Sept. 26, 2024

The Creation Of Your Thoughts – You Can Influence It

The Creation Of Your Thoughts – You Can Influence It

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John explained the topic of today’s episode. The creation of your thoughts – you can influence it. And John presented an interesting concept. The thoughts that are going on in your head on an ongoing basis determine both your level of success as well as your enjoyment of life. No one denies that. But what’s interesting is you can influence your thoughts when they are created. Let me restate that. When they are created.

And here’s the opportunity. 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. The fact that they are unconscious is actually the opportunity. Because if the opposite were true, and the majority of your thoughts were conscious, it be impossible to control your thoughts. But the key thing to appreciate is that since they are unconscious, that’s actually the opportunity. The vast majority of thoughts actually originate in the subconscious mind. And by properly programming the subconscious mind with the succinct articulation of your life each day, exactly what you want to accomplish and how you’re going to accomplish your goals, that’s the repetition that influences the subconscious mind. That’s what then causes the right thoughts to happen at their creation. Which then in turn causes the right actions to happen.

But the big take away from today’s episode is that you can influence the creation of your thoughts. The other big take away is that 98% of people don’t do anything to influence their subconscious mind. That’s exactly why so many people only use their conscious mind to set intentions. Then they are puzzled as to why those intentions never turn into reality. Well it’s because they’re not influencing the part of their brain that controls their actions. The subconscious mind. Therefore the needed actions don’t happen to turn those intentions into reality. All that is fixed with our 12 minute a day morning routine that influences your mindset. More specifically influences the creation of your thoughts in the mechanism that is generating your thoughts. The subconscious mind.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at



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Kelly Hatfield:

Welcome to The Missing Secret Podcast.

John Mitchell:

I'm Kelly Hatfield and I'm John Mitchell, so I've got a great topic for us today. And the topic is the creation of your thoughts. You can influence it. What do you think about that? You buy it.

Kelly Hatfield:

I buy it. I buy it because I've seen it in action. So let's dig in.

John Mitchell:

Okay, well, you know, just think about this. So the thoughts that are going on in your head on an ongoing basis affect not only your success, but also your enjoyment of life, right? Yep, you think everybody understands that? Would buy that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I think so it's very logical. And I think you know, with what you just shared, two people, can you know themselves in that say, yes, when I'm thinking negatively, I don't feel great. You know, I don't have as great of an experience. So yeah, continue to elaborate. I like going with this

John Mitchell:

So you can influence your thoughts when they are created. That's the key thing I want people to understand when they are created. And and the opportunity exists because 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious and and let me explain to our audience now, basically, thoughts and actions work. Well, you cannot take an action without it being preceded by a thought. So a thought has to happen before an action can happen. Now that can that can happen at the subconscious level, or it can happen at the conscious level. In other words, you can have an unconscious thought and it generates an unconscious action, or you can have a conscious thought and it causes a conscious action. And so, you know, the idea, though, is that every thought is created in the subconscious mind. I mean, every thought is 100% of your thoughts are created in the subconscious mind, and 5% of the time those thoughts bubble up into the conscious mind, but 95% they stay in the subconscious mind. And so the opportunity here, as we know how the human mind works, conscious mind says the intention is influenced by logic. Subconscious Mind exposure daily actions influenced only by repetition. So when you create the repetition of feeding the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day, that's the repetition the subconscious mind needs in order to create the right thoughts, to create the right actions. And you know, if that was not true, if, if, let's say it was flipped, 95% of your your thoughts and actions were conscious, it'd be impossible to control. I mean, once a thought happens, there's no controlling I mean, there's no controlling it, even at the subconscious level, once the thought happens. But when you get into the mechanism that is generating the thought, the subconscious mind, and you feed that repetition of, here's exactly the person I want to be. Here's what I want to accomplish, here's how I'm going to achieve my goals. And you feed that repetition to the subconscious mind, it impacts the creation of the thoughts. Does that all make sense?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, nope, it makes perfect sense. Well. And you know,

John Mitchell:

