going to show up at each day. And it's a that really connected with me. The other thing in that episode that connected with me is that people who are born today or within this last generation, will spend 25 years of their life on their Wow, on their phone or on social media, you know. And it's like, that's insane, you know, when we talk about life being precious, you know, and when we talk about, here's the other thing, the connection point when we talk about 12 minutes a day that that's all this takes, is, like, seriously, people are spending hours you know, scrolling on social media. I said like, you can spend 12 minutes a day doing this for yourself, right?
John Mitchell:
You know, I tell you that you that both all that is is very pertinent. And, you know, I think in some ways, people think, at some level, oh, 12 minutes a day, you know, this, this is probably some sort of gimmick, because it sounds sort of too good to be true. But, you know, there's so much that goes in to create that 12 minutes. It's not like you just, you know, magically created, and then then you know, off you go. I mean, there's hours of thinking about your your life, and creating that clarity and then all become culminates in getting it onto the template that only takes 12 minutes a day to read. But there's so much more beyond it. But I thought that episode was fabulous, and you know, that's how I. So the vast majority of people are living life, you know, they're just winging life. That's all they're doing. And they don't have an actual way of doing life. And the effect of that is, not only do they lose their identity from this culture we live in, but they keep recreating the past. You know, if you don't have something pulling you forward to your desired life, then, hey, you're going to recreate the path. You know, I see that with my visualization, just as an example, I just changed it the last couple of days. And you know, if you're married, your spouse is going to say something irritating. Count on it. Yeah, you know, yes, yes. I know your spouse has never said anything, but the rest of us who are in the real world,
Kelly Hatfield:
Well, not since we've been recording this, so we're good.
Kelly Hatfield:
I just can't kidding.
John Mitchell:
That's good. That's good. Well, check him tonight, he may say something irritated. Well, you know, I see that my precious ginger will every once in a while to say something irritating. And, you know, but I programmed myself. I reprogram myself to just notice my irritation. You know, as soon as she says it, just notice the irritation. And don't have anything amount of my little mouth that could be disparaging on what she had said. And I see it's just amazing to me that when you program your subconscious mind just to notice the irritation that that one or two second hesitation in saying things changes everything, because as I'm about to say something, I'm just now, wait A minute, just notice the irritation and she'll probably finish what she's saying, or he'll give me time to assess and what a game changer and and, you know, there's so many things in this process that, like when you're reading, you know who you are, who you Want to be, you're going down this rabbit hole of clarity, and you becomes more and more apparent of who you want to be, and, and, you know, you start read the same thing basically every, every day, and, and maybe you're reading your values, and one day you wake up go, you know, I want to say that slightly different, because now it feels better to say it this way. And you know, this process of self discovery is, I think, powerful and and, you know, I was thinking about a pretty heavy thought today. This morning, you ready for a heavy thought
Kelly Hatfield:
And lay it on me? I don't know. We'll see.
John Mitchell:
I know this could be dangerous. This could be dangerous, but we'll venture into it anyway. So you know, at the end of the day, at at the end of your life, all that matters really is what you have thought about your life, and did you enjoy your life? And you know, I see people that want to leave legacies and think that's a that's a big deal, you know, like at the University of Texas, I see, you know, people leave like, 30, $40 million and they get a building named after them. And, you know, they think people will think about them once they die, wrong? They're not going to be thinking about them after they die. Yeah, I mean, the people walk in the building see that it's the name. Don't give it a second thought. You know, I see that it the end of your life when you're when you know you're dying. The key thing will be, what did you think about your life. Did you take that precious life God gave you and play it to your full potential and do your best? Or are you full of regrets? Would you agree with that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Oh, yeah, wholeheartedly. You know, I think that it is about and that's what I like. I I don't know whether this is the right word. It definitely is not a sexy word, but I feel res I feel like I have a responsibility, like I'm so lucky, you know, to have been born where I was born, in the time that I was born, and that, you know, and that I I'm healthy, and that I've got these different gifts, and that it is my responsibility to give those you know, and to be generous and to help others and inspire others. And that's the question I'll be asking myself, is, was I generous? Did I inspire others? Did did I impact people's lives? Did they get just a little bit better as a result? Of maybe having had some kind of a connection with me. And I think those are the questions, you know, it's, it's not going to be, those are the questions it's going to be about, is the quality of my life and the contribution that I made. Those are the things I'm going to be. How did I show up as a person and in this world, and did I somehow make it a better place while I was art,
John Mitchell:
