Kelly’s Story – Work Smarter, Not Harder

The day that Kelly Hatfield interviewed John on her podcast, she became intrigued in his 12 minute a day methodology. Implementing this she received transformative results that doubled her income in just a few short months. This is Kelly’s story about her transformation and how she and John partnered in their human performance company, Think It Be It. Learn how together they teach fellow entrepreneurs how to work smarter, not harder all through the integration of science into their lives.
About the Hosts:
John Mitchell
John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.
When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.
His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.
John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.
Reach out to John at
Kelly Hatfield
Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.
She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.
As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.
Reach out to Kelly at
Learn more about Think It Be It at
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We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.
John Mitchell:
Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.
Kelly Hatfield:
If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential, rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens.
Kelly Hatfield:
Welcome, we are excited. You joined us today again. And so John. Hello.
John Mitchell:
How are you? How are you doing today?
Kelly Hatfield:
I'm doing good. I'm excited to dive into today's topic. Yes,
John Mitchell:
you are today's top. Yes, you are that right. You are today's topic. So I want to hear your story. So tell your story.
Kelly Hatfield:
Alright. Well, I'll start when I became an entrepreneur, so I'll give you a little bit of just context before that. So I had worked for the same company out of school for nearly 14 years. And it was in the staffing and recruiting business. And but I had always wanted to run my own business, I'd always wanted to be an entrepreneur. And I just kind of got not stuck because I had a really fulfilling career. And I loved what I did. But somehow we talked a lot about autopilot. And I just got into the to the I don't even want to say right. It just was before I knew it. 14 years had passed and it hadn't started my first bit, you know, I hadn't started yet. Right. So, you know, it was interesting, I had a conversation with I fully believe in the power of coaches, mentors, and I was talking with this about him. And, you know, there's, you know, you've been talking about this for years, we've known each other for years, and you've been talking about it about starting your own business. And he said, you know, let me ask you a question. You know, if we're having the same conversation three years from now, how are you going to feel about that? And I said, disappointed? And he goes, Well, no, you know, and so that conversation was really the catalyst and I thought, I've got to do this, I don't do this, I'm gonna be so disappointed myself. So at 3735, I started my first business, which is a company called ingenuity advantage. It's a staffing and recruiting firm specializing in engineering placement, which is still alive and well today and thriving. 13 years later, but I moved from being an employee within an organization that I've worked up, I knew I could do it better. I loved the recruiting business, you know, and so started ingenuity advantage. We started it, by the way in 2009, which wasn't the deaths that nobody was hiring, where I didn't remember what that time was like. And, you know, there were so many I have a, I have a business partner in that business. And there were so many nights or times where we'd be sitting across from each other in the office. And going forward, we do, you know, did we do the right thing, because it was such a hard time. We just keep we know what we need to do, just keep doing it. And as soon as the faucet comes back on, and that's exactly what happened. So after a year to year over year, double digit growth, built the business, you know, well over right there on the cusp of eight figures, you know, from a revenue standpoint, and we just kept hitting this ceiling, and the more revenue we were making, the less profit, the harder we were working, the more stressed we were. And it was clear that what got us to where we were was not going to get us to the next level and where we wanted to take the business. And, you know, like you John, you know, I know when we visited about your story, you know, I knew that I had more gas in the tank, so to speak, I had more to offer that I had so much potential that I was not realizing. And I remember laying in bed at night being like that, why you have all of these big aspirations, but why aren't you doing the things you need to do to take your company to the next level? Like you know what you need to do, right? You know, really, you know what you need to do, why aren't you doing it? My business partner and I were sitting in a restaurant, I remember it just like it was yesterday because it was one of those moments in time where everything kind of shifted for me and I remember We're sitting, there was a sunny, beautiful day here in Washington State, you know, the sun was filtering through and you could kind of see those dust particles and feeling like that deja vu where