Most People Are Re-Creating The Past-Joe Dispenza

In this episode John and Kelly discuss an idea that comes from Joe Dispenza. He says that when we wake up each morning, we are oriented to our recent past. To our familiar past. So when our eyes open each morning, three things are going on. First we’re innately wired for survival. Which causes us to be fear-based and reactive. Secondly, 95% of our daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. And third, and this is what Joe Dispenza adds to the equation, we are oriented to the recent past. So the effect is when you open your eyes each morning, you’re fear-based and reactive. With the vast majority of your thoughts being fear-based, with 95% of them being unconscious. And you’re thinking about the recent past. Your problems and may be little things that hurt you over the last few days. That then produces feelings. And those feelings create more negative thoughts. It’s a spiraling negative loop that causes you to continually re-create the past. Thoughts are the language of the mind and feelings are the language of the body. So when you get in this negative loop to continually re-create the past, nothing is pulling you forward. That’s why the think it be it 12 minute a day methodology is so powerful. Where you articulate the succinct articulation of your desired life. Exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish and precisely how you can achieve your clearly defined goals.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.
John Mitchell:
Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.
Kelly Hatfield:
If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens. Welcome to think it be at the podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield.
John Mitchell:
Hey. And I'm John Michell. So Kelly, have you heard of Joe Dispenza?
Kelly Hatfield:
I have, I've seen a couple of podcasts with him on some influencers, you know, shows. And so I've had a little bit of exposure to him, but I haven't dug deep into his work or anything. So I'm excited to talk about him today.
John Mitchell:
Yeah, I listen to podcasts he did with Ed Mallette. Last week, and I found it very interesting. And they he is big time, he is sort of the mind body connection guy, and I neuroscientist and has a huge following. And so I wanted to share with our audience, what I learned. And then I wanted you to sort of go back and forth with us on on, on applying it. And the main thing that he said, he says that when we wake up each morning, we're oriented to the recent past or the familiar past. You know, I'd never heard that before surely make sense. But I think what this means is that when when we wake up each morning, really three things are going on. First, as we've talked about 100 times, we're wired for survival, which causes 70% of our thoughts to be fear based. And we're reactive rather than proactive on our agenda. So that's the first set. The second thing is 95% of our thoughts and actions are unconscious. And the significance of that is your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life. And then now the third thing, when we wake each day, we're oriented to the recent past. So here's the effect of those three things when you open your eyes each day. First of all, you're fear based and reactive. And again, you're oriented to the recent past, you think about problems as well as maybe recent slides that hurt your ego. And, again, most of this is going on at a subconscious level as you wake up. So in other words, you're not waking up thinking, Oh, my God, I got this problem or that problem. And this person said this, and it hurt, you know, now, all that is going on at a subconscious level. Because it's, you know, again, you're according to Joe, you're oriented to the recent past. So, but yet that's going on at a subconscious level. And further, he talks about that thoughts are the language of the mind. And feelings are the language of the body. And every thought about the past, has an emotion and feeling tied to it. And so those negative thoughts generate negative feelings. And those feelings create more negative thoughts. So his point is, you're in this continual negative loop of thoughts and feelings about the past. And oftentimes people can't see the possibilities and you become essentially hardwired with negative thoughts and feelings of the past. And nothing is pulling you forward to your desired future. And he says people get stuck. And he also talked about how you had to make the decision in your life. Are you going to be defined by living in the memories of the past or defining your future? You know, all that I've found? Very interesting. And of course, the solution to us is easy. You get up each morning you feed the sacred articulation of your life for yourself each day. You know exactly the person you want to be exactly what you want to accomplish. You And precisely how you're going to achieve your clearly defined goals. And so you're orienting yourself to the future, not the past. And when you do this, then the right actions happen automatically without thinking. But to summarize says, you know, the main thing he talks about is that because we're oriented to the past, we keep on reinforcing the past. Did you buy all that? What's your take on that?
