March 16, 2023

Pivotal Moments Where Your Trajectory Changed – The Lessons Learned

Pivotal Moments Where Your Trajectory Changed – The Lessons Learned

In this episode John and Kelly talk about moments in their life where it changed their trajectory. Kelly talks about when she first became an entrepreneur in the employment field. What drove her to make the leap. And Kelly talks about the lessons she learned. John talks about when he launched into being an entrepreneur in the real estate development field when he was 30 years old. After starting out as a CPA. How he learned that not everyone has the same sense of fairness and the desire to be fair with everyone. Kelly then talks about the life-changing moment when she met John and he taught her the 12 minute a day technique that applies the full secret of the book think and grow Rich. How that gave her control over her life. It took an outsider to enlighten Kelly. John also talks about when he was frustrated with his life at 50. Not as successful as he thought he should be. So he decides go find the top book the world on success and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That book is think and grow Rich. It’s been read by over 100 million people. In the book it says there’s a secret for success. But the author only gives us half the secret. John figures out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it. It causes his income to go up by 25 times over what he was making the prior 20 years. John talks about looking for a true success formula throughout his life. He knew if you ever found one, it had to be simple. And sure enough, it was simple. Create immense clarity about your life, feed it to yourself every day, it then impacts your daily actions and those upgraded daily actions then creates life you want. Powerfully simple. The big take away is when you feel stuck in your life, getting unstuck will require the input of someone else. For Kelly it was meeting John. For John, it was reading the book think and grow Rich at the exact right time.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at




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Kelly Hatfield:

We believe life is precious. This is it. We've

Kelly Hatfield:

got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to

Kelly Hatfield:

maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our

Kelly Hatfield:

full potential.

John Mitchell:

Are you living up to your potential? Are you

John Mitchell:

frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't

John Mitchell:

seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next

John Mitchell:

level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.

Kelly Hatfield:

If this is hitting home, you're in the

Kelly Hatfield:

right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional

Kelly Hatfield:

life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher

Kelly Hatfield:

level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a

Kelly Hatfield:

fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that

Kelly Hatfield:

once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you

Kelly Hatfield:

learn it, watch what happens. Welcome to think it via the

Kelly Hatfield:

podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield.

John Mitchell:

Hey. And I'm John Michell. So Kelly, let's, let's

John Mitchell:

do something interesting today. Yeah, for something interesting.

John Mitchell:

Always I know, you all know you are. So think about your life,

John Mitchell:

and think about the pivotal moments in your life. And that

John Mitchell:

really changed your, your trajectory and think of in terms

John Mitchell:

of what led to that moment. What was the change, and now from a

John Mitchell:

perspective standpoint, the impact of that, that change, and

John Mitchell:

I'm thinking you do one, I'll do one, and we'll go back and

John Mitchell:

forth. But I think the value to our audience really is, is

John Mitchell:

really understanding how you evolve in your life. And

John Mitchell:

sometimes that that evolution is a function of, of being

John Mitchell:

disgusted with your existing life. And, and what it takes to,

John Mitchell:

you know, get to that moment where things actually change. So

John Mitchell:

with that as a preview, let's launch into it.

Kelly Hatfield:

Okay, sounds good. And what you just said

Kelly Hatfield:

reminds me of like, the people are either either moving away

Kelly Hatfield:

from pain, or towards pleasure. You know, and so this the, did

Kelly Hatfield:

you want to go first with your story? Or do you want me

John Mitchell:

to I'd rather interview you? Okay.