I'll give you an example. This has happened this weekend, then and so and maybe, before I give this example, let me explain something that I just explained to my my class last week. So you know, there's four types of people. There's four distinct types of people you AI. It is called, basically the DISC profile. And which type of person you are is a function of how quickly you do things. Some people are fast, some people are slow, and also what your orientation is regarding either people or tasks. Some people are way more task oriented and less people oriented, and then other people are vice versa. And so, you know, you're either you're one of these four types. You're either a D, which is, you know, the dominant, get it done. Get it done yesterday, focused on tasks. That's your typical CEO time. And that would be me. Then the I would be the influencer, the people person, they tend to be going fast, but they're way more oriented to the people than to the task. Then you have the S, which is the steady ed that the team player that gets things done very. Dependable, but they tend to be slow moving and and people oriented. And then you have the C, which is conscientious best perfections, and where everything has to be done just right, and they're slow moving. And so the gin is a C, and again on embad, so this weekend, she, on Saturday, she tells me, well, the grandkids are coming out. Okay, that's, that's great. She says, you know, let's set up a slit and slide so they can, you know, have fun on on this, and sort of slide down the hill that we have here. And so I'm thinking, okay, and I'm also thinking, Boy, I got about 30 things I could get done this weekend. But again, you know, that's okay. And so I've also learned with with ginger, that when you do a project, you don't want to be, you know, hand in hand, doing the project. It's better for First of all, for her to run the project, because otherwise she's going to go, No, you're not doing that right. You're not doing that right, you know? And it's better to break the project into segments where, babe, let me handle this part and you handle that part, rather than us do it together. Does that? That makes sense? Yep, makes perfect sense. Okay, so with that as a setup, here's what happens. So we go out and we start working on on this and setting up the slip and slide, and as we're starting it, it occurs to me I need to be flexible, patient and thoughtful. This is an opportunity. And so I see, you know, that's part of my visualization. I listened to that that morning and and that, but that's an example of where, okay, I'm about to do a project, and all of a sudden, in my conscious mind, the thought comes to me to be flexible, patient and thoughtful. So now it's in my conscious mind, and I'm now going to be flexible patient. I'm thoughtful. I'm going to be patient. This is going to take longer than I wish you would pay, but just no sense in in rushing this site. Resist the temptation to go, come on, babe, let's go just she's running the show. Be supported of it, and do my part and and, you know, do whatever I can to move it along, you know? So I see that that's a perfect example of what I fed myself in the morning. Created the unconscious thought to be patient, which then bubbled up into a conscious thought. And then I was patient. Now I gave you an example of of a situation where it's all unconscious. You know, one of the things I I feed myself is, is to have really good posture, and particularly to satellite posture when I go to and from the bathroom, semiautophen, and it's just crazy. Praise me to be, you know, posture conscious. Well, that's all happening, and pretty much unconsciously. You know it's just happening unconsciously, and I have the better posture from doing that, but you'll see that everything that that when you're doing this methodology, everything is happening purely subconsciously, and it happens automatically, and you sort of don't even know it. It happened like another example would be, when I'm eating, I articulate myself that I'm going to eat to to the point where I'm 80% full. Well, you know, generally what? I don't really think that when I'm eating, I just do it. But there's other things like that. This example of being patient, where the thought has to come into my conscious mind, and then I'm consciously being patient. So, you know, this is a small nuance that I'm just now grasping. What's your take on all that? No,

Kelly Hatfield:

I mean, I think it's so it's fascinating, and the benefits of this methodology for that, you know how I always mention when we talk about clarity, so you have to get clear first about those are the ways you want to show up in your marriage, you know, or in life in general, depending on how you work, yeah, because I have some different words for different relationships, even you know, for how I need to show you know what I mean. I what I mean, right? And so, you know, I'd be getting the clarity around that and then feeding that to yourself repetitively, because we talk all the time about identity and about showing up as the best version of yourself, and exactly what you're talking about, you know that could have without. It awareness and clarity you had around that particular situation. You know, I also commend you on knowing what your different styles are, so that you recognize that about your partner. And have you know what I mean, and because that could have gone sideways really fast, and I'm certain that probably before you started this methodology, there were some issues that maybe came up that you weren't necessarily proud of how you showed up in that moment, because you you know what I mean, and me too, so I love that story you just shared, because it's a perfect illustration of how this methodology helps you show up as the best version of yourself in the different areas of your life and and the science behind that well

