Think It Be It Methodology – 5 Principles Made SIMPLE

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly explain the think it be it methodology. They make the five core principles profoundly simple. It starts with what determines your success. It’s your daily actions. That’s it. The cumulative effect of your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life. Then the second principle. The significance of 95% of your daily actions being unconscious. If your daily actions determine your success, and 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, if you don’t gain control over those unconscious daily actions, you play the game life at 5% of your potential. It should be so obvious that your subconscious mind rules your life as well as how you feel about yourself.
Then the third principle. Conscious mind versus unconscious mind. Conscious mind sets the intention and is influenced by logic. Subconscious mind controls your everyday actions and ongoing thoughts. Influenced only by repetition. The classic example is losing weight. Conscious mind sets the intention to lose weight based on logic of the health benefits. But people often times fail to lose weight not from lack of intention. But rather from not influencing the part of them that controls their daily actions of exercising and controlling what they eat. The subconscious mind. The fourth principle is the impact of being wired for survival. It’s three things. 75% of your thoughts are fear-based, your reactive rather than proactive on your important agenda. And you're profoundly resistant to change. If you do nothing in your morning routine to override being wired for survival, you live your life fear-based and reactive.
The 12 minute a day morning routine overrides your innate programming. Instead of having an antiquated operating system gearing your life to be fear-based and reactive, let’s install the 21st century operating system the wires you to be productive, creative and happy. But you have to put in the software every day. Takes 12 minutes a day. Then the last concept. Your subconscious mind is either your greatest asset or your greatest nemesis. Since 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious, obviously if you gain control over that it’s your greatest asset. Alternatively, if you don’t and you allow yourself to continue being geared toward survival, meaning the vast majority of your thoughts are fear-based and your reactive rather than proactive on your important agenda. And you're highly resistant to change, it’s clearly your greatest nemesis.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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Welcome to The Missing Secret Podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield,
John Mitchell:
Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So Kelly, here's the topic this week. Think it be it. Let's explain it simply. Basically explain the five principles behind think it be it. How does that sound?
Kelly Hatfield:
It sounds great. It sounds simple. Um, that's a good thing. Simple is good well, and
John Mitchell:
I'll give you a little background on this. So, you know, my class at the University of Texas, over five classes, I taught them the core foundation of think it be it and and so after I taught it, then I gave them an assignment where they had to answer like 12 questions and and articulate back the things I taught them. And a couple of things came out of it. The first thing that came out of it was they didn't really understand it as simply as I wanted to. And I saw that the value of that is twofold. You know, first, if they're going to do it long term, they have to understand it simply. And secondly, if they're going to explain it to other people, and they they're going to want to, as they see it, it work. You know, they got to make it simple. And so that was one thing that that came up. But the other thing that came up is what a nightmare. Firstly, every one of them has in their life, and I think this is probably true, largely with the American population, but, you know, I ask them, so what? What's sort of going on with you before you learned this methodology. And you know, they would all say that, you know, they would start their day scrolling their phone and and feeling stressed, feeling like they're not enough, that negative inner voice would come in. They're experiencing comparison, comparing their life to other people's lives. And I'm like, oh my god, what a lousy way to live. And, you know, Kelly, it was so interesting to read it. I'm after again, one after another, after another, after another. Every one of them is like that. And, you know, is mind blowing when there's an alternative to it. And again, I know that this class is a microcosm of how people in general are, but you know, I'm I'm catching them at 20 years old, but our audience here is a little older than 20 years old, but the same principles apply Absolutely.
