June 6, 2024

Netting Over $1 Million A Year

Netting Over $1 Million A Year

In this episode, John and Kelly discuss netting over $1 million a year. Which only one third of 1% of people are able to do. John talks about when he was first able to do this in his early 50s. It happened because he had immensely more control over himself. He could do now five high-performance skills he couldn’t do before. He was highly organized. Planned this day the night before and time blocked his day. He was deep thinking two times a week. He was growing intellectually, in areas that were strategic relative to what he wanted to accomplish. He was focused only on what moves the needle. And he had control over his daily actions, 95% which are unconscious. Kelly goes on to say that when she crossed over to netting over million dollars a year, it allowed her to just have more impact. Those same five high-performance skills were things she could now do consistently. John goes on to talk about how important it is that you choose a business that is leveraged. As an example, he talks about how in the reverse mortgage business he would make $30,000 a reverse mortgage versus when he sold his time by the hour as a CPA he make $200 an hour. John also recounts how he celebrated the first time he went over that magic milestone of netting over million dollars a year. 

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at john@thinkitbeit.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-mitchell-76483654/

Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at kelly@thinkitbeit.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-hatfield-2a2610a/

Learn more about Think It Be It at https://thinkitbeit.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/think-it-be-it-llc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thinkitbeitcompany

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Kelly Hatfield:

We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.

John Mitchell:

Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.

Kelly Hatfield:

If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens.

Kelly Hatfield:

Welcome to Think It Be It the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield. Hey, John

John Mitchell:

I'm John Mitchell. So Kelly, over the next four podcasts, let's talk about how our 12 minute a day methodology impacts key areas of your life, your income, your romantic relationship, your health and your spirituality. So let's start with say income today, and with the title of this episode being netting $1 million a year. And so if I may, let me share some initial thoughts on this. You know, as people may remember my story, you know, in my 30s, and 40s, I typically made a couple 100 grand a year as an entrepreneur. And then when I got into my 50s, I realized that I had the exceptional life I dreamed of I had to start netting a million a year, as materialistic as that sounds, I was just doing the math. So, you know, then as it plays out, I'm able to cause my income to go up by 25 times and and you know, I look back on it now. And I'm like, Well, why did that really happen? Well, you know, the, the methodology gave me a level of control over my life beyond what I'd ever experienced before. And it allowed me to, to apply basically five high performance skills to my life that I was never doing in my 30s and 40s. You know, I was, I was super organized, you know, I plan my day, the night before I time blocked my day, I was thinking deep thinking two times a week, I was growing consistently, and it was strategic relative to what I want to accomplish. I was focused on what moves the needle, and had a deep understanding of what that that was in my business. And then the fifth one was just the master skill of being able to control my daily actions 95% of which are unconscious. And so, you know, my income went up, because I just got way better at being an entrepreneur and and the right things were happening automatically. And, you know, one of the things I am super proud of, as I look back on my life, is helping you cross over that threshold of of netting a million dollars a year, which only a 1/3 of 1% of people are able to do. But you did it. Why did that happen? For you?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, I think for me, it's really a combination of all the things that you just shared. But I think the number one piece for me was getting the clarity. And I know that I've talked about this a million times, but I know one of the things that was holding me back to break through that ceiling was needing more clarity. And I know for you, you've tied it specifically to netting seven, having the clarity around the impact that I wanted to make, and getting really focused on that impact. And how I was going to do that. And then as a result of that, I was able to break through to that next so for me, it comes like from the heart you're you're not that You're heartless

John Mitchell:

Oh, I can't be

Kelly Hatfield:

Yes, we know. But much more logical. Where are we? It's a much more emotional, you know, kind of process. And so tying that to intact for me, and then getting really clear about all of that.

