Aug. 17, 2023

How The Human Mind Works

How The Human Mind Works

In this episode John and Kelly talk about how the human mind works. John mentioned that is surprising how many people saw their life around once they understood how the human mind works. As an example, Tom  Billeau of impact theory  attributes his massive success to learning how the human mind works. So does Tony Robbins. As does both John and Kelly. Interesting how many people say that. And in this episode John points out that he can explain how the human mind works in under three minutes. And then over an additional two minutes he can explain how to take that information and apply it so that you can create the exceptional life. During this podcast John and Kelly discussed the fact that only about 2% of people do anything to materially impact their mindset. And that 2% is also the 2% that is the most successful. There is a correlation.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at




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Kelly Hatfield:

We believe life is precious. This is it. We've got one shot at this. It's on us to live life to the fullest to maximize what we've been given and play the game of life at our full potential.

John Mitchell:

Are you living up to your potential? Are you frustrated that despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to make the changes needed to take things to the next level. So you can impact your career relationships and health.

Kelly Hatfield:

If this is hitting home, you're in the right place. Our mission is to open the door to the exceptional life by showing you how to play the game of life at a higher level. So you're playing at your full potential rather than at a fraction as most people do. We'll share the one thing that once we learned it, our lives were transformed. And once you learn it, watch what happens. Welcome to Think It Be It podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield.

John Mitchell:

And I'm John Michell. So today, our episode is going to be about how the human mind works. And Kelly, you know, this is interesting. So I'm listening to Tom, Bill, you have Impact Theory. I know you're a fan to his right. Yeah, love him. So he says something that basically blew me away and so resonated with me, and I know it will resonate with you. He basically says, My life changed once I figured out how the human mind works. And when he said that, I'm like, wow, so did mine. So did Kelly's. And then he says, he says, you know, Tony Robbins has had the same experience, when he understood how the human mind works, his life changed. And as I have evolved with, think it, be it with you, and and even on my own, one of the things I see is that people have to understand the power of understanding how the human mind works. And I see today that, that I influence people way more with questions than I do by telling them and I know you have, you've experienced the same same thing. Do you see that? Do you see this a lot? And

Kelly Hatfield:

100%? Yep, questions are the key to everything, you know, we talk about the quality of your life, the quality of the information you get back from people, your ability to connect, all starts with asking questions,

John Mitchell:

right? You know, and I'm horrible at it. Well, no, I Well, let me say this, I'm getting better at it. You know, I was telling you, I interviewed the head football coach, here at the University of Texas, Steve Sarkeesian. And, and I was asking him about this, and I was telling him, you know, that, that my tendency is always to tell people what I want him to know. And, and I see that that's not a highly effective way to do it. And but as it is, this relates to understanding how the human mind works, I see that, that I go through this, this process, and you tell me your thoughts on this. You know, the first thing I do now is I go Are you a high achiever? Just, you know, ask, ask the question, Are you a high achiever? And people will say whatever they say, and usually they'll say that they are, and then I'll go, why? Why do you think you're a high achiever, and they'll pontificate about whatever they The reason is, and then I'll go well, you know, you may not realize this, but you're playing the game of life is 10 to 20% of your potential. And it's because of two fundamental problems. And then I explain, here's the two problems. And this is all around how the human mind works. But but here's the two fundamental problems. First, you're innately wired, for survival, therefore, you're innately wired to be fear based and reactive. And then the second problem is that 95% of your daily actions are unconscious 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. And so the effect of that, if you if you've heard me say many times, is that when you open your little eyes every morning, you're on autopilot most a day innately wired to be fear, based, reactive, and negative. And that's a problem. And, and so, you know, that the logic of this is okay. I've made them articulate whether they think they're a high achiever or not, because if they're not, this isn't for them. We might as well not even continue with the discussion. But assuming they said that they were now there. Hearing the problem and they're relating the problem, because they've already said they're high achievers. This is the Robert calvini pre suasion concept. And then the next step is okay, what do you want to accomplish in life? And I've been doing this lately, and you know, sometimes when you throw that, that open ended question, they go on for 10 minutes, you know, and so more precisely, I'm like, What do you want to accomplish in life in the big picture? Regarding your career, your health, your, your marriage? And, you know, if I'd answer that, that question myself, but you know, let me let you answer that. And what are the big picture? What do you want to accomplish in your life?