you've been in the exact same time and space before, it was one of those moments, you know, and partly why it felt that way, you know, I still had that sensation. But really why it felt that way is because we'd had the same friggin conversation 20 times about why the company wasn't growing employee issues, you know, leadership issues, all of these things that I thought I kind of reflecting back on the conversation that I'd had with a mentor all those years ago when I started my business, right? I'm like, I'm going to be so disappointed if we're having this conversation on 21st time. Right now. Good. So I was on a mission, then I'm like, I have got to figure out the solution. You know, I need to understand how to grow our business, how to overcome these obstacles, I obviously don't have what it takes to go to the next step in my business, you know, so I thought I need to learn from people. And I had another mentor that I was working with. And this was back in 2016. And he said, he said, Have you heard of podcasting? And I'm like, No, I had no idea what it was. So he introduced me to the concept and I thought, awesome, it kills a couple of birds with one stone, I get to interview brilliant people, and leaders and business owners, and I get to produce content that I can provide to our clients and bring additional value to the client. So I thought, great. So here's where the story picks up, you know, and it's it's guest number one to one who I'm talking with right now, should I Oh, that was a guest on the show, you know, so I got 120 guests before him, who were terrific had great insights to bring. But that was part of the problem. I didn't need more insights and strategies. What was fascinating about what you were saying to me in that conversation was science, it was understanding that 95% of what we do happens subconsciously, unconsciously meaning on autopilot, you know, so unless you're influencing those daily thoughts and actions, you know, you're going to be doing exactly what I was doing, which was, like, I was running on a treadmill, as fast as I could be going nowhere in my business harder I ran. And the faster I, you know, moved, the less I, you know, honestly, I was thinking what the hell, you know, I'm making less money, I'm more stressed, I'm sacrificing all of the different areas of my life, my marriage wasn't great at that frame, to be honest with you, because all I thought about was work and figuring out how to, you know, keep this thing rolling that, you know, I thought, What the heck, you know, this wasn't the dream I had when I started my business, you know, and that's part of where my mind was when the two of us met too. So when you in this podcast, we're talking about, you know, your thoughts being subconscious to us having having these patterns of behavior. And I thought, I have never tried applying science, to my life into my business at all, and understanding like, literally how my brain works, and that I can reprogram it, too. So it was that conversation was life altering for me. And so you and I had the opportunity to then, at the end of that podcast, I said, I want to try this. So let's do it. And then I'll report back to you know, my community. And that's exactly what we did. And it was through that process that, you know, again, it's just been life changing for me, and my business is broke through to the next level. I mean, like, literally within, well, within a year's window of time, like I doubled my income and was just continued to double it right out of the gate, we broke through every barrier. But here's the thing that I want to really emphasize, because I know we, you know, we talk about the extraordinary life. It's part of the title of our podcast. And what happened for me, the biggest transformation was the transformation of myself, and who I became, through this process. And the impact that this had on my stress level. I've had passion for my business again. I mean, that was one of the reasons why my business started doing better was because I literally, I lost that love and feelings. Like I was burned out and like, oh, you know, and so it gave that back to me and just gave me this control over my life and business that I hadn't had before. And I was not expecting that when you and I met it was just how do I get my business to break through to the next level? Right? I hadn't made the connection yet between this is about who you're becoming as a result of this methodology and going through this process, so So anyway, I mean, it was Oh, life altering that, you know, you asked me to join you as your partner and think it'd be it. And then we created an online course for people, you know, I joined you and help in and help with your class at the University of Texas. And, um, so it's just been, it's wonderful, I love helping other other people, entrepreneurs get the same kind of results and impact that this has had. I mean, it really has been transformational. So I still so grateful and lucky. And as much as you said, you know, in your story you were talking about, you know, you meeting me was kind of one of those moments. That meeting I mentioned earlier, where my mentor had said, Are you going to be disappointed, there are like, three moments in my life like that, where I knew that the world kind of shifted on its axis, on its axis for me, and the first time we met on that podcast was one of those moments.
