April 28, 2021

Episode #35 - Finding Your Voice with Renee Reisch

Episode #35 - Finding Your Voice with Renee Reisch
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The Million Dollar Speaker - Public Speaking

My guest this week is my dear friend Renee Reisch. Renee is a Transformation coach, motivational speaker, and author of Finding Your Voice: Unlock Your Chains and Unleash Your Greatness. This interview is filled with great ideas on how women who are stru...

My guest this week is my dear friend Renee Reisch. Renee is a Transformation coach, motivational speaker, and author of Finding Your Voice: Unlock Your Chains and Unleash Your Greatness. This interview is filled with great ideas on how women who are struggling to find a voice, can in turn find their true purpose and ultimately themselves. It’s a powerful interview.


About my Guest:

Renee Reisch has cultivated and inspired individuals and teams for over a decade.  You immediately feel her energy when she enters a room.  After over twenty-five years working in Corporate America, Renee decided it was time to hang up the corporate ladder.  She started her professional training and speaking as an instructor at WHW (Women Helping Women), a non-profit organization, where she donated her time helping the unemployed and underemployed find and keep their jobs. Renee has received numerous awards over the years for bringing her teams to the number one position.  Both her years and experience in the corporate world have taught her that in order to move the bar and increase profit, you must first invest in people. After suffering a devastating illness that took away her voice, then a few years later the loss of her best friend and then father, Renee decided to follow their example to never give up. She has taken her pain and turned it into her purpose. Now, that legacy is how Renee has chosen to live her life and help others, showing them that just when they feel life is closing in on them, there is always a way out. 

Today, Renee is a four-time #1 international and Best-Selling Author for Finding Your Voice: Unlock Your Chains and Unleash Your Greatness.  She is a Speaker, Ambassador for ChemoBuddies4Life, and Transformational Coach.  Using the Butterfly Effect with her V.O.I.C.E Blueprint, Renee works with women struggling with limiting beliefs, so they can release their excess baggage and go from feeling stuck to unstoppable gaining more clarity, confidence, and courage.


Renee is the recipient of the All Women Rock OC, CA 2019/Recipient of All Authors Rock 2020 and Red Blazer of Excellence and Achievement Award, Global Glass Heart Award

You can visit her at https://reneereisch.com



About the Host:

Arvee Robinson is The Master Speaker Trainer, public speaking coach, international speaker, and author of Speak Up, Get Clients. She teaches business owners and entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a marketing strategy so they can attract more clients, generate unlimited leads, grow their business, and make a difference with their words. Arvee has trained over 5,000 individuals, given over 3,500 speeches around the world and has shared the stage with speaking giants, such as Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tommy Hopkins, Loral Langemeier, Sharon Lechter, and many more. Arvee is the top “How to” trainer in public speaking today. She offers speech coaching, speaker training workshops, and public speaking mastermind programs. Her programs will grow your business and make you money for the rest of your life.


For more public speaking tips and public speaking skills, visit:  https://arveerobinson.com or attend her next LIVE event: http://Milliondollarspeakersummit.com

Follow Arvee Robinson on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arveerobinson/fanpage Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arveerobinson  LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/arveerobinson Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/arveerobinson  YouTube: Arvee Robinson

Get a copy of my new book, "Speak Up, Get Clients" on Amazon: http://bit.ly/speakupgetclientsbook 



See you on the next episode of The Million Dollar Speaker Podcast.

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