John Mitchell:

And, you know, it shows you how in life you you evolve, like, like, this idea of understanding that there's four different types of people, you know, I really didn't know understand that all that well until recently, and I see what a difference it makes. And you know, I'm teaching it to my students. And of course, that's a great thing. You know, when you teach it, you really got it or and so, you know, that's been powerful to make them realize that your partner is fundamentally processes information differently than you, in fact. And I don't know if I mentioned this, but ginger and I taught my flat house marriage a week ago. I think it was, I guess it was a week last Tuesday, and that was totally bad. I mean, like that, we taught them how to make a bracelet on a partner, and then once you find the right partner, you know how to have a great relationship. And I did explain to them that I am the expert on relate. I know, I know I don't have to explain that to you. But since I did get married until my late 50s, you know, I had, I've had more relationships than anybody. I've interviewed more people than

Kelly Hatfield:

Interviewed, quote, unquote,

John Mitchell:

Okay, baking, and more baking than anybody else. Thank you very much. But you know, and the other thing that's interesting with my class. You know, it's so fascinating to me, maybe to look nobody else, but it's fascinating to me how, how our podcast and that class, we back and forth between each other, because the our podcast will did spur something for me to talk about in our class, and vice versa. And so, you know, this happened just last few days. So I, this is the second I, I gave them. I given them two assignments to this point. The first assignment was write your eulogy, because I wanted them to sort of start with the end of my decide, you know, am going to create their live GPS template I want to see, you know, so what is the ideal you that, that you want to create? So that was a good starting point, and I had to do it using chat GPT, which was made it particularly interesting. And then I basically had to do their personal mission statement that that you know 75 to 100 word statement that really drives you emotionally about your life. And I also had an answer four questions about the stuff I had thought of. And obviously I taught them that the most significant thing I remember my life was that 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. And I said, you know, what's the implication for you? Well, most of them got it, but some of them said, well, the implication is that I need to make more of my thoughts conscious. No, no, that is not correct. You're not going to change the percentage is always going to be 5% conscious, 95 unconscious. The difference, though, is that I'm going to give you the ability to control those 95% that are unconscious. But you know, had you ever heard that? The people, when they hear about our methodology, they think, Oh, I'm gonna become more conscious of my thoughts.

Kelly Hatfield:

I've actually, yeah, it's like, well, how do I become more conscious? Conscious? And it's like, well, you don't that's hard, you know, that's part of the challenge with the human brain is magnificent as it is. You know, this is how it's designed. There's no overriding the design of it reprogramming that subconscious is where the magic is. It's you can't do it the other way around. That's if we did, we would be exhausted if we tried to think consciously. I mean, think about too. And this is the example I would give when people would mention that I'm like, do you think about tying your shoes? You know, brushing your teeth? No What if you had to think about consciously every single motion, of putting your tooth, toothpaste on your toothbrush, of moving it up and down, of like putting the like with your shoes, if you had to think about every single thing you did, you wouldn't be able to accomplish anything else. Like your brain is designed to do so many of those things unconsciously, because it has so many other things to do, like help you breathe, run all of your processes in your body, right? Your heartbeat, you know, those kinds of things,

John Mitchell:

All right, yeah, little things.

Kelly Hatfield:

So, you know, that's a good way sometimes of helping people understand. Just think about if you had to think about those things, you know. So, no, you got to get that same repetition that you use where maybe you leave the bathroom and you're like, I don't even remember brushing my teeth, but I did, I can, because you're doing it at that subconscious level, and it's so on autopilot. That's the That's the trick. You've got to get all of these other things that are so good into that subconscious part, right? And so, yeah, that's helped drive the point home, because I have had people say that, why? How do you get that those conscious thoughts to be more than 5% Yeah? Well, you don't,

John Mitchell:

Right, yeah. Well, and, you know, think I told our last mud it would be the exception. And you know what I've been telling is that the way that most people operate is they're purely conscious mind, so all they're doing is they're setting their intentions, using logic to set them, and then they live their life and they go, what? Why? Why don't my intentions always turn into, you know, reality? Well, it's because they're not influencing the part of the brain that is in charge of your actions. Doing is setting the attention, or you are great at setting the intention. Nobody better than you at setting the attention, but virtually 98 to 99% of the entire world does nothing to influence the part of the brain that's carrying out the actions to make the intentions a reality. I make you know it's mind blowing to me that more people don't understand this. It just is stunning to me and that. But I'll tell you one of the things you know, at the University of Texas, you know, our motto is What starts here changes the world. And I read that every day in my visualization. Now, it's such a cool say, and I'm totally believing it. So it's just pretty cool.

