Using Our AI Algorithm – To Customize Our Life GPS Template

In this episode, John and Kelly explain how to use our AI algorithm to customize our life GPS template to your unique life. They start out by recapping the science we learned last week. Kelly explains the reticular activating system. How it’s the filter for the brain. And how important it is to give clarity to that filter regarding what you want and how you going to get it. John then explains the human mind. The conscious mind versus the subconscious mind. The conscious mind sets your intentions and is influenced by logic. The subconscious mind controls your daily actions. It’s only influenced by repetition. John goes on to say that 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. The significance of that is that your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life. So if 95% of them are unconscious, if you’re not influencing those unconscious daily actions you’re playing the game of life it 5% of your potential. So after John and Kelly get us back up to speed on the science, then they explained the life GPS template. We are creating immense intention and clarity about your life. The secret of think and grow Rich is what you envision in detail, with emotion, on a daily basis is what shows up in your life. What that means is you define exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely how you can achieve your clearly defined goals. You put all that on a template. That’s what allows you to feed it to yourself and only take 12 minutes a day. The template also applies the science of the human mind. And then once you feed the succinct articulation of your life yourself each day, after 21 days the right actions start happening automatically without thinking. John goes on to say that the life GPS template is 20 years in development. Has included some of the wisdom of the top experts in the world of sport psychology. Then John and Kelly get into how to use the AI algorithm. All you have to do is answer 50 questions and then with the press of a button, your customized template is generated and downloaded to your computer. But keep in mind, you probably won’t knock out the 50 questions in one sitting. Take a few days to do that. John goes on to say that as an example, one of the things you are ask is what is your strategy for success in your career. Take 75 words to answer that. But it takes some thinking about it. Next week, once everyone has generated their template, we will show you how to use the template to change your life.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest, to maximize what we've been given, and play the game of life at our full potential.
John Mitchell:
Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level so you can impact your career, relationships and health?
Kelly Hatfield:
If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level, so you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction, as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed, and once you learn it, watch what happens.
Kelly Hatfield:
Welcome to Think It Be It the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield
John Mitchell:
And I'm John Mitchell. So today's episode is using our AI algorithm to customize our live GPS template to your life. So how does that sound? Kelly, what do you think back now?
Kelly Hatfield:
It sounds I'm excited. I have not had the opportunity to get my eyes on this AI algorithm. So, like, I am so excited for you to send it my direction, and I'm excited to hear what you have to say today about it. So, okay, well, good.
John Mitchell:
So, so last week we talked about the science of success with the with the idea that, you know, we would teach the science of success last week, then actually make the template available to to all our listeners, and using the AI algorithm, they'll create, they'll customize the template to their unique life, and we'll get that done. And then after everybody's sitting there holding their visualizations, then we'll teach them how to use it. So that's sort of the idea. So we're in the middle section of that. So and like I said, you know, last time we we basically taught you the the science of success, the science of leveraging yourself. So maybe the way to start Kelly is, is, let's recap the science. And why don't you recap the reticular activating system, what that is and and just give them an overview of that again, yeah, just
Kelly Hatfield:
As a refresher, that reticular activating system is ultimately the filter for your life. It's the it is. The more clarity that you can provide your reticular activating system, the more it's going to bring those things into your life. So again, it's the filter that everything comes through. So we equate it to, you know, like we talked a little bit about Google, you know, and when you type in exactly what you're looking for Google through those searches, search, that search term brings in all of the things that are relevant. Your reticular activating system does exactly the same thing. The key to your reticular activating system and taking full advantage of its power is clarity. And so we talked a little bit bit about that as well.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, one thing people might find interesting is the reticular activating system is actually part of the brain, and it's actually about the size of the tip of your little finger, but it's so incredibly powerful because it's it's deciding what information gets in and what information doesn't get in, and and most information that's coming in overwhelms The brain, so that's why it has to have a filter. And the other thing that that I sort of covered last time was just the basics of of success, that your success comes down to your daily actions. And you know, the cumulative effect of your daily actions in each area of your life determine your success in like your marriage and your health in your career. And so the other key thing, and this is the most significant thing I ever learned in my life, was that 95% of your daily actions and thoughts are unconscious. And the significance of that is that if, if, if that's true, if 98 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, and that's what's determined your success and their unconscious. Then if you don't gain control over those unconscious daily actions, then hey, you're playing the game of life at like 5% of your potential. So, so the net effect of that, I think, is that your subconscious mind controls your life. If 95% of your daily actions are unconscious and they determine your success, then your subconscious mind actually determines your success. So you gotta whatever you want to achieve, you have to program it into the subconscious mind. Does that make make sense?
