Dec. 26, 2024

Encore: Your Spirituality – You Can Re-Create Who You Are

Encore: Your Spirituality – You Can Re-Create Who You Are

In this episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John explains the topic of today’s episode. Your spirituality – you can re-create who you are. John talks about his class at the University of Texas that he is currently teaching. He’s re-creating 36 lies with intention. As he pointed out to his class, who you are today is a function of good influences and bad influences. That’s created good attributes in yourself and some negative characteristics that you would want to change. But all that happened by happenstance. Very little of who you are today was created with intention and clarity. As John points out to his class, let’s start with a blank sheet of paper. Let’s create the ideal you. And then once we do that with the conscious mind, let’s feed it to the subconscious mind. So that that’s who you actually become. As reflected in your thoughts and actions. As John pointed out in this podcast, the same process would apply whether you’re 20 years old, 40 years old or 60 years old. So the power of this 12 minute a day methodology as your new morning routine allows you to impact your spirituality and literally re-create who you are. Affirming all the good things and eliminating the bad things. As John points out, this methodology is like crisper for the soul. In the podcast John talks about how this is all about proactively manipulating the subconscious mind. That’s what the top book in the world on success, Think and Grow Rich, is all about. John gives examples of how one proactively manipulates the subconscious mind. In this episode John also updates our listeners on the AI algorithm that he has that is used to customize his life GPS template to our listeners unique life. The newest addition is incorporating chatGPT at the suggestion of Tony Esposito. Now chat GPT is becoming part of the algorithm itself. As an example, using the algorithm you have to answer a series of questions. And those questions have word limits. If you go over the word limit, you can now bring chatGPT into it to give three versions of your answer that fits within the space limitations. And you can pick the answer you like the best. Big time saver. You can also use chatGPT to literally answer some the questions and see if you like the response. The big take away from this episode is that you can re-create your identity using this 12 minute a day methodology. 

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at



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Kelly Hatfield:

Welcome to the missing secret Podcast. I'm Kelly Hatfield,

John Mitchell:

Hey, and I'm John Mitchell. So the topic today is your spirituality. You can recreate who you are. What do you think about that? Does this sound good?

Kelly Hatfield:

Kelly, it sounds good. It sounds deep.

John Mitchell:

We're going deep, going deep today.

Kelly Hatfield:

All right, let's do it.

John Mitchell:

So, you know, this idea was sort of inspired by my class at the University of Texas, which, by the way, we're the number one team in the country. Hello, football. And you know, I tell you, it's been a long time since we've been the number one team in the country. You get, like, almost 20 years, I think. And, you know, I don't want to take all the credit, but most of it, I think

Kelly Hatfield:

I had a feeling that this, this was coming. I was waiting for it. I thought it might have come up in the last episode, but I knew it was coming so well,

John Mitchell:

You know, let me just tell you something that you'll find interesting. And again, I don't want to take all the credit, but, and I think it's okay to say this publicly, I have the most talked about 19 year old in the country, in my class, in arch Manning. And, you know, it's cool, because half the class is is regular students, and half for athletes. And I love the sort of the both of them. I mean, just the combination. But, you know, it's funny. I met with every one of my my students, one on one. And so I met with arch, oh well a couple weeks ago, and I said, Yeah, and he was telling me, he says, You know, I It's hard sitting on the bench because he says, When I was a freshman in high school, I I was starting. And he says, now sitting on the bench wise. And I told him, I said, Well, you know, not that I wish anything bad to our regular starting quarterback, but I said, you know, he's been hurt the last two years, and it would not surprise me if you got in there and you never gave it up. Well, guess what's happened the next game. Two days later, he gets the starting quarterback gets hurt, and Arge plays lights out. Those flights out. He was like 27 or 31 passing almost 400 yards in offense. And so, you know, you know, just interesting. You know, the kids gonna be making, you know, when he goes Pro, probably two or $300 million a year, so it's interesting to see him at this point. And he's a he's a great kid, he's humble, and he's he's hard working and but, you know, I love the the students that are not athletes as well, because, you know, they're actually more dedicated, to think it be, it probably than the athletes are, because I got to sell them that is going to help them in their you know, they all think they're going to play in the NBA or the NFL and so. But it's cool, because I have told my class, I said, you know, and this sort of occurred to me that I have 36 lives that I'm going to be able to recreate using our methodology. And I was telling you know that to this point, they are who they are by certain factors that were good and certain factors that were bad, and all of it came into their life basically haphazardly, and it creates some good attributes, and it creates some things about them that they probably don't like about themselves, and how cool it is to be able to start with a blank sheet of paper and recreate yourself with intention, all done with the conscious mind. And then once that ideal you is created in the conscious mind, when you feed it to yourself every day, then that's who you become. Because now you're you're influencing your thoughts and actions to reflect the ideal you, which is something nobody that's not doing our methodology has really ever done before. They've never tried to manipulate their subconscious mind to create the person they want to be. So there's probably a long winded way of saying what our topic is today. Any thoughts on that?