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, I mean, I 100% Buy it. And you know, it's funny, John, it it immediately, as you started sharing, you know, your thoughts from what you learned, I reflected on our prior conversations about why change is so challenging for people why we found that, you know, that this process is good for the 1%. And, you know, it just goes back to I mean, this is the information that you're sharing is another answer as to why it just brings it that element that we're oriented to the recent past, adds in that other layer on top of, you know, the different other points that you make, which is we're wired for survival, 95% of our thoughts are unconscious, and, you know, our daily actions are determine our success. And so I 100% completely combined, it's hard, if you're unhappy with where you're at today, you know, whether you're looking in the mirror and thinking, Man, I thought I would be further along by now, or whatever it is, you're unhappy with your current state, then this makes perfect sense that you're part of your reality that you've created as you're living from these past, you know, these memories of the past, and continuing to validate it through that unconscious behavior, what happens on our autopilot level, right? And that unless you have something, a technique or a method that pulls you out of that programming, you know, you are living from memories of the past, because that really is what that 90% of your subconscious is, is all of your habits, programming stories, everything that's happened before, is what makes up that unconscious programming that 95% of what we write the actions that we take each day. And so no, I'm definitely connecting some dots as we're talking about this for sure.
John Mitchell:
I know, it's interesting, I started connecting the dots to and now, you know, I know I've said this, probably a lot, but I think most people are just winging life, right? And but now what I see is, is that process of winging life, meaning they don't have a real way of, of doing life, they're simply reinforcing the past. I never sort of connected that dot until Joe Dispenza pointed that out. And, and, you know, it's interesting. I think he in a lot of ways, he's brilliant, but I also find that he's complex. I mean, you know, he explains things, and you go, Whoa, out of all the things he said, there were, you know, five words who were really interesting, and there were 20 words that I didn't quite follow, you know, and his solution is meditation. And I would assume that he means daily meditation. So, you know, in theory, that would be the repetition that the subconscious mind needs. But I think the problem with it is, if it's, say it's made of patient versus our methodology of reading a template, you know, every day, you're feeding the subconscious mind something slightly different, because your, your meditation is ever going to be identical. And, you know, the subconscious mind wants consistency and wants specific. And that's why I, I think that our methodology is probably better than, than his methodology of meditation. But he's, he's a pretty brilliant guy. I'm impressed with him, but not a total fan, because again, I think Alvin types is slow to complex. But here's some other points he made that that are worth talking about. He says, You need to observe your thoughts. It's important to observe your thoughts. What do you think about that?
Kelly Hatfield:
I think that now I meditate and not to the extent I mean, I know from some of what I've heard about Joe, and just being on podcast that like, you know, some of his students are meditating for an hour a day, you know, it's quite the process. And I wouldn't say to that, I think one of the things that really differentiates what he's doing from what our methodology is from the Caribbean methodology, is that so when he's talking specifically about here laying the body because he does a lot of that he works with a lot of people in terms of healing. And so there's a lot of visualization that's taking place where he's literally visualizing the cell that's damaged, regenerate. And you know, so like the mind, getting your mind to work in concert with your buyer sells all of that. So it's on a much deeper, you know, so it is activating something different in your body, then what we're doing, what we're doing definitely overcomes that subconscious reprograms. that so much of what he does, and that's why I think, too, when I've listened to him on podcasts, he is brilliant. But I think one of the places that he loses me is in, you know, like, we've talked about this all the time, one of your superpowers is making the complicated, simple, you know, where I'm like, Okay, I just checked out because that answer was 20 minutes long. And he asked me at minute to rely on and so I think that that's the challenge. But back to what you asked me specifically, I can't remember I went to
John Mitchell:
Just the importance of absorbing your thoughts.