Kelly Hatfield:
Yep, makes perfect sense. I think one of the ways John that, when we first started working together years ago, was understanding that that that your subconscious is ultimately, that your autopilot, it's things automatically without thinking about it, and your your autopilot, your subconscious, is made up of all of your experiences and and habits. And you know, behaviors that you have play into that. And so that was so instrumental for me in understanding that 95% of the actions that I take and what I do every day are on autopilot, and that it is not set up to for success. It's for a reason. You know, your brain does that for a reason, and so anyway, I love that particular piece. For me, the reticular activating system, and the 95% of my thoughts being unconscious, subconscious are was instrumental to like, the shift for me and going, Oh yeah, okay.
John Mitchell:
Well, you know, I thought your example was so good about, you know, you talked about the the idea that that one of the things in your career, in your business, was that you wanted to empower your employees and that you had this tendency to answer their questions. And you know, that's such a perfect example of how when you first started trying to influence the subconscious mind, excuse me, you know, at first you would sort of recognize it after the fact, and then the second week, you know, you were much better than my the third week, it was happening automatically. But, you know, you started to see, boy, that's that really is the key to my life, is rewiring my autopilot, so the right actions happen automatically. And so the other thing that's probably worth telling people about is how the human mind works, which I covered. So the conscious mind sets your intention and is influenced by logic, and the subconscious mind, which again, is controlling your daily actions, is influenced only by repetition. And so the example we give is, you know, losing weight, well, conscious mind sets the intention to lose weight based on the logic of the health benefits. But the reason people oftentimes don't lose weight is because they're doing nothing to influence their subconscious mind. All they're doing is conscious mind deciding they want to lose weight and knowing why they want to lose weight, but until you affect those actions, meaning you know what you're eating and exercising, again, 95% of that is is unconscious. Then it just stays an intention and so, so that's why you've got to feed the repetition of what you want to yourself every day, and that's the power of feeding the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each time, so that that's an overview of the science. Now let's, let's move to the next step, which is customizing our life GPS template to your life. And so what we're really doing here is creating immense intention and clarity, and we're applying the central concept of Think and Grow Rich, which, as you know, the secret, the full secret, is what you envision in detail with emotion on a daily basis is what shows up in your life. And so what that means is you, you take your life, you step back from your life, and you create immense intention and clarity. You define exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish and precisely how you're going to achieve here clearly defined goals. And so once you you do that, you want to get it on a template. So a couple of things happen. First of all, you got to get it on it to a template, so that it only takes 12 minutes a day to read. But you also want the template to to incorporate various scientific principles so that it properly influences the subconscious mind, and to give everybody a vision of the the template. Kelly, you want to explain sort of the front and the back of it.
Kelly Hatfield:
Okay, so we're talking specifically about the template and not the algorithm. But Right, right. Okay, got it so, yeah, so on the first page then, so that would be on the front of the template. We're talking specifically about the different areas of your, you know, life. We're talking about your, and I don't have it up in front of me right now, but, yeah, yourself, your health. Your relationships, your career, you know, your spirit shot, your spirituality, yeah. And so you're getting a ton of clarity around those specific areas of your life. And then on the back, oh, go ahead.