John Mitchell:

What do you what do you mean by impact, more specifically

Kelly Hatfield:

Impact reaching more people, you know, helping more people bringing more value to the people that we were serving, you know, so and again, that goes back to understanding what moves the needle, you know, my companies, it goes back to being in control of those daily actions and understanding what those actions were and needed to be to make more impact bring more value to the customer so that it wasn't a transactional experience they were having, how do I increase the value the lifetime value of our clients by? Okay, here's some, and again, back to what you're saying with thinking more deeply. It was that about, okay, what what other revenue streams can we bring in as a result of bringing more value and making more impact in our, in our clients businesses. So it was that whole thought it was that whole process of first, getting getting clear about the things that you just mentioned, focusing on what moves the needle, daily control of my actions, but taking the right actions of getting clarity around what those needed to be, and really what the things were that move the needle in my business, because I think that, uh, you know, if we're just speaking in terms of business owners, but you could relate this to your career, we all do, we can get into the habit of just doing things because that's either the way we've always done them, you know, or we're not doing things consistently enough to begin to get the traction that you need. And so that's really, I think, what gave me the most traction in breaking through to the next level was really all of the things that you just mentioned, and then getting really organized. But it was more than just getting organized. Because I had clarity, I started saying no, now a lot of things that didn't align with getting me to that next place, so that, uh, you know, again, just layering on to what you just shared. And your question about what was the difference maker, for me, it's all of those things, and then just sharing that little bit of a nuance for me of what that difference maker was?

John Mitchell:

Well, you know, your point of clarity is, is that is x light, you know, I found that, as part of our methodology is, as we know, is you will define what your business look like three years from now, what are the four or five milestones to get there? And what's the linchpin issue to go to the next level? Well, you know, I've found that feeding those three things along with what moves the needle, and my strategy for success was so powerful, because, you know, when you're looking at what, and again, this is that clarity components you're talking about when you see oh, here's exactly where I want to be in three years. And then you go, Okay, well, what are the milestones to get there, and you started seeing, Oh, I got here, we've got to create this, we've got to create that. And you know, then in store, it's all you're seeing this sequential order, that things are going to have to happen. And then then it becomes clear that, oh, I need to take this action, that action. You know, to me, that was a game changer and sound like sounds like the same thing with you.

Kelly Hatfield:

It was 100%. And then there's one thing I know, in future podcasts, we're going to be talking about the other areas of your life that have benefits, but I think to understanding the degree to which health like, right, if that is not in alignment, if you don't feel good, it's practically impossible to take things to the next level if you weren't feeling good. And well, you're as far as your physical health is concerned. Also, another thing that comes into play as far as taking things to the next level in your business, I'm sorry, but if things are crappy at home, now makes it really difficult to have to like, so I think that getting all of those pieces of my life all contributed to me doing better in my business and breaking through to that next level, because they're they play an integral role without health. It's impossible to get No, it really is. It makes it so difficult when you're not well, and that's the thing, if you're in a crappy relationship, and you have a lot of stress there, it makes it that much more difficult to break through in your business when things are not going well in your relationship. So Right.

John Mitchell:

Well, and you know, it just goes back to the overall thing is it gives you immense control over your life. Yeah. And everything is sort of fits together. Yeah. You know, I tell you something else I've come to appreciate about netting a million a year that I find interesting is you've got to be in a business that is leveraged and you know, you got to let me back up just a little bit. You gotta have a great idea. So it's a combination of you got to have a great idea business, and you got to be playing at your full potential. The two go hand in hand. You know, even if you're doing our methodology and you have you're in a lousy and Labor's business, you're not going to get a million a year. But one of the things to put that in perspective, you know, so I started out as a CPA, and I remember making $200 An hour And then when I get in the reverse mortgage business, and, and, and I really get it crankin I remember one time and we, you know, we had a, we're the biggest in Texas and the fourth biggest in the country. And I remember and I systemized everything in particularly the loan officers and how they explained to reverse mortgage to customers, I saw the power of controlling the customer's thought sequences and and the only way you could do that properly is to have a script where you would get the loan off, get would get the customer to first like you, and then trust you, but they're not going to trust you for they like you. So I assist biased all that. And so I remember one time, when I would long go given up being a loan officer myself, I'm like, just for fun, I'm going to, I'm going to take a call. And so I take a call. And this, it's this nice little low lady and, and, you know, I always tried to treat them like my own mom or dad. And you know, that was literally our philosophy, because I had seen how salesmen had tried to take advantage of my mom, you know, my dad died when he was 24. And they tried to sell her investment products and they take it try and take advantage of her. And so why didn't like that. And so that was the foundation of building my company is creative, like our own moms or dads. And so I take this this call. And by the end of 30 minutes, you know, I've now told her the negatives, and I've tried to make the complex, simple. And, you know, I've gotten her delight me and trust me and and like like, I'm her son, you know. And so I remember thinking that I told her, I said, Okay, I'll get gag, get the paperwork out to you. And I'm going to have one my other loan officers follow up with you and guide you through this process. But anytime you want to talk to me, here's my cell, never call me. And so I remember stepping back and realizing, because the reverse mortgage business was highly profitable. On that average loan, I made $30,000. Net. And I could did that in 30 minutes. And then I compare that to make and like when I was a CPA making $200 an hour, you know, $200 an hour versus $30,000 for 30 minutes. So $60,000. Now, that's leverage. And so I think that, that if any of our listeners who want to net over a million dollars a year, one of the things you're going to have to do is appreciate that some businesses are way more profitable way more leverage than other businesses. You know, like the other end of the spectrum, if you're out there cleaning carpets, that's a very unleveraged business. Yeah, that's on the other end of the spectrum. But you see what I'm saying about this whole thing of leverage? I think the recruitment field is a leverage field. Yeah, absolutely. Yep. And you'd like what's, what's the average fee?

Kelly Hatfield:

The average fee, so it's typically 25% of the person's annual salary, you know, so it ranges anywhere, like we just there was one that was just 45,000. And, you know, 30, some 1000 was just another one. This last one,

John Mitchell:

You know, that's much different from the reverse mortgage business. Yeah. I mean, you know, are you are you going to make, you know, 30,000 40,000 per transaction? Are you going to make $1,500 a transaction?

Kelly Hatfield:

Exactly, yeah.

John Mitchell:

So, you know, I, and I'll tell you, I think I know, I've told you this, but I don't know that I have told the audience this. You know, I remember crossing that threshold of of netting a million a year for the first time. And I don't know, I don't know how old I was, I think is 53 or 54. And so, you know, I was being the account. And I was, you know, I would know, to the penny, how much we had made by the 10th of the subsequent month. And so, I remember that in the month of October. Once the books closed out. We crossed over that million dollar threshold. And so, I go, I tell ginger, I go, babe, let's, let's go celebrate. Yeah, this is a monumentous occasion. And so we go to my favorite restaurant, and Bartlett's here in Austin. And then and before we go on, I get probably 15 or 2000 hours in cash. And so we have dinner and then we drive down to the homeless shelter in downtown oz. stood. And this is so damn naive. And I pull up in my Jaguar and park right across the street and ginger and I get out, and I start talking to some of the homeless people, there's probably 30 of them around there. And I started selectively giving four or $500 in cash, well, I get swarmed with people, and we have to make a beeline back to the car, but said, not not very well thought out. But then the next day, we go to church, and we liked candles at the church. And we, we look for people in our own lives that we can give money to, but it was such a, I don't know, just a great, I felt so grateful for, you know, discovering this methodology and having the good fortune to have it impact my income so much. And that ultimately led to me starting a foundation for single moms. But I look back on that with fond memories said you remember, was that a big deal to you or not so much?