Kelly Hatfield:

No, I agree with you 100% I was gonna, I thought you were gonna say, that's another great way of saying You're welcome.

John Mitchell:

Well, that's a good way to put it. But no, I think, I think this is interesting, though, because, you know this, the same thing applies, you know, I got these, these 36 young, 20 year old lives in my hand that were recreating. And that is no different than the people that are listening to this. Podcasts that are recreating their lives by using our methodology. And what has surprised me is we've got, we got some 30 year olds listening to this, and we got some 70 year olds that's listening to this. And I sort of love that. I in some ways, I almost, well, I don't know that I like it better or worse, but I'd love that a 70 year old would listen to this and go, you know, I think I'll recreate my lines. Sure what you you probably got 20 more years left. So why not? Yeah, exactly. That's what I love. Love about it. But, you know, I see that creating that identity and affirming that identity that you create is is so is so powerful. And I remember something that you said that I thought was was really cool, that once you started doing this methodology, you felt lighter. Would you? Would you explain that again?

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, I felt lighter. And I think that there's a couple of different reasons why, probably more than a couple of different reasons why. But I think, and I spoke a little bit about this, I think, in the last episode where, you know, if you have a growth mindset, and obviously people who are listening do, they're wanting to learn and improve their lives, you know, there's nothing more frustrating than trying to make a change or trying to create a new habit that you know is something that's going to benefit you and not being able to be, you know, beating yourself up because you have the best intentions, you know, and then aren't able to, like come through and execute consistently over a period of time, right? You know, to get the benefit or the result, and so it creates this whole kind of, I don't know, shame is a strong word, but I think it's true for many people, depending on what it's connected to, but kind of this whole, like shame cycle that you go through, where you set an intention, you know, you've got this goal that you want to accomplish, whether it's related to health business, whatever the case may be, relationships, and you have the best intention, and you make some good progress for a little window of time, you know, and then something happens, and you go off track, and then you beat yourself up for falling off track. Why it felt why I felt lighter was understanding all of the science and realizing, oh, okay, well, that's how my brain works, like it's designed to work that way. So I just need to reprogram my subconscious, because that's where I'm spending 95% of my time, and that's what creates the actions, you know, and so I just felt lighter with having an answer, because I'm smart, I've had a lot of success in my life, but I still wasn't able to break through to that next level and understanding the science and why. You know, the other thing too, that made me feel lighter was going through this whole process and creating this immense sense of clarity and stopping and thinking about things, getting that clarity, so that my reticular activating system knew what to be looking for. Everything just got a lot easier, because I had created so much clarity in my life, and so just feeling lighter as a result of that and through that clarity, because I didn't have that to the degree that I did before and I would be having, and I've talked about those half thoughts, you know, you're thinking there's so much happening that's running in a tape, like in the background. And so as soon as I started implementing this methodology, that statement that we share over and over, that's true about how the mind works. The mind thrives on order. That's the other reason why I just felt lighter, because there's so much this created so much order that it reduced my stress significantly. And so there are so many, again, different facets to this. And I know too, like when, when people are listening, you're kind of going back to the the, you know, like habit creating or and when we're talking specifically about identity, you know, I would be like, I want to show up as the best version. And I'll use my relationship as an example, right? I wanted to show up as the best version of me. And I know there are many people that can relate. You have a stressful job, you know, you have the best intention of showing up and really being present. You get home from your commute, or whatever the case is, and things are chaotic at home, and maybe you don't necessarily like how you show up, you know, in the moment, you know where everything kind of went out the window that you had planned, because you've created some of these habits in your life that don't necessarily serve you. You know, whether it's going and sitting on the couch and binge, you know, watching Netflix so you can avoid the things in your life that you really want to be, you know, improving whatever. But I think that was the other thing that made me feel lighter was that the more I did this, the more I got into this methodology, the more I became the version of myself that I. Had always envisioned, and it that shame cycle that I was talking about, because it's like, why am I not making more of an impact? I know I could help so many more people. Why am I not doing like so this whole thing, the noise stopped, right, because of all the things that I just talked about. And so that is a very long winded answer to your question about why I felt lighter, but there I felt like I needed to touch on all those, because there are several different pieces that relate to why I feel lighter.