John Mitchell:
Well, one thing I would say is, is, you know, on the front is basically the ideal you in those five key areas of your life, and then, then on the back, I'll let you take
Kelly Hatfield:
Then on the back are those same areas, those same five areas, but those really outline. You know the steps, you know how you're going to the How to the steps that you're going to take. What moves the needle? Like you're outlining all of those things clearly on the back, John, go ahead and go into much more detail than my 30,000 foot view,
John Mitchell:
Right? Well, and you know also on the back is, not only are you showing the improvements you want in each area of your life, but you're also articulating your goals. You know you're gonna have one goal for your your health. So one goal for your romantic relationship, and one goal for your career. And so in there you're going to say, here is the goal, then the why behind the goal, and then the, you know, four or five key behaviors associated with the goal, and then the time frame and measurement at the goal and that reflects, sort of the best thinking in the world on on how to do goal setting actually came from Brian Tracy, but that's what the template looks like. And just to give you a little perspective on this, you know the the template is like, 20 plus years in development and and, you know, it's interesting. Kelly, I've had a couple of the magic 36 contact me, and they've told me they have created their own template. And I'm like, good for you. I mean, I remember when I created this, how rudimentary my template was, and now I look at it and see how you know, sophisticated it is and but you know, for those that have created their own template, it'll blow you away once you see our template again. You know, I so admire that you you did it, because I remember how freaking hard it was when I did it the first time and first year or so. But the template also is we've talked about, you know, I've, I've had the good fortune of meeting some of the top sports psychologists in the world, and I've been thinking of three in particular that each one of them gave me a pearl of wisdom to put in the template. So it's really, you know, cutting edge, I think so it's exciting to now introduce this to you guys. Anything else you want to say about the template before I get into the algorithm?
Kelly Hatfield:
One of the things I love, too about the template is just the way that the sentences are phrased. They're phrased that way for a reason. There's science behind it so that, you know, we talked a little bit in the last episode by, you know, if something isn't quite connecting, you know, switching up the verbiage a little bit, getting deeper on your why. So what I love about the template is it provides all of that sentence structure so that it's written in a in the way that your brain is going to best receive that information. And so, you know, we talk, we've talked before a little bit about the the NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, how to phrase things, and that's all included inside this template. So I love it, right?
John Mitchell:
You know, and I'm glad you mentioned that, because, you know, one thing that I have thought about, as I've explained, think it be it over the years, is that, you know, it's not that hard to sit a person down and say, Listen, just apply the central concept of the top book of the world on success to your life, which means create the synced articulation of your life. You know what you who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and how you're going to do it. Okay? People go, oh, okay, huh, that sounds pretty good. No big shake there. But where it begets, a little more challenging, I think, for people like intellectually, they're like, what does he or she mean by you know, exactly the person I want to be? What does that look like in terms of the details? Once you start sort of looking at it from that standpoint, then this process on the surface might appear to be more difficult than than it appears. And that's really the power of the template. Is that once you see it, you go, Oh, I see, I see what. You know it's it's just moving your thinking light years ahead, about. What clarity looks like. And really the game changer of having this algorithm came up, oh, I don't know, maybe, maybe a year ago, I got turned on to something in the World of Internet Marketing that I'm like, wow, I could create an algorithm where all the person would have to do is answer about 50 questions, and with the press of a button, boom, It customizes our template to their life. And you know, that was, like, one of those aha moments, and I'm like, Wow, this could be totally cool. And so this has been a year in development. The guys that developed this are actually in Europe. It's a team of about 20 guys in Belgium. And, I mean, they are sharp as a tank. And as they created this, I mean, it's, it's really, you could just feel how solid it is. And of course, we're not splitting atoms. But, you know, it's, it's, you know, it's, I mean, it's pretty straightforward, but one thing I would say to you, so, so what, what we're going to do is, if you want the template, you just email me at and I will then give you the link to go and make your, you know, create your template and and understand that a couple of things, I guess. The first thing is you will have a choice of which template is appropriate for you, like, if you're an entrepreneur, that's one template, and you're going to choose between if you are single or if you're in a romantic relationship. If you're not an entrepreneur, then if you're an employee working for someone again, choice between single and in a relationship, then