Kelly Hatfield:
I'm sure many people who are listening can relate. I know, in dealing with our my teams, I can relate. You know, we're talking about these things and and, you know, that's how they're starting. Many of them are starting their day as well. You know, in that stress, you know, reaction to what they're seeing online, or to your point comparison, which is really, it's the thief of joy. You know, could that come here? I think so I can. I think that's so interesting. I'm excited to hear what else you learned through this process with them
John Mitchell:
Well and you know, it's, it's rare that you get a chance to really look into the mind of another person. And, you know, but in the college setting. You know, you can ask from whatever you want, and they're telling you, but the flip side of it too is this is the joy of it. So many of them said, Wow, this is this methodology, this 12 minute a day morning routine is amazing because now I have an anchor in my life, and it's giving me an edge in life, and I have I'm now drawn to my desired future life, instead of, you know, being fear based and reactive. And so that's the flip side of it. It was, is it's so gratifying. But I thought that as I experienced that, I see that the classroom for me is like a laboratory and and I'm in the laboratory, and our podcast is sort of a way to to come out of the laboratory and articulate what I'm observing, because I know the same thing is happening with our audience, and so I think it's valuable to give our audience a simple understanding of think it be it, and so let's take them, one at a time. There's basically five principles, and the first one is, what determines your success? Well, your daily actions. That's it. That's it. The cumulative effect of your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life, right in that how, how you look at it, absolutely,
Kelly Hatfield:
Absolutely, your daily actions 100% determine the success in your life. And I think that that's one of the things, too. You know when in simplifying it, when you're talking about simplifying. It. It is that simple. And as people are listening to you right now, I want you to think about the different actions you're taking in life, and thinking about what kind of results you're getting. You know, you're because you're getting exactly the results that you are getting through the actions that you're taking.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, yeah, right. You're whatever those actions are. That's what's producing your your results, good or bad? Yep, right, right. So that's super simple. And I remember reading that and thinking, grow rich, and, you know, I never really thought about it that simply, that your success comes down to your daily action. Because you know, if you ask most people, they're going to go on for five minutes about stuff and and at the end of the day, you go, what did they say? You know, that's our of seeing. It's just your daily actions, yep. Then it comes down to the second one, the significance of 95% of your daily actions being unconscious. Well, think about this again. If you get the success comes down to your daily actions, and 95% of them are unconscious, then, hey, you got to get control of those unconscious daily actions. I mean, otherwise, you're playing the game of life at 5% of your potential and and the big takeaway is your subconscious mind rules your life. And, you know, I tell you, Kelly, something that that fascinates me is that I see that a fair number of people know that 95% of their daily actions are unconscious, but they know it intellectually, but they don't really know it. And as highly as I think of Darren Hardy, he's a good example. He knows it, but he doesn't really know it. And, and I would dare say that the vast majority of people in the success and human achievement field know it, but don't really know it, because if you really know it, it is life changing. That's that's the big domino in your life, and everything changes once you understand that your daily actions determine your success, and 95% of them are unconscious, you can connect the dots from there. What is your
Kelly Hatfield:
100% 100% agree again, you know, I know I'm a broken record here, but we are 100% on the same page, you know? And I think for me, to the distinction that was made in learning this and simplifying it. Even further for me was just understanding when you say unconscious, unconscious. That for me, when I related that to autopilot at 95% of my daily actions I do without thinking about them, they were a pattern. They're habitual. They are on autopilot that that helped me make that connection and understanding really what unconscious means. You know what I mean.
John Mitchell:
So autopilot was the key word for you.
Kelly Hatfield:
That was the key word for me, was be on autopilot, you know, and going like, okay, so you mean that 95% of what I do is running in the background, you know, on autopilot. Like, I'm not really, I'm not consciously thinking about it. It's like, using that example of how brushing your teeth, or like, in your shower shampooing your hair, I'll be like, did I just shampoo my hair? Because I'm deep in thought, and I'm doing it without thinking about it. It's the same thing. So that helped make the connection point for me where I'm like, oh, everything that 95% of what I do, I am doing on this autopilot, this unconscious level, because that's what my brain is designed to do. So I got to upgrade that if I want to upgrade my actions
John Mitchell:
Well, and you know, the other thing that's very interesting about that is, is that that portion that's on autopilot is innately wired to be fear based and reactive. I mean, when you dial that in, you go, whoa, whoa. Now I see why things are so screwed up. Up here exactly, if I don't do anything to override it, then I'm fear based. I'm reactive, and it's a horrible way to live well.
Kelly Hatfield:
And it's funny tying it right back to what you were talking about. It's beginning, John, with the feedback of the students and how they were starting their day, they're feeding the fear based, that habit, that thing they're doing automatically without thinking about it, is grabbing their phone because it's a habit. So that's part of what's happening, you know, without even realizing it's happening. And it's all just this feeding, you know, that fear based part of who we are and the negativity and so I love how we're making we're connecting some dots here, right now, right?
John Mitchell:
You know you're right. You know it's literally like you're feeding being fear based when you're you, when you're looking at social media, is like having a scoop of fear. You.
Kelly Hatfield:
They're overstaffed.
John Mitchell:
Let's digest a little fear. Let's digest a little of being reactive, you know. And you know, that's one of the questions I would ask them, is, what's the implication of being innately wired for survival? And they really wouldn't say it quite the way I wanted it. So, yeah, you know. And you know, I think, I think, I think some of them probably answered it by going into chat GPT and just dialing in. I mean, literally, I could tell that some of those answers were pretty stock answers. And I'm like, Okay, you didn't get that? Yeah, they're just gonna throw up in the gray because I don't want to hear what you know the the standard answer that's coming from chat, GPT or Google or whatever, because they're missing it. And here's an here's another one. Yeah, this may be the third of the five, the conscious mind versus the unconscious mind. And you know, we've said this until we're sick of saying it, but none of them really give it. Gave it back to me like I gave it to them again. You know, conscious mind sets your intention and then is influenced by logic, and the subconscious mind controls your everyday actions, and it's only influenced by repetition. And again, we've told that story of, you know, trying to lose weight. Well, conscious mind says the intention to lose weight based on the logic of the health benefits, but the reason people fail to lose weight is not because of lack of intention, but rather from lack of influencing the part of their brain that controls their daily actions of eating and exercise, and that's the subconscious mind, and it only responds to repetition. That's why, if you're really going to lose weight, you got to you can have the intention that's coming from the conscious mind, but the subconscious mind, you got to feed it every day. Here's what I'm doing on Edie. Here's exactly what I'm doing on exercising. And when you defeat it to yourself, that way, you actually do it. And that intention to lose weight goes from being really an intention to being actually happening, right? Yep, I love that. That one's, I mean, that was, there's just no more to say about it. It's, it's simple fact we better shut up so we don't confuse it exactly.
