Sept. 14, 2023

There Is A Human Energy Crisis – Caused By Negative Self Talk And Self Inflicted Stress

There Is A Human Energy Crisis – Caused By Negative Self Talk And Self Inflicted Stress

In this episode, John and Kelly talk about the idea that there is a human energy crisis. Created by negative self talk and self-inflicted stress. This topic comes from the best-selling author Jon Gordon. Who is the Godfather of positivity and has an organization called Positivity U. As the mental coach for the University of Texas 18 head coaches, John shared this content from Jon Gordon with them. And one of the things that Jon Gordon said that was powerful was that people need to evaluate their thoughts. And examine if their thoughts are true or not true. Often times negative thoughts are not true. And Gordon has a great line. You don’t hang out with liars, so don’t let lies hang out in your head. That’s powerful. But during the conversation, John pointed out something that in his opinion the entire mindset industry misses. So many people in the mindset field have this strategy or that strategy. Just like evaluating whether your thoughts are true or not three true. But they’re missing a very fundamental point. 95% of a person’s daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. And you can only influence the unconscious with repetition. It doesn’t care about logic. And the point of sharing this is that when you tell people to have this strategy or that strategy, inevitably it goes in one ear and out the other. All you’re affecting is his or her intention. The only thing that will actually work is rewiring one’s autopilot with repetition. So if you want to evaluate your thoughts as to whether they are true or not, you’ve got to feed that to your subconscious on a daily basis. Only that repetition will drive it home. Otherwise, in one ear and out the other. To finish up this episode John and Kelly point out that the life you experience and the success you have is determined by the ongoing thoughts going on in your head. And the irony of human nature is that only 2% of people do anything to impact their mindset. And that’s John and Kelly’s mission to overcome that dichotomy.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at




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Kelly Hatfield:

We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.

John Mitchell:

Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.

Kelly Hatfield:

If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens. Welcome to think it be the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield.

John Mitchell:

And as always, I'm John Michell. We're back. I'm still jumping. So Kelly, I'm thinking the topic today is there's a human energy crisis caused by negative self talk, and self inflicted stress. What do you what do you think about that? How's that? How's that? That hit you just off the top of your head?

Kelly Hatfield:

Well, it's, it's interesting. And I think that there's a lot of validity to it. So I'm excited to we haven't had a conversation about this topic before. I'm excited to kind of dig in. And let's see where this conversation goes.

John Mitchell:

Okay, well, where I got this is, you know, as working with the 18, head coaches at the university, Texas, I have a personal growth program for him that I give them every Monday and so I'm always finding cool stuff to take impact their their mindset, and John Gordon is the author that I gave this this past week. And for the audience, our audience that doesn't know who John Gordon is, he is Mr. positivity. He has a company called positivity you. And he's big in the sports world. You know, he's he's had, like, he's like written 25 books, and like, 15 of them are bestsellers. He's pretty big time. And so he was interviewed by your friend and my friend, Michael Gervais, here in Seattle, that works with Pete Carroll on the Seahawks. And so it's interesting. He that this was the topic was, there's a human energy crisis. And he's he says, you know, it's because people have negative self talk, and they're allowing stress to impact their life, you know, all stress is, is basically self inflicted. And so I thought this was, would be a great topic for us. And as I'm listening to, to it, he says something that I've found very interesting. He says, You need to evaluate your thoughts as to whether they're true or not true. With the idea that negative thoughts are not true. And what do you think about that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I, it's a practice. I actually, that's one of my practices that I haven't I, I utilize that. So if I feel something, like in a conversation, or maybe we're like, I don't know, there's an energy shift, or it makes me kind of, uh, you know, we're, you're right, I'm saying, there's an emotion around it, if there's a negative emotion around it, I'll stop for a second. And in my mind, say, wait a minute, you know, is this is this true? You know, you know, is this is this feeling that I'm having? Is this true? Where is this coming from? You know, and is it true? And then I go one layer deeper, you know, so it might well, yeah, it could be trouble. Is it absolutely true? You know, and then it's like, well, no, actually, you know, so that's a process. And I actually learned that process from Dr. Daniel Amon, and this whole process for what do you automatic negative thoughts and how to destroy them? And that's one of the techniques that he teaches is asking that question when you have that negative emotion, asking yourself the question, is it true?

John Mitchell:

Yeah, that's, that is very interesting. Well, you know, John Gordon has this great line. He says, Hey, you don't hang out with liars. So don't let lies hanging out in your head. Yeah, that's that's our point. Yeah, yeah, that's, that's really good. Well, you know, as I'm listening to this, though, this podcast, I see the problem. And this is something I want you and me to work through. You know, I see that that what they miss is, or what he misses is that 95% of us Carson's daily actions and thoughts are unconscious. And so when he's on a podcast, he says to the audience, well, you know, evaluate your thoughts and decide if they're true or not true. That's not going to work. Just not going to work. Because what happens is when people hear that it's in one ear out the other ear, we our conscious mind stuff. You know, they hear it, they go, Huh, that's interesting. Yes, I'm going to do that. And then they don't do it. Because, again, 95% of persons daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. And unless you're rewiring the autopilot, to do that to deal with the unconscious, then it's just again, in one ear out the other, you buy that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I do. And you know, it's so funny that, and, Brian, we have not talked about this before we started talking here today. So I use our method to train myself to ask questions to ask a question. Because to the point that you're making, you know, it's not automatic asking that question isn't the our emotions, especially the negative ones are easy to kind of take over and get momentum? You know, and so that was something I had to reprogram into my subconscious, so that I would ask myself that question when something came up. So I think to your point, because it's, you know, again, we're on that autopilot, it's too easy, we just revert back to the normal way we process. And so unless you're doing something different, you know, unless you're overriding that you're gonna continue to process the same way you've always processed.