Kelly Hatfield:

You know not, it wasn't we should have. And I think that's one of the things that I'm working on now is, you know, as I get, you know, further along, is just making sure that we're taking the time to celebrate, not just the big stuff like that, but also the little victories throughout the day, you know, this is up and down. And, you know, so celebrate it when it's going great. And, you know, and those little victories along the way along the path and everything too. So my business partner, and I talk about that all the time about how we need to do a better job, you know, like our 15 year anniversary just came and went, and we didn't do anything major for it. And we should have talked about that. Like, it's rare that a a woman owned business, you know, well, a, a small business in general, making it 15 years. And then also, you know, a women owned business, the statistics on that are even lower. And so that, in and of itself is something to be proud of, you know what I mean?

John Mitchell:

You know, I always found women to be smarter than men.

Kelly Hatfield:

Well, hello. Yes,

John Mitchell:

I know. I know. You know, seriously, I was biased. When I was hiring to hire women. They just they were more organized. They were more dedicated. They do it, you'd ask them to do get out? I don't know, I was always that way. But I don't know. Did I know your your whole team? Well, not your whole team, but most of them are women. Right?

Kelly Hatfield:

And that's not as a result of pick just based on, you know, gender at all, you know, obviously we interview, you know, everybody and select the most qualified candidate, but that Yeah, well, you know, what I will say, in hiring is a really great indicator for me is that if they have been involved in sports, yeah, that usually is a good indicator, as far as you know, just their drive, being competitive, wanting to grow, improve, like one of our values as a company is a growth mindset. And so that's one of the things that often is indicative of somebody who has a growth mindset, I'm noticing a trend that they were involved in, in organized sports at some point.

John Mitchell:

So right, I bet. I bet that's true. Well, you know, I tell you, one of the things I see, you know, obviously that to net over a million dollars a year requires basically being entrepreneur doesn't have to be that way, if you are involved with a public company. You know, that's, that's possible. But, you know, from writing my book here, over the last few weeks, I see that helping people with our methodology is now expanding to people that are not entrepreneurs. And now, and I just, you know, being successful in your career, at the end of the day, is a sort of a combination of what Kelly said at the start, which is, you know, you create immense clarity, just just get that clarity about, you know, where do you want to be in in the not too distant future? And what are the milestones to get there? And what are the things that move the needle and, and what's my strategy for success and, you know, you just get that clarity and that's all conscious mind stuff. And then once you feed it to yourself every day, then it makes taking the right actions happen automatically without thinking and and, you know, it's a it's an amazing process to watch and yes, it it impacts your income, you're able to do things in your career you couldn't do before. But but you're also, you know, hitting the trifecta of life, you're also impacting your health and your romantic relationships. So it's pretty powerful.

Kelly Hatfield:

It's very powerful. I'll second to that.

John Mitchell:

Okay, okay. Well, next time, I think we'll tackle the topic of romantic relationship. And, you know, I got something special, I'm going to, I'm going to show our audience, that is been pretty cool. I'll give you a little preview of it, you know, so I use it as part of our technology component to think could be it, we use speechify, to listen to your visualization. And so I've been doing this for about three or four months now. And like, I read my visualization on Wednesdays, but the other day is the week I listened to it. And so speechify will has a way that you can listen to it in your voice. But if you wanted to, you can listen to it in like celebrity voices, you'd like you can listen to it with Snoop Dogg or our Gwyneth Paltrow. Well, this weekend, I listened to it, and souped up the dogs for dogs. And it was so cool. And I see the you know, it's different. If you listen to it versus read it. Yeah. And then it's different again, if you listen to it in your voice, versus like a celebrity voice and and you know, when you're doing something every day, you know, I've tried to build into the methodology, how to keep it fresh and, and but it is really good. I gotta, I gotta play the the romantic relationship side of my visualization with Steve Dotto.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yes, I can't wait. That's good.

John Mitchell:

I look forward to it. Wait, okay. Well, until next time, we'll see you

Kelly Hatfield:

Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at kelly@thinkitbeit.com or John@thinkitbeit.com. In the meantime, live the exceptional life