John Mitchell:

You know, that was excellent, I thought. And, and I, you know, you did you get on a number of things and, and, you know, I would say this to people that have regrets in their life. I'm like, let go of that. You know. You're now aware that the reason you know you probably have regrets is because you had intentions that never turned into reality. Well, of course, they didn't. You know your conscious mindsets the intentions, but your subconscious mind controls the actions to make those intentions a reality. And if you weren't influencing the subconscious mind, then of course, they didn't turn out to be and you know, I was just refining something in my book, and, and I was just thinking about this morning, about, you know, my 30s and 40s, and, you know, being frustrated with my life, and then sort of having my eyes opened from Think and Grow Rich that 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. I'm like, Oh, now I see the problem. You know, I they're playing at 5% of my potential, you know, by virtue of not controlling the 95% you know, of course, all the things that I sort of intended didn't quite work out like I wanted to. And you know, so, you know, I would say, first of all, if you have regrets, you know, that's just part of the path to get where you are today. You're you're at a great lengths today. And if you want, you can recreate your your life using this methodology. And so, you know, and that's why I think our topic today is spirituality. Is you know, this is a great way to love yourself, to appreciate all the good things about you. And if there's some things that you don't like about yourself, let's program them out. I mean, it's, it's as easy as that. Like I said a few weeks ago, this is crisper for the soul. You just clip out the product, the parts you don't like, and recreate yourself. And that's applying if you're 20 or 70. So you know it's I find it tremendously exciting death to help my 36 students, but also the all the people that listen to our podcasts that are doing this. I equally excited about helping them.

Kelly Hatfield:

You know, John into, you know, at the beginning, and you just mentioned the word spirituality again. And I know, for for some people listening, you know, when you say spirituality, maybe a wall goes up or, you know, and we're not talking about religion when we're talking about spirituality, it can be part of your spirituality, but spirituality in my mind, and I'm interested to hear what you think, John, is really about your connection to yourself, you know, and and so whether that means a connection to some higher power, you know, it's not necessarily about your beliefs, you know that, or that any particular dogma. It's more about your connection to yourself and that energy more than anything else. But absolutely, you can integrate religion in but that is not what we're talking about here. I just want to make that differentiation,

John Mitchell:

Yeah, well, that's a great point. I mean, when I think spirituality, I think of by identity, which is just what you're you're talking about, and and you can, you can see when you take the succinct articulation of your life, and you know who you want to be and what you want to accomplish and how you're going to do it, and you feed that to yourself every day. You know it just reaffirms that your image of yourself your identity, and you know it's you talk about this a lot, which I think is powerful, is, how am I going to show up? What's my identity? I love that phraseology. You know, if I want to be highly successful, how do I need to show up? What? What? What does that Roy, look like? Who? What's the identity I need to have? You know, if I'm highly successful, I'm like, Oh yeah, maybe I'm I'm also a grower. Maybe I'm also setting aside time to think, you know, you start to see the the qualities of the identity that you're taking on to to achieve whatever you're you're hoping to achieve. And so all that is reaffirmed, and not just once, it's. Happening every day, and it seeds it so deep into your psyche that you that's literally who you become. And so it's pretty cool.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, it's it absolutely is life changing. And I think too with spirituality or your identity, that connection to yourself too, you know it. I am thinking that way about different areas of my life like so it, let's say that I want to be an excellent daughter. Let's say I'm like, Okay, what does that look like? What in my mind? What does that mean? And how would that individual show up and their her relationships with her parents? I know what I mean. And so those are, you know, in my relationship with my health. This was really, I think, when I was thinking about identity and how I got this to really stick for me, was something as simple as, so, if I will just write this in terms, because we talk about athletes all the time. You know, if I want to be an athlete, then what does an athlete do? What practices, habits do they have that help them become an athlete, you know? So then it was real simple. It was like, okay, you know, so I need to get disciplined about blah, blah, blah, you know, whatever the case may be, right? And then I am putting that into my visualization to affirm those things and how I show up, and so now that I've created an identity around being an athlete, let's say then that's the lens that I am deciding what I'm going to eat, whether in the moment of decision, whether I decide to go up and train that day or run that extra mile, or go those 10 more minutes or that one more minute, because that's the kind of mentality that an athlete has where they're pushing so anyway, you can do that with each kind of segment of your life, and think about your identity as it relates to that particular segment of your life too,

John Mitchell:

Right? Well, you know, I see that that one of the problems we have in society today is that we are very shallow thinking, and that's promoted by social media, the sort of this breath flip through culture that. And so it, it, we're, we're being wired, literally, to be shallow thinking. And so it causes us not to take a deep, hard look at our life and be have that clarity that you were talking about in terms of, who do I really, really want to be, and what do I really want to accomplish and, and how am I going to actually, actually do that? You know, all that is conscious mind and, and take some, some real effort and, and, you know, in our template, we show you exactly what that means because, because, if you're not used to this methodology, you you buy the idea of it, but getting to that level of clarity on your own would be very difficult, but all you got to do is answer 40 questions, And it creates that clarity and and, you know, the interesting thing is, and we probably didn't talk about this before, but now that some of our magic 36 have tested the algorithm and have created their visualization, you know, they're they, I'm getting feedback that it may take up six, seven hours to do the questionnaire. Well, that's because it takes some real thinking. Even though I'm giving you the example of, here's the question, here's an example of the answer. You may want to think about it. And so this methodology is, you know, it's not a gimmick. It almost sounds like when you say 12 minutes a day, it's a gimmick. But that's the easy part. The hard part is creating that level of clarity. But boy, we are. We are helping you big time. And you know, one of the cool things, you know, one of our listeners, Tony espencino, gave me a great idea. He said he started using chat GPT along with the algorithm to do a couple of things. He was saying that, like if the word limit on a question was say 75 words, and he wrote 100 words. He would key it into he copy and paste it into chat GPT and say, Okay, get this down to 75 words and give me three versions of it. Wow,