John Mitchell:
So well, you know, that that is so cool. And, you know, I tell you, of course, you and I have a ton of fun doing this, but you know, we're changing the world. And I see how powerful it is to have a partner like you to, to help. I mean, you know, it's just, it's totally life changing, that they have you come into my life and help on this process of, of making a difference in the world. And, and, you know, from your story, I see that, you know, you're the biggest factor in your business, just like any entrepreneur, you know, you yourself are the biggest factor in that, that business. And if you're the biggest factor, how you play the game of life and the game of being an entrepreneur at 20% of your potential, and expect that business to, to prosper. Because at the end of the day, the business is going to prosper based on your level of competence as an entrepreneur, which requires you taking the right actions. And, you know, I don't know if you felt this way. But you know, I took was done Teddy, I, I worked harder than all my friends. And I thought I deserved big success. But I was confusing, working hard with being competent as an entrepreneur. And they're not the same thing. And, you know, like I said, when once I crossed over to daddy to seven figures a year, that is happening, because I'm taking better actions, and those actions are happening automatically. Right. 100%.
Kelly Hatfield:
And, you know, John, will, you know, we, I've shared this in some other, you know, perhaps even other podcasts episodes, but I'll tell it really quick, I want people to understand what I did, because here's the thing. Again, I had mentioned, I knew some of the strategies, I knew some of the things that I needed to do as a leader to take things to the next level. And I would do those things for a window of time, this is where the discipline they talk about, right, and something a curveball would get thrown one day, a fire would need to be pulled out, and I break my pattern of doing that thing. And then all of a sudden, as everybody here who's listening, it's an entrepreneur knows, six months pass, and you're like, What the heck happened, you know, to the last six months, and you haven't been doing that thing you needed to do. So one of those things that I knew I needed to do as a leader was, I was stuck in the day to day of my business, I was grinding work, solving every single problem, the person that everybody came to, that was when there was an issue line outside my door in the office, right, you know, and I'm an enabling, you know, kind of people click pleasing person by nature, you know, it's just a part of that programming that we talked about.
John Mitchell:
That's what we love about you.
Kelly Hatfield:
Well, I've reprogrammed myself, thank you very much.
John Mitchell:
And you could probably get like you did.
Kelly Hatfield:
But, you know, so for example, is being a better leader. You know, I knew that solving their problems was gonna keep me in the day to day and that it was a problem that I you know, so I knew well, what do you need to do? What can I do as a leader? What do I need to do when somebody comes to me with a problem? And I'm like, I need to start asking questions, you know, and so I'd have every intention of asking questions when they can remember that old programming would creep in and I'd be solving their problem, you know, and they'd be halfway down the hall. And I'd be like, well, once I started using this methodology, you know, now the behavior that triggers when somebody comes in stands in my doorway, and has a question I've never asked answer their question. I always ask a question in return, at least one but three is what I'm shooting for. So that by the time I've asked those questions, they've solved the problem and worked through it on their own. And through doing that in the moment And I can reinforce they say, Hey, love your thought process on that great job, you know, problem solved, they've moved out the door, or hey, have you thought about? That's one of my questions. What if he did it? What have you thought about it this way. So again, reinforcing that. So soon, what happened was they had the competence, they felt empowered to make decisions. And guess what, there was no line outside my door anymore. And I got on, within about six months time or so I got about 15 or so hours of my week back, think about that. 15 hours to focus and be working on the things that actually move the needle in my business, had I not had this methodology, like I would have always, because that's what we're designed to do, right? Flip back into that unconscious mode, which is people pleasing and enabling. And let's, let's face it, too, when you solve a problem, and you're that person in the company, you get something out of it, if I want to solve the problem, there's ego there. There's all of that. So I'm like, How do I create the life I want as an entrepreneur, and I have to overcome this behavior that I have, that is keeping me stuck in the day to day. So as I'm telling my story, I wanted to share a little bit about like how this applies, practically. And so you understand this is about changing some of those behaviors that are holding you back. And it's not just been the knowledge that I needed to change that that's happening in the conscious brain, you know what I mean? I've watched it, I knew I needed to do it, I wanted to do it. But when the moment would come, my unconscious would kick in, and I fall back into that old pattern
John Mitchell:
But auto pilot was just, you know, because you weren't influencing it, you fall back into, you know, what you always, always do. So really, what really happened was, you took control of your autopilot. And, and asking, you know, the questions was happening unconsciously and happening automatically, without thinking that was a game changer, would it?
Kelly Hatfield:
Absolutely, yeah, I don't even think about it. It is my behavior now, because of this methodology. I don't even think about it.