Kelly Hatfield:

Okay, perfect. And I think for me, the story

Kelly Hatfield:

that I will share is about moving away from pain, you know,

Kelly Hatfield:

and at the same time, the outcome is a pleasurable one,

Kelly Hatfield:

although it was a painful, a painful journey. So, for me, I

Kelly Hatfield:

think one of the pivotal moments that stands out, you know, in my

Kelly Hatfield:

adult life, would be my decision to leave a job that I had worked

Kelly Hatfield:

out for nearly 14 years, and start my own business. And

Kelly Hatfield:

really, where I was at in my headspace, was I'd always wanted

Kelly Hatfield:

to be an entrepreneur. I mean, you know that I was in a DECA

Kelly Hatfield:

competition in high school. And, you know, when entrepreneurship

Kelly Hatfield:

and like, I knew I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I

Kelly Hatfield:

fell into this great job after school, and just fell in love

Kelly Hatfield:

with it. Well, like many things, we talk about this all the time

Kelly Hatfield:

with being on autopilot. I blinked my eyes and 10 years had

Kelly Hatfield:

gone by, and I wasn't an entrepreneur, you know, and I

Kelly Hatfield:

still talked about, oh, I really want to do this. I you know, and

Kelly Hatfield:

I've shared that story. And some people may have heard this

Kelly Hatfield:

already, but about a mentor of mine, who said, You keep talking

Kelly Hatfield:

about this, you know, like, well, what if you were however,

Kelly Hatfield:

you and I were having the same conversation that we've had 20

Kelly Hatfield:

times already, three years from now, how would you feel about

Kelly Hatfield:

that? And I said, disappointed. And he said, Well, you better

Kelly Hatfield:

get to get and, you know, if you're going to make a change in

Kelly Hatfield:

your life, you know, and so it was that cold glass of water I

Kelly Hatfield:

needed first of all, that I was saying stuff that I wasn't

Kelly Hatfield:

following up on. And I'd had this dream and everything. And

Kelly Hatfield:

then a couple of pivotal things happened in the actual role

Kelly Hatfield:

itself with the ownership. That was I knew, I was like, I got I

Kelly Hatfield:

had great ideas. I really was excited about growing somebody

Kelly Hatfield:

else's company, at that time, still getting pushed back, you

Kelly Hatfield:

know, and then they made a couple of really poor decisions.

Kelly Hatfield:

And, and so I'm like, I if I'm gonna do this, I've just got to

Kelly Hatfield:

do it. And I've got to jump, you know, so I started the whole

Kelly Hatfield:

research prop process, you know, to make that move and do it, but

Kelly Hatfield:

it was painful. I gave a month notice. These people were like,

Kelly Hatfield:

family, they, you know, I'd been with him for 14 years. I was 22

Kelly Hatfield:

when I started there was a baby, you know, and you know, and I

Kelly Hatfield:

I've learned some valuable lessons through that process. So

Kelly Hatfield:

first of all, just the pain of of making a change and losing

Kelly Hatfield:

all stability, you know, from a six figure job at the time,

Kelly Hatfield:

which for me was was, I slowly, you know, climbed, climbed the

Kelly Hatfield:

ranks and was six figures to no money I'd been saving. But, you

Kelly Hatfield:

know, it was so that was super scary. And then I got a cold,

Kelly Hatfield:

hard dose of reality in understanding that businesses

Kelly Hatfield:

business, you know, and what I thought were like loyalty, the

Kelly Hatfield:

reason why I stayed was this deep sense of loyalty, I felt to

Kelly Hatfield:

these people, only to find that that really wasn't returned. You

Kelly Hatfield:

know what I mean, it wasn't straight. Exactly. I got some

Kelly Hatfield:

life lessons as far as that was concerned. You know, and I

Kelly Hatfield:

think, the best decision of my life, you know, but there's

Kelly Hatfield:

something that's interesting that happens when you make a

Kelly Hatfield:

major change like that, even though like, I made the move

Kelly Hatfield:

away from pain, because I could do the job in my sleep, I wasn't

Kelly Hatfield:

challenged, I was so disappointed in myself that I

Kelly Hatfield:

wasn't living up to the expectations I had for myself

Kelly Hatfield:

for making the impact I wanted to make. So that was a painful

Kelly Hatfield:

place for me. But then something really interesting happened that

Kelly Hatfield:

I wasn't expecting, which was when I made that move from being

Kelly Hatfield:

a W two employee, to being a business owner. And sitting in

Kelly Hatfield:

my own office, like literally after doing the exit interview,

Kelly Hatfield:

I now I'm sitting in office space that I leased that

Kelly Hatfield:

afternoon, me and my business partner, and looking at each

Kelly Hatfield:

other you know, but you we wrapped so much of our identity

Kelly Hatfield:

up in our profession, in our in our career, and I was the

Kelly Hatfield:

expert, like, I knew how to do everything. And then all of a

Kelly Hatfield:

sudden, I don't know what to do. So this journey for the next

Kelly Hatfield:

three years of business, starting one in the depths of a

Kelly Hatfield:

recession was a painful, was a painful journey. But what was on

Kelly Hatfield:

the other side of it by just having that grit and

Kelly Hatfield:

determination, resilience to keep picking yourself up,

Kelly Hatfield:

dusting yourself off and moving forward. You know, was, I mean

Kelly Hatfield:

the best, it was the best decision I ever made.

John Mitchell:

Right? So So back. When you when you did

John Mitchell:

this, had you been telling yourself that, that I'm going to

John Mitchell:

be an entrepreneur?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yes. Like for years. Yeah, I've been like, I

Kelly Hatfield:

want to own my own business, I want to I love this work. I want

Kelly Hatfield:

to do this for myself or something, but I want to work

Kelly Hatfield:

for myself, right? And be an entrepreneur,

John Mitchell:

so So did you feel like you weren't doing what

John Mitchell:

you were, say, saying you were gonna do

Kelly Hatfield:

100% I felt like I was letting myself down. But I

Kelly Hatfield:

wasn't keeping my word. I kept saying I was gonna do this. And

Kelly Hatfield:

that's why again, that whole glass of water from that mentor,

Kelly Hatfield:

which was like, we keep talking about this, and you're not doing

Kelly Hatfield:

anything, you know, and that called out to me, too, and said

Kelly Hatfield:

out loud and reflected back to me felt awful. Yeah, you know,

Kelly Hatfield:

not congruent with who I am as a person, you know what I mean? So

Kelly Hatfield:

I was totally out of congruence, and, and aligned and out of

Kelly Hatfield:


John Mitchell:

You know, that's a, that's an interesting thing,

John Mitchell:

in that an outsider had to smack you upside the head, basically,

John Mitchell:

you know, and I think that's, that's how change happens is

John Mitchell:

either reality slaps you upside your head, or a person does. And

John Mitchell:

that's, that's powerful, because you're so into your own head,

John Mitchell:

that, that you can't see the forest for the trees sometimes,

John Mitchell:

when they

Kelly Hatfield:

when we talk about the subconscious all of

Kelly Hatfield:

the time, and our autopilot. And our and that's why I said

Kelly Hatfield:

literally, if 10 years went by, like a blink of an eye, you get

Kelly Hatfield:

into that onto that treadmill. And, you know, all of a sudden,

Kelly Hatfield:

it's like, oh, another weeks gone by six months have gone by,

Kelly Hatfield:

and here I am. And you know, at that time, I'm 32 I think, and

Kelly Hatfield:

I'm like, All right, the clock is ticking, you know, so so that

Kelly Hatfield:

that was a major pivotal point for me. How about you?

John Mitchell:

You know, I, I'll tell I'll tell basically this

John Mitchell:

story when I became an entrepreneur, too. I you know,

John Mitchell:

as is, as I may have mentioned, I started out as a CPA and, and

John Mitchell:

by the time I was like, 27 or 28 Well, I didn't want to be an

John Mitchell:

accountant all my life and but it was a good, good background.