Kelly Hatfield:

I hadn't built smarter now, yeah, that's awesome to use that tool like that. That's a great idea.

John Mitchell:

And then, then he, he says, you know, the other thing I do is, I would, I would take, like he was a little confused about what I, I ask, you know, what childhood blooms? Do you have little confused about that? So he keys in to chat. GPT explain what? All good wounds are suddenly he's got 20 examples. And so from that type of feedback, we are now incorporating chat GPT into the algorithm itself, so that he didn't have to go outside of our system. But it's going to be part of the algorithm itself and and it's not that hard to do, we have to pay for chat GPT, it is. It's what was charged is based on how much people use it. But I'm like, use the heck out of it, if

Kelly Hatfield:

You Yeah, it's such a tool, totally but

John Mitchell:

You know, back back to sort of the the bigger picture, though, you know that clarity that you create is so I think it's freeing, it's it's and you feel so good about about understanding yourself better, and then when you feed it to yourself every day, you know it's cementing in who you are, but it's also impacting the actions that that are required for you to become your identity. And so that's the powerful thing about it. And you know, the book Think and Grow Rich is all about manipulating the subconscious mind, proactively manipulating the subconscious mind, which very few people have ever done before or never had a real way of doing it. And I don't know I find it fascinating that the effect of that, don't you?

Kelly Hatfield:

Oh my gosh, no. It's, it's absolutely fascinating, and it's so what's interesting is, you know, it's no secret that I have been, have had a growth mindset, you know, from early on and like, this was the two,

John Mitchell:

I think, right.

Kelly Hatfield:

How's the little baby?

John Mitchell:

But I think we'd grow at it too.

Kelly Hatfield:

But I think in that period of time with, you know, as far as just technology and, you know, not understanding anything about the brain going into this, so I made it through 40 some years without understanding the science behind how my brain actually worked on how to leverage this science to my benefit. And I, and we said this a million times too. I think me and if I had learned this, like, for example, when you're teaching it to your students, holy cow, I wonder what I could have accomplished, you know what I mean, had I had this on board and this knowledge on board and this methodology earlier on in my life? But, man, I sure am glad I have it now.

John Mitchell:

When you know that, that brings up probably a good point for a lot of people, especially as I've seen that we've got some people as old as 70 years old. Listen to this. You know it's you're getting this at at at the right time, whatever time that is, because that was your destiny to become enlightened about this. I see how radically My life changed when I got enlightened to this, and how, you know, for the prior 50 years, I've been playing the game of life like everybody else and and, of course, I got the, you know, the average results. I mean, you know, sure, but I see once you sort of play the game at a higher level and do life differently than other people, as reflected by a morning routine that's impacting your mindset, life's a whole different day,

Kelly Hatfield:

Absolutely, a whole different game.

John Mitchell:

So, you know, let me think if there's any one final thing that I'll share with you that's that's interesting. You know, it's talking about manipulating the subconscious mind and doing it proactively. So I am refining my book The I wrote it, I gave it to the editor, editor now give it back to me. And there's a couple of things that that I gotta fix. And so I'm reading a chapter, and I don't exactly like how it's coming across. And so I'm looking at a like, I'm not as sure how to fix it. And so I'm like, well, let's manipulate the subconscious mind here. And so unlike when I went to bed last night, I'm like, Okay, I see the problem. I don't really see the solution, because I got to find sort of an example of what I'm of the solution. And so I'm like, Okay, I'm just gonna let my subconscious mind work on it. Well, I get up this morning, sit down, boom, I see it. It's, it's crystal clear. And you know, that's what's so cool about when you start intentionally manipulating the subconscious mind, is you can give it things to work on, and you go to bed and the next morning, boom, it gives you the answer, you know. So what's the difference between, you know, last night, this morning? Well, surely, subconscious mind working on, you know, no other input came into my head. He was strictly, proactively manipulated. Eating subconscious mind. So it's pretty cool experience.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yeah, absolutely. I love that.

John Mitchell:

Okay, well, until next time we'll see you.