Kelly Hatfield:
I'm afraid to add too much with my story.
John Mitchell:
So, and the, the fourth one, the impact of being wired for survival, you know. And I see it's three things. And this is another one where, you know, I feel like Chad, G, P, T was answering the question, but it's really three things. 75% of your thoughts are fear based. You're reactive rather than proactive on your important agenda, and you're profoundly resistant to change. And so, you know, that's the effect of being wired for survival, and that's exactly why you've got to go in and install new software, 21st century software, to override that antiquated operating system that you're currently operating with, because if you Do nothing, which is what most people are are doing. They're doing nothing to impact their mindset that that inevitably, then they're just they're operating with that antiquated operating system that gears them to be fear based and reactive, and it produces a lousy way to live. So anything to add to that one?
Kelly Hatfield:
I don't think so. I think we've covered that one, you know, pretty extensively, right?
John Mitchell:
You know, the only thing I would add to that is, you know, and I, I think maybe you came up with this analogy many years ago about, you know, how your mind is a computer, and you know, so you had to put this 21st century operating system in. But unlike most computers where, you know, you put the new software in and you're good to go, you got to put in this software every day. Yeah, well, today is how long it takes. And but I think that that analogy of the brain being a computer is is pretty good.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, absolutely. It helps people make that connection and simplifies it for them, because so many we can relate to that in this world of technology, you're like, oh, okay, yeah, I get that.
John Mitchell:
Then the final thing is the subconscious mind is either your greatest asset or your greatest liability. Why did you just take that one and pontificate about that? Well,
Kelly Hatfield:
I think you know when you're and I look back at this when, again, I learned when you and I were introduced to one another, and I learned the science and understanding how the human mind. Works, all of these principles that you've just talked about, the foundational pieces, and I think about you were just talking about, you know, your what determines your success, your actions determine your success. Or and deciding to sit on the couch and watch Netflix for two hours, you know every day, you know, or is, that's an action, and the results that you're getting as a result of that are probably like, meh, you know, you're not getting a lot of output. Maybe you get joy in the moment. And I'm not saying not to watch Netflix. I'm just saying when you decide to do that, versus the other things that are going to move the needle in your life right then your life is, you know, stays exactly where it's at. And so I think being able to train your mind, train your brain, understand how all of these principles work to turn your brain into your greatest asset, because to the point that you just made, if you're if we're wired for survival, you know, we're wired and we're attracted to things to fear. You know, as far as being fear based, then again, you either are going to do what you just mentioned at the beginning, when we were talking about, hopping onto your cell phone and, you know, say you can either leverage that that for good, or, you know, do the opposite, which is, you know, what most people do, they start their day out in that mode. And that's not to say we haven't even talked about, like, what happens chemically in your brain when you are scrolling. But again, it to your point. It can either be your greatest asset, or it can be your greatest you know, deficit or nemesis. You know, because you you can either utilize this methodology to make your work, your brain work for you, and wire it for success, right or not, because it's not wired for success on its own. You have to do that programming that you just mentioned,
John Mitchell:
Right? You know, I tell you, you find this interesting. You remember when you came to Austin and we went to the University of Texas baseball facility and met David pierce the COVID, yep. So the University of Texas has this amazing baseball facility, you know, I mean, it's, it's absolutely the best in the country, yep. And so the coach was David Pierce, who you met. He was very gracious to take us around and show us her.