John Mitchell:
Right? And so what what do you think the big takeaway, one or two or three things from, from your story for our audience,
Kelly Hatfield:
You know, there's a couple. So one stands out, and I want people to think about this. I mean, like, think about your brain, you know, it is the most powerful, you know, it's your greatest asset, it runs everything in your body, and in your life, everything, your hormones, your emotions, your everything we're doing right now, blinking, hearing processing, yet nobody has taught you how to use it, we haven't been taught our parents haven't taught us our teachers haven't taught us how to utilize our brain to achieve the level of success or the extraordinary life exceptional life. And so understanding that that piece for me has been an absolute, like learning how to influence my daily thoughts and actions, to get the outcomes that I desire. So again, the cumulative effect of my daily actions determines the level of success that I have in my life, you know, and so that in and of itself, was huge for me. And to do that, you need to be very clear about the fact and understand that 95% of your thoughts are unconscious. So how do you influence those daily thoughts and actions consistently? And, you know, so that you can override that old program? Because it is hardwired in there? Yeah. Yeah, sure. Yes. You know, so I think those are, are really the key takeaways and then playing, I no longer feel at all lay in bed awake at night, thinking, why aren't you playing at your full potential? Why aren't you? You know, you've been given so much, and I've experienced a lot of loss in life. And, and, you know, I, I always felt like, I was letting those people down, you know, because I like I can, because I, you know, I shouldn't because I can, you know, I've been given the gift, we talk about life being precious, so much part of our culture of our brand, and you got one shot at this man, you know, and so you've, you know, just been able to squeeze as much out of it as you can and make the kind of impact that you want to make in the world. And so that's the other thing, too, is just, I don't lay awake in bed at night even more worried about whether I'm making the impact I want to make or living into my potential and this this methodology Absolutely. Is the the foundation of that.
John Mitchell:
Right. Right. And, and, you know, it's, I assume that you feel this way that it gives you control over your life, right.
Kelly Hatfield:
100% 100% Well, I'll tell one more quick story. I know we need to wrap up here and everything, but I'll tell one more quick story. Yeah. I'm sure every person listening to this can relate and John, we've talked about this a little bit. times. Okay, not to bring up the P word, you know, pandemic.
John Mitchell:
But I'm glad you clarified that.
Kelly Hatfield:
Wow. Okay. Back in 2020. I had several companies, but two of them are related to staffing into recruiting. Well, we all know what happened in March like nobody was hiring massive layoffs, unemployment through the roof. And I felt like the sky was falling. I had employees, their families, and it just, I mean, we none of us anticipated this. Right. Right. stress level was through the roof. But not like for a day or two. It was a dark couple of days, regardless of that. Yeah. But through this method, it was, okay, Kelly. So as soon as I would have so I worked, my methodology was like, Okay, I soon as I triggered a negative or worry thought, because I was like, what if this happens, what if this happens, my brain went to that old programming sent us that thought would come up, I would trigger immediately to, okay, what's the solution, get into solution mode, we can't focus on spend 10% of the time on what the problem is, and the rest of the time on the solution to the problem, take action, you know, so I mean, there were things that were inside my method, you know, inside my template, that helped me with my mindset through the whole thing, and was able to come out of that time thriving, you know, and were able to stay alive and not, you know, from a business perspective, and not crazy time, and come out on the other side, actually, you know, in a better position. And I attributed again, to, to this methodology. And back to what you just said, John, which was control, I had control over my thoughts, I was able to get them back in line fast when I started to go off the rails, and it had I not had this, I'm not quite sure how I would have managed all of that.
John Mitchell:
Right? Well, you know, at the end of the day, all we all want is just control over our life. And this is a new way of doing life. That's, that's different than how 99% of the people do life. And, you know, it's just powerful and I love your story. I think it's fabulous. So thank you for sharing it.
Kelly Hatfield:
Well, thank you for letting me share it and if any of you are interested and want to connect, we love connecting with our community and so feel free to email either John or myself. You can catch John at Or me at Kelly Until then now we'll see you on the next episode and just continue to aspire for the exceptional life.
Kelly Hatfield:
Thanks for listening today. If you've had your own aha moment from today's episode, send me or John an email. We'd love to share your epiphany with our audience. So email us at or In the meantime, live the exceptional life