Our 2% Mastermind: Tweaking Up Your Visualization (Encore)

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly discuss the newly created quarterly “2% mastermind” that is free to all listeners of The Missing Secret Podcast. For those listeners who are doing our 12 minute a day methodology, you’re living your life quarter by quarter. Accordingly, you have a new goal each quarter for your career, a new goal for your marriage, and a new goal for your health. In the 2% mastermind we answer questions as you tweak up your visualization. We also give you examples of how we’re changing our own various goals.
During this podcast John and Kelly also talk about helping people doing the methodology really understand what their strategy for success is. Kelly talks about the evolution of her strategy for success with her recruitment firm. John explains the strategy of success for think it be, his human performance Company. Then John and Kelly talk about the importance of understanding what moves the needle. What really moves the needle. And making sure listeners understand that in the visualization when you talk about what moves the needle, it’s what activities you personally need to be focusing on.
Towards the end of the podcast John makes a pretty blunt statement. You gotta figure out your life. Nothing magical is going to happen in your life to make it what you want it to be. It’s all on you. You have to figure out your life. And the life GPS template is the tool for doing that. And the effect of the think it be it methodology is it affects one’s daily actions. It also affects one’s enjoyment of their life because it puts their life in perspective.
Buy John’s book, THE MISSING SECRET of the Legendary Book Think and Grow Rich : And a 12-minute-a-day technique to apply it here.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at john@thinkitbeit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mitchell-76483654/
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at kelly@thinkitbeit.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-hatfield-2a2610a/
Learn more about Think It Be It at https://thinkitbeit.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/think-it-be-it-llc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thinkitbeitcompany
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Welcome to The Missing Secret Podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield, hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So today the topic is our 2% quarterly mastermind is for you to tweak up your visualization. And so this is something we are just now starting to do. We just did it last last week, where every quarter you know you're if you're doing a methodology, you're living your life quarter by quarter. And so each quarter you have a new goal for your career, a new goal for your health, a new goal for your romantic relationship. And so as our community expands, I want to give people the ability to directly ask questions about it and and so last week of the quarter, we're going to, we're going to do that. And so if you want to be a part of that, just send me an email. Give me your email address, and then then when we do it at the end of each quarter, then I'm going to send you an email and just notify you about it, yeah, what do you think about that? Kelly, you think that's a good idea?
Kelly Hatfield:Oh, I think it's a great idea. I think, first of all, I mean, our, one of the, you know, pieces, the core pieces of the methodology, is looking at this on a quarterly basis and then getting that additional insight and all those nuances make all the difference in the world, and just, you know, best practices and kind of tricks of the train, so to speak, and how to look at this, I think that it's awesome that we've got that Q A session for people, because I think it makes all the difference well.
John Mitchell:And you know, one thing I see is that I think that we're changing our goals each quarter, but, but, you know, in my my book, when this episode launches, my book will be out, and I see that I explain in detail how to how to create your visualization and take it to the next level. But I also see that having a little one on one visit with people and helping them tweak it up is very valuable, and especially in the area of what moves the needle and what your strategy for success is and and like you know, once you talk about in in your business, what the strategy for success is today and how that's evolved, what does that look like?
Kelly Hatfield:Yeah, well, first of all, let me just say how it's evolved is that we really never had a strategy for success. We were, honestly, I say that, like, we had a tremendous amount of success and grew year over year, but it was like on by this. You know, by like, sheer will and intuition, and, you know, really hard work and doing probably things twice as hard as we needed to do them, and making twice as many mistakes as we needed to make. And so I would say that the, you know, it's changed in that this methodology gave me a true, you know, kind of framework and way to think about a success formula for our business, you know. So I would say in terms of its evolution, it went from, you know, not having a success strategy and just a wing and a prayer, right?