Kelly Hatfield:

Um, gosh, when you say, accomplish, because for saris, talking specifically, like goals?

John Mitchell:

Well, yeah, let me let me share what I would say, and you'll understand it a little more, you know, if you said, Well, what do you what would you what do you want to accomplish in your career? You know, if I was 50 years old, I would have said, you know, I want to have enough money, so I didn't have to work. I want to find a great girl to marry and have a great relationship with, and I want to be healthy and fit and trim. That in a nutshell, yeah. So So what would you say to that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I would say, what, what do I want to accomplish? So if I were looking at like, within the next five years, I lost my businesses, that creates that nest egg, I want to be able to focus on the one that I'm really excited about, and grow that one as well. You know, so, because, again, it's, I have financial freedom, you know, so for me, it's kind of, like, again, I want to I want to get those businesses sold, I want to do things that bring me joy. And that makes me happy. I love business, but I want to be focused on the business that I love, and just making that transition out of these. And then of course, health and wellness. For me number one priority above I shouldn't have even mentioned the business first, because for my health is my number one priority. If it isn't, right, nothing else is so you know, putting that emphasis and focus on my health and well being emotional, physical and mental health. Number one for me, and then of course, having a connected marriage with my husband, you know, who were 28 Your wedding anniversary is coming up here in four days. So by doing so, yeah. So,

John Mitchell:

yeah, that's good. So so in the, in this process of, you know, influencing people with questions, the next thing I would typically ask someone is, Are you doing anything in your morning routine that impacts your, your mindset? And most people will answer no, because I see only about 2% of people are doing something effective for mindset. But when you say, you know, are you doing anything in your morning routine with regards to mindset, they'll actually tell you the morning routine, and it'll be obvious, they're not doing anything with mindset. And, and so then that that sort of leads to was that morning routine, serving you to achieve the goals you're seeking. So I'm watching this, you know, I'm refining this process, but I see that it's way more effective now, as you as you start to make people think, and, and influence them with those questions, rather than telling them, but as this relates to our topic today of how the human mind works, I see that, that there are a lot of people in in this world, a lot of very successful people that see that, that their life changed, once they understood how the human mind works. And would you just talk about that a little because I know this applies to you

Kelly Hatfield:

want there's a several things that really were impactful for me once I understood this. And one of the first things was, I used to beat myself up for going through these, these patterns or cycles or, and so understanding the science behind it and how the human brain works. And it's not designed for your success. It's designed for your survival. And then yeah, then it was like, Okay, well, not that it's not my fault, because I'm always going to accept accountability for where I'm at in life. But I was like, Oh, I see now why this pattern keeps repeating itself because it's my autopilot. I keep going to that, like, you know, I'll make it through maybe eight to 10 days of cheat trying to change something and then all of a sudden, I'm back in that old autopilot and then going through that cycle of like, kind of why I want this why? You know why? Isn't not happening for me. So understanding that, how the brain works and being like, Oh, I get it now. So now I know the things I need to do to overcome how the human mind works naturally. Right? And then once I understood how the human mind works, my ability to influence because when you're asking questions of people, you are in the process of having them become part of the solution. Yeah. In the process of having it become their idea, like your ability to move things. Once you realize how the human brain works, and how people's minds work, you then have a superpower in terms of like, oh, okay, so this is the mind is always on autopilot, right? Like, here's been what I need to be doing to have the influence that I want to have in my life, and the different areas of my life and the quality of my relationships. And my ability to lead has improved by understanding that one thing you know, about the human mind.