John Mitchell:

Right? Right. Yeah, I, you know, it's interesting. You know, every, every week, I go to the coaches this content, and then on Wednesday, I'll do a clip out a two minute clip out of it. And then on Friday, I'll give the recap. And, and now in the content itself, after we hear the content, give them my take on it. And so I record it, and I'm sitting on the weekend, over the weekend, thinking about it, like, you know, I don't like my recap, I you know, I didn't, I didn't say it as precisely as I should have. And I realized way. And what I really realized, is that, what I need to say to the coaches, and now have said to them in in the revised recap, is that just telling your your athletes to evaluate the thoughts in their head, whether they're true or true, or not true, is just not going to work. It's this is, and I point out 95% of your daily actions and thoughts are unconscious. Therefore, you know, you got to influence the subconscious mind, and it only responds to repetition. And here's the interesting thing, the athletes are not going to give themselves the repetition. They're not, you know, we see today that 2% of people do anything to impact mindset. That's, that's the irony of sort of human nature that, you know, your life is determined by your enjoyment of life, and your success is determined by your thoughts, the thoughts that are going on in your head on a regular basis, yet only 2% of people are doing anything to impact their thoughts. I mean, that's the dichotomy of human nature, in from my perspective, when you boil it down. And so what I told the coaches, as I said, okay, so get that, just saying it to the players is not going to work is going to go in one year out the other, and they're not going to have the wisdom to come back their own mindset. So you've got to provide the repetition that their subconscious mind needs. And so you know, as they're building their culture, you know, just the lesson is be careful about what you tell them. And don't tell them too many things. They say highly selective about what you tell him and say it over and over and over again to where you're sick of it. And they're sick of it as well. But you know, that's the science of the human mind. as sick as you are of it. It'll work. What's your take on all that?

Kelly Hatfield:

Well, it's just like, on with the fundamentals of what they teach as far as the actual game is concerned. constant repetition for them. Yeah. On those on the basics of their sport in regard to you know, doesn't matter which sport there are foundational things, whether it's putting your socks on, right, you know, there's those foundational things that so this is right Dealing with that, right? Everything is the perfect example of like, they've been repetitive in nature, their entire lives through their football career. Now, it's just adding that next or through whatever, fourth career and now it's just adding that next layer related to mindset. Right, right. That's not the mechanics of it, or the technique or the the mindset piece.

John Mitchell:

Right? That's right. Well, it's, you know, it's so interesting how, how it all works. And I see that, that, you know, so much in the mindset space to me, is missing the point missing the point that 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious, that the fact that they miss it, you know, I see today, that that's the most significant thing I ever learned in my life. And as I explained, think it be it? You know, I see that the most powerful thing to say is that, and, you know, we've talked about this 100 times, do people believe that? Did they not believe it? Well, you know, it's documented. I mean, as science has proven it, you know, you can go to Google. And so I don't want to get bogged down and having to prove it, you know, go go do the research, you'll see that this is true, but so many people in the mindset space, Miss that fundamental point. So when, when they're talking to people on a podcast, or in a presentation, it's useless. It's useless, as brilliant as as their idea might be regarding mindset. If you're not training the subconscious with it, it's gonna go in one ear out the other. And, and, you know, I just find it amazing that they miss that fundamental key point. Oh, yeah.

Kelly Hatfield:

Well, we talked about this, you know, how fundamental it was, it changed my life. And anytime I you know, and I've given a couple of examples, just in this in our time together today, but anytime I hear a brilliant idea, you know, I then have to go through not have to buy, go through my process of basically implanting that, that new idea into my subconscious with that repetition. And with that, but like, without that, it goes back to, you know, the intention, like I'm listening to it, and I'm like, Oh, that's a great idea. I want to do that, you know, in the 5% of my brain. That's right. That's conscious, that's, well, by the time I've done hearing that, I'm pumped up about it, the next thing comes up, I'm distracted, and I'm right back to the 95%, you know, operating on autopilot using that unconscious mind. So as soon as I understood that, like, it was an absolute game changer, I can I can learn I can I can adopt any new habit or behavior now that I want to by using this methodology?

John Mitchell:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know. You know, it's, it's interesting. I, like I said, For I changed my visualization about once a week. And, you know, sometimes, like, I think I told you that I got this from Jordan Peterson, he says, you know, there's power in being an articulate creature. And I agree with that. And so I have something in my visualization when I'm explaining Tippie generally, that I basically say to myself out loud every day, and you know, it just refines it so that in the moment, when I'm talking to somebody, it just flows it just, you know it because I've created that repetition, so that it just naturally flows. I don't have to think about the words, it just flows. And sometimes what causes the change is I'll have a policy, there's a better way to say it, or the better, you know, more emphasis on this word, or, or maybe ask people a question to, you know, we were talking about influence a minute ago how powerful that is. And so, but that changing my visualization is, is my way of evolving myself in my life.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, absolutely. So,

John Mitchell:

well, I think that we've covered this and I hope we have imparted great wisdom today.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yes, absolutely. People are so much more wise as a result of listening to art. I know.

John Mitchell:

I know. I'm thinking the same thing. Yep. Well, until next time, we'll see you.

Kelly Hatfield:

Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at or In the meantime, live the exceptional life