John Mitchell:Well, you know, I give the audience a little perspective on think it be it, and how I'm moving that forward in terms of a strategy for success. You know, it's been a 10 year journey for us, and for me in particular, you know, for the first two or three years, you know, I had to just make it work on other people. Then you and I met, we thought, okay, let's create this online course. And didn't go in the direction of a book. And off we go. We're super naive about, you know, who our target market was. And, of course, I see it now, you know, we thought, well, you know, really, the target market probably is entrepreneurs. I mean, you know, we're both entrepreneurs. You know, my, my story was, was pretty strong, that I 25x my my income. What entrepreneur doesn't want that, you know, so off we go and go in that direction for three or four years. And then I realized that's about the right direction. It's not for an entrepreneur. Because what I realized was that it's inch for people that are driven to play at their full potential, and most people, including entrepreneurs, are not driven to play at their full potential, you know, and I think only about 2% of people are, and that that has has been an evolution to to appreciate, well, who is the market, who, who really is this for? And not only do they have to be driven to play at their full potential, they also have to be deep. And I see that most people are not deep. You know? They. Are. They're not very reflective about their life. They're just going on. And even a person that that is driven may not be deep, but I'll tell you, if they're driven and they're deep and they want to play it to full potential, then they that's the target market. And so in terms of getting back to, you know, what the strategies and success is, you know, I just, like I told you offline, I just want to help people. You know, I got something that's life changing. I just want to help people. I don't need the money. I'm not against money, but, you know, I don't not doing things for money. And I see that explaining all this methodology in a book is the intelligent way to do it is also a low price point, so, you know, for 25 bucks, so I can learn something that changes their life. And so, you know, in terms of moving it forward, I just want to help a lot of people. And so the idea now is for me to go be on big podcasts that are at the intersection of success, spirituality and peak performance. And when I say big podcasts, I'm talking about podcasts that have a million or more people listening to them. And to launch my book, I'm on entrepreneurs on fire, and that has 2 million listeners. And so the book will launch in a big way. But that's my plan is, you know, I'm I'm busy teaching my class and and, you know, savoring my life, and I see that most bang for the buck is to get on the big podcast. So in my visualization, that's my strategy for success. But you can see the arc of of being confused about who the target market is to being crystal cleared now and and that's how I articulated in my visualization. Does that make sense?
Kelly Hatfield:Yeah, no, that makes perfect sense. And I think you know, when I look at our strategy for success, you know, and how it's evolved. And I made a joke, you know, about not having a strategy and just a week in a prayer. And I think, you know, what has evolved over time is how critical it is, you know, that we hire the right kind of individual and that right individual, and what makes up that profile has evolved, you know, over the years in terms of the people we add to our team that that like for us, you know. I mean, one of my businesses is a recruiting business, you know. And that's the key, one of the main ones. And so it starts with hiring the right person, adding the right person to the team, you know. And so, you know, what my priorities are is, I'm always interviewing for talent so that, you know, we've got a bench, you know, ready to come on board as the business grows, and that that has been the, you know, the bottleneck in our business has been not firing the right type of individual, which Then meant we had to restructure our compensation plan, all of those things came, you know, and have evolved over the years to where we are today, and then back to kind of what we talk about when we're looking at it quarterly, then we're going through and asking ourselves those questions, right? Like, you know, what's working? What's not working is the main thing, still the main thing has anything changed in our you know, so there's a process that we go through in business which then will carry over into, you know, my visualization each quarter, and, you know, continue to clarify and hone in on that. And it may be exactly the same that there's a whole process that I go through in business on a quarterly basis that will help dictate what changes are to be made to my visualization on a quarterly basis.
John Mitchell:And no doubt that practice of setting aside time to deep think a couple times a week is critical in that whole process.