Kelly Hatfield:
Yeah, I think 100% Because I think you, again, it's part of your if we are, and we know this to be true, because there's tons of research on it about the 95% of our thoughts being at the unconscious level. So if you're not observing your thoughts, you know, then, again, so much here happens underneath our radar, and we're up where he was talking about living into memories of our past or operating from our past. So if you're not observing the thoughts, you're not recognizing some of that stuff. Right, right. Because like most people were you talk, they're just kind of like, going through life without a plan, kind of a pinball around. And part of that is because you're not saving the space and time to observe your thoughts and really kind of get to the root of some of what the issues are. Because we operate at that 95%, it goes back to that 95% is either you can program it to serve you. And you can program it for success, because it's not, we're not designed that way. We're not wired for success. Or you can stick in those old patterns. And but if you're not observing your thoughts, you don't see those patterns. Does that make sense?
John Mitchell:
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no, and he talks about, most people waiting for their life to change next is, rather than creating the change, they believe that something out there has to change to take away the negative feelings they have. And they're living a life of wack, rather than a life of abundance. But again, they you know, they're just, I guess, blindly hoping that something on the outside will, will change their life instead of them changing their life. Boy, that's true in it.
Kelly Hatfield:
I think it is. And I hear this a lot of the time, whether it's with my team, you know, or with clients is, you know, man, I'll be happy, I just things are gonna be so much better when I am down to the weight that I want to be at, you know, that's really holding me back, or things will I'll be happy when I get this promotion, or when this thing comes through, or whatever the case is. And I think, and I've used our methodology for this is, the bottom line is, like, I do think that this has to go with to how you feel about yourself, and whether you feel you're worthy, you know, because I think that holds people back. But if everybody just focused and I have this in my visualization of just being happier today, right? Through actions, finding more joy, and all of the different moments and everything that we have, then all of that other stuff comes to you. It's a really weird, but if you're always pinning your happiness on something out in the future, rather than today. Because the other thing I you know, want to remind anybody who's listening have is that tomorrow's not promised. Right? Like you better, you know, focus on how you can get the most joy out of today. How you can you know what I mean? Yeah, so what do you have us live out? You know, it's easy to get into that mode of me. And if this just happened, you know, then me on that would change everything. And that would be it's like, no, you can change everything right now, if you want. It's not dependent on that thing happening. Yeah. So right now, I love that.
John Mitchell:
Right. He also talks about your new emotions create a desired future. He says new emotions you feel from thinking about your future. Desired life is teaching your body, what your mind knows intellectually, and those new emotions and generate new positive thoughts. And that's what evolution is. Yeah, let's that's interesting. That's very interesting. He also talks about self love that When you think about the future, you create more self love. I could see that. I could see that.
Kelly Hatfield:
Well, I think that goes back to that idea of being a feeling worthy, you know, and like, so if you feel if you're optimistic, hopeful and thinking about the future, then those are all positive feelings associated with your worthiness, right? Future focused. And so, yeah.
John Mitchell:
You know, I, let me see if I can now take what what Joe is said and, and take what we have taught and see, see what the the amalgamation looks like. You know. So I think the the key thing is for us to appreciate three things that we're innately wired for survival, which causes us to be fear based reactive 95% of our thoughts, our thoughts and actions are unconscious. And the latest add to that is that we're oriented to the recent past when we wake up. And so when you take those three things, and you put them all together, the way I take this is that when your eyes open them in the morning each day, yes, your fear based and reactive, that's your natural way. And but it's not like you're flooded with all these negative feelings that's happening unconsciously. Again, 95% of your thoughts and actions are unconscious. So it's happening at a, an unconscious level, as me you don't do anything to override it. And you're, you know, you're thinking about the recent past, you're, you're thinking about what happened yesterday, and you're thinking about the problems that you're wrestling with. And you're thinking about that person that this slighted you yesterday, and all this is sort of swirling around in your subconscious. And so when you do have do lifelight, most people where they're just winging live, they're not, they're not doing anything to pull their life forward. The effect of those three things is you're you're continually in this negative loop of reinforcing the past, you know, the feelings you're having or generating more negative thoughts and negative more negative thoughts or feeding more negative feelings, and you're just, you know, nothing is pulling you forward. And that's, that's why at the end of the day, I see that in your morning routine, there's no other way to do it. You've got to be feeding the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day. That's the only way that you move intellectually from reinforcing the past to creating the life you want. amazingly simple. Yeah, but amazing. Go
Kelly Hatfield:
There you are.