you'll see student. This is for seniors in college in my my class at University of Texas and and also a template for athletes, because some of my students are still playing their sport. So those are the choices. And so you make, make your choice, and then you click a button, and then you're going to see a series of questions, and one of the things you're going to appreciate is that there's about 50 questions. Now, some of the questions require only one or two word answers, but some of them might require, oh, I don't know, an 80 word answer, like an example would be, what's your strategy for success in your career? Well, you know that would apply whether you're an employee or an entrepreneur, but you got to articulate fairly succinctly what your strategy for success is now, what makes it super easy, though, is I give you an example out of my own template, what that looks like, what I'm trying to get at, and that makes it very easy. You know, I'm curious to see how people might use this, because I do not think that they're going to sit down at one sitting and knock out 50 questions. And I think that, you know, it'll just be be interesting to see how they use it, but the fact that I'm giving them the example should make it very easy to do it. And so you got to be prepared that some questions are going to be much longer than than others, and that's why you need to settle, sort of buckle up, that it's probably not going to happen on one setting. And we're giving you the feature to save your answer so you can come back to it and and before you submit it, and you know, when you get to the last question, it gives you the chance to go back and review your your questions, and then you press a button, and in about 10 seconds, literally in 10 seconds, it creates your customized template, and you can open it right there, and It's it's already been put in the download section of your computer. And so what will happen, oftentimes, is that the template will go to three pages because there's more stuff in there than than needs to be. And keep in mind, the template can only be two pages. You do not want to go over two pages, because that's part of the process of influencing the subconscious mind. Is it's got to be relatively succinct and to the point. And I don't want you to read something that's going to take 20 or 30 minutes every day. So there's power. In limiting it to two pages, but when you first create it, it may go to three pages, and then it's on you to whittle it down and and you'll see, you'll see what you want to keep and what you don't want to keep. You can adjust your answers. You can even adjust some of the standardized text that's in the template, but, but you also don't want to impair the the integrity of the template. And what I mean by that, like in the career section, we articulate, here's my business plan, my strategy for success. The three things that move the needle, those three things were on the front and then on the back is, where do you want to be in three years in your career? And what are the four or five milestones get there? Then what's the linchpin issue to go to the next level? And I don't want you to delete that or or change that format, because that is so powerful, you know. And often times, think you know. When you ask someone, where do you want to be in three years from now? And then, you make them figure out, what are the four or five milestones to get there after they get finished with doing that, they're like, Oh, now I see the path. I never saw the path before. You know, I don't know anything to add about that. No,
Kelly Hatfield:
I think that's part of the power too. Again, I key. I'll keep using that word clarity over and over again. And you know, we talk about this in prior episodes where you know, the more clarity you have, the better the outcome, and the better the actions that you're going to take. And by the way, the templates designed, it takes you on that journey. And what I find, you know, just fascinating about it is, you know, you were just saying that path then is clearly defined. You know, again, we've used that old analogy where, you know, if you don't know where you are and you don't know where you want to go, you know, it's really difficult to get there, like you're never going to go, right? You know, I was like that whole thing with, you know, having a GPS, but not being certain of what the destination is, right? Then takes it one step further, where you're putting some of those, you know, different benchmarks that you were talking milestones in to get to where you want to go. And so it really is super, super effective, and it takes all of the guesswork out of it. You just have to sit and think for a little bit. And I loved John too real quick, what you were saying earlier, their ability to save. Because what I found in just doing my template without the algorithm. Is, for many people, myself included, when I first did this several years, six, seven years ago, what is because I hadn't sat with myself and thought deeply about any of this that it was a challenge at first, it took me a while, and then, like it got sent back, you know, because you were reviewing it personally. This is before, obviously we had the the algorithm. And so I love the ability to save because this might be something too, where your first answer, you know, now again, you've got your reticular activating system on the job. Your brain's thinking about it. It's like, well, wait a minute, you know? And then you may be going in to alter that a little bit, or to elaborate on something, or to be able to more concisely say it, because you've put a little bit more thought into it. So I love that say feature too, that you mentioned earlier, because I think that that's really powerful, just because I know how people have been conditioned to think at the surface level, and that safe feature, I think is integral. I'm so glad that you guys decided to add that,