Kelly Hatfield:Oh, my gosh, such a difference maker. And it goes back to what you were talking about, John earlier, where you were saying, you know, people aren't making the time to think deeply about anything. You know, we were, you know, by nature, have been trained, you know, through technology, to think very shallow and at the surface. So, and I think even you know technology, when I started the business 16 years ago, you know technology, obviously, there's so many things that are different now about the world then than they are now. So our strategy, obviously has changed around, you know, as a result of that. But what I'm finding, you know, like everybody, is that, again, we're being trained to think more and more shallow, so unless you are setting aside that time to think, and for me, I know, you know, I've upped my practice with it, because it makes such a difference in my life, but at a minimum two times a week, you know that you are blocking that time out to think more deeply about your life and your your business. If you're a business owner, your career, you know about your life in general, to be thinking more deeply about that in that thinking time a couple of times a week, at a minimum, where
John Mitchell:You know, your situation is so interesting to me now that you share this with me, that the evolution is now become to be clear about what the right person to hire is, and then go hire those, those people. Because no doubt, when you started, you were just hiring people that you sort of like, that that more or less fit the bill. And you sit them down, down in the chair, and say, and basically would say, here's how you recruit, here's how I do it. This is how we're doing it. Here go. And then took you a certain to a certain level of success. And then you realize, wait a minute, you know, these people are not performing quite like I want them to. And maybe, maybe the problem is the people I'm hiring,
Kelly Hatfield:Right? Yep, it could even be as simple as, like, a mindset. So for example, I had an epiphany moment a couple of weeks ago with a mentor of mine. We were having a conversation about a couple of employees, and he said, it sounds like they're doing social work. And I'm like, he goes social workers. Don't make big money in recruiting. You want to be a social worker, go work, you know, as a social worker, but, you know, so like, there was a it's like, okay, I need to change that. Even about when I onboard people, how I'm doing that, because I'm giving them the impression, yes, we change people's lives. Yes, we but like, if that is the only reason why you're doing this, then go be a social worker, you know, because it's not hiring the right type of person that has the drive ambition that's driven by the by the hunt, by the kill, by the you know what I mean, the those are two very, very different people, and so understanding that as my business has evolved, that's part of my strategy. Now, I gotta hire the right folks that have the right mentality for what we do, right,
John Mitchell:Right? Yeah, that's interesting. You know, you may remember this. When I was in the reverse mortgage business, I felt like my loan officers controlled me, rather than me control my loan officers, and this is like, you know, six or seven years into the business, and I'm like, I've had it. I'm sick of this. I'm going to be always recruiting. I'm going to create a bench. And I aggressively did that. And it took six months to sort of get it, and it got to the point where the tables turned and somebody didn't want to follow my system? I'm like, Hey, I got three other people ready to come take your job. You don't want to follow the system that, then that's okay. Give them good luck. But you know, we're gonna follow the system. And it truly changed who had control of the business. But you know, this is a point I want to make to our audience, is that your strategy for success is something you've got to figure out, and it will evolve. And once a quarter, you can really seriously take a hard look at it in your visualization, and you're really sort of, to some degree, continually evolving with it. And if it changes, you change it in your visualization, but, but certainly, once a quarter, you're going to do that, and you're also going to take a hard look at the two or three things that move the needle, you know. And again, those thinking sessions you're doing a couple times a week is, is helpful, but, but again, at the the end of the quarter, for the new quarter, you gotta really think about that. And so like, in your case, what's what moves the needle in in your business, for you, for me,
Kelly Hatfield:Specifically, yeah, for me specifically, it's leveraging my superpower, which is relationships, creating relationships with people you know, cultivating relationships with our clients, with our team, with it, which means I need to be on the phone, or I need to be in front of somebody you know, talking about our business, talking about our business in terms of with our internal team and training. But that is my connection. Is my superpower, and that is where we get the most leverage from my participation in the business these days, is through that activity. So 80% of the time, 80% of the time, I need to be developing relationships, and then that could be on my internal team, externally, with clients, with prospects, with vendors with, but I'm developing relationships.
John Mitchell:You know, of course, you have so many superpowers, it's hard to narrow down stop, and we can't even get into some of them on this. But you know, on this point of focusing on what moves the needle, remember, this is you, what you as the owner of the business or the owner of your career that that you're doing, not things that are conceptual, that move the the needle. It's the stuff, the activities that you're doing that move the needle. So don't because I was looking. Someone's visualization the other day, and they were talking about more or less, but three things move the needle into business. I don't care about that. I'm I'm concerned about what you're doing as is, what are your activities and so, and you know, that sort of brings me like, to the another point I wanted to talk about, you know, in to be successful in life, you know, you have to figure it out yourself. It's on you to figure out your your life. And I remember when I was 50, you know, really getting that because at some level I think I thought, well, something magical is going to openly happen, and I'm all of a sudden going to make a lot of money, and I'm all of a sudden going to meet the girl of my dreams, and I sort of to some degree, lend that in my 40s, and then when I got to be 50, I'm like, stop daydream, you know, figure out your damn life and make it happen. And you know, that started by by me deciding that, oh, can I I'm going to go find the top book of the world on success and apply that book, literally, word for word of my life. And so, boom, I go do that great idea, life changing idea. Because once I got into Think and Grow Rich, you know, the essence of it is to create immense clarity about your life. You know, what do you want to accomplish? How are you going to accomplish it? What are your specific goals? And then feed that to yourself every day. Well, that process of figuring out your life, the methodology forces you to do that. You know whether you want to or not, but it makes you figure out your life, which is the hardest thing. You know, the easy part is feeding it to yourself 12 minutes a day. But the point I want to make is that when you look yourself in the mirror, you have to be the one that figures out your life. Nobody else is going to do it for you. There's not going to be some magic thing that's going to happen. You have to figure it out for yourself, and the sooner you embrace that, the better off you're going to be. Would you agree with that?