John Mitchell:

Right, right. Well, you know, I was thinking about this the other day, you know, I can explain in under three minutes how the human mind works. And I can explain in under an additional two minutes, how to apply that knowledge to create the exceptional life. And just to recap it, you know, essentially, here's how the human mind works, you got to first of all overcome those two problems if you're innately wired for survival, and then 95% of your daily actions are unconscious. And you know, because the daily actions are what creates your, whatever level of success you have in your life. So those are the two problems you have to overcome. And in terms of two other key things about the human mind. The first one is, here's exactly how the human mind works regarding the conscious mind, and subconscious mind, the conscious mind sets the intention based on logic, subconscious mind controls your daily actions, and is only influenced by repetition. And, and the, the example you always use is is, you know, trying to lose weight. Well, conscious mind sets the intention to lose weight, based on the logic of the health benefits. But the part of the brain that's controlling your daily actions, your eating, and your exercise is a subconscious mind. And is only influenced by repetition, you don't care about logic. And that's the problem why people most, the struggle to lose weight is not for lack of intention. It's, it's from lack of influencing their subconscious mind, in terms of feeding to themselves each day, here's my exercise routine and being specific about here's, here's how I'm going to eat. And once you feed, feed that subconscious mind with that repetition, then you have immensely more control over your life. And then the other other key part is, is the reticular activating system, when you you, which is a filter for the brain. And when you feed this a synced articulation of your life to yourself each day, exactly the person who want to be exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely how you're going to achieve your clearly defined goals. When you feed that yourself every day, he gives the reticular activating system, such clarity, and it brings things into your consciousness that he wouldn't bring in if you didn't give it that clarity. And that I don't know how long that took me to explain. But I dare say it's, it's under three minutes. And and then I then the question is, okay, great. Now, how do you apply it? Well, just like I said, just, you know, you create the succinct articulation of your life, and in the areas that I mentioned, and you feed it to yourself, every day, and after 21 days, then the right actions start happening automatically. And you have this immense sense of control of your life that you've never experienced before. And you know, so it's amazing to me at this point in, in my life, that that is so simple. Both how the mind works and how to use that knowledge to create the exceptional life. Don't you agree?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, you know, so it's, it's, once you understand how the human like you were talking about with Tony and with you with me with the other people that we serve, once you understand that, it's like, again, a superpower. It's like, oh, okay, we're going off to the, you know, an off to the races you go. So it's instrumental, like, you know, the more you can wrap your head around that and start to Oh, welcome mat and put the programming in place that's going to overcome that, you know, that autopilot, holy cow look out.

John Mitchell:

You know, it's, it's interesting to me that you know, about 2% of people do anything to impact their mindset. And if you look at it, they're typically the same 2% that are the highest achievers. And obviously, there's, there's a huge connection there. And, you know, I used to, I used to get frustration out of not getting more people to get this, but I don't really have any frustration with that anymore. But people either get it or they don't. And, you know, that's, that's the society we live in, you know, if, if you may go and talk to people, if we went to to the girls, that she worked for you as sharp as they are, and said, Hey, would you be interested in learning how the human mind works? The majority of them would go, No, I'm good. I'm good. Don't you think? Or am I being too?

Kelly Hatfield:

No, we do have a real growth culture. But like, yeah, there's other things they'd rather do. about it.

John Mitchell:

Like and what would be more important than tic toc?

Kelly Hatfield:

I don't know. Yeah.

John Mitchell:


Kelly Hatfield:

But what I was gonna say, John, you said, you know, there's only 2% of the of the population who does something to influence their mindset. And here, I want to do one clarification, which is, we're all doing something. Every single 100% of the population is doing something to influence their mindset. It's, How are you influencing it?

John Mitchell:

Is it good or bad, right, good or bad?

Kelly Hatfield:

Are you taking a constant influx of things that are because we're already wired for negativity? So if you're feeding yourself all this stuff, you know, that's, that's negative right now in the divisiveness, and all of that, and guess what? You know, like, so what are the things that you're doing to to feed your mindset in a positive way that's going to support your goals, ambitions, and this quality of life that you want that exceptional life? So that was to that 2%? That you're talking about? 2% Yeah, we're doing those things that are going to impact things positively. So many others and he I felt, I find myself falling into, you know, my, I was talking to you a little bit about this, before we started recording, my sister in law was in Maui during the fires. That's one thing at a time that that's happening right now, I was glued to the TV, you know, in felt myself, like my anxiety, my, you know, because obviously, I was worried about her and trying to figure it out, you know, we were out of communication and everything with her. But like, you, you know, there's just, it's hard in today's day and age with as accessible as all this stuff is to us, right? To really say you got to be intentional and deliberate about impacting your mindset in a positive way that's going to and that's what this methodology does, is it makes it intentional and deliberate. Yeah, you know, I