John Mitchell:
You know, I tell you, it's, it's interesting, as I look back on, you know, my career and the concept of success, that it actually would actually come down to, to clarity, that that your success is in your head right now, you just gotta mine the gold to pull it out, you know. And you know, who would have thought that central concept of the top book of the world on success would be just create immense clarity about your life and feed it yourself every day. Well, that's it, yeah, and no more complicated than that. And you know, so as you get into this, once you start doing it, I mean, you'll see it feels like you have a superpower. I mean, I so many people say that once they because what happens is you have this immense sense of control over your life and to a level you've never had before. And, and that's totally cool, and, and one of the things I find is that you know, lay as an example, let's say you're, you're feeding your top three values to yourself, and you, you do your best to articulate. What they are. And, you know, interesting. A lot of people have never really thought about what are my top three values. But when you feed them, when you define them and feed them to yourself every day, boy, you live them and but one of the things you'll see is you'll you'll put it, it in there, whatever you come up with. And after you start feeding it to yourself, more clarity will come. Then came when you created it. Because if it doesn't resonate with you at a at a soulful level, you're going to go, Well, okay, that doesn't feel right, but what is right? And then you'll you'll figure that out, and you'll see, yo, this isn't a you create your visualization and your one and done. I mean, I'm changing mine about once a week. There's something in my life that I think more deeply about, and I see it slightly different. And so I don't know, how often do you change yours? Very often.
Kelly Hatfield:
I used to do it quarterly, but now probably monthly. It's part of just a process where I sit down, you know, at the end of each month I do a kind of an evaluation. I do my planning for the following month, and I'll review my visualization. And to just say, Okay, is there anything here that needs to be twice. It tweaked, you know, based on what I learned this month and what you know, where I'm going now. Or, you know, sometimes too each action will inform you. You'll gather more information as a result of taking that action, and then it may take you in another, you know, kind of like, on another course, or like, oh my gosh, I hadn't thought of this through taking this action, this new thing came up, right? Or this new nuance to what I was thinking. And now I need to take a few more actions related to that. And so monthly, you know, as just a process. But if something comes up where I'm like, Oh, I identify something as, man, that's something I need to, you know, work on from a behavioral change or whatever. I'll go right into it and start and look and say, okay, you know what? Really, what's the crux of the issue? I'll use my thinking time to think really more deeply about it. So then I'll tweak my visualization as a result of maybe seeing something come up that's a, you know, maybe a block or a friction point for me, or something along those lines so well.
John Mitchell:
nd one other thing to to alert you to, you know, you're going to start living your life quarter by quarter by calendar quarter. And so every first week of every new quarter, you're going to go in and change the second page to reflect new goals. You're gonna have a new health goal, new relationship goal, new career goal. And so it's a pretty cool way to live quarter by quarter, I guess. The other thing I would say is that once you create your once you press the button and your visualization gets created. I'm giving you instructions on how to now tweak it so that you know. Okay, what's he talking about? Getting it down to two pages, you know. And you'll also see that there's, there's things on the template that you're going to say out loud. Well, the research indicates that what you say out loud has 10 times the impact of what you just think. And that comes out of Harvard, actually, but there's a lot of nuances to it, and so I don't know if there's anything else I would want to tell you to do. I can't think of anything. Go ahead. Can you
Kelly Hatfield:
No other than so they need to email you directly at John to let you know that they want the algorithm, and then you'll send that to them.
John Mitchell:
Right, right. Okay, perfect. And so our episodes drop on Thursday, so when you're listening to this, this will be a Thursday, and basically you'll have a week to do it and to fine tune it, and because then the next week, next week, when we're here, we're going to tell you how to use it. So go ahead and and send me the email and and now you're 36 you're going to be the beta testers on this. So you're going to help us out immensely. I've looked at this things. I really created it and and I was painstakingly difficult to to really create all this. But, you know, I think it's really tight as it is, but I'm interested in what you guys find are the are the questions clear, what would make it better, you know? So we're in this together, I guess is what I'm I'm saying I love it. So again, just email me at, and until next time i. We'll see you.
Kelly Hatfield:
Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at or in the meantime, live the exceptional life you.