Kelly Hatfield:Yeah, yeah, 100% I think that's the reason why that's such a challenge, you know, is we've already talked about it. You know, we've been so trained to be distracted and to not think deeply about anything. And I know I've mentioned this in prior podcast episodes before, but thinking deeply about my life when I first started working with you was a real challenge, and what I thought was deep was not deep enough, you know, to get the result that I wanted. And so, you know, I think that there's that I think oftentimes ego gets in the way, or a lack of self awareness or a lack of accountability to say if I'm not where I want to be in my life that's on me 100% Yeah. So if I if what I've done to this to get to this point is through my actions, then where I want to go can also be as a result of my actions. And you know what I mean. And so I think, I think the the most challenging part for people is so many people have gotten into that habit of the blame game. Well, this didn't work out because my partner did this or that, or whatever, and it's like, nope. It didn't work out, you know, because of, like, own it. Yeah, you if you're gonna blame a partner for not, nope. You picked that partner. You allowed that behavior to like whatever it is. You take 100% radical accountability for your life, and that's hard for people to do to get to the depth that you need to get to, to get the clarity, but you really need to get to make the gains in your life. So it can be painful to take a close look at yourself and look yourself in the mirror and go, oh yeah, I thought I would be a lot further along by now. And let me be honest, here's why I'm not, and here's what I need to do to fix that that's hard.
John Mitchell:You know that is such a great point. You know that radical personal responsibility, because I see at this point in my life, everything in my life I created. It's all good. There's nothing that I can see that there's bad in my life. But in there, in the past, there's been some things that were not ideal, and just what you were saying, I created the good. I created the bad, you know, and so often people want to blame somebody else. But, like you say, and you know, sometimes it's in a in a marriage. Well, you know, my The problem is my partner. Well, you pick the partner and and, you know, you you better go fix the marriage if it's not what you want it to be. Key, go fix it. And if you can't fix it, get out of the marriage. But you know, it's surprising how much power you have like to fix a marriage, way more than you think. But I think that the thing about this methodology is it, it truly does give you immense control over yourself, but you got to figure out what that control looks like and what needs to happen, right?
Kelly Hatfield:Yeah, you can't do that unless you're honest with yourself, yeah, about what needs to change, you know? Because you've got to put that into your visualization. And so how do you do that, if you if you're not being honest with yourself about you know what actions need to be taken, or what you know. So that would be my advice to people who are doing this, is to set your ego at the door and understand that the path forward to, like the exceptional life and to and to really getting you know, being able to realize that missing secret is through. It's not by avoiding it by like the more real you can be with yourself, the better the outcome that you're gonna get.
John Mitchell:And you know, one thing I would advise everybody to you know, and this is what the top book of the world on, success is all about. It's about proactively manipulating the subconscious mind. And so if you do a thinking session on a particular topic, you may not get it all figured out in that session, but it starts the ball rolling. And you know, after the thinking session, then you've stimulated the subconscious mind and come back and address it two or three or four days later. And I'm telling you, you're going to look at and go, Oh, now I see this. Now I see that that I didn't see two or three days previously. Well, that's that's the effect of proactively manipulating the subconscious mind and so, and then, you know, once you, once you figure it out, and you you change it on your visualization, then that feeding it to yourself every day is what's impacting the actions that they create the life you want so and I see that with the timing methodology, it's a combination between impacting your your daily actions and also impacting how you feel about your life. Because you're besides defining the specific actions you want to take, you're also giving perspective to your life. Why am I doing this? What do I think about myself? And I find it very identity affirming and creates, sort of even a greater life for yourself. So
Kelly Hatfield:100% agree with that.
John Mitchell:Okay, well, I think we covered a lot today, and so I guess I might as well plug my book, right?
Kelly Hatfield:Do it? Do? I'm like, please,
John Mitchell:Please go and buy my No, I'm not buy it if you think it's helpful to you. But the missing secret of the legendary book Making grow rich. So by the time this airs, it's on Amazon. And go buy it, and I work really hard on it, and I'm doing the audio book now, so it's coming. So until next time, we'll see.