Aug. 10, 2023

Tuning Into Reality In Order To Be More Successful (Encore)

Tuning Into Reality In Order To Be More Successful (Encore)

In this episode John and Kelly talk about how success comes down to tuning into reality. What is reality telling you regarding your business, your romantic relationship, your health. What is the unvarnished results you’re getting in each area of your life. So often people want to ignore what’s really happening. John talks about listening to an episode of Impact Theory. Where the host Tom Bilyeu says that reality is the most efficient way things operate. John gives the example of this regarding marriage and also regarding marketing your business. In this episode John talks about how tuning into reality has changed Think it Be it over the last couple years. And Kelly talks about how tuning in reality has impacted her business Ingenuity Advantage. As John and Kelly wrapped things up, they show how to apply tuning into reality so it shows up in your thoughts and actions automatically. They give the full way using the Think it Be it 12 minute a day technique as well as the lite version.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at




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Kelly Hatfield:

We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.

John Mitchell:

Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.

Kelly Hatfield:

If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens. Welcome to think Be it the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield.

John Mitchell:

Hey. And I'm John Michell. So Kelly, I got a cool topic to talk about this week. And it's inspired by, by Tom Bill, you and Impact Theory. And it's this idea of basically tuning into reality, and being guided in your actions based on reality. And so I listened to his podcast probably two months ago. And he talks about what is reality. And he says, it's the most efficient way that things work. And when your behaviors are aligned with reality, how you have success, and when your behaviors go against reality, you have failure and frustration. As an example, there's a reality for your business, for your health, for your marriage. And I'll give you example, on marriage, when you do the key behaviors that are aligned with reality of marriage, and how to have a great marriage, you have a successful marriage. But when your behaviors go against reality, how you have frustration, and the same with your career. If you're marketing your business, in a way contrary to reality, in terms of what moves people, you're going to have an unsuccessful business. I found that very interesting. I really started thinking a lot about it. And I thought I would share with our audience how that has applied to think it, be it. And then I'd like you to maybe share how it might apply to ingenuity advantage, and, and maybe hopefully some valuable takeaways for our audience. And so how's that sound?

Kelly Hatfield:

Sounds great. Let's do it.

John Mitchell:

Okay. But like, with thinking, be it. We really started tuning in reality, I think, last year, and maybe a little before, but But you know, as we became partners about four years ago, and we're, like, excited that we have something that makes, you know, people substantially more successful, and we're thinking, Boy, everybody's gonna want this. And I remember, right before I had met you, probably five years ago, I went and showed this to Darren Hardy. And he says, and, you know, I, Darren Hardy is, if people don't know is, in my opinion that the top expert, the world has success, and I wanted to show him what I had created. Just see if what he thought about it and see if there's anything similar or see if there are any flaws to it. And he says, hey, people are not going to spend 12 minutes a day on this after he looked at it. And I'm like, well, Dara will? What do you mean, you know, it 25x My income. Time Magazine did a cover story on it. And we're applying the central concept of the book Thinking grow rich. And you know, any it said That's after he'd really taken a look at it and said it looked good. But he says the reality is, for most people more success is merely a preference is not a necessity. It's only a necessity for driven people. And he says for that reason, the vast majority of people are not going to spend 12 minutes a day on this. And boy has had proven to be true. Because as you and I evolved, we started going to EO Entrepreneurs Organization, which if people don't know that's an organization of entrepreneurs and to be in it, you got to be grossing a million a year, but only about 5% of them are netting a million dollars a year. And so we thought Oh, boy, this is this is perfect. I mean, you know, that was me for for 20 years of netting, you know, 200 300,000 hours a year. And then by applying, thinking Grow Rich to my life and and figuring out the full sacred at 25x My income. And so I'm like, they're all going to want this wrong. Wrong, they did that because they're not like me, they're not like you. And we started seeing when we would give presentations to typically maybe a group of, say 10 or 12, only two or three of them really had an interest in it. And, and we discovered that's, that's the ones that were really driven. And so now we're starting to tune in to this idea of reality, and what is what is reality, telling us. And, and we didn't like it, but that that's what it was telling us. And I think the other thing that sort of, we came to realize was that, you know, now, we have critical mass, because every time we teach somebody, our methodology, we video it, and we get a testimonial, and you know, we typically would would make the guarantee that if it doesn't double your income, we'll give you your money back. Well, nobody else is doing that. And the coaching business. And, and so we realized, hey, we've got critical mass, we've got the testimonials, we got the whole shebang. And why sit or sit and try and raise our head by the clutter in the marketplace, let's just go to someone that has 3 million 4 million followers and share this with them. And, and so that's that's has evolved to we're in the process of doing that. But you know, that that is the point of that story is that we started tuning in to what is reality, telling us and reality was telling us that people were not that interested in what we had to offer, even though it was life changing. And, and but once we sort of accepted reality and started adjusting how we did it, we started having a lot more success and a lot more, I don't know. Just feeling good about everything is so I'm sort of curious, in your business ingenuity? What have you learned over the last six months, 12 months in terms of reality? And how has that adjusted? What you've