John Mitchell:

tell you, I see that we live in such a shallow thinking world, and I think that's really driven by social media, as we've mentioned before, and, and because, you know, we just, I just see this all the time, that, that virtually everybody and maybe even me, to some degree, I'm shallow thinking, and that's a problem because, you know, if, if somebody says to you, you know, the brightest people in the world, most successful people in the world, do something to impact their mindset every day. And and the other 98% Don't, it might be a good idea to learn, what is his mindset thing? And what do they do? And what's the best thing is for mindset, and I see in this world today, you know, people, I think about 15% of people meditate. Well, I meditate, you didn't meditate. But I think a lot of people struggle with meditation. And I don't do it for long. And I would say that meditation quiets the mind, but it doesn't focus the mind. And I think the mind needs to be focused, to be a high achiever. Now, that's not It's not taken away from meditation, but I would say it's, it's inadequate for really influencing the subconscious mind. And you know, some people will journal as their mindset practice. Well, not bad, not bad. Not as good as feeding the succinct articulation of your life to yourself each day, when you really understand the science we've, we've explained. But the point of all that is to, to say that most people don't have a mindset practice every day. And even the ones that do there's probably a method this way better than what they're currently doing, but It it darn sure can change your life. Absolutely.

Kelly Hatfield:

100% I think, again, being deliberate and intentional about overcoming that autopilot, right. It's a real, you know, it's it's, is it serving you? Or, you know, because you can get the autopilot than working in a positive way once, you know, overcome it through this. G, you know, but I guess that's the question, you know, to ask yourself, Is your autopilot serving you? You know, is it helping you achieve what you want to achieve? Or is it holding you back? And in most cases, unless you're practicing, like we're talking about, it's holding you back.

John Mitchell:

Right. You know, one final point that that i i, and I'm not sure our our audience necessarily wants my political opinion. But I see something really interesting happening. I think what Jack Smith is doing regarding the prosecution of Donald Trump is so freakin good. Because it's sending a message that when you lie, there's repercussions. And I think the biggest problem in our country today is the absence of what is considered truth. You know, and I would pin this right on Donald Trump for encouraging the denial of truth and the embracing of being a victim. And we've we've lived through this, and we see that, that you know, you know, so many people that followed Donald Trump, look in the mirror each morning go, Well, you know, it's not my fault that my life has screwed up. I'm a victim, you know, and and, you know, subconsciously, they're thinking like, if if He claims he's a victim, then that I claim I'm a victim. And so I think that I personally think that this trial that Trump is going to go through in January for basically, orchestrating a conspiracy to override our democratic process is going to be the one of the most foundational things has happened in this country, bigger than Watergate. And I think the big lesson that's going to come out of it, is there's consequences to lying. And let's get back to acknowledging what is the truth? Because once you can define what is the truth, then you can have legitimate discussions on solutions to problems. But when there's no truths, it's very hard to ever make progress. But what would be your take on all that? Do you buy that?

Kelly Hatfield:

Oh, 100%. And I think it too, by saying it doesn't matter what party he belongs to. Yeah, it doesn't. If this was a Democrat, I would feel the exact same way if they were lying, and did what they did. And I mean, this doesn't have anything to do with it has to do with exactly what you were talking about, which is the truth, you know, and getting away from this, you know, culture that's been created, you know, and this victim, you know, kind of mentality, and I agree with you, 100% this needs to happen. And I hope that, you know, the outcome of it as positive and we come out the other side as a nation, you know, because every we're so divided right now and, and, you know, I don't know, I'm glad it's happening. It'll be interesting to see what the outcome is. But man, I hope that we get back to the truth being the truth, you know,

John Mitchell:

right. Well, I'm telling you, it's gonna crater Trump's chances to ever be president again. Watch how it turns out, I'm positive of it. I'm betting my friends on it. They're like, I don't know about that. I'm like, well, big boy. And And yep, let's money on here. But Well, enough of my political rantings. Anyway, until next time, we'll see you.