Right? You know, every day I read in my visualization that when I was 30, I realized that I had been courageous, ambitious and resilient. Because when I was 30, you know, I launched into being a an entrepreneur and and I got knocked down by these guys that essentially cheated me out of an idea I had, and, and, but I was, you know, resilient. By the grace of God, I was resilient. And so, you know, at 30, righteous, ambitious and resilient. And then when I got into my 50s and had, you know, a fair amount of success, you know, I was creative, intelligent and a grower, and, you know, so I, as I feed that to myself every day, that I'm those six things in in total, you know, I see it makes me proud of myself, and I I'm proud that I've taken my life and created the life I have. Because at the end of the day, it's on you to create the life you have. Nobody else is going to create it for you. And I see that. And maybe the amazing thing I see today is that your success is in your head. You just have to mine the goal. And you know, this methodology that we have is gives you the ability to mine the gold, because, you know, we're going to through our algorithm, we help you create the clarity, and then you just feed that clarity every day to yourself, and you go down the rabbit hole of understanding yourself. You see your unique path to success, I don't know, but at the end of the day, your success is already in your head. You just gotta mine it.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, no, I love that. And, and this is what is so wonderful about this methodology, is like even the process, you know, I know we were talking about in the last episode of doing the algorithm, completing the questions, and even just the process of beginning to do that starts to I remember when I first did this so many years ago, how I started to feel just lighter as a result of having more and more clarity, because we there's so much stress that's created in not having that kind of clarity, and not knowing where you're going, and not being clear about how you want to show up in the world, and all of those things. And so I'm this whole process, from the in, from the filling out, the completing the algorithm and that process of clarity to now what we're talking to you about today, which is reading, you know this, and how we install this into our subconscious. It's just so powerful and life changing. And, you know, like we've talked about before, life is precious. You know, we've got one shot at this. And I, I remember, you know, at different points of my life, but definitely before I started my first business, it really was like being on a treadmill. I wasn't feeling life. I've talked before about the difference between the scene with the life being in black and white, and then the life being in, you know, Technicolor and that scene and the Wizard of Oz. I was definitely living that black and white life every day. Was rinse and repeat, going through the motions 100% on autopilot, you know, and me on the difference between that and again, this life now is the difference between those two, that Technicolor, the difference between living in Technicolor and black and white. It's an amazing process that you're about to go through,
John Mitchell:
Right? Yeah, well, that's interesting, that you felt lighter, you know, sort of mentally, you know that. But that's the effect of that clarity, you know, you got like, like you told me, I thought this was a great comment, that you had half thoughts going on in your head all the time, and once you started feeding the succinct articulation of your your life, you know it, clarified those thoughts and and that's probably why you felt lighter, right?
Kelly Hatfield:
I think so. I mean, it's what we talk about, too. The mind thrives on order, you know? And Ryan, yeah, I did not have the order that I'd been order being clarity and really understanding, you know, all the different things that we that we teach and talk about, and that you're going to experience, that you've experienced as you filled out that experienced as you filled out that template, and now that you're going to be installing that like I hadn't gone through that process. So I did it was, you know, we talk about quality of life, my stress is greatly reduced as a result of this. And that was a pleasant benefit to this that I wasn't expecting. And probably. One of the most beneficial in terms of my health would be the amount of stress that that this has decreased my stress significantly as a result of this, this methodology,
John Mitchell:
Right? You know, I tell you one thing, I realized that this is interesting. I was telling you that I'm going to start teaching this class, or our methodology to the 550 athletes at the University of Texas, and that starts tomorrow. It's taken me two years to get it approved at the McCombs School of Business, which I found out last week, is rated the number five school in the country for business, right up there with Harvard and Stanford. Nice. And you can imagine it's hard to get things through there. They're vetting the heck out of it. I mean, I'm surprised they even let me in there. They obviously didn't let me that that closely, but, but, you know, the thing that's that's interesting is I see, and our our listeners will see, you know, the template has the, I don't know, the maturity of someone you know, probably in their their 60s, who's lived, you know, 60 plus years of of life, because there's a lot of Things I didn't have a clue about when I was in my 30s and 40s, but just a much deeper understanding of how life works. And, you know, and I can just imagine, and, well, I'm going to test it obviously. But you know, can you take 60 years of maturity and put it in a 20 year old mind, I think you can, yeah, but especially when, when you are working with the subconscious mind, because you know, the subconscious mind doesn't know what's true and what's not true. You know, we're not depending on the person to have the life experiences to to know what is true or what is not true. If you feed the subconscious mind, you know a 60 year old maturity is going to reflect a 60 year old maturity like, like the idea of noticing the irritation when you're talking to your spouse, yeah. Well God, you know most people in their 20s, 30s and 40s and 50s, they're they're like what you know, but I'm telling you, as you get older, you think about these things more, and you know, I think one of the things I see with getting older is that, you know, you realize that most things don't matter. Just don't matter. And there's only a few things that do matter, like your relationship with your spouse that matters. Yeah, so you want to be playing your A game, you know? And if you got kids, you know they matter because you brought them into this world, and you'd have this responsibility to make sure they're successful, but, but I'd also say to that you can only do everything you can do you can do your best, because those kids, irrespective of how you maybe raised them, they can turn out not like you want them, yeah. And so part of it is, you know, you just gotta that's why I say it. As you evolve, you just get to the point where, like, you know, I'm doing my best, and that's gives me tremendous pride and happiness. And if you do that, just let it all work out like it's gonna work out. You know, you can't steer it beyond doing your best. And you know, I think, as we wrap this up, that's the essence of what this methodology is. Is it's a methodology for really playing the game at your full potential and doing your best when you agree,
Kelly Hatfield:
Agreed 100%
John Mitchell:
Okay, well, until next time, we will see you.
Kelly Hatfield:
Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at or in the meantime, live the exceptional life you.