Kelly Hatfield:

done? Yeah, I think, um, you know, I'll start with saying, you know, one of the questions that we started asking ourselves, is the question, is that true? Because I think that, you know, the same goes with our subconscious, like, you have these stories, you tell yourself, you know, in the same thing about the brand, or the marketplace, or, you know, it started buzzing in our team about what's going on in the economy, and how that might affect things, you know, and it's like, we're not going to base any of our plans on what's happening with the economy. You know, I've been through that before, I've watched companies fail as a result of kind of curling up and, you know, and waiting for it to pass, you know, and in the meantime, their competitors are scooping up their piece of the market, you know, like, there's a lot to be gained as a result of a downturn. And that's the lens that we're going to look through, you know, but I think asking yourself, like, when these things pop up, and our weekly level 10s that we have, you know, we're we're what's called IDs and which is identifying and discussing and solving. One of the first questions that we ask is, is that true? You know, and then we keep going, where is that true? You know, because we have these preconceived ideas of well, and just just because that's the way that we've done, it doesn't mean that that's, that's how we have to continue to do it. And I think that's one of the things specific, and this has been more than six months, but where we were doing a bunch of business on contingency, versus on retainer, and we got a lot of pushback from the team about well, we go to retainer, it's going to cut down on the amount of work that we get jobs to fill and, you know, it's like, is that true? You know, what would, you know, on contingent, you're working with a bunch of junk jobs that the companies aren't committed, you know, as committed to so you're wasting and spending your energy on all these jobs that may or may not fell on retainer, you know, they've got skin in the game. ame they've got so you made a case for it. And sure enough, this was a couple of years we did this, we went to that model. And I mean, it changed the game for our business, you know, and for our recruiters by going to retain only we don't do anything on contingency, and it up leveled the view of who we are in the marketplace. We're charging higher prices, all of those things. But part of the story that that and where I came from, I worked for a staffing agency for 14 years before I started my first business ingenuity advantage. And they really operated from a place of scarcity. They took any and all jobs they worked on contingency, it was we're placing 100 people a week, you're running as fast as you can. And it literally is a body shop, you know, and I wasn't going to do business that way. And, you know, but I think what happened and not realizing, you know, and again, I realized this a few years ago, but there was still a holdover, which was, I carried that scarcity with me, you know, as somebody who was starting out a business, who was afraid of failing, who was, you know, you carry some of that stuff with you. And so getting to that point in your business to where it was like, well, is that true? Or is that just we've been doing it this way, because that's the way we started out doing it. And, you know, so anyway, I don't know if I'm tracking well, with kind of reality and what you were saying, but that is a question. We ask ourselves multiple times throughout meetings, to get to the meeting to get to the meat of is that true? I guess is the same way of saying is this reality?

John Mitchell:

Exactly. I mean, I think exactly on this this point. Truth is reality. You know, that's, that's the point again, and the Tom, male you podcasts I listened to he defines reality as the most efficient way things work. And so the Is it true? Is, is basically questioning is, is whatever the assumption, is that reality or not, you know, and oftentimes, you don't know, for sure until you take another step or two into it to determine if it's true, if it's not true, is this reality or not reality?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, no. And you know, and I've had, you know, team members push back and say, Well, it's true to me. And I'm like, Okay, well, let's start looking at facts. You know, let's because the numbers don't lie, you know, you know, we can look at what's happening with our marketing, we can look at what's happening with our fill ratio, since we implemented this particular new model for doing business, like, the data will tell us everything we need to know. Yeah. And then that will prove whether this is true, you know, or a theory that could, based on the data,

John Mitchell:

that is reality, I mean, you know, just like, like, we discovered when when we were pitching to those EEO forum groups, you know, when only three out of 10 are, are interested in it. It doesn't matter what we think that, you know, that's just the reality of what we're seeing in the marketplace that that only three out of 10, two out of 10 were actually driven. And, and our our thing is clearly for people that are high achievers, and that are driven, and we could sit there all day long and saying, Well, you should be interested in it. But that does matter, the data was telling us that they're not. And so we had to refine going after high achievers a lot more.