John Mitchell:

And so I remember getting hooked up with these, these three guys

John Mitchell:

that were sold tax shelters to CPAs. And they were they were

John Mitchell:

players. You know, they were they were true salesmen but they

John Mitchell:

and they were in their 40s and 50s. And, and ultimately, I go

John Mitchell:

to them and tell them hey, you know, I don't want to be a CPA

John Mitchell:

anymore. Uh, in an hour, I, I knew that I had to be an

John Mitchell:

entrepreneur to really have control of my life, didn't know

John Mitchell:

what that exactly look like, but I knew Stan as a CPA was going

John Mitchell:

to be the path. So I evolved to telling him, you know, let's let

John Mitchell:

me come work for you, because you're looking at all sorts of

John Mitchell:

tax deals, and you need somebody that can tell you whether they

John Mitchell:

will fly from the tax code standpoint, and whether they

John Mitchell:

will fly economically, again, by these guys are, there are our

John Mitchell:

salesmen and polish salesmen. And so they said, Sure, come

John Mitchell:

come work for us. You can office with us, we'll pay you what

John Mitchell:

you're making as a CPA, which is like, you know, literally 30,000

John Mitchell:

a year at the time, which shows you how long ago this was. And,

John Mitchell:

and so I, I do that, and don't know where it's going and, and,

John Mitchell:

you know, I can sort of do my own thing on the side, whatever

John Mitchell:

that might be. And to make a long story short, I find a deal

John Mitchell:

on my own, not through their sources. And I show it to them,

John Mitchell:

they say, Boy, this would be great. We could sell the heck

John Mitchell:

out of this, it was a real estate development deal around a

John Mitchell:

tax shelter, building, basically apartments. And they go, Well,

John Mitchell:

you know, boy, we could sell this, but we're not developers.

John Mitchell:

And so I'm like, Well, how tough could it be, you know, you find

John Mitchell:

the land, find the Arctic, find the builder, and make a long

John Mitchell:

story short, I put it together. And then right before it was

John Mitchell:

about to, to launch, I get fired. And, and because I didn't

John Mitchell:

bring any financial strength to the equation. Of course, all

John Mitchell:

this was done on a handshake. Because I didn't have the, the,

John Mitchell:

you know, sometimes deals are just done on a handshake,

John Mitchell:

because that's how it is like, you try to have to trust people.

John Mitchell:

And into that inning, it ended up that they they screwed me.

John Mitchell:

And after I pounded around for literally three days, on the

John Mitchell:

third day, I get out and like, go screw them, I'll do it again.

John Mitchell:

And truly, by the grace of God, I was able to do it again and

John Mitchell:

create my own deal. And that launched me for the rest of my

John Mitchell:

life as an entrepreneur. And, you know, I look at what's so

John Mitchell:

what's the takeaway from that? First of all, like, like, you,

John Mitchell:

you know, you think everybody has the same sort of ethics and,

John Mitchell:

and, and sense of right and wrong, that that you do, and,

John Mitchell:

and they don't. And that's just the cold, hard world. And I look

John Mitchell:

back now, and I'm like, boy, best thing that ever happened to

John Mitchell:

me, you know, best saying that they screwed me because, you

John Mitchell:

know, I, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. And even in

John Mitchell:

my visualization today, I think about it every day. Because I

John Mitchell:

exhibited three characteristics at that point, because of that

John Mitchell:

happening. I was courageous to, to embrace being an

John Mitchell:

entrepreneur. I was ambitious, wanting, wanting more. And I was

John Mitchell:

resilient, to pick myself back up and that experience of, of

John Mitchell:

getting essentially fired. And, and all that best thing that

John Mitchell:

ever could have happened to me my life. You know, from that

John Mitchell:

point on, I was always an entrepreneur, never never went

John Mitchell:

back being an employee. And I'm so thankful for that, even

John Mitchell:

though at the time it was pretty much of a nightmare.

Kelly Hatfield:

No, and I love to, you know, like you Okay, so

Kelly Hatfield:

there were some things that you learned, by going through that

Kelly Hatfield:

experience, just as I did, either, whether it's about

Kelly Hatfield:

people, whether or not everything is fair, whether

Kelly Hatfield:

it's, you know, that you as a result of going through that.