Kelly Hatfield:
He was awesome. Yeah,
John Mitchell:
Well, he just got fired, and he did okay. But you know, the standard at the University of Texas is basically, you better be competing for a national championship. And so, as you know, CDC, the athletic director, he's a force of nature. And so he's, he holds a pretty high standard. So he replaces David, and he ends up hiring a baseball coach that considered the job seven years ago when David was hired, he was at TCU, and crystal Connie, our current athletic director, was the athletic director at TCU, and so being the man he is, he could, he knew that Texas was going to come calling TCU coach and trying to steal him away, and so they lock him into her contract. And it's funny because Texas also, at the time, was looking for a athletic director, and so Jim the baseball coach, says, Listen, when Texas did call said, you know, I'll be staying at TCU, but Chris, you're going to be the next athletic director at the University of Texas. And sure enough, that's what happened. So fast forward to today. They hire Jim, the one we really should have gotten seven years ago. We we got him and and I've gotten to know him, and he turns me on. I'm like, I interviewing for my monthly program for the coaches. And I'm like, Whoa, he is operating at a way higher level mentally than I've ever seen any other coach operate, including coach Sark, wow. And so he says, You got to meet this guy, Brian Kane, who is my mental coach. And so I just got finished, an hour ago, having a zing with him, and we were just talking about how the entire success in human performance industry misses such a fundamental concept that you know about the subconscious mind and how they understand that 95% of daily thoughts nations are unconscious, but they do nothing to impact it. They talk about it a lot, but zero to impact it. And you know, think it be it as a system, a practical way of doing life that impacts it. And he has a very similar way that he has people memorize stuff and. Data, you know, Reading it or listening to it like we we do. He's doing exactly the same thing as as what we're doing. And he's the first person I'd never seen in the success business that is doing it in as an effective way as as we're doing it. But it was fascinating to see that. So of course, she and I are going to get together and, you know, exchange ideas and see what we can learn from each other. But you know, it's just striking to now see a coach who's operating at this higher level, and all of the coaches, all 18 coaches have mental coaches or psychologists, but again, 95% probably 99% of the industry, completely misses it. So you know, they're talking a good game. But unless you can apply it, it's useless. So it's just, I find it fascinating.
Kelly Hatfield:
It is fascinating. And again, I think that once you grasp that, whether you're a coach, whether, I mean, it doesn't matter who you are, once you grasp how the human mind works and leverage that, it's life altering. You know, whatever role you have. I mean, it changes the trajectory of your life when you learn this and when you put an emphasis on this. And so that's exciting to hear that, you know, you've added somebody to the to the coaches there at UT that thinks that way. That's pretty cool. Yeah,
John Mitchell:
I Yeah, it's, it really is cool. But, and, you know, maybe the final thing we'll, we'll say that is, is worth mentioning in terms of the fundamental concepts, is, is the reticular activating system, and how it's a filter for the brain so it brings into your consciousness what you tell it is important. And you know what happens with most people? Because they're not really feeding the succinct articulation of their life, and they're not really given that that filter for the brain clarity. What what happens is what they're bringing into their consciousness is largely fear based and reactive, you know, because that's how they're nationally wired. So as they're stroll scrolling social media, things that are fear based, you know, come into their consciousness, and their consciousness wants more of that, even though it's detrimental to them. And it amazes me how simple it is to to influence the reticular activating system by just feeding exactly what you want in your life to yourself every day it brings you more of that stuff.
Kelly Hatfield:
So yeah, that was my favorite thing. I think, in all this to learn was about that and once, and my challenge with getting that reticular activating system going was having the clarity like, it's the filter, but it's only the filter, like, if it well, it's always the filter, but you're leveraging it as the filter. When you have immense clarity around what it is you want to because my problem is to the point that you just mentioned earlier. You know, it was working, but because my head was all over the place, and, oh, the next shiny thing and all of this, it didn't have the information it needed to really hone in on the results that I was looking for, because I think about it a lot like Google too, right? The more detailed you get in your search, the more detailed the information it brings in that's aligned with what it is you're looking for. And so for me, I was like, oh, like, when I discovered that through think it be it that was, you know, one of amongst these other principles we've talked about that was a huge one for me too. I was like, Oh, and this is, like a thing in our brain that, and everybody has it, and you need, like, they go that way. So anyway, I love that. I'm so glad you brought that up. That's one of my favorites. So if you John, just recapping those again, keeping it simple, the five pieces are Sue.
John Mitchell:
So what determines your success your daily actions? The significance of the 95% of your daily actions being unconscious, okay, well, if, if your daily actions determine your success, and 95% of them are unconscious, Hey, have a successful life. You got to gain control that those unconscious daily actions. Then conscious mind versus unconscious mind. Conscious mind sets the intention and is influenced by logic. Subconscious Mind controls your daily thoughts and actions and is only influenced by repetition. Then the impact of being wired for survival. Three things, 75% of your thoughts are fear based. You're reactive rather than proactive on your important agenda, and you're profoundly resistant to change. And then you know the last one, maybe subconscious mind, greatest asset or crisis, greatest nemesis, you know, pretty easy to understand it if. You have 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, and you gain control of it, then it's your greatest asset. And if you don't gain control of it, then you continue to be fear based and reactive, and is your greatest nemesis. So easy, breezy.
Kelly Hatfield:
Easy, breezy.
John Mitchell:
We like it. Simple. Okay, well, until next time, we'll see.