Episode #103: Dream Magic with Lori Friedman

My guest today is one of our authors for The Impact of One Voice, a book collaboration where authors share their voice, story, and message is Lori Friedman. Lori grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania without any dreams to speak of. One day, her family ...
My guest today is one of our authors for The Impact of One Voice, a book collaboration where authors share their voice, story, and message is Lori Friedman. Lori grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania without any dreams to speak of. One day, her family took a summer vacation to Orange County, California. Lori fell in love with the beaches, city life, and sunshine! She dreamed of one day moving there. As life would have it, she had many turns, peaks, and valleys and after nine years her dream came true, and she moved to California! She is now living the dream and helping other to do the same through financial planning and literacy.
About my Guest:
My guest today is Lori Friedman, owner of a full-service financial agency, an engineering company that her husband, Kevin runs, and they are active real estate investors too. Lori is a person of high integrity, invests and plans out her and her family’s future just as she helps her clients with. She feels that a person in the financial and real estate fields should be owners of the items that they are educating people about. Lori and her husband Kevin have been screwed over by the financial services industry and this has empowered Lori to drive further into this industry to help protect other people from this industry. Financial literacy is the key to people’s well-being and wealth.
Lori understands that people’s complete financial future depends on their understanding of how money works. Lori works with people who want to understand how money works, who want to get on a firm financial foundation for what it means to them and who do not want financial chaos in their future. What makes Lori different then other financial coaches out there is that she walks on the financial path with her clients so that they know they have mentor who will be with them the whole way. She wants her clients to win at the money game and their future.
She is passionate spiritual servant leader entrepreneur, coach, mentor, speaker and consultant. She and her husband Kevin have been married for 30 years and have a beautiful 22-year daughter who is a photographer in Los Angeles.
Lori Friedman is here today to share her chapter: “Dream Magic!”
Website: www.RefiThisLoan.com
Freebie: Free 30-Minute Financial X-Ray for people who schedule an appointment with me below: https://calendly.com/lorifriedman
Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FamilyFinancialManagement LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lori-friedman-474750146/
About the Host:
Arvee Robinson is The Master Speaker Trainer, public speaking coach, international speaker, best selling author, and author of Speak Up, Get Clients. She teaches business owners and entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a marketing strategy so they can attract more clients, generate unlimited leads, grow their business, and make a difference with their words. Arvee has trained over 5,000 individuals, given over 3,500 speeches around the world and has shared the stage with speaking giants, such as Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tommy Hopkins, Loral Langemeier, Sharon Lechter, and many more. Arvee is the top “How to” trainer in public speaking today. She offers speech coaching, speaker training workshops, and public speaking mastermind programs. Her programs will grow your business and make you money for the rest of your life.
For more public speaking tips and public speaking skills, visit https://arveerobinson.com or attend her next LIVE event: http://Milliondollarspeakersummit.com
Follow Arvee Robinson on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arveerobinson/fanpage Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arveerobinson LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/arveerobinson Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/arveerobinson YouTube: Arvee Robinson
Get a copy of my book, "Speak Up, Get Clients" on Amazon: http://bit.ly/speakupgetclientsbook Also available on most audio platforms and apps.
For all links go to: https://linktr.ee/ArveeRobinson
See you on the next episode of The Million Dollar Speaker Podcast.
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