Sept. 19, 2024

The Full SECRET of Think and Grow Rich

The Full SECRET of Think and Grow Rich

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly explain what the full secret of the legendary book Think and Grow Rich actually is. As you may know, this legendary book that has been read by 150 million people, says there’s a secret for success. But the author only reveals half the secret. John was blessed to figure out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it. It caused his income to go up by 25 times over the $200,000 – $300,000 a year he was making the prior 20 years. Also met his wife from doing this. The bottom line is this 12 minute day methodology gives a person immense control over their lives. Beyond what they’ve ever experienced before.

And here’s what the full secret is. What you envision in detail, with emotion, on a daily basis is what shows up in your life. What that means is you create immense clarity about your life. Exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely how you’re going to achieve your clearly defined goals. Then you put that clarity on a template. So that it succinct enough to read it or listen to it in 12 minutes a day. Also allows for the science of the subconscious mind to be properly applied. But once that clarity is on the template, you feed it to yourself every day. After approximately 21 days, the science kicks in and the magic happens. And what you’re feeding yourself starts to show up automatically without thinking in your thoughts and actions.

Once you begin doing this, three things happen. First, you feel immense CONTROL over your life. Of course you would, you’re feeding the succinct articulation of your life yourself each day. The second thing you feel is confidence. Which is a direct result of the control you feel. And the third thing you experience is the right actions and thoughts start happening automatically without thinking. In this podcast John goes on to say that a person’s way of doing life comes down to their morning routine. Everybody has a morning routine. But only 2% of people have a morning routine that impacts their mindset. And that’s significant because your success in life as well as your enjoyment in life comes down to the thoughts that are going on in your head on an ongoing basis.

So if you want to have a productive and happy life, you have to influence your mindset every morning in your morning routine. Otherwise you are innately wired for survival. Which causes you to live your life being fear-based and reactive. As John and Kelly dig deeper into this they talk about how feeding the succinct articulation of your life yourself each day profoundly impacts your identity. Who you are. It also impacts the filter for the brain. Your reticular activating system. It gives the filter for your brain immense clarity to bring into your life the things that you want. Essentially the law of attraction.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at



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Kelly Hatfield:

Welcome to the missing secret Podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield,

John Mitchell:

Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So Kelly, the episode today is the missing secret of the legendary book they can grow rich. We're actually going to reveal the missing secret. What do you think about that exciting?

Kelly Hatfield:

I think everybody is in for a treat and a one of those moments, you know, where it's illuminated life changing potentially. So keep listening. People for the secret,

John Mitchell:

Boy, how do you how do you beat that in for Jack,

Kelly Hatfield:

I know, I'm sorry I set you up there.

John Mitchell:

That's pretty good. Well, you know, I'll, I think telling how I discovered it is the best way to explain the secret. And so as we played in our debut episode, back when I was 50, I wasn't as successful as I thought I should be. And to change things, I decided to get the top book, the one on success, and apply that book, literally, word for word my life. And so I do the research find out that Think and Grow Rich has been read by 150 million people. Top book of the world on success by a factor of 10. So I'm like, perfect. So I buy the book and read the book, and then I discovered the problem. You know, there's author says there's a secret for success, but he only reveals half of the secret. It's on the reader to figure out the other end. So I'm dumbed down, and I mope around for probably three weeks, then decide to just man up and figure out the damn secret, and I immigra myself in the book for like two months. Probably read it 20 times. Ultimately, was blessed to figure out the full secret, and I developed a 12 minute date technique to apply it. And then I started applying it to a new business I was starting in the reverse mortgage field. And, you know, to make a long story short, you know, it caused my income to go up by 25 times over the 200 to 300 grand a year I was making the prior 20 years. But the totally cool thing was that I could see why I was handing I'm just playing the game of life at a higher level. I could do things I could never do before. I had a level of control over my life beyond what I'd never experienced before, is just, you know, totally changed my life. And then I had enough money to not have to work, and the University of Texas, and the former chancellor at Texas asked me to teach it in their business school. So that's, that's the story. But, you know, there was a little more going on in my life at 50 than just feeling the scarcity of time. And what was going on was my mom was dying of pancreatic cancer. So every day after work, I would go and I would see her, and I'd love on her and hold her hand and talk to her, and then I'd walk in the cold, dark parking lot and cry my eyes out for 3545 minutes a night, and you know this is going on for for like, six to eight weeks, and you know it was just excruciating. And you know I didn't want my mom to see me crying in front of her because she knows she was dying, which I'm sure she knew anyway, but yeah, you know, this goes on night after night, and Kelly, I'm telling you, I've never experienced anything that gut wrenching every night, you know, to be crying for, you know, 45 minutes to an Hour typically. And obviously I'm feeling the loss my mom, but but I knew there was something deeper than that, and what I came to realize was that I felt like I was letting my mom down with my life, because my mom and dad gave me everything. You know, they sent me to Jesuit High School in Dallas. They sent me to the University of Texas, paid for everything when they really didn't have the money. And, you know, I just felt like I was letting my mom down, because all I had was the average life, and I hated the average life, because I just knew I was capable of so much more. And so, you know, it's interesting, though, because I see that that feeling of letting my mom down was like rocket fuel and causing me to go deeper into Think and Grow Rich than anybody else on the planet. And that's why I believe I was able to figure out the full secret when other people couldn't. And so I remember the night that really the secret appeared. And you know, so, as you know, typical night go to go to the hospital, see my mom cry my my eyes out bargain line. But Kelly, you know, this particular and. Night was was different because it was snowing in Dallas. Does snow very often. And so, you know, as I'm driving home, I see those big snow flags hitting my windshield, and it just felt different. And so I get home and I sit down in my nice, comfy chair and read, Think and Grow Rich for the probably the 20th time, and on this particular night, I read that your success is the function of your daily actions, that that your the cumulative effect of your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life. And I'm like, Okay, I never looked at success that simply but certainly made sense. And then I read something that really caught my attention. I read that essentially, 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. Well, by now I am ready to go to bed, so I wash my face and brush my teeth, and I lay down my head on the pillow. But Kelly, you know, laying there, and I just can't stop thinking about 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. And then I start to connect the dots. I, in fact, I remember sitting out in bed and going, Well, wait a minute, if your daily actions determine your success, and 95% of them are unconscious, then you don't consciously control your daily actions, yet, they're the very thing that determines your success. And you know, this felt so so much like an epiphany. I remember sitting up and looking out in my backyard, seeing the snowflakes coming down. And, you know, is, is really like a surreal moment as you can imagine. You know, then, you know, I'm like, I've got to be getting close to the secret and and so I not that it came to me that very night, but about a week later, same scenario, I come back from the hospital, and I've been ruminating on, you know, what I've been thinking about for the past week, and then the full secret disappears and and the full secret I discovered was what you envision in detail with emotion on a daily basis is what shows up in your life. And so let me say that again for audience, what you envision in detail with emotion on a daily basis is what shows up in your life. And what that really means is you take your life and you step back from your life, and with intention, you create the ideal you you know exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish and precisely how you're going to achieve your clearly defined goals. So you you create that clarity in your conscious mind, and then you put that clarity in on a template that I created, you know, 20 years ago, and it's put on the template for a couple reasons, so that you make it succinct enough so it only takes 12 minutes a day to read, but also so so that you can properly apply the science and subconscious mind. So once you once you have put that clarity on the template, then you just read that template every day or listen to it every day. And after 21 days, the magic happens. The Science kicks in. And what you start feeding yourself start showing up in your thoughts and actions automatically. So that's basically the the full secret you want to share. Anything else that strikes you about that

Kelly Hatfield:

Again, just, I mean, I think we have talked about like this has just been the foundation now for my life for several years, you know, and so, but the epiphany for me, really was back to understanding that 95% you know, of my thoughts, of your thoughts, of everybody who's listening, thoughts are happening at the subconscious level, you know. So you are ultimately, then on autopilot, you know, most of the day. So if you don't have that subconscious working for you by doing this programming, you know, then it absolutely is not set up for you to be successful. You know, we've talked about this and you know, and you'll hear more and more about this, mostly, probably in most every episode, because it's so important to wrap your head around. You know, about how the human mind is designed. It's not designed for your success. It's designed for your survival. It's designed, you know, to keep you safe. So anyway, so that's my two cents around what it was you just shared understanding that the cumulative, you know, my daily actions, of what happens my success is the cumulative effect of my daily action. Actions, and then where those actions come from? Was an epiphany for me as well. When you taught that to me, I was like, Oh my gosh. Like, perfect sense, you know? So, yeah