Kelly Hatfield:

There's a tremendous, there's lessons around every corner and

Kelly Hatfield:

what you went through, you know, about yourself, about other

Kelly Hatfield:

people about how maybe you will treat other people and go into

Kelly Hatfield:

deals because I know, one of your, you know, pieces in your

Kelly Hatfield:

visualization is that you will always be fair, and do the right

Kelly Hatfield:

thing. You know, and I think you've become a better business

Kelly Hatfield:

person and, you know, human as a result of having interactions

Kelly Hatfield:

with people like that, or going through some of those things

Kelly Hatfield:

were like, Okay, I just was, I just saw an example of how I'm

Kelly Hatfield:

not going to show up, you know, in the world, you know, that's

Kelly Hatfield:

exact opposite of how I'm going to do business or whatever the

Kelly Hatfield:

case may Be?

John Mitchell:

Yeah, you know, I tell you, this may be a man

John Mitchell:

thing. But every once awhile I threw all out the years, I'm

John Mitchell:

like, you know, I drive down to Dallas and just kick their ass,

John Mitchell:

kick their friggin ass. But I'm like, you know, wait a minute,

John Mitchell:

they did me the greatest favor ever. Right? But they still

John Mitchell:

disrespected me. So they carve out the time to go kick their

John Mitchell:

butt. So, so tell another on you.

Kelly Hatfield:

I think the next one that just comes to mind, you

Kelly Hatfield:

know, that guy, there's so many things along the way. But I when

Kelly Hatfield:

I think of pivotal, something that was really life changing,

Kelly Hatfield:

and I'll stay along this idea of, of entrepreneurship, but it

Kelly Hatfield:

was with you and I need him. Yeah, it was with doing having

Kelly Hatfield:

you as a guest on the podcast, and learning and understanding

Kelly Hatfield:

more about the subconscious how it works. I mean, I've talked

Kelly Hatfield:

about this so many times, where it was just such a relief, I was

Kelly Hatfield:

like, oh, you know, now I get why, you know, I keep kind of

Kelly Hatfield:

hitting my head up against a wall or a ceiling, you know,

Kelly Hatfield:

with and not being able to move beyond it. And so, you know,

Kelly Hatfield:

backing up where I was at, in that point in my life was that I

Kelly Hatfield:

built a successful business, you know, eight figures from a

Kelly Hatfield:

revenue standpoint. But we just kept my business partner and I

Kelly Hatfield:

kept having the same problems, same issues with with leadership

Kelly Hatfield:

with team size, with just not being able to reach that next

Kelly Hatfield:

level within the business. And so I was frustrated, you know, I

Kelly Hatfield:

knew that what got us to where we were working wasn't going to

Kelly Hatfield:

be the same things that got us to the next level. And then I

Kelly Hatfield:

was going to need new tools, I was going to need new knowledge.

Kelly Hatfield:

And it was going to it was going to take something different,

Kelly Hatfield:

obviously than then what we had been doing. And, and then, you

Kelly Hatfield:

know, so I started that journey of okay, well, I'll do the

Kelly Hatfield:

podcast for a few different reasons, you know, it had a

Kelly Hatfield:

business, you know, to bring in leads, but it also was selfish

Kelly Hatfield:

in the respect that I got to interview brilliant people,

Kelly Hatfield:

John, who, you know, where I could learn, you know, and learn

Kelly Hatfield:

from people who blazed the path before me, or who'd been through

Kelly Hatfield:

or who are, are where I want to be and pick their brains. And so

Kelly Hatfield:

that's when you and I met, and I learned that technique. And life

Kelly Hatfield:

just got easier. I know what I mean, and better and less

Kelly Hatfield:

stressful and more focused. And, you know, I just started making

Kelly Hatfield:

real leaps in games, personally and professionally. You know, so

Kelly Hatfield:

and it did more than I ever thought it would, you know, I

Kelly Hatfield:

was initially like, Okay, I'm going to break through to the

Kelly Hatfield:

next level in my business. And I was really focused on netting a

Kelly Hatfield:

million and, you know, but what happened on the path to getting

Kelly Hatfield:

there, and who I have become and becoming still evolving, as a

Kelly Hatfield:

result of that is, I mean, was just super pivotal for me. And

Kelly Hatfield:

so for me, that wasn't, there was pain associated there. But

Kelly Hatfield:

we were in good shape, I was making a really great living.