Kelly Hatfield:

There's something that I want to point out, too, that you mentioned, on which was when we when we became more aligned with actual reality, because here's the thing that's tricky. Like, and what stops you from living in that place of reality is ego. It's having one idea in mind or one track that you're going down, and then ego kind of gets into the mix. And then all of a sudden, you're off somewhere. And there's all of this resistance, you're fighting against something. Well, you mentioned as soon as we got aligned, and we're, you know, more aligned with reality, and what reality was telling us that we just felt lighter, that they opened up, we were having more fun. We were you know, and guess what good things come as a result of that. But when you're fighting against reality, there's all this resistance. And it's just like, and not that resistance is a bad thing. That's part of how you grow. But when there's too much of it. You know what I mean? And you're not and then you're not in congruence. And there's all these other things that happen. It's just a slog. You know what I mean? And so once you are more aligned with reality, you It's freeing Yeah,

John Mitchell:

you know, I tell you something I was thinking about is, is just the evolution of for me of what doing my best means. And I remember when I was about 40, and I wasn't as successful as I thought I should be, I am like, Okay, I'm just gonna do my best because that's what I can control. And I thought doing my best was just putting in the effort, which more or less meant, you know, get up at at five in the morning and get going. And then I realized in my, my 50s, when I had a lot more success, I'm like, Okay, do my best is a combination of the effort. Focusing on what moves the needle, and personal growth and having a consistent Personal Growth program that's weekend week out. And it's strategic relative to what I want to accomplish. And I've operated with those three things to finding my best for for probably 20 years, but just recently, I have added two other things. The fourth one is tuning into reality, what is reality, telling me relative to whatever I'm doing. And the fifth thing is being self aware. So now I see that those five things make up doing my best. What's your take on that?

Kelly Hatfield:

No, I think that's fantastic. I think having those core kind of foundational pieces, you know, for me, you know, where you're talking about always doing your best, you know, I think for me, it's really acting in alignment with kind of what my words are. And then this idea of leverage, once I really understood what that meant, and how that to relate that to everything, where, you know, the output that I'm putting in, I'm sorry, the input is creating the kind of output. So the like, the less I have to do here creates the bigger output. Because I've got that leverage. I'm thinking about everything in terms of time, my meetings, my you know, and I'm thinking, Okay, how does this move the needle? How does this, you know, so, so now I have a really clear understanding of what my best is, you know, and I'm kind of a way to measure myself, you know, up against that, you know,

John Mitchell:

yeah, that that makes a lot of sense. Well, let's, let's give people how to apply this, you know, I'll give the full way through our 12 minute, a methodology. And here, here's how I apply it. I, in the spirituality section of my life GPS template, I articulate those five things that comprise doing my best, including tuning in reality. But also, in, in the, I think, my business plan, I talked about, you know, tuning into reality and making that top of mind, and I'm always looking now, at what is reality, telling me, whether I want to hear it or not. And I think your point about ego is great, because ego can blind you to two things. And so, you know, it's just pretty simple. I just to put it in, in my visualization in a couple of places to tune in reality. How do you think you would do the live version of that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I think that the light version can be really simple. And when we say light to what we're talking about, too, is just your entry point in this methodology? Yeah. You know, so for example, let's just use that statement. Is this true? You know, so you can use that for anything, you know, if you're going down a rabbit hole of worry, okay, well, really, is this true? No, I've distorted it in my head. It's not really true. It's not happening. You know what I mean? Right? So it's not reality, what's happening, you know, with your business with your relationships, if you're feeling a certain way, maybe you get into an argument with the spouse and like, just asking yourself that question and training yourself to be more intentional about asking yourself that question. And you could do that through using an app, you know, to remind yourself, have that pop out a pop up on your phone a couple of times a day as a reminder on your computer. You could write that statement on a board that's in your office that you look at throughout the day, put it on your mirror, you're sitting there while you're brushing your teeth, and all that needs to say is is that true? Is this true? You know, and begin to train your brain to train your subconscious to be Are you more curious to be asking that question of yourself and stop taking things at letting your emotions rule your life? Because honestly, John, when you're talking about think it, be it or when I'm talking about the things with ingenuity, so much of that those decisions were made from an emotional place. They weren't made from a one a fact and reality they were made from a motion ego, what we wanted what we, you know what I mean? Right? I think if you can begin to train yourself to ask yourself that question, it can snap you into a different state. That would be the simple entry point into, into implementing this,

John Mitchell:

right. And, you know, the, the beauty of this is the simplicity of it, you know, 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, and therefore, you only control your intentions, but the way you influence your daily actions is by repetition, because the subconscious mind only responds to repetition. So whether you're, you know, sending yourself a reminder a few times a week or you're reading, you know, the 12 men are they methodology either way, you're influencing the subconscious mind with repetition. So, okay, well, I think that's got it for today. We'll see you next time.