John Mitchell:

You know, I think when you feed the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day, this morning routine, I found that basically three things happen. First of all, you have this immense sense of control over your life. But of course, you would, you know, if you're feeding the succinct articulation of your life, of course you're going to feel control. And then what, what stems from that is, is you have this immense sense of confidence. Maybe that confidence beside, besides the feeling of control, I think the confidence comes from you start to realize, oh, this is really a successful one, something I've never really had before. And and you know, then the third thing that you experience, and it again, it takes about 21 days for this to happen, is you start seeing the right actions happening automatically and and, you know, I think the the big thing that I would like to maybe convey to our audience, and we touched on this last time, but at the end of the day, your morning routine determines whether you actually have a way of doing life or not. Now, everybody's got a morning routine, but only about 2% of people actually have a morning routine that impacts their their mindset. And the reason that's significant is just, just think about this. Your success in life, as well as your enjoyment in life, comes down to the thoughts that are going on your head on an ongoing basis. Would you think that most people would agree with that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I think so. I mean, I think that's pretty you know, that makes perfect sense. It's very logical,

John Mitchell:

Right? Well, what happens with most people? Because we're all innately wired for survival, which causes 75% of our thoughts to be fear based and we're reactive rather than proactive. Is for 98% of people, when they wake up each morning, they're fear based and they're reactive, and they're thinking about their problems. Again, a significant amount of this is going on unconsciously, and that's why they live their life with nothing pulling them forward to their desired life, and they're living basically in fear, and it's a lousy way to live. And, and I lived that way for 50 years, and and you probably 45 years. And so you know, the point I'm trying to make is look at your morning routine. That's what's determining whether you actually have a way of doing life, or if you're like 98% of people just winging it. You know that's important. You forward to your desired life and your fear based and reactive. And you know, the other thing I think that's fascinating, is something that you enlightened me about just recently, is, is about the effect of social media and your identity. Would you? Would you get into that?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, and I think you know how I'll put this into context too, is, let's put it into the framework of, you know, the methodology you know, which is one of the things that you are feeding yourself each and every day, is who, how you want to show up in the world, who I want to be, you know. And so you are constantly reaffirming your identity through this methodology every day, it becomes, you know. The filter that everything is moving through is, you know that identity, your values, you know what you stand for as a as a human being, you know and again, how you want to show up in the world. And I think you know what we're seeing happening right now with social media, for example, is, and it's designed to do this because it's designed for you to buy things. It's designed for you to buy into things you know. So its ability to influence you and the subconscious mind is like, it's still being like, there's still studies and research happening to what degree. But what we do know is that when you are living outside of yourself and you're relying on things outside of you to determine kind of like who you are, to tell you who you are, what to buy. You know when you're using that comparison, you're seeing other people in a snapshot of what their life is, and then you start to have those negative thoughts and emotions around well, gosh, why am I not further along and I should be like so and so and again. That's outside of yourself. And part of this process and this methodology is getting clarity, you know, I and I want you to think about this. I'll use this as an example. This came up the other day, and I use this as an example with my team, you know, to help them understand like this idea of identity and getting a lot of clarity around it. So when you, let's say that you identify, and I'll just use this, because we talk about health a lot of the time to, you know, when we're talking about this methodology, that part of how you identify yourself is as an athlete, well, just by, you know, nature. So if you've got it built into your, you know, visualization that you're talking about. You know, I am an athlete. I feed myself like an athlete. I train like an athlete. My body is my temple. It's based, you know, performance. If you're feeding yourself that, that kind of input, how likely is it that when the decision comes that where there's a decision to be made that's around that part of your identity, because we have different parts of our identity that you're going to make a choice that's more aligned with how an athlete would show up in that right? It's the it becomes, it starts to become the filter and helps with this unconscious thinking, where you consciously aren't even thinking about it now, because it's so ingrained in your identity as to who you are, and you know how you want to show up in the world, that it doesn't matter when you're seeing something on social media. Maybe it's just interesting, but you don't let it influence like who you are and your confidence and that kind of thing, because you're standing very strong in in who you are as a as an individual. And I think through the work that you do, as you start to prepare your visualization and your template, you know, we've got that AI template for people to utilize, through that clarification, that clarity that you're gaining, you know, that's how you begin to establish your identity, and it evolves, you know, with different seasons, With different stages. As you continue to reach new heights, your identity is something that evolves. But you know, I think the challenge with social media today and how it's impacting individuals is they're letting the outside, external things dictate what their identity is, and part of that is because nobody is taking the time to sit down and think about and get the clarity around, you know, what? How do I want to show up in the world if I want to accomplish this, whatever this is, what would I need to believe about myself? Who would I need to be to achieve whatever that aim is? Right? And we don't do enough of that. And so then we begin to rely on all this external stuff, and it sends us down. You know, all this rabbit holds. Part of the reason why we have so many issues with mental health right now, right is because, you know, people just aren't dialed into their identity and what they stand for and who they are, and they're relying too many on too much of the external stuff.