John Mitchell:
Right there. Bad right there gang. You know, I'll tell you one, one final thing. You remember when you became an entrepreneur, how cool it was? Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course, of course, is a friggin nightmare. Yeah, you're going for that Gucci recruitment job into your own company.
Kelly Hatfield:
Exactly. No. I totally. While it was so exciting. It was also, you know, super scary, which is what made it you know, so exciting. And yeah, I just remember feeling like I was standing on the edge of the building, you know, and then took a step off. And, you know, you're just kind of like, okay, you know, here we go. I better throw some wings here. Before I
John Mitchell:
Well, looked like you did? Well, you know, I bring that up, because, you know, I was like about when I first became an entrepreneur, and you know, my friend Bobby helped paint that today. I told you go I didn't know that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is pretty cool. You know, I get fired from this with these guys that I brought them a deal that that I came up with, and they they screwed me welcome to the real world people about the raid everybody fairly so you know, the naive John Michell thought they would, yeah, and so I'm my back is totally against the wall. And so, I go to the Bobby and he's a real estate broker. And I go Bobby, I've got to have a track of land. That's, you know, bad 10 or 15 acres and I'm gonna build apartments but you know, I got this great, you know, concept, but I gotta find the land. Well, forcely he finds land through you know, and finds a perfect He's landed on a creek. And so by the grace of God and the grace of Bobby, I, you know, launched into being an entrepreneur, but I was telling him the other day I said, you know, if you end up found that land, and if you had to help me, it probably would have delayed by BK being an entrepreneur by five years. And I see in my life, there's a lot of 30 year olds, in my world, that want to be entrepreneurs, and, but don't how to know how to take that next step. And I've been helping them figure out and I've been telling him, I told my friend, that was my neighbor here, who I watched his is two sons grow up over the last 15 years are now like 30 years old. And I was telling him, not to the vs repple. But I, like, you know, your sons don't know a friggin thing. Yellow. 30 years old, they think they know everything. And they don't know a friggin thing. Of course, I didn't know a friggin thing when I was 30. Yeah, didn't know. So I'm not. But basis. Oh, I I beg to differ with you. And I'm like, Chris, I'm just telling you. I've said, you know, yes. And they know, out to get a job and do well at that job. And one of us making a couple 100 grand a year, which pretty damn good for someone that 30 years old. Yeah, I said, they know how to do that. But they don't know a friggin thing. When it comes to how to become an entrepreneur, and how to achieve big success, they have now reached their, their plateau of competence, because now they don't know how to go to that next level. And it takes someone like, myself or my friend Chris, who's who's more or less my age and longtime entrepreneur, we got to help them see how you do it. Because they don't they can't see it. They just don't have the experience. And so I'm a fan to sort of help them see and it's it actually not that hard, but they can't see it. And so it's fun to open their eyes to it.
Kelly Hatfield:
I love that. No, it's such a rewarding, you know, entrepreneurship is so rewarding, but it Yeah, it you know, having those breaks, which by the way, you mentioned you just talked to Bobby about it. But I'd like we do have this on recording that Bobby, you said by the grace of God and by the grace of poppy, and you know, the same same sentence. I'm like, Bobby's gonna love this. I gotta clip this out and get Bobby's number and send it off to Bobby.
John Mitchell:
Bobby wouldn't listen to it.
Kelly Hatfield:
You'll never hear the end of it.
John Mitchell:
No, no, no. Well, okay, so and that till I hope you found this interesting. And just just the takeaway for today is that if you are just winging life, and you're not feeding the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day, then you're in reinforcing the past. And so if you put your your head on the pillow tonight, think about that. So, until next time, we'll see you.
Kelly Hatfield:
Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at or In the meantime, live the exceptional life.