Kelly Hatfield:

Will you say that again? What was that?

John Mitchell:

What starts here changes the world.

Kelly Hatfield:

What starts here changes the world. I love that. I hadn't heard that. Yeah,

John Mitchell:

Walter Cronkite went to University of Texas, and he was a spokesperson for it. And you you know, any ut event that was on national TV, you'd see Walter, or maybe you'd hear him say, you know, What starts here changes the world. And, you know, it's just a totally cool environment, because we have like, three or four Nobel Prize winners on the faculty. And, I mean, it's sharp teachers and and I am totally impressed with how sharp the students are, especially as I'm getting them in their their senior year, you know, they're a little afraid of the real world, which is good, because they're they're open to what I'm teaching them, but, but, you know, my students are just a microcosm of our audience for this podcast. You know, I mean, whether you're learning this methodology at 20 or 50, it's just a game changer and and it's so different than how everybody else is doing life. And that's what I love about it. If you want the average light keep on doing what everybody else is doing, but if you, if you want the exceptional life, she got to do something radically different than everybody else. Right?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yep, absolutely. And I love RO, you said something, and I know we need to wrap, but you said you can't believe that people don't get that, you know, the science behind it, that they don't understand how the human mind works. And, you know, but, and I'll go back to the story that I told in the last episode about when we met and we were, you were a guest on the podcast, and you started explaining this to me, and a light sparked for me. And I was like, I have never heard this before, like, and I'm a growth. I love growth. I've never heard anybody and as soon as we started working on this together, it was like a a veil had been lifted, you know, and like, a weight had been lifted. And I was like, Oh my gosh, you know, I get how, and it's just been, you know, forward trajectory and upward trajectory from there. And so again, just in terms of being the exception, that this is, like having a superpower, because I just, I can't believe it either, like. Right? It's so simple, right, right? So simple, you know, and all of this struggling that I'd done all of those years to fight my Now, I understand what it was. I think so many people get frustrated with themselves because they're operating in that subconscious, and they don't have it program. So they'll set that intention to achieve something like, you know, I don't know, maybe related to health or something. We'll just do something easy that everybody I think can relate to at some point. And then you, you know, you go, Gung, hell, you're real excited about it for two, three, maybe a week, you know, days, maybe a week. And then all of a sudden, you're back to the way you were doing things before. And then you beat yourself up over it, right? And you, I'm sure there are many people who are listening who can relate to that in one way, shape or form, that is exactly what you're talking about. Here. Is when this was introduced to me, and I recognized and understood physiologically, like, how the brain is designed, how the mind works. It explained that, and it was like, oh, like, Okay, well, now I understand that. Now that I understand that why that's happening, I'm not going to judge myself for that. I'm going to use this methodology. I'm going to reprogram my subconscious conscience, and I'm exactly as a result of that. I mean, so many wonderful things that we've talked about before have come into existence because of this methodology, and understanding that about how your brain works, and then doing something about it,

John Mitchell:

Right. You know, because it's so simple, I think that everybody should do it. But you know, one thing I fundamentally understand about human nature and about about humans is that we are wired for survival, and survival of the human species does not work if you have 100% of the people living the exceptional life and doing all the things required to to have the exceptional life is as great as that would be. Consensually, you can only have about 2% of the population being the true leaders and drivers of the society, which I find fascinating. But that's the, you know, that's, that's true, that only 2% really are the movers and shakers, and that's, that's how God designed the human existence is, is that's the number that makes this saying go for long term survival, which is fascinating, I think. Well, we will consider delving into that a little deeper next time, but until next time, we'll see you.