John Mitchell:

Well. And you know, you gave me such an epiphany, you know, like, what was it three weeks ago? You tell me you got to watch this Mel Robbins interview with this Harvard psychologist. He was talking about, you know, how social media causes people to lose their identity, and this was more or less right as I'm starting to teach my class on all of my methodology, all that they could be at methodology to the 550 athletes here at the University of Texas. And so I'm launching my class, and you show it to me. And so I show it to them, and then, and like I showed it to him on a Thursday. Well, I started thinking about it over the weekend, and it's so significant that I show it to him again. And I said, you know, think how tough it is if you're 20 years old when you're forming your identity, as opposed to like Kelly or me, you know we're we know who we are, and you know, social media is trying to to, you know, confuse our identity. But when you're 20 years old and you're trying to create your identity, it's particularly tough. And it made me really appreciate that I have blessed. I personally feel that the Macau School of Business, which which is, you know, rated one of the top five business schools in the country. You know, it's, it was hard to get, took us two years to get this course approved, but it's so cool when you have, like, in this class, 38 young lives that that you can recreate. And that's my pitch to them now, is we're going to take your life and we're going to recreate because to this point, your life is being created haphazardly. Some things were good that make you who you are, some things influences that were bad make you who you are. You've got attributes you like, you've got attributes you don't like, but all that was basically created hapthandedly. Why not start with a blank sheet of paper, create the ideal you with your conscious mind and define all the attributes you you want. And then once you've created that, then feed that to your subconscious. Mind every day, and that's repetition the subconscious mind needs to make you actually be that person and have it reflected in your actual thoughts and actions. And so that little pearl of wisdom you gave me has really impacted my class. But I share that story because anybody who is watching this, whether you're 20 years old or 30 years old or 50 years old, the same exact process is what we're talking about, and is the secret of Think and Grow Rich. So, you know, it's just amazingly powerful.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, it really is. It truly is, you know, life changing. You know, I know how that sounds, but all right, but it's, it's a real thing, because when you get clarity around and again, you have different pieces your of your identity. When you get clarity around how you want to show up in your relationships, you know how you want other people to feel when they're around you, you know how you want, like your body to feel, and the energy and the vibrancy and like, when you start to get a lot of clarity at your business or your career, you then start looking through that lens. This methodology helps you keep that top of mind. You've reprogrammed that subconscious. And when things come up, I'm thinking about it like, you know. So if I'm thinking about a, you know, being a badass businesswoman, you know, I'm thinking about maybe Sarah Blakely, and I'm like, I'm looking through, you know, that lens and being like, Okay, so let me put that hat on really quick here, and I'm going to look at this from a logical standpoint, and I'm going to remove emotion, because that's what a business person that is, you know, would do. They would separate themselves from the emotion of this like so it forms. It helps form every action. And when we talked about at the beginning, you know the cumulative effects of your actions determines the success in your life. Well, if you're taking steps aligned with your identity and the best ideal. You guess what happens? You know, right?

John Mitchell:

Yeah. Well, that's so powerful that that you see it in your identity, and then that, then your actions and thoughts reflect that identity. Yeah, I know. The other thing I think that's powerful that you're well versed on is the impact of feeding the succinct articulation of your life to your reticular activating system, which is a filter for the brain. Would you explain that to our audience? Yeah,

Kelly Hatfield:

100% this was the big one for me. Like this was one of the ones that when you taught me the science, you know, and first, I then understood about the 95% of our thoughts being unconscious. And then you taught me the about the reticular act is activating system, what it is and what it does, that, in essence, the filter for your life. And understanding that for that filter, because it's filtering for you right now, it's filtering a million different things a day right now, because you've got got it coming at you, the problem that it's currently having, if you don't have a lot of clarity, is that it doesn't know it's not clear on what to filter in and out. So depending on your mood, your you know, whatever rabbit hole you go down on social media, you know, whatever the case is, like it's not doesn't have a lot of clarity around what's if it doesn't have a lot of clarity around what's important to you, what your aims are, what you stand for, all of those things, then it doesn't know what to filter. It's like entering into the search bar in Google, you know, something random, you know, and it pulling that up for you, your reticular activating system is the very same thing. So the amazing thing for me, when I understood that, was like, Okay, so I'm going to tell it, I'm going to feed this to myself 12 minutes a day, and then all of a sudden, like, I know I talk about this all the time, but you know something you taught me, which is the mind thrives on order as soon as my mind, you know, I was crystal clear about who I was, how I wanted to show up in the world, what I wanted to achieve, clearly, how I was going to get from point A to point B. That reticular activating system was like a like a laser, you know, where it's now starts bringing in the things that are aligned with what I've told it that is important, you know. So now, when you it's that Google search, when you think about it in those terms, and you are being very specific about what you want, the information you want in that Google bar, and it pulls up exactly what you're looking for. That's now what your brain is doing. It's bringing those things into your life that are 100% aligned with the direction you're going in. And what's interesting is all of those things were there for me to see the whole time. I just couldn't see them because my brain didn't know what to be filtering in because I wasn't clear well,

John Mitchell:

And yo, it's sort of like watching YouTube videos, you know? I see that once you get into watching YouTube, it knows what you like, and it gives you more of it. Yeah, that's exactly. Exactly what the reticular activating system, the filter for the brain, is doing. Once it knows what you want, it brings more of that to you and and that's a game changer. You know, the other thing that I've come to appreciate the spirituality side of this, which I never thought about it all that much, but, you know, I see when, when you're feeding that succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day, it's it's so affirms who you are, and that that sense of order and that sense of actually pride in who you are feels so incredibly good. And, you know, I think there's, I mean, we all want to be successful, but at the end of the day, you know, your enjoyment of life comes down to the relationship you're having with yourself. And so this is a way to create the ideal you and seed it into your subconscious mind so that you actually become that person. And I can tell you, once you do it and you see it and you become the person you want to be, there's like nothing else. I mean, that's that, to me. That's the greatest joy of this. What would you agree with that 100%

Kelly Hatfield:

One thing you mentioned earlier, John was you said one of the things that you get is confidence, and that's part of where this comes from, is because you are grounded, that there's that spirituality piece and whatever that is that is to you. But for me, it's like really being like, grounded in who you are as a person and the energy that you are putting out into the world. You know what I mean? So there's just a confidence that comes with showing up the way that you want to show up, and being proud of that. And you know, it just that confidence and everything continues to build on itself. Because the longer you do it, and the better you get at it, the more and more your subconscious is working for you. Because now this is ingrained, you know, the more confident you become,

John Mitchell:

Right, right? Let me recount what we've said today. You know, basically the the secret of thinking Grow Rich is what you envision in detail with emotion on a daily basis, is what shows up in your life. And as we explained, all that is, is just creating clarity about your life exactly the person you want to be, what you want to accomplish and how you're going to achieve your clearly defined goals. And you put all that on on our template, again, we have an AI algorithm that makes it super simple to customize that to your life, and you just feed that to yourself every day, either by Reading it or listening to it, and it is a game changer, and so we're glad you're watching this podcast, and we'll continue to go deeper and deeper on this so until next time, we'll see.