Kelly Hatfield:

And for me, that was moving toward pleasure. But also I was

Kelly Hatfield:

at another pivotal point in my life where I felt like I was

Kelly Hatfield:

disappoint. I was letting myself down. Because I knew I had more

Kelly Hatfield:

gas in the tank. I knew I could make a bigger impact. And I

Kelly Hatfield:

wasn't doing it. I was I got comfortable again. And so it was

Kelly Hatfield:

that next tool that I needed in my arsenal to get to that next

Kelly Hatfield:

phase. Does that make sense?

John Mitchell:

Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, I suspect that part of

John Mitchell:

it was because you had an immense sense of control over

John Mitchell:

your life in a way that you hadn't had before. Right.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah. I mean, that was definitely one of the

Kelly Hatfield:

pieces for sure. And that immense sense of control. I

Kelly Hatfield:

think one of the things that I didn't expect, because I was

Kelly Hatfield:

frazzled. You know, I again, working harder, and then but,

Kelly Hatfield:

but the profit was the same, you know, revenue was going up,

Kelly Hatfield:

profit was staying the same and like, What the hell is going on

Kelly Hatfield:

here? I'm exhausted, I'm sacrificing all the that these

Kelly Hatfield:

other areas of my life, you know, and so


I, so, the

Kelly Hatfield:

gaining control and then also, as a result of

Kelly Hatfield:

that, reducing stress, which you don't realize the degree to how

Kelly Hatfield:

much energy being stressed takes up. I mean, no

John Mitchell:

stress is pure control. Exactly. The feeling of

John Mitchell:

lack of control.

Kelly Hatfield:

Exactly. So so yeah. 100% would agree that the

Kelly Hatfield:

you know, gaining control over my life to a level beyond what I

Kelly Hatfield:

ever experienced before, like, I didn't even know that that level

Kelly Hatfield:

of control existed. You know, I'm and I'm in control, you

Kelly Hatfield:

know, I like to control things.

John Mitchell:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I noticed I'm like, Oh wow, this

Kelly Hatfield:

is like I'm superpower.

John Mitchell:

Right, right. I know. Well, you know that that

John Mitchell:

is on my head that reminds me of, you know, when I was 50 and,

John Mitchell:

and being dissatisfied with 20 years of making low six figures

John Mitchell:

a year and, and then, you know, deciding, I look back and I see

John Mitchell:

how the pure power this to find the top book in the world on

John Mitchell:

success and apply that book literally word for word my life,

John Mitchell:

which is thinking Grow Rich read by 100 million people. And you

John Mitchell:

know, I didn't anticipate that when I was gonna do this, that

John Mitchell:

it would say there's a secret to success, but he's only gonna

John Mitchell:

give you half that secret. And, and you know, so I, you know

John Mitchell:

mope around for a little while and, and just then man up and,

John Mitchell:

and immerse myself in the book, read it 20 times, probably over

John Mitchell:

two months. And, and, and create this 12 minute day technique.

John Mitchell:

And, you know, now I look at it. And I'm like, This is so friggin

John Mitchell:

simple. And I always, you know, throughout my life always saw

John Mitchell:

it, there has got to be a success formula, that if you

John Mitchell:

just do this, it'll work. And you'll be successful. And I knew

John Mitchell:

it had to be simple. I just intuitively knew it had to be

John Mitchell:

simple. And I also saw that, where would be the most likely

John Mitchell:

place to find it? Well, maybe a book that is the top of the

John Mitchell:

world on success by a factor of 10. You know, the, the law of

John Mitchell:

large numbers tells you there's something there. And, and so

John Mitchell:

once I figured it out, and then I'm like, I step back now, and I

John Mitchell:

go, of course, it's simple. So you create this immense clarity

John Mitchell:

about your life, you know exactly the person, you want to

John Mitchell:

be exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely going

John Mitchell:

to how you're going to achieve your clearly defined goals. So

John Mitchell:

you take that clarity, you feed it to yourself every day, of

John Mitchell:

course, it impacts your daily actions. And then those enhanced

John Mitchell:

improved daily actions creates the life you want. Like, wow,

John Mitchell:

this thing doesn't get any simpler. And, and and I'm, I'm

John Mitchell:

always amazed at people. What are you not getting here? You

John Mitchell:

know, but but that's people. Yeah. And, and so I'm good. If

John Mitchell:

you don't, if you don't get it, that's fine. But if you do get

John Mitchell:

it great.


Yeah, there's just there's a better way. For sure.


Right. Brian, my gosh,

John Mitchell:

and I, you know, I'm so blown away about how it

John Mitchell:

impacts my marriage and my, my health as well as my career and,

John Mitchell:

and, you know, like, like you, you know, I started you know,

John Mitchell:

making, you know, multiple millions. And, and that was

John Mitchell:

great. And but I saw the, the just being able to play the game

John Mitchell:

of life at a higher level. And at my full potential. Boy, that

John Mitchell:

was the joy and is the joy for me. And but I see again, you

John Mitchell:

know, the, the wisdom for both of you may had to come from

John Mitchell:

somebody else, you know, I had to give it to you, and thinking

John Mitchell:

Grow Rich had to give it to me. You know, and I think that's the

John Mitchell:

lesson for our our audience today is, is figure out whatever

John Mitchell:

the challenge is in your life that you want to go to the next

John Mitchell:

level at, and then go find somebody else to help you do it.

John Mitchell:

Because you can't do it. If you could do it. You'd already have

John Mitchell:

done. Absolutely. So So you know, it's got to come from an

John Mitchell:

outsider's perspective. And so I think that's the lesson for the

John Mitchell:

day, right?


I love it. No, I

Kelly Hatfield:

think absolutely seek out, you know, those

Kelly Hatfield:

mentors seek out that knowledge, you know, somebody who's been

Kelly Hatfield:

where you want to go, you know, you talk to the most successful

Kelly Hatfield:

people in any field or in any lot in life. And that's exactly

Kelly Hatfield:

what they've done. They didn't do it alone. They talked to

Kelly Hatfield:

people who blazed the path before them and there's no need

Kelly Hatfield:

to reinvent the wheel. There's people who've done it, you know,

Kelly Hatfield:

you can make it better by but that's the lesson here is seek

Kelly Hatfield:

that knowledge out and, and there is a better way, a better

Kelly Hatfield:



Right. So,

John Mitchell:

you know, maybe maybe we'll we'll do another

John Mitchell:

episode on this. I you know, one of the things I would talk about

John Mitchell:

is, is deciding to get a I'm married to the ginge that was,

John Mitchell:

you know a big, a big thing. Maybe also how I found the

John Mitchell:

reverse mortgage business, which was really guy just looking down

John Mitchell:

on me and going, I'm going to help this poor slob. He's having

John Mitchell:

trouble. I don't know you think about a couple more on your end.

John Mitchell:

We'll do it. Maybe next. Next episode. Sounds good. We'll do

John Mitchell:

look okay. Okay, until next time, we'll see you.

Kelly Hatfield:

Thanks for listening today. If you've had

Kelly Hatfield:

your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an

Kelly Hatfield:

email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So

Kelly Hatfield:

email us at or

Kelly Hatfield: In